(edited by jihm.2315)
(spvp) mesmer too much damage for its utilty
We have… insane utility? I’m doing something wrong.
We have… insane utility? I’m doing something wrong.
constantly vanishing swapping potions with clones and almost kill someone in just a stun lock is not enough?
he killed lots of players and never died once in hotjoin?
that’s unheard of! someone do something! will nobody think of the childrens??
Mesmers are op, but then so is everything else in some way,
Deal with it :/
he killed lots of players and never died once in hotjoin?
that’s unheard of! someone do something! will nobody think of the childrens??
even if its solo q or hotjoin you think its fair to have so much advantage ?
shall we all roll mesmers if we want to play solo?
(edited by jihm.2315)
i’ve never seen it happen in soloQ unless the mesmer player was clearly outskilling the rest or his team was peeling off for him really well.
also say the word “thief” near a mesmer and ask them if they feel OP while they are looking around with crazed eyes shouting “where is it!? where is it!?”
constantly vanishing swapping potions with clones and almost kill someone in just a stun lock is not enough?
The dreaded 6/6/6/6/6 spec, since it clearly has at least both zerker power shatter and PU… wait a sec, even that cannot swap with clones.
Let’s be frank, you died to a Mesmer, you are making stuff up and you just want to see some people to agree with you so you can feel like it wasn’t your fault like you died. Happens to the best of us, hell knows I rant a lot while PvPing. But at least be honest enough to admit it. There’s nothing wrong with ranting. :P
You… as a dps guard…. lost to a Mezzy? Lololroflrofl. Outplayed.
But seriously, Mesmer has some very unique skills and mechanics. If you are having problems with them I suggest rolling a mes and getting to know what it does. There are so many natural counters to a mes.
Chances are he was running a 4/4/0/0/6, at a high skill this build can wreck the most havoc. Give it a whirl, you’ll learn exactly how to beat him.
Mellowpuff [Champion Hunter]
i’ve never seen it happen in soloQ unless the mesmer player was clearly outskilling the rest or his team was peeling off for him really well.
also say the word “thief” near a mesmer and ask them if they feel OP while they are looking around with crazed eyes shouting “where is it!? where is it!?”
thief does not have the endless offensive pressure of mesmer
Nerf rock, paper is fine – scissors 2014
Nerf rock, paper is ok, – scissors 2014
Except he plays Dps guard, which is a counter to mes. Its like paper asking rock to be nerfed.
Mellowpuff [Champion Hunter]
You… as a dps guard…. lost to a Mezzy? Lololroflrofl. Outplayed.
But seriously, Mesmer has some very unique skills and mechanics. If you are having problems with them I suggest rolling a mes and getting to know what it does. There are so many natural counters to a mes.
Chances are he was running a 4/4/0/0/6, at a high skill this build can wreck the most havoc. Give it a whirl, you’ll learn exactly how to beat him.
its impossible you get near him he pushes you back you root him he dissapears and kills you with stuns and bleeds too much mobilty, control and damage
You didn’t ready my post. Roll a mesmer. Learn how they play. They are easy to counter.
Mellowpuff [Champion Hunter]
he killed lots of players and never died once in hotjoin?
that’s unheard of! someone do something! will nobody think of the childrens??
even if its solo q or hotjoin you think its fair to have so much advantage ?
shall we all roll mesmers if we want to play solo?
Not all of us, just you. Roll a mesmer and take some video of you playing half as good as that guy did, then come back and complain if you want. I have the feeling that by that point you will understand the class better and won’t be so quick to cry about being outplayed.
This one time a mesmer killed me and it was CRAAZYY
I just started playing the game about two weeks ago and do not know any of the mesmers skills but I am convinced they are OP you must believe me for I am very good player
Hes not so far from the truth however i recently saw a guy who actualy iniatiated a fight as 2h sword mesmer shatter build and prety much exploded a 2v1 at full health within 3 seconds and i aint joking it took him 3 second to down two players with some kind of shatter build. How i know it wkittenter? Well he was carrying around 15 permanant might and spammed stunlock.
As far as i recall he initiated with chaos storm fellowed by a stunlock shatterbomb and a damage shatter bomb then applyed another stun with the daze mantra. We both died from our full health before we could even react.
Counter to this? Get invulnerability or stability or die instantly because likely you wont have any time to dodge while stunned that chain litteraly does 20k damage or above and prevent any form of reaction!
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3
(edited by kyubi.3620)
DPS Guard vs shatter is a skill match-up and DPS Guard loses hard against any other kind of Mesmer.
