" 'New Movement' " ?

" 'New Movement' " ?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Valento.9852


This game lacks more MECHANICS, this applies to 99% of content, enough said.

Attempts at ele specs:

" 'New Movement' " ?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Andele.1306


So you guys are thinking that ANet is pulling an Aion in the next patch? They could certainly do it and just limit it to a specific location. However, it would be really awkward.

Maybe they’re adding crouch to the game. There are several applications for crouch.

  • When falling, pressing the crouch key right before hitting the ground will reduce falling damage by a certain percent and also prevent falling flat on your face
  • Let’s you take cover behind certain low height objects so you get extra protection from projectile attacks
  • Moving when crouched could potentially allow you to sneak past certain monsters when they would otherwise aggro on you if you got too close

NO, there will be no spunkgargleweewee mechanics in GW2, id rather be a WoW fanboy and say that any of the Crisis games looked worse than WoW then have sheizbrown and boringray mms mechanics in a MMORPG.

When life gives you lemon, ask if its from a anime or manga.

" 'New Movement' " ?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


Reply to AlietteFaye
Full temporary swiftness is 33% I think and only temporary. It’s just fast eighth to run past almost any enemy without getting hit. I think the speed you run at should be applied to cosmetic mounts in the game now. Just make the full swiftness temporary like wth a thief.

Not everyone uses WP’s to do only dungeons. Many use WP’s to get to a area in the open world, they want to play.

" 'New Movement' " ?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: imaginary.6241


This game lacks mechanics? WTF? Evade-System, Combo-System, Event-System … ok they aren’t perfect but they aren’t as usual in any kind of classic MMO (yet). Elder Scrolls Online will rip some of those features from GW2 (even tought I believe it wont succeed with it, but due to different reasons).

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" 'New Movement' " ?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Valento.9852


This game lacks mechanics? WTF? Evade-System, Combo-System, Event-System … ok they aren’t perfect but they aren’t as usual in any kind of classic MMO (yet). Elder Scrolls Online will rip some of those features from GW2 (even tought I believe it wont succeed with it, but due to different reasons).

Why the hate? Chill out. I do love the game, actually I’m considering staying here depending on what ANet brings since I am a HARDCORE player, there are many solutions to bring hardcores together and they’re on ANet’s hands (suggestions forum hinthint).

Since you misinterpreted me I’ll be more clear, I’m talking about combat and BOSS fights mechanics that create an unique experience that you’ll never forget.For example, talking only about GW2, the dungeons are faceroll easy. AC got my love since update but the path to the end still needs investigation to become better (all the lack of reasons to actually fight trash mobs… skipping forever), the new dungeons (Molten and Aetherblade) got a big smile on my face with a mix of frustration, I laughed when I saw that quality content and brought a little faith in ANet.

All the casual stuff everywhere thrown at your face gets me BORED as 7 hells, I have faith they will do more decent stuff in the future.

Attempts at ele specs:

" 'New Movement' " ?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: AlietteFaye.7316


Reply to AlietteFaye
Full temporary swiftness is 33% I think and only temporary. It’s just fast eighth to run past almost any enemy without getting hit. I think the speed you run at should be applied to cosmetic mounts in the game now. Just make the full swiftness temporary like wth a thief.

Not everyone uses WP’s to do only dungeons. Many use WP’s to get to a area in the open world, they want to play.

How is swiftness temporary on a Thief..?

And regardless, WPs allow people to literally skip anywhere in the world. That means skipping mobs, skipping DEs, skipping over any and all content along the way. Having mounts that gave swiftness wouldn’t change this.

EDIT: I see what you’re saying. The buff itself is temporary, yes. But there are several classes that can easily keep reapplying Swiftness before it runs out, so it becomes a permanent source of Swiftness. Which is why I said that mounts should give a permanent 33% movement speed bonus. Because it’s already easily possible for characters to do such.


(edited by AlietteFaye.7316)

" 'New Movement' " ?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


Reply to AlietteFaye
Full temporary swiftness is 33% I think and only temporary. It’s just fast eighth to run past almost any enemy without getting hit. I think the speed you run at should be applied to cosmetic mounts in the game now. Just make the full swiftness temporary like wth a thief.

Not everyone uses WP’s to do only dungeons. Many use WP’s to get to a area in the open world, they want to play.

How is swiftness temporary on a Thief..?

And regardless, WPs allow people to literally skip anywhere in the world. That means skipping mobs, skipping DEs, skipping over any and all content along the way. Having mounts that gave swiftness wouldn’t change this.

I was counting sprint as part of swiftness. Don’t you use dodge on your theif? That extra speed should only be temporary.

Players with mounts would stick to the road to avoid getting knocked for their mounts.

I’m only against big faster than running speed mounts. I’m for smaller mechanical/steampunk/asura/toy mounts like broomsticks. Just not swiftness so fast players can ride through enemies as if they are nothing.

" 'New Movement' " ?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Shael.4703


Aetherblade = flying
airships = flying
Zephyr Sanctum = flying

Then “new” movement. No doubt it will be something related to flying too. The question is, is it a mount or something else?

