Is it bad to keep coming first?

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: CryxTryx.9208


I wrote a fairly long write up here:

If you are a player that is struggling to get their first place title this might help you a little.

I also offered my own expirience to this argument from both sides of the fensce.

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Coldin.2840


I do have to say that the time I do have a bad connection, running the race is really frustrating. I go from a solid 1st/2nd place, and then meet a jump that’s just not cooperating with me. It’s pretty annoying to be trying to make jumps and they keep failing due to your connection rather than skill. This one race, I was simply trying to jump across a gap. At first it appears I made the jump okay, then I teleport to underneath the platform, then I teleport back on top of the platform, then back underneath it to fall to my death. And that happened 4 times in a row.

If someone has that kind issue in every race, they really will never win first.

Coldin – Thief – Sanctum of Rall

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Lue.6538


I’ve been wondering about the events, in particular the event of Sanctum Sprint.
As I was participating in these events for the achievement, someone said to us “Plz winner leave no winner x2 leave plz stop winner x2 stupid noob fsxk i need acheivnmtnz” or something along those lines.

Now, seeing someone whine like this just made me want to beat him more, troll him more. But I was wondering what the general consensus was: Should we just people who want to win… win?

And is there some sort of expectation that “winner” should “leave plz no winner x2” nowadays?

If someone asks for 1st place in the chat, make sure you do everything to beat them, they’re just after the title and should not get it for free.

I think I had 14 1st place finishes in the 25 races I did, it really isn’t hard.

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


If someone asks for 1st place in the chat, make sure you do everything to beat them, they’re just after the title and should not get it for free.

I think I had 14 1st place finishes in the 25 races I did, it really isn’t hard.

Ok. There is being a good competitor and just being a kitten. This, sir, is the second.

To everyone else, just enjoy your race and play how you wish.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Ridley.3691


I pretty much agree with most people here, if people choose to give up their win so another can get first, that’s all well and good. However, calling people out as selfish and horrible if they don’t choose to do this is wrong, I mean they’re playing the race how it’s designed, how any -race- is designed, for the competitors to try and get 1st place. Even if the rewards were identical, if someone finds it fun to try their best and win, then that’s perfectly fine, and anyone badmouthing them because of it is frankly selfish.

Of course if someone is being really bigheaded or intentionally coming first solely to stop others winning, then that’s not really fair.

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: magic fly.2041

magic fly.2041

After my first four races i was finally good enough to make second place. I got to the line, and it turns out that the first place guy was sitting there. Because of that, i got the achievement. The very next race, i managed to get first place despite all the falling mid lightning jump because of lag and other irritating problems. I passed the favor on to the next person and waited. If i managed first place despite those nasty lag problems, then what about the people behind me? What frustrating things were they enduring?

The great thing was that, at the time, there were no extra rewards for first place for awhile.

When there is no competition between the one person and everyone else, what’s the point of grabbing first place? It’s no accomplishment, and all it does is frustrate the other players.

If people had demanded that i let them get first, then I’d try to take first every time for as long as they were in the room.

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Lue.6538


Ok. There is being a good competitor and just being a kitten. This, sir, is the second.

To everyone else, just enjoy your race and play how you wish.

Thank you sir,
I believe that a title where you are required to get 1st is something that should be earned, yet some people feel entitled to it and when they then proceed with expecting other competitors to give up the race, simply for them to obtain a title that they clearly weren’t capable of obtaining on their own, I just get tired.

Rather than learning some of the shortcuts, they’d rather have the other players adapt.

So if that does make me a kitten then I truly am perfectly fine with that.

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


Ok. There is being a good competitor and just being a kitten. This, sir, is the second.

To everyone else, just enjoy your race and play how you wish.

Thank you sir,
I believe that a title where you are required to get 1st is something that should be earned, yet some people feel entitled to it and when they then proceed with expecting other competitors to give up the race, simply for them to obtain a title that they clearly weren’t capable of obtaining on their own, I just get tired.

Rather than learning some of the shortcuts, they’d rather have the other players adapt.

So if that does make me a kitten then I truly am perfectly fine with that.

It’s ’ma’am’, actually.

And I don’t believe there is anything wrong with asking others to help. If you don’t want to help them don’t. It’s only a problem when they start demanding that you throw the race. That is when it gets into entitlement. Simply asking is not. Asking is being polite.

Also, please do remember that some players have terribad ping, so they are practically incapable of placing really well outside of pure luck with the Light Travel powerup. That is the only way my Aussie guildie was able to win first.

But again, asking is not necessarily someone acting entitled. Demanding, on the other hand, is a clear sign of it. Now if you always try to prevent them from winning when they start demanding, I can’t fault you. It’s only bad if you try to actively prevent any who politely ask.

Just my two cents.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Lue.6538


It’s ’ma’am’, actually.

Truly, nobody cares. You called me Sir, I returned the favor.

And I don’t believe there is anything wrong with asking others to help. If you don’t want to help them don’t. It’s only a problem when they start demanding that you throw the race. That is when it gets into entitlement. Simply asking is not. Asking is being polite.

Also, please do remember that some players have terribad ping, so they are practically incapable of placing really well outside of pure luck with the Light Travel powerup. That is the only way my Aussie guildie was able to win first.