DPS Guard vs shatter is a skill match-up and DPS Guard loses hard against any other kind of Mesmer.
Was presuming it wkittenter and I disagree, I think Dps guard counters most zerker builds atm. Mainly thieves and mes. Not too say a more skilled Mesmer can’t beat the guard of course.
Mellowpuff [Champion Hunter]
We have… insane utility? I’m doing something wrong.
constantly vanishing swapping potions with clones and almost kill someone in just a stun lock is not enough?
You and other posters need to learn that this is a build thing not a mesmer thing. It is completely illogical to claim the entirety of a profession is “too much” of anything based on a single build or trait combination.
What weapon combo and trait set up is so OP? How long have you played mesmer, and can you replicate the play you are complaining about? Unless you can do that, your simply complaining that another player did something you do not understand and out played you.
As far as I am concerned, until and unless you put in some hours on a profession, you never have a right to complain about it, because you have no clue what your actually complaining about.
well on other hand i can entirely replicate what that mesmer did to me and its kind of fightening. Im not so sure about it but there should be some kind of diminishing returns on duration to chaining crowd control that much as its prety much the thief 20k backstab build redone mesmer way.
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3
could it be that he was actually just a really good mesmer and mastered his class?
People can outplay you without simply having an OP class. Skill gaps exist.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.
Dying in 3 second in a chain stunlock isnt behing outplayed its called taking a nuke in the face.
If you died in 6 or 8 second fine youve been outplayed and the guy did play better then you as you couldve reacted a thousand times in various way but when the combo itself is as quick as spelling 1 shot backstab well theres a serious issue to balance.
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3
(edited by kyubi.3620)
Dying in 3 second in a chain stunlock isnt behing outplayed its called taking a overspiking nuke in the face.
If you died in 6 or 8 second fine youve been outplayed and the guy did play better then you but when the combo itself is as quick as spelling 1 shot backstab well theres a serious issue to balance.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.
Dying in 3 second in a chain stunlock isnt behing outplayed its called taking a overspiking nuke in the face.
If you died in 6 or 8 second fine youve been outplayed and the guy did play better then you but when the combo itself is as quick as spelling 1 shot backstab well theres a serious issue to balance.
Thats about 4 consecutive 1 or 2 second stuns what you need here isnt stunbreak but stability and you need to have poped it out beforehand (or to be able to use it at anytime wich regardless gives you 2 second to get out of the direct area)… btway nothing garentee that he wont wait for your stability to run out before chaining, That chain also prevent any form of healing response (chain stun/daze) so your very likely to be cooked.
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3
(edited by kyubi.3620)
could it be that he was actually just a really good mesmer and mastered his class?
People can outplay you without simply having an OP class. Skill gaps exist.
But…but…. In pveland we all get rewardz.
Dying in 3 second in a chain stunlock isnt behing outplayed its called taking a overspiking nuke in the face.
If you died in 6 or 8 second fine youve been outplayed and the guy did play better then you but when the combo itself is as quick as spelling 1 shot backstab well theres a serious issue to balance.
Thats about 4 consecutive 1 or 2 second stuns what you need here isnt stunbreak but stability and you need to have poped it out beforehand… btway nothing garentee that he wont wait for your stability to run out before chaining, That chain also prevent any form of healing response (chain stun/daze) so your very likely to be cooked.
“Stand Your Ground!” ?
I mean.. he’s a guardian. Something’s probably going over my head.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.
Dying in 3 second in a chain stunlock isnt behing outplayed its called taking a overspiking nuke in the face.
If you died in 6 or 8 second fine youve been outplayed and the guy did play better then you but when the combo itself is as quick as spelling 1 shot backstab well theres a serious issue to balance.
Thats about 4 consecutive 1 or 2 second stuns what you need here isnt stunbreak but stability and you need to have poped it out beforehand… btway nothing garentee that he wont wait for your stability to run out before chaining, That chain also prevent any form of healing response (chain stun/daze) so your very likely to be cooked.
“Stand Your Ground!” ?
Im not a guardian btway im just pointing out some mesmer can perform 1 shot chains. So no i dont have ‘’stand your ground’’ in my spell list or lovely stuff like balanced stance. Lot of build have very hard access to stability or just cant pop it on the fly when stunned (aka enginer in its whole, ranger as it require a casting time, mesmer just dont have it for more then like 1 second, Ele require to waste a slot to cantrip armor of earth wich is somewhat bad and necro just dont have one at all)
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3
(edited by kyubi.3620)
Dying in 3 second in a chain stunlock isnt behing outplayed its called taking a overspiking nuke in the face.