And how would it fit considering we have waypoints?

My blog/sites: gameshogun & Tomes of Knowledge

" 'New Movement' " ?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608


M uch lag
O bstructs view of other players
U nappealing to GW players
N ot going to happen
T oo big
S kip over DE’s


" 'New Movement' " ?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: sanelson.4028


I have nothing against mounts, actually they would make a great addition to the game as long as it had some “rules” like the ones mentioned above by other players.
Waypoints are a good way to get around, but sometimes I like to do a little walking. having ground mounts and by ground i mean, simple cool steampunk gadgets like someone already said would be great. On the other hand I hope they never do flying mounts, that would be way too strange, I mean the map areas are kinda “instanced”, that would need a BIG change in order to make flying mounts plausible.

Aldir Valentine
Mesmer lvl 80
Seaferer’s Rest

" 'New Movement' " ?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: PetboyJoshua.3108


We can already fly. Have you forgot the ride broom ? ;D

" 'New Movement' " ?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Mia Lunarfang.5826

Mia Lunarfang.5826

M uch lag
O bstructs view of other players
U nappealing to GW players
N ot going to happen
T oo big
S kip over DE’s

Don’t get me wrong, I honestly don’t care whether the game has mounts or not, I simply don’t understand the hate.

M- is this a fact? Even so, I have experienced no lag with GW2, and doubt adding a bit more on screen content would change it that drastically.
O- players do that already
U- don’t speak for the entire player-base in general, because your opinion is nothing more than that, an opinion, in which there are a vast many.
N- Oh? And you’re a game designer are you?
T- What does that even mean?
S- Okay, so lets pretend for a minute, that people riding through an event are less likely to stop and participate then those who WP past it… 1. The entire reason they likely WPed past it, was because they didn’t want to be hassled by it, because they had other plans -be it map completion, leveling, personal story, living story, dungeons- and didn’t want to wast time doing events along the way. 2. Because they WPed past it, even if they otherwise would have participated, how will they do so now, when they are not even aware its occurring. 3. The whole point of WPs is to get straight to your destination, and not slowly cross the map doing DEs, whereas mounts, however much faster than walking, would still carry you across the entire map and through DEs.

(edited by Mia Lunarfang.5826)

" 'New Movement' " ?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: zeromius.1604


After watching the livestream I’ve determined that there will be nothing game changing. The new movements are really just power-ups that let give you different abilities. There’s a high jump, a horizontal jump using these lightning tethers, and a “light dash” which makes you move really fast in one direction for a second. These will be limited to the Zephyr Sanctum and the new city Labyrinthine Cliffs.

" 'New Movement' " ?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


So you guys are thinking that ANet is pulling an Aion in the next patch? They could certainly do it and just limit it to a specific location. However, it would be really awkward.

Maybe they’re adding crouch to the game. There are several applications for crouch.

  • When falling, pressing the crouch key right before hitting the ground will reduce falling damage by a certain percent and also prevent falling flat on your face
  • Let’s you take cover behind certain low height objects so you get extra protection from projectile attacks
  • Moving when crouched could potentially allow you to sneak past certain monsters when they would otherwise aggro on you if you got too close

NO, there will be no spunkgargleweewee mechanics in GW2, id rather be a WoW fanboy and say that any of the Crisis games looked worse than WoW then have sheizbrown and boringray mms mechanics in a MMORPG.

You must be a big fan of elder scrolls games right?

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

" 'New Movement' " ?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Mia Lunarfang.5826

Mia Lunarfang.5826

After watching the livestream I’ve determined that there will be nothing game changing. The new movements are really just power-ups that let give you different abilities. There’s a high jump, a horizontal jump using these lightning tethers, and a “light dash” which makes you move really fast in one direction for a second. These will be limited to the Zephyr Sanctum and the new city Labyrinthine Cliffs.

Lol, what is the point of this event then?

" 'New Movement' " ?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Chyanne Waters.8719

Chyanne Waters.8719

Well one major movement that is missing in GW2 is climbing. Seems like one of the only ones that makes sense actually. Flying no I do not think so they already said that flying takes away from how scenes are perceived to the player. We will not be getting mounts either so get that out of your head so tired of hearing about mounts. Slow regular speed mounts, plus speed mounts, mounts that run through areas so you don’t get killed by something. Come on I played EQ2 that game needed mounts in some areas. GW2 does not need them if you want a mount then buy a witches broom or better yet the combo thing they just offered in the gem store lol. Anyway that is my take on a new type of movement

" 'New Movement' " ?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Mia Lunarfang.5826

Mia Lunarfang.5826

I don’t know why you guys are still talking about this when the live stream explaned everything.

-A: new movements are not new ways to move, but are upgrades to speed and power of current movements; such as jumping higher and further.
-B: These new movements are only for the living story chapter and more specifically, the new map it takes place in.
-C: these new movements are not permanent, but will disappear with the map after the event. However this may be a festival to appear in the future, so while they are not permanent movement skills, they may return next year.