But again, asking is not necessarily someone acting entitled. Demanding, on the other hand, is a clear sign of it. Now if you always try to prevent them from winning when they start demanding, I can’t fault you. It’s only bad if you try to actively prevent any who politely ask.

Just my two cents.

If someone is asking to get first place and is willing to pay for it because they’d rather not try to achieve it through normal means, then they’re not meant to have that title.

If someone sits in the chat and asks anyone who gets 1st place to leave, then they’re not really supposed to have that title.

If someone however would explain in a proper manner that “due to my high ping towards these servers I can’t really compete here.” then I don’t quite see why they wouldn’t deserve it.

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


If someone is asking to get first place and is willing to pay for it because they’d rather not try to achieve it through normal means, then they’re not meant to have that title.

If someone sits in the chat and asks anyone who gets 1st place to leave, then they’re not really supposed to have that title.

If someone however would explain in a proper manner that “due to my high ping towards these servers I can’t really compete here.” then I don’t quite see why they wouldn’t deserve it.

It’s all in assumptions. Don’t assume incompetence or laziness. Assume innocence until proven otherwise.

That being said, paying does seem mighty strange. And asking those winning to leave is just plain rude.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


I’m one of the players constantly winning races, and trust me, i’d love to have a bracket where all skilled players are pooled together… Cause it means quicker races without dancing between instances!

Actually this is what they should do for every single mini-game… at least separate people into 2 pools so total newbies are not in games with veterans. Useful in all mini-games, both upcoming and current

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Shiren.9532


I’m one of the players constantly winning races, and trust me, i’d love to have a bracket where all skilled players are pooled together… Cause it means quicker races without dancing between instances!

Actually this is what they should do for every single mini-game… at least separate people into 2 pools so total newbies are not in games with veterans. Useful in all mini-games, both upcoming and current

They can’t even create a proper match making tool for sPvP, hoping for one for mini-games is a pipe dream.

I don’t really like achievements like this. They are far too subjective. One person might race the best racers and get first, another player might be in a pool of players giving away first, another person could be an American player racing against Oceanics with terrible pings and come first, another person could get insanely lucky with all the power ups (and opponents unlucky with power ups) placing first through the power of RNG (I was coming 12th and messing up a lot in one race, I got three or four skips and came second). If the achivement had been to finish within a certain time, aside from obvious RNG power up rolls, it would have meant a lot more than placing first in a pool of random players.

Having said all that, I don’t see why you wouldn’t give away first if you’ve already got it – you have nothing to lose and others have something to gain. All you are doing at this point is depriving people of getting an achievement. As I said above, there is no prestige to be protected with this title, it doesn’t need to be earned so preventing others from getting it accomplishes very little. There also appears to be nothing to gain by getting first more times than once, the rewards appear to be the same, so all you are doing is depriving others from getting them. You still know how well you did if you wait at the finish line, so you’re not preventing yourself from measuring how well you did, your just preventing other people from acquiring an achivement which is heavily luck based (luck in your opponents, in your ping, in your power ups etc).

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Lue.6538


They can’t even create a proper match making tool for sPvP, hoping for one for mini-games is a pipe dream.

I don’t really like achievements like this. They are far too subjective. One person might race the best racers and get first, another player might be in a pool of players giving away first, another person could be an American player racing against Oceanics with terrible pings and come first, another person could get insanely lucky with all the power ups (and opponents unlucky with power ups) placing first through the power of RNG (I was coming 12th and messing up a lot in one race, I got three or four skips and came second). If the achivement had been to finish within a certain time, aside from obvious RNG power up rolls, it would have meant a lot more than placing first in a pool of random players.

Having said all that, I don’t see why you wouldn’t give away first if you’ve already got it – you have nothing to lose and others have something to gain. All you are doing at this point is depriving people of getting an achievement. As I said above, there is no prestige to be protected with this title, it doesn’t need to be earned so preventing others from getting it accomplishes very little. There also appears to be nothing to gain by getting first more times than once, the rewards appear to be the same, so all you are doing is depriving others from getting them. You still know how well you did if you wait at the finish line, so you’re not preventing yourself from measuring how well you did, your just preventing other people from acquiring an achivement which is heavily luck based (luck in your opponents, in your ping, in your power ups etc).

It do have to be earned, it isn’t particulary hard to get but you definitly still need to earn it.

That said I’d love to see titles like this be time-based rather than position-based.

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608


I understand both positions, but come on, there is a middle ground.

Yesterday I did some 10 races or so against the same group of people. After we’d played “normal” for a while, the top scorers asked whether there was anyone in the group who didn’t have the achievement yet. There were four. For the next few rounds, not only did the Sanctum Sprint “pros” wait before the finish line, cheering for the racing players, but we also started “walking” the race track.

Everyone who had the achievement did the further races under these conditions: skills 1, 2 and 3 were only used to overcome obstacles. No offensive skills were used. Skill 0 (light travel) was fine to use. The rest of the race we just ran,

It was the most relaxed and fun experience I’d had in a while. While the other players basically raced each other for the achievement (they still raced each other! they were not carried over the finish line!), we had a blast racing each other with a handicap.

Anyway; after a while I had enough and went to bed. Today I was playing with a different group of people and did more competitive races.

What I’m saying is: Everyone is entitled to run the race the way they want to, but the main goal should be to have fun. It is well possible to be competitive one day and relaxed the next day.