If you died in 6 or 8 second fine youve been outplayed and the guy did play better then you but when the combo itself is as quick as spelling 1 shot backstab well theres a serious issue to balance.
Thats about 4 consecutive 1 or 2 second stuns what you need here isnt stunbreak but stability and you need to have poped it out beforehand… btway nothing garentee that he wont wait for your stability to run out before chaining, That chain also prevent any form of healing response (chain stun/daze) so your very likely to be cooked.
“Stand Your Ground!” ?
Im not a guardian btway im just pointing out some mesmer can perform 1 shot chains. So no i dont have ‘’stand your ground’’ in my spell list or lovely stuff like balanced stance. Lot of build have very hard access to stability or just cant pop it on the fly when stunned (aka enginer in its whole, ranger as it require a casting time, mesmer just dont have it for more then like 1 second, Ele require to waste a slot to cantrip armor of earth wich is somewhat bad and necro just dont have one at all)
Well yes, but they all have forms of mitigation that would work against a specific stunlock chain (even outright preventing it in the first place).
it would just be… much… much harder. except in the case of necros where one touch AMGSOSCARED- Which probably balances out thier relative multi-faceted combat.
I can’t see how a guardian would allow himself to get baked by a stunlock though. Guardians are the stability class.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.
(edited by Azure The Heartless.3261)
You got 3 second to react btway your knocked down by GS push and in the middle of chaos storm with 3 illusion coming straith at you for a long stun and his mantra of distraction is ready he got 3 additionnal illusion ready to explode with mind wrack the moment the first 3 are done. Have fun
I respect the thinking behind the chain this guy is a genius but to be able to kill a player with about a 95% chance of success (even if you do escape that your likely badly damaged and about to die) with next to no resistance is somewhat dumb. Also id like to mention that if your stability skill is on cooldown you are prety much 100% certain to die regardless of having one or not.
Thats litteraly the lethal art dagger toss assassin of guild wars 1 done within half the time and twice the efficiency. Cure is called reacting the moment you see an assassin with a staff and watching out for omen because if you got omen and are near 50% hp your already dead or about to die in 1 second so either you hex cleanse that before you take a single hit or you heal full life before he has a chance to one shot.
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3
(edited by kyubi.3620)
You got 3 second to react btway your knocked down by GS push and in the middle of chaos storm with 3 illusion coming straith at you for a long stun and his mantra of distraction is ready
he got 3 additionnal illusion ready to explode with mind wrack the moment the first 3 are done. Have fun
stability at chaos storm. blocks?
We can block shatters now iirc.
If engie, need shield, if thief, shouldnt have gotten pushed, lol.
All of this requires the mesmer have control of the fight, mind you.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.
(edited by Azure The Heartless.3261)
with 6 second stun he prety much has the control he needs, He likely wont wait for you to pop it out. It hit quite fast to so you either will block at the right time or become unable to block at all. Ill myself run his stuff tonight in Tpvp and check if people actualy can do something against this or if the guy having near max score in spvp game was just a mather of ‘’behing way overskilled’’
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3
(edited by kyubi.3620)
well on other hand i can entirely replicate what that mesmer did to me and its kind of fightening.
You say this and then link a video. Silly me, I assumed the video was you recreating the situation or at the very least something relevant to the discussion…
How about put up or shut up? You want people to take you seriously then provide some evidence instead of using the, “OMG SO OP, NOTHING YOU CAN DO!!!!!” argument.
well on other hand i can entirely replicate what that mesmer did to me and its kind of fightening.
You say this and then link a video. Silly me, I assumed the video was you recreating the situation or at the very least something relevant to the discussion…
How about put up or shut up? You want people to take you seriously then provide some evidence instead of using the, “OMG SO OP, NOTHING YOU CAN DO!!!!!” argument.
This but less aggroed.
I’d like to see evidence of this stunlock chain existing. I’m having trouble wrapping my mind around Stability Generator with a Sword not being able to counter a lockdown.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.
Counters to getting stun locked… hmmm..
how do you counter a warrior cc chain?
use the same things..
Stability – easy access on relatively low CD’s for the majority of the classes out there
Use a stun breaker! every class has them, everyone should bring at least 1 to sPvP in any build ever…
Dodge, a miss means no cc or dmg.
about the Mesmer lock up chain, its not terribly complicated but it requires a lot of luck to pull off and stupid targets to get hung up to die to it.