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


The problem is they put in a ranking achievement AND a “do this 25 times” achievement. Every race after my (2nd? or 3rd?) I’ve come in either 1st or 2nd place. There is that one race here and there where I mess up and get like 10th, but I’d say 9 times of 10 I am in first or second place.

That being said, it annoys me a bit when people troll and flame me that I am winning in a competitive event… Not sure what kind of world these people grew up in.

Bottom line is I’m more than happy to sit at the finish line and get someone their achievement who hasn’t gotten first place yet. The problem is, it’s not that they request it, it’s that they demand it. That’s where I draw the line.

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: raptor.1064


Get 1st place every time then /laugh at second, only way to play.

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Terra Dactyl.2047

Terra Dactyl.2047

I’ve been wondering about the events, in particular the event of Sanctum Sprint.
As I was participating in these events for the achievement, someone said to us “Plz winner leave no winner x2 leave plz stop winner x2 stupid noob fsxk i need acheivnmtnz” or something along those lines.

Now, seeing someone whine like this just made me want to beat him more, troll him more. But I was wondering what the general consensus was: Should we just people who want to win… win?

And is there some sort of expectation that “winner” should “leave plz no winner x2” nowadays?

As someone who personally abdicates their wins, I say that no, there should be no expectation that you do the same.

If someone chooses to abdicate their victory, that is fine. But you should not have that forced on you. You should not give up your victory unless it is your choice. This is still a race after all.

This is true. People need the choice to be an kitten or not be an kitten .

I would think most people would choose not to be a kitten. As adorable as kittens are, playing gw2 with paws would probably be very difficult.

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


The Sanctum Sprint is a competition. A good racer is under no obligation to give up their place to let another player win, even to get their achievement.

That said, it’s a very NICE thing to do, and I think that players who do give up the first place spot to allow other players to get their achievement are shining examples of what makes the GW2 community one of the best of all MMO’s out there. If I was coming first, and someone asked me to stop so they could get the achievement, I’d happily wait at the finish line so they can come first, as long as they weren’t being rude or aggressive about it.

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Villious.8530


The Sanctum Sprint is a competition. A good racer is under no obligation to give up their place to let another player win, even to get their achievement.

That said, it’s a very NICE thing to do, and I think that players who do give up the first place spot to allow other players to get their achievement are shining examples of what makes the GW2 community one of the best of all MMO’s out there. If I was coming first, and someone asked me to stop so they could get the achievement, I’d happily wait at the finish line so they can come first, as long as they weren’t being rude or aggressive about it.

^What Zaxares said…

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


The Sanctum Sprint is a competition. A good racer is under no obligation to give up their place to let another player win, even to get their achievement.

That said, it’s a very NICE thing to do, and I think that players who do give up the first place spot to allow other players to get their achievement are shining examples of what makes the GW2 community one of the best of all MMO’s out there. If I was coming first, and someone asked me to stop so they could get the achievement, I’d happily wait at the finish line so they can come first, as long as they weren’t being rude or aggressive about it.

Hasn’t happened once. I’ve done it without people asking. I noticed a guy was coming in 2nd every game right after me and one game I finally was just like, “Ok I’ll let this guy get a 1st place for his achievement in case he doesn’t already have it.” He was ecstatic that after coming top 3 so many games in a row he finally got first for his achievement. He thanked me and that was that. All is right in the world.

But 99.999999% of the time, people will rage and complain / troll / flame you in map chat that you’re a nerd, a tryhard, or any sort of something because you keep winning and they keep losing. If players are generous and polite about the request, I let people go ahead of me to get their achievements up since I already have mine. That being said, I’ve not seen it happen that way once.

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


It’s gotten a bit worse since ANet updated the Sprint so that the first placer gets extra rewards. Before that went in, many racers would simply stop before the finish line and wait till 3 other people ran past before crossing the line, since all you needed to do was finish the race to get the chest.

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Razor.9872


An achievement is an achievement for a reason…
If you can’t do it, you shouldn’t earn it.

NSPride <3

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Coldin.2840


It’s actually kind of funny though. In some ways I prefer not coming in first because of the rewards. That is, the karma and bag of coins from 1st place don’t stack with the other rewards. So much easier on my inventory to just give up 1st and save myself two inventory slots.

Coldin – Thief – Sanctum of Rall

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: naboac.5876


An achievement is an achievement for a reason…
If you can’t do it, you shouldn’t earn it.

I agree here, you can´t call it a achievment if you just earn it for free.

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Shiren.9532


They can’t even create a proper match making tool for sPvP, hoping for one for mini-games is a pipe dream.

I don’t really like achievements like this. They are far too subjective. One person might race the best racers and get first, another player might be in a pool of players giving away first, another person could be an American player racing against Oceanics with terrible pings and come first, another person could get insanely lucky with all the power ups (and opponents unlucky with power ups) placing first through the power of RNG (I was coming 12th and messing up a lot in one race, I got three or four skips and came second). If the achivement had been to finish within a certain time, aside from obvious RNG power up rolls, it would have meant a lot more than placing first in a pool of random players.

Having said all that, I don’t see why you wouldn’t give away first if you’ve already got it – you have nothing to lose and others have something to gain. All you are doing at this point is depriving people of getting an achievement. As I said above, there is no prestige to be protected with this title, it doesn’t need to be earned so preventing others from getting it accomplishes very little. There also appears to be nothing to gain by getting first more times than once, the rewards appear to be the same, so all you are doing is depriving others from getting them. You still know how well you did if you wait at the finish line, so you’re not preventing yourself from measuring how well you did, your just preventing other people from acquiring an achivement which is heavily luck based (luck in your opponents, in your ping, in your power ups etc).

It do have to be earned, it isn’t particulary hard to get but you definitly still need to earn it.

That said I’d love to see titles like this be time-based rather than position-based.

Did you read the post? There is so much random variance in this match it’s easily possible to win through luck and not by being the best player there. The RNG in the power ups, the luck of being on a low latency part of the earth, the luck of having all new/poorly performing opponents, the luck of having people purposely give up first so that others can have it.

You don’t need to earn it. You can earn it (but you’re always going to be subjected to luck, both your own and your opponents) but the achievement is fundamentally ruled by luck. The simple fact that your opponents are random alone can determine the outcome of a race. Given the random factors involved in this achievement, what exactly is it measuring any more? As long as you can finish the race, it’s possible for you to get this achievement with enough luck. Why have a first place achievement when it has objective value in the form of achievement points but no objective value in the form of prestige?

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Genavelle.9516


Okay gonna start this by saying I only read the first post, and skipped everyone else and went right to comments. Just gonna address the original question.

I’d say I don’t think it’s “bad” to keep coming in first, as it is a competitive game. You have no obligation to let other people win. However, if you’re in a game where people (especially multiple people) are begging for 1st place, then it’s PROBABLY not the most competitive match out there. I mean you could just be getting 1st because everyone else in the instance either really sucks or has seriously bad lag. In which case, if you really want to be competitive, wouldn’t it be better to find a more evenly matched race?

I’d say if I was in an instance where I kept winning and people were begging for first, I would simply leave and join a new one. I want to race competitively and have fun, not feel guilty for not letting beggars win or like I’m not being challenged by my fellow racers.

I am a WvW player.
Maguuma Server
Ranger and Necromancer.

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Genavelle.9516


I understand both positions, but come on, there is a middle ground.

Yesterday I did some 10 races or so against the same group of people. After we’d played “normal” for a while, the top scorers asked whether there was anyone in the group who didn’t have the achievement yet. There were four. For the next few rounds, not only did the Sanctum Sprint “pros” wait before the finish line, cheering for the racing players, but we also started “walking” the race track.

Everyone who had the achievement did the further races under these conditions: skills 1, 2 and 3 were only used to overcome obstacles. No offensive skills were used. Skill 0 (light travel) was fine to use. The rest of the race we just ran,

It was the most relaxed and fun experience I’d had in a while. While the other players basically raced each other for the achievement (they still raced each other! they were not carried over the finish line!), we had a blast racing each other with a handicap.

Anyway; after a while I had enough and went to bed. Today I was playing with a different group of people and did more competitive races.

What I’m saying is: Everyone is entitled to run the race the way they want to, but the main goal should be to have fun. It is well possible to be competitive one day and relaxed the next day.

This was kind of a neat idea. I mean I don’t really like the idea of handing over an achievement to someone who didn’t earn it…(Not to be mean, just with something as inconsequential and trivial as mini-game achievements, you should really earn them. You don’t NEED them, so idk why people get so upset about it). But it would be a little nice if there were some way to create better matched instances. I mean we’re throwing people who have won 20 times in with people on their first race, people with terrible latency, and people who have been doing okay but still not winning for the past 10 laps. So it’s not always really a fair race, and it would be cool if we could separate it out to y’know the more experienced, the least-experienced/people with lag, and people in the middle.

So like what you guys did was nice cause everybody still earned their title, but you gave the other people a more fair race. And now I’m kind of curious about how this race would go walking it lol. They REALLY atleast need to make a way for parties to do mini-games together…

I am a WvW player.
Maguuma Server
Ranger and Necromancer.

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

I’m putting this in the same category as letting enemy realm members progress in OS because “it’s a jp”.

And the answer is the same.

A resounding “NO!”

One – Piken Square

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Shiren.9532


Compare this to the way they did something with Rollerbeetle Racing in GW1. In that mini-game they didn’t have an achievement for first, at the end of the festival, when the arena went away, the top 100 finish times on the leaderboard were given a unique mini pet. You couldn’t give someone a top 100 finish, they had to get it themselves. You didn’t get it because you had worse opponents (aside from luck with them and their power ups slowing you down), a top 100 score meant you were the fastest person on the track. Ultimately it fails as a prestige achievement because a top score was essentially getting lucky on the boosters (or standing on a booster and rolling them until you get the super speed one) and very little to do with mastering the race (that helped, but it was always determined by the super speed booster). A top 100 finish time is an objective achievement. A first place finish in an RNG match with RNG opponents is not objective.

If they wanted to reward players with prestige, they got it wrong with this title.

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Anakita Snakecharm.4360

Anakita Snakecharm.4360

I think it’s a nice courtesy for people who already have the title to hold back and let someone who doesn’t have it win, but I don’t think it’s an obligation. No one should feel bad about not wanting to do that, or doing their best to win each time – it is, after all, a competitive mini-game.