At most the Mesmer will have only 2 guaranteed stuns at one time. and maybe 3 dazes, 2 guaranteed. they will also have with the CS trait a 50% chance to change those dazes into a stun. If they bring a staff then they might have 1 to 3 more dazes if you stand in chaos storm and RNG bones you.
all of these dazes and stuns are on larger CD’s than most stun breakers condition cleanses and heals and stability sources on other classes.
at most the longest an average Mesmer can lock up a single target in sPvP is about 6 seconds, at least 1 to 2 seconds of which will be an immobilize (you can use skills while immobilized) after which they will be completely dead in the water as all CC and burst skills will be on a heavy CD.
Mesmer misses 1 skill in the very long rotation of bursts?
You come out with more health and a very good chance at winning the fight.
Complain some more about how you cant ezmode a better player….
“Gw2, It’s still on the Table!” – Anet
Mesmers can be powerful if somebody becomes good with them. There’s also very hard counters to them[Stability, stealth] where it can make them useless. Mesmers can also never 1-hit somebody, but requires them to control the opponent and take advantage of the control at the same time by setting up their phants and other control. Simply put, yes, a certain type of mesmer can be god-like, but requires an equally skilled player to get it to this level and can be countered by equally good players capable of comprehending the play style.
So, yeah, you were probably outplayed, for the most part.
even if its solo q or hotjoin you think its fair to have so much advantage ?
shall we all roll mesmers if we want to play solo?
Yes! Yes! Mesmers are OP new meta!!! Pls roll to mesmer (and don’t forget to call us as spectators to your matches. Will see comedy with popcorn xD)
DPS Guard vs shatter is a skill match-up and DPS Guard loses hard against any other kind of Mesmer.
Was presuming it wkittenter and I disagree, I think Dps guard counters most zerker builds atm. Mainly thieves and mes. Not too say a more skilled Mesmer can’t beat the guard of course.
dps guard counter warrior so hard, not only zerker war, like, a lot of other war as well….
Mesmer have been performing better recently due to the slight buffs and reduced numbers of thiefs playing. Its regard to meta builds thief>Memser>Almost everything else.
Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir
its impossible you get near him he pushes you back you root him he dissapears and kills you with stuns and bleeds too much mobilty, control and damage
The one thing I’m wondering is what “flamebaiting” is still not a reportable offence.
Not sure if serious.
Look man you were prob fighting a shatter or lock down (money is on shatter tho). Mesmer has been bottom of the barrel for the longest time, and the ONLY thing that makes them relatively viable now is that S/D Thieves were nerfed (cuz why bother playing mesmer at the time?) and warriors net less DPS due to adrenaline nerfs.
Not much has changed for glass mesmers except being able to reliably land a shatter with sword mainhand (which is bugged and goes strait to cooldown at max range)
I don’t mean to be rude but how long have you been playing(or rank)? Mesmer at almost any skill level has a advantage over newbies who have no idea what they do.
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”
We have… insane utility? I’m doing something wrong.
constantly vanishing swapping potions with clones and almost kill someone in just a stun lock is not enough?
what are you playing?
No not what class..
what game are you playing.
Cause mesmer’s dont have 100 trait points in this game,
he killed lots of players and never died once in hotjoin?
that’s unheard of! someone do something! will nobody think of the childrens??
even if its solo q or hotjoin you think its fair to have so much advantage ?
shall we all roll mesmers if we want to play solo?
You could roll a mesmer but you’re most likely not as talented so its just wasted.
people have to realize that.. unless you are the best in the game.. there will be people in games that kill you from any profession.
dont cry in a forum every time you lose a fight
I was wondering when the “Mesmers OP” thread would appear, since there’s been one for every other profession in the game now, lol. Now our collection is complete.
Seriously though, it’s hard to understand what your problem is when you don’t seem to really know what it is yourself. Your story sounds like you met someone with berserker + rabid gear with 6/6/6/6/6 as their traits wielding all the weapons and utilities, and we all know that’s not possible. If you don’t know the exact build/skills used, then at least a screenshot of the combat log (with their name blacked out) would be nice for reference. :/
./ shrug mesmers can get you downed within 1 stun and immob (3k armor).
Both of which are on short cd’s and instant cast.
Fair? not rly; though not the worst problem in the game atm (maybe 1 of the more annoying, given the proff’s mechanics lol, especially for new players)
(edited by dylan.5409)
well on other hand i can entirely replicate what that mesmer did to me and its kind of fightening.
You say this and then link a video. Silly me, I assumed the video was you recreating the situation or at the very least something relevant to the discussion…
How about put up or shut up? You want people to take you seriously then provide some evidence instead of using the, “OMG SO OP, NOTHING YOU CAN DO!!!!!” argument.