Likewise, there’s nothing wrong with asking if you’re having trouble, but demanding it or being mean to someone who wins is rude and just makes you a poor sport.

People who feel like being extra-kind and letting other players get their title are deserving of gratitude, but people who don’t do that aren’t doing anything wrong and shouldn’t have to feel guilty about it.

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Lue.6538


Did you read the post? There is so much random variance in this match it’s easily possible to win through luck and not by being the best player there. The RNG in the power ups, the luck of being on a low latency part of the earth, the luck of having all new/poorly performing opponents, the luck of having people purposely give up first so that others can have it.

You don’t need to earn it. You can earn it (but you’re always going to be subjected to luck, both your own and your opponents) but the achievement is fundamentally ruled by luck. The simple fact that your opponents are random alone can determine the outcome of a race. Given the random factors involved in this achievement, what exactly is it measuring any more? As long as you can finish the race, it’s possible for you to get this achievement with enough luck. Why have a first place achievement when it has objective value in the form of achievement points but no objective value in the form of prestige?

Yes I did read the ramblings and in the long run, you still need to earn it, it is definitly not as random as you claim it to be as me and quite afew others have gained 1st place in over 50% of our races.

In 25 races I only obtained the light travel buff twice and it is most definitly a perfect possibility to win against people who obtain it.

Now is it possible to luck your way to the achievement? Absolutely.
Is it likely that you’ll get 1st through sheer luck? Well, no.

But again, rather a time-based achievement than a position based one, just like beetletun.

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608


I understand both positions, but come on, there is a middle ground.

Yesterday I did some 10 races or so against the same group of people. After we’d played “normal” for a while, the top scorers asked whether there was anyone in the group who didn’t have the achievement yet. There were four. For the next few rounds, not only did the Sanctum Sprint “pros” wait before the finish line, cheering for the racing players, but we also started “walking” the race track.

Everyone who had the achievement did the further races under these conditions: skills 1, 2 and 3 were only used to overcome obstacles. No offensive skills were used. Skill 0 (light travel) was fine to use. The rest of the race we just ran,

It was the most relaxed and fun experience I’d had in a while. While the other players basically raced each other for the achievement (they still raced each other! they were not carried over the finish line!), we had a blast racing each other with a handicap.

Anyway; after a while I had enough and went to bed. Today I was playing with a different group of people and did more competitive races.

What I’m saying is: Everyone is entitled to run the race the way they want to, but the main goal should be to have fun. It is well possible to be competitive one day and relaxed the next day.

This was kind of a neat idea. I mean I don’t really like the idea of handing over an achievement to someone who didn’t earn it…(Not to be mean, just with something as inconsequential and trivial as mini-game achievements, you should really earn them. You don’t NEED them, so idk why people get so upset about it). But it would be a little nice if there were some way to create better matched instances. I mean we’re throwing people who have won 20 times in with people on their first race, people with terrible latency, and people who have been doing okay but still not winning for the past 10 laps. So it’s not always really a fair race, and it would be cool if we could separate it out to y’know the more experienced, the least-experienced/people with lag, and people in the middle.

So like what you guys did was nice cause everybody still earned their title, but you gave the other people a more fair race. And now I’m kind of curious about how this race would go walking it lol. They REALLY atleast need to make a way for parties to do mini-games together…

Yes, it was so much fun. There was a lot of chat going on, in the veins of “I wonder if I can still make #3 to #5 by walking it”.

And what I really liked about it was that the guys who didn’t have the achievement were still competing for it. There was no match-fixing going on. No one was singled out to be the next race’s winner before the match.

We just created even grounds for those who didn’t stand a chance before (for whatever reason(s)).

But most importantly, everyone had the most fun.

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Genavelle.9516


Did you read the post? There is so much random variance in this match it’s easily possible to win through luck and not by being the best player there. The RNG in the power ups, the luck of being on a low latency part of the earth, the luck of having all new/poorly performing opponents, the luck of having people purposely give up first so that others can have it.

You don’t need to earn it. You can earn it (but you’re always going to be subjected to luck, both your own and your opponents) but the achievement is fundamentally ruled by luck. The simple fact that your opponents are random alone can determine the outcome of a race. Given the random factors involved in this achievement, what exactly is it measuring any more? As long as you can finish the race, it’s possible for you to get this achievement with enough luck. Why have a first place achievement when it has objective value in the form of achievement points but no objective value in the form of prestige?

Yes I did read the ramblings and in the long run, you still need to earn it, it is definitly not as random as you claim it to be as me and quite afew others have gained 1st place in over 50% of our races.

In 25 races I only obtained the light travel buff twice and it is most definitly a perfect possibility to win against people who obtain it.

Now is it possible to luck your way to the achievement? Absolutely.
Is it likely that you’ll get 1st through sheer luck? Well, no.

But again, rather a time-based achievement than a position based one, just like beetletun.

Okay about the light travel? From my experiences in the races, where I started out sucking and improved as I did it more times..From my personal experience, whether this is right or not, I think that the light travel may be sorta like the bullet bill item in mariokart. (It certainly is the same idea). I tended to drop light travel more often when I was further back in the race. NEVER when I was doing well in the race and steadily holding 1st-3rd place did I pick up the light travel item. Normally when I was in the top places, I would drop a lot of the guard and fake item skills, and occasionally something else.

So I have theorized that maybe the different items have different chances of dropping depending on how well you’re doing. So people at the end portion of the race (like behind everybody else) have a greater probability to pick up light travel, whereas people in the front of the race have a very little probability to pick it up. This sort of makes sense too, since the people doing the worst could really use the light travel skill, while someone in 1st or 2nd place doesn’t really such a big boost.

However this is just my own personal observation and theory.

I am a WvW player.
Maguuma Server
Ranger and Necromancer.

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608


I read that Light Travel only drops when you’re in #7 or lower, and that’s certainly my experience too.

A deliberately let people overtake me shortly before checkpoint #2 for a chance to get Light Travel. It is early enough in the game that one Light Travel will allow me to jump ahead of pretty much everybody and land in #1 – #3.

But then, sometimes it won’t drop and I’m running behind the field for the rest of the game.

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: deviller.9135


If they never ask you (politely), ignore it.

If they ask you politely, it’s up to you.

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Gabby.3205


An achievement is an achievement for a reason…
If you can’t do it, you shouldn’t earn it.

I agree here, you can´t call it a achievment if you just earn it for free.

It is at the same time amazing and sad that there are people that still think that everybody that can’t get the achievement simply can’t for lack of skill.
Please refer to this post.

Tarnished Coast
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Brother Grimm.5176

Brother Grimm.5176

I’m guessing if someone asked politely to be allowed to get the achievement it isn’t beyond consideration. However, the description of what the OP presented WOULD make me want to follow “Ser Whiner” guy around the track and screw him over at every chance possible.

Asking the win nicely is one thing, demanding that the guy always winning quit is just way over the top.

We go out in the world and take our chances
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Pewintodo.4138


Once I got the achievement I started letting everyone else out first to see how far I could progress from 12th place. I usually end up 5th-8th (had 3rd & 4th a few times as well). Anyone who comes in the last 5 places should get a 33% speed boost next round imho – call it “Trolls escape” <g>.

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Coldin.2840


However, the description of what the OP presented WOULD make me want to follow “Ser Whiner” guy around the track and screw him over at every chance possible.

Or you know….you could just ignore him. A little bit of whining isn’t really a call for being a kitten back to them.

Coldin – Thief – Sanctum of Rall

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: ZilentNight.5089


After playing this game a couple of times, I end up wining every time, it gets boring so I usually sit near the finish line and let someone else get first place.
There is almost no difference in the reward between first and 2nd place so I could care less tbh.

Also I love the idea about getting matched against better players, since the 2nd day of the even, I haven’t come even close to losing.

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: bravoart.5308


It’s gotten a bit worse since ANet updated the Sprint so that the first placer gets extra rewards. Before that went in, many racers would simply stop before the finish line and wait till 3 other people ran past before crossing the line, since all you needed to do was finish the race to get the chest.

The supposed increase in rewards isn’t worth treating everyone else like kitten though. The difference is so miniscule that if someone is only playing sanctum sprint to get first place, they’re doing it wrong.

I still wait for 3 to cross, I got my achievements, and 10s for a fun run isn’t bad. Some people are grateful, some people are greedy, but it’s more fun to be nice, imo.

Finally I recalled the stopgap solution of a great princess who was told that the
peasants had no bread and who responded: “Let them eat brioche.”

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Genavelle.9516


It’s gotten a bit worse since ANet updated the Sprint so that the first placer gets extra rewards. Before that went in, many racers would simply stop before the finish line and wait till 3 other people ran past before crossing the line, since all you needed to do was finish the race to get the chest.

The supposed increase in rewards isn’t worth treating everyone else like kitten though. The difference is so miniscule that if someone is only playing sanctum sprint to get first place, they’re doing it wrong.

I still wait for 3 to cross, I got my achievements, and 10s for a fun run isn’t bad. Some people are grateful, some people are greedy, but it’s more fun to be nice, imo.

Okay a RACE “only playing to get first place” is doing it wrong? Do we need to like, define what a race is here? That is how you race. You try to come in first. That is essentially the entire point. I don’t see how doing that is “doing it wrong”. Also, how is it greedy to want to win in a race mini-game?

See unlike some of you who are just doing this to get achievements or whatever, when I do Sanctum Sprint I’m doing it actually AS the mini-game it was intended to be. I’m doing it because I enjoy the race and it’s fun. So no offense, but I’m going to try to do as well as I can. Not because I’m “greedy” or a mean person, but because that’s kind of the point of the mini-game. I don’t care about the achievements, I just enjoy the game.

And I mean..people who want to win just for achievements keep saying stuff like “This is how we want to play, let everyone play the way they want”. But why does that only count for the people with bad latency who want all the achievements? If I WANT to play a game as a game and win, why is that suddenly bad? It’s how I enjoy playing.

I am a WvW player.
Maguuma Server
Ranger and Necromancer.

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


Okay a RACE “only playing to get first place” is doing it wrong? Do we need to like, define what a race is here? That is how you race. You try to come in first. That is essentially the entire point. I don’t see how doing that is “doing it wrong”. Also, how is it greedy to want to win in a race mini-game?

See unlike some of you who are just doing this to get achievements or whatever, when I do Sanctum Sprint I’m doing it actually AS the mini-game it was intended to be. I’m doing it because I enjoy the race and it’s fun. So no offense, but I’m going to try to do as well as I can. Not because I’m “greedy” or a mean person, but because that’s kind of the point of the mini-game. I don’t care about the achievements, I just enjoy the game.