With pleasure ill try and make a video… and you can bring the popcorn because ill also add sound effect and cinema music to the boot if i can actualy get a hand on an editor. Let me find a video recording program that doesnt call itself fraps first as im not accustomed to post on Youprance.
Regardless someone said its impossible for a mes to stun for more then 2 second but i beg to differ.
Mantra 1 second
Chaos storm 1 second and may stun multiple time
Shatter about 1 to 2 second depending on interval between the illusion shatter
Finish the job with the GS push and in theory you got your fifth second and all this time youve prety much been unable to heal
Now go and tell me how this last two second?
I wont call the mesmer OP they arent or at least the greater majority of them arent and thanks god theres next to no mesmer around who actualy is using that rotation (because yes this is a planified skill rotation and not some random intuitive play) or has even half the brainpower to conceive one the like of that. Still consecutive stuns should get a stacking duration debuff of about 15% to 25% per stacking long as they are applyed within 0 to 2 seconds of each other.
Who has that kind of problem currently?
Mesmer: can easily stack consecutive stuns for a way longuer duration then normal, cleansing or breaking doesnt mean your out in the least as it is multiple duration applying and not only one you might as well just not try to break the stun chain youl only end up stunned again half a second later this time with your CD off.
Warrior: Stun about every 2 second even with hammer, therefore holds little meaning
Enginer: Engy possess lots of blow up but doesnt actualy have stunning technique as such getting out of a engy cc chain is perfectly doable.
Ele: About one stun every now and then when running lightning its not that scary and can be dealth with the same as enginer.
Guardian: Guard is all push but has huge cooldown time between them not to mention most of them arent offensive techniques.
Necro: Fear can be cleansed by close to all stunbreaker or condi cleanse therefor not an issue.
Ranger: CC isnt ranger strong suit and while he can stack a fear a hilt bash and a push if running wolf bow and GS ranger is more suited to kiting then chain crowd controling.
Thief: Can only stun for a small time and hardly as a chain thief is way more notorious for its deadly backstab damage then for chain stunning.
Id recommand all stun breaker have an immunity window of about 1 to 2 second during wich a player cannot be stunned or crowd controled again aka dark soul backstab immunity window.
In theory this isnt a nerf to the mesmer class but a nerf to the stun mechanic itself wich is relative to all class. However any build combo wich practicaly stun with a window smaller then 1 or 2 second is very unlikely save for what mesmer can do. It shouldnt weaken the regular mesmer in the least at least most of them.
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3
(edited by kyubi.3620)
Regardless someone said its impossible for a mes to stun for more then 2 second but i beg to differ.
Mantra 1 second
Chaos storm 1 second and may stun multiple time
Shatter about 1 to 2 second depending on interval between the illusion shatter
Finish the job with the GS push and in theory you got your fifth second and all this time youve prety much been unable to heal
How do I say this?
Maybe the slightly passive aggressive way!
Let’s go back to the very basics. Stun is an effect which completely halts the target. No movement is allowed and only stunbreaking skills can be used. Daze is similar but careful, there’s an important difference up ahead. Dazes only prevent skill usage, and only character-based skills. Again, stunbreakers can be utilized ofc. Lastly, Knockback is something else entirely, and physically moves the target. Yes, you can stunbreaker out of it but it looks and functions quite different.
Up until the GS I was with you, assuming someone has CS traited. But then that’s already a bit patchy since your original complaint assumed a PU-wielding zerkery shatter spec (which doesn’t really exist, courtesy of lacking DE).
But… yeah well. No.
Sorry. Try harder next time.
Added handy links to the wiki for newcomers. They explain the effects in detail there. Note that you can from there head over to the skills section and compare which classes and which weapons can field which effects.
(edited by Carighan.6758)
Hes not so far from the truth however i recently saw a guy who actualy iniatiated a fight as 2h sword mesmer shatter build and prety much exploded a 2v1 at full health within 3 seconds and i aint joking it took him 3 second to down two players with some kind of shatter build. How i know it wkittenter? Well he was carrying around 15 permanant might and spammed stunlock.
As far as i recall he initiated with chaos storm fellowed by a stunlock shatterbomb and a damage shatter bomb then applyed another stun with the daze mantra. We both died from our full health before we could even react.
Counter to this? Get invulnerability or stability or die instantly because likely you wont have any time to dodge while stunned that chain litteraly does 20k damage or above and prevent any form of reaction!
You’re playing full squish and are mad that you took a full nuke from another full squish to the face?