And I mean..people who want to win just for achievements keep saying stuff like “This is how we want to play, let everyone play the way they want”. But why does that only count for the people with bad latency who want all the achievements? If I WANT to play a game as a game and win, why is that suddenly bad? It’s how I enjoy playing.

It’s not greedy or bad to want to win. It’s the point of the game as the game was designed. Most of us won’t look down on those that choose to win. Honestly noone should, but we can’t stop people from being selfish and trying to impose their own preferences on others. But on the same note, that goes for those that abdicate their wins as well.

Some choose to win. Some choose to pass on their win. Both are perfectly viable and neither person should be discriminated against for their choice.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Katz.5143


What I hate are the traps placed in areas that are guaranteed to knock you off and set you back, sometimes a lot. I don’t use the traps against other players. I know they are in the game by design but personally I see them as the cheap way to win. When I run a race and there are few or no traps, I enjoy the race no matter where I place. When I run a race and there is trap after trap set to knock you off a platform, I want to slap someone and I feel very hostile towards the rest of the players. I don’t say anything but it reminds me of the competitive jerks that hit people in the throat with their elbow when the ref isn’t looking.

It’s a kitten conspiracy. Kittens gonna be kittens. All is vain!

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


What I hate are the traps placed in areas that are guaranteed to knock you off and set you back, sometimes a lot. I don’t use the traps against other players. I know they are in the game by design but personally I see them as the cheap way to win. When I run a race and there are few or no traps, I enjoy the race no matter where I place. When I run a race and there is trap after trap set to knock you off a platform, I want to slap someone and I feel very hostile towards the rest of the players. I don’t say anything but it reminds me of the competitive jerks that hit people in the throat with their elbow when the ref isn’t looking.

Traps are, just like in Mario Kart and similiar games, only useful for extending your lead. And yes, there are brutally mean places to put them. But that is the game and how it is played.

Remember that you still can see the false power-ups and you can activate your Grounded skill to avoid getting affected by them. Which you should. And it is easy to tell the false ones. They’re the ones that are in odd places.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Genavelle.9516


What I hate are the traps placed in areas that are guaranteed to knock you off and set you back, sometimes a lot. I don’t use the traps against other players. I know they are in the game by design but personally I see them as the cheap way to win. When I run a race and there are few or no traps, I enjoy the race no matter where I place. When I run a race and there is trap after trap set to knock you off a platform, I want to slap someone and I feel very hostile towards the rest of the players. I don’t say anything but it reminds me of the competitive jerks that hit people in the throat with their elbow when the ref isn’t looking.

This is like saying I don’t like when you use weapons in pvp or siege weapons in wvw. Like..I may not like it when eles mist form away right before I kill them, but it’s all part of the game….

I am a WvW player.
Maguuma Server
Ranger and Necromancer.

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Coldin.2840


What I hate are the traps placed in areas that are guaranteed to knock you off and set you back, sometimes a lot. I don’t use the traps against other players. I know they are in the game by design but personally I see them as the cheap way to win. When I run a race and there are few or no traps, I enjoy the race no matter where I place. When I run a race and there is trap after trap set to knock you off a platform, I want to slap someone and I feel very hostile towards the rest of the players. I don’t say anything but it reminds me of the competitive jerks that hit people in the throat with their elbow when the ref isn’t looking.

Traps are, just like in Mario Kart and similiar games, only useful for extending your lead. And yes, there are brutally mean places to put them. But that is the game and how it is played.

Remember that you still can see the false power-ups and you can activate your Grounded skill to avoid getting affected by them. Which you should. And it is easy to tell the false ones. They’re the ones that are in odd places.

Yes and no?

Getting a fake powerup in Mario Kart is a bit more rare, since there’s shells and other things to get as well. In the Sprint, 1-3 place all get fake powerups. Fake powerups in Mario Kart aren’t usually as bad either, since they can rarely be placed where the player has to repeat large sections of the race.

They can be seen, but it can be difficult when moving quickly across the race. And in some places they can’t be avoided at all before you’re right on top of them (Lighting Jumps). Or if someone puts it right next to you while racing, since they become active immediately. Grounded is the best way to deal with them in my experience, but you do have to keep going out of your way to pick that up. And it’s possible to use up one grounded on a bomb, and then find another bomb before you get another.

They’re just a little too strong to give to the 1st place player every single powerup. Remove the knockdown, replace it with an immobilize, and remove the powerup removal. And then mix in some blinds for the 1st – 3rd places to pick up.

Coldin – Thief – Sanctum of Rall

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Genavelle.9516


What I hate are the traps placed in areas that are guaranteed to knock you off and set you back, sometimes a lot. I don’t use the traps against other players. I know they are in the game by design but personally I see them as the cheap way to win. When I run a race and there are few or no traps, I enjoy the race no matter where I place. When I run a race and there is trap after trap set to knock you off a platform, I want to slap someone and I feel very hostile towards the rest of the players. I don’t say anything but it reminds me of the competitive jerks that hit people in the throat with their elbow when the ref isn’t looking.

Traps are, just like in Mario Kart and similiar games, only useful for extending your lead. And yes, there are brutally mean places to put them. But that is the game and how it is played.

Remember that you still can see the false power-ups and you can activate your Grounded skill to avoid getting affected by them. Which you should. And it is easy to tell the false ones. They’re the ones that are in odd places.

Yes and no?

Getting a fake powerup in Mario Kart is a bit more rare, since there’s shells and other things to get as well. In the Sprint, 1-3 place all get fake powerups. Fake powerups in Mario Kart aren’t usually as bad either, since they can rarely be placed where the player has to repeat large sections of the race.

They can be seen, but it can be difficult when moving quickly across the race. And in some places they can’t be avoided at all before you’re right on top of them (Lighting Jumps). Or if someone puts it right next to you while racing, since they become active immediately. Grounded is the best way to deal with them in my experience, but you do have to keep going out of your way to pick that up. And it’s possible to use up one grounded on a bomb, and then find another bomb before you get another.

They’re just a little too strong to give to the 1st place player every single powerup. Remove the knockdown, replace it with an immobilize, and remove the powerup removal. And then mix in some blinds for the 1st – 3rd places to pick up.

I mean, mariokart has more items than this race does. And some of the items in this race (gale?) don’t really seem to even do much. The only 3 really useful, offensive items in this race are the fake powerups, the lightning storm, and light travel. People at the front of the race can’t drop light travel (which is good cause I’d hate to see the whining about that), lightning storm is a decent move, but not really gonna kill you unless you’re mid-jump across a gap. I do think the range on the fake powerups is probably a little too much..I mean they should be about the same range it takes to pick up a normal powerup. But they’re the best item a person at the front of the race can pick up.

You can avoid them too. You can use the Grounded skill, you can BE the person at the front of the race, or if you spot one, just stop and let the next person behind you hit it. (Kind of mean, but hey.) Anyways it’s just a race mini-game..

I am a WvW player.
Maguuma Server
Ranger and Necromancer.

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


Traps are, just like in Mario Kart and similiar games, only useful for extending your lead. And yes, there are brutally mean places to put them. But that is the game and how it is played.

Remember that you still can see the false power-ups and you can activate your Grounded skill to avoid getting affected by them. Which you should. And it is easy to tell the false ones. They’re the ones that are in odd places.

Yes and no?

Getting a fake powerup in Mario Kart is a bit more rare, since there’s shells and other things to get as well. In the Sprint, 1-3 place all get fake powerups. Fake powerups in Mario Kart aren’t usually as bad either, since they can rarely be placed where the player has to repeat large sections of the race.

They can be seen, but it can be difficult when moving quickly across the race. And in some places they can’t be avoided at all before you’re right on top of them (Lighting Jumps). Or if someone puts it right next to you while racing, since they become active immediately. Grounded is the best way to deal with them in my experience, but you do have to keep going out of your way to pick that up. And it’s possible to use up one grounded on a bomb, and then find another bomb before you get another.

They’re just a little too strong to give to the 1st place player every single powerup. Remove the knockdown, replace it with an immobilize, and remove the powerup removal. And then mix in some blinds for the 1st – 3rd places to pick up.

The problem is that the other ‘attack’ skills only affect those in front of you. They are 100% useless when you’re in first. So then do you give the person in front nothing?

As for fake powerup visibility? I do agree that there isn’t a whole lot you can do if they put one down on a lightning jump landing area. Other than that, though, you can always see them before you would hit them. Just gotta remember to use Grounded.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

Is it bad to keep coming first?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Genavelle.9516


Traps are, just like in Mario Kart and similiar games, only useful for extending your lead. And yes, there are brutally mean places to put them. But that is the game and how it is played.

Remember that you still can see the false power-ups and you can activate your Grounded skill to avoid getting affected by them. Which you should. And it is easy to tell the false ones. They’re the ones that are in odd places.

Yes and no?

Getting a fake powerup in Mario Kart is a bit more rare, since there’s shells and other things to get as well. In the Sprint, 1-3 place all get fake powerups. Fake powerups in Mario Kart aren’t usually as bad either, since they can rarely be placed where the player has to repeat large sections of the race.

They can be seen, but it can be difficult when moving quickly across the race. And in some places they can’t be avoided at all before you’re right on top of them (Lighting Jumps). Or if someone puts it right next to you while racing, since they become active immediately. Grounded is the best way to deal with them in my experience, but you do have to keep going out of your way to pick that up. And it’s possible to use up one grounded on a bomb, and then find another bomb before you get another.

They’re just a little too strong to give to the 1st place player every single powerup. Remove the knockdown, replace it with an immobilize, and remove the powerup removal. And then mix in some blinds for the 1st – 3rd places to pick up.

The problem is that the other ‘attack’ skills only affect those in front of you. They are 100% useless when you’re in first. So then do you give the person in front nothing?

As for fake powerup visibility? I do agree that there isn’t a whole lot you can do if they put one down on a lightning jump landing area. Other than that, though, you can always see them before you would hit them. Just gotta remember to use Grounded.

And tbh hitting a fake powerup on a lightning pad is about the same as getting hit by lightning storm while doing the lightning jumps…Basically you’re screwed either way, unless you’ve got Grounded on. And as you said, fake powerups are all someone in 1st or 2nd place really has.

I am a WvW player.
Maguuma Server
Ranger and Necromancer.