Oceanic Player Issues
Why not have an option at each adept to skip their portion of the “jumping puzzle” and get to the waypoint up the top, and never have to worry about the lag jump deaths that are plaguing the Oceanic players?
If the lag is due to the amount of players in the zone, maybe we should have more overflows?
Australian here. I’ve been having some latency issues too trying to get the crystals, but I did manage to complete the achievement last night, along with the diving goggles, so I’ll share some tips here which will hopefully save some of your remaining sanity.
1. Assisted Leap goes MUCH higher when you’re standing still as compared to moving. So, for those of you having problems using it to jump onto pads, such as near the Wind Adept, try moving to the edge of the platform, jumping, and then guiding yourself onto the next platform. DON’T try and run and jump at the same time; lag combined with the fact that your max height is lower means you’ll miss many jumps.
2. If you are having problems with Lightning Pull overshooting the platforms, try targeting it manually instead of using the automatic link. (This usually means backing up until the targeting reticule icon appears on the skill again) When manually aiming, try to aim for locations where a solid object will prevent you overshooting. The lightning anchors themselves make for good brakes.
3. If you are trying to get to the diving goggles using dulfy’s guide and overshooting that little wooden spar with Lightning Pull every single time (like I was), there is a MUCH easier way to get to the diving goggles.
When you’re on the rooftop with the Sky Crystal on a little pole, instead of jumping off the edge like the route dulfy took, jump on top of that Sky Crystal, then Assisted Leap onto the roof above it. From there, you can use Lightning Pull to get onto the large beam overhead (aim yourself so you smack right into the cluster of wooden poles), then follow a straightforward route forward and right towards the dive goggles.
10/10, would bang.
His girlfriend may have something to say about that.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
this rubber banding is TERRIBLE!! use ability, over shoot, then warp back to some random location along the path. Its totally unplayable atm.
I have very little chance of coming first in the sprint with this issue. The times I’ve been close my little asura cannonballs into the water instead of landing where it’s supposed to.
I can stuff up on my own just perfectly fine without help.
- Kudzu, Dreamer, Frostfang, Eternity, Flameseeker Prophecies ~
~Nevermore, HOPE, Moot, Incinerator, Meteorlogicus, Howler ~
Yeah, this is pretty infuriating. I’m a European playing on the US servers (international guild) and I’m encountering the same rubberbanding / unresponsiveness / overshooting problems. Sanctum Sprint is especially “fun”.
Australian here.
Interesting thing to note, lightning pull seems to be totally broken on my main server, but it then works more or less totally fine on overflow servers. Why would that be?
Australian here.
Interesting thing to note, lightning pull seems to be totally broken on my main server, but it then works more or less totally fine on overflow servers. Why would that be?
More players in the map = additional lag. There you go.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
For those who’ve been unable to jump to the top of sanctum sprint (mainly at the wind adept bit) due to latency rubberbanding – I managed to do it by hammering the assisted jump key multiple times. You will actually see your character rapidly jump up and down a couple of times and sometimes it still doesn’t work, but somehow I managed to make it to the top way point this way.
I still haven’t got the other achievements though, gave up on it because it’s frustrating as hell. Then again it’s a bit worse on my end since I transferred to EU servers by mistake almost a week ago (even more lag than playing on US servers).
Also if you bring your necromancer to do the jumping you can at least avoid the waypoint silver death toll. Have to recharge your DS in between attempts though.
(edited by icewyrm.5038)
I am in NZ and playing with my guild on Drakkar-Lake [DE] and I’ve experienced these issues, too.
If there are only a few people on this map everything works quite fine, but as soon as there are a lot of players I am not able to do some (easy!) jumps anymore. No it’s not me and that I am failing. I have lags and rubberbanding. My characters jump too short or too far when pressing 1, sometimes I see the jump animation before I can jump. Using skill 2 can be unpredictable, it shoots me somewhere I did not aim to. Oh, don’t forget number 3: It does not connect with the stone, I’ll land somewhere before or behind, but most of the time I fall into my death. (Even when I use the targeting option, it does not work..)
Well, it’s the same reason why some of the achievements of the sanctum sprint are not doable for me. (When I use skill 2 here it will do the skill and then teleport back a little bit… :-? Jumping with 1 is the same as described above, it needs a few clicks before I can jump and skill 3 is also as described above.)
I do like the new content, but I would prefer that it works when I want to play and not that I have to figure out the best time when there are only a handful of players on the map.
-> due to time difference I am mostly not online on Drakkar-Lake (which is a german world) during “prime time”.. I assume my issues would be way worse if I would be online at that time -.-
(edited by Navi.7142)
Oh, and turning down the graphics does not make any difference at all!
Just adding my own 2c about the rubber-banding and skill related glitches in the Cliffs and the Sprint, it was especially frustrating trying to get the 1st place achivement. About 6 times in my attempts I was comfortably in 1st place, and on one attempt so much so, I wasn’t even having to doge stuff from the 2nd place person and then I use a #3 jump and… get rubberbanded back so far that the game glitched even further and I got reset back to solid land behind the 2nd place person. Managed to catch up and overtake again only for it to happen again :/ In the end, I met a very nice person who, when I rubberbanded back (yet again), cheered me on at the finish line to let me get 1st (was in 2nd).
For reference, without the rubberbanding and glitches I would have been having heaps of fun, it was great, and once I got 1st finally and didn’t have to worry about it, I enjoyed myself a lot more just doing my best even with the glitches.
Not sure if these can help anyone but I thought I’d put a link to them here just incase.
I’m just passing by to tell you guys that I find your complaints absolutely valid and to toss my support. I’m in South America and I can’t make some jumps with the #1 or #3 skills during peak hours, so I can’t even imagine how terrible it must be for you guys in the Eastern Hemisphere, having this problem all the time instead.
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”
(edited by Gabby.3205)
Australian here.
Interesting thing to note, lightning pull seems to be totally broken on my main server, but it then works more or less totally fine on overflow servers. Why would that be?
More players in the map = additional lag. There you go.
Exactly, the other night on a run I spent 10 minutes in 1 race on my server trying to get through the part where you’re high on the cliffs and have to do a lightning pull followed by a wind jump then a lightning pull, due to lag. I then guested to a less popular server and got through it.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
(edited by morrolan.9608)
I have died countless times to rubber banding. It doesn’t only happening with assisted jump. It happens in WvW and all throughout the game.
The developers and QAs really need to test their game with a ‘slow ping’ simualtor turned on all the time.
That way the devs and QAs are developing for worst case scenario and not best case scenario.
Set that lag simulator to 500ms ping and now try testing and playing your game.
I was going to suggest turning down the graphics but i see someone says it doesn’t help.
Last week I played it on a crappy laptop that just makes the requirements with no problems at due to the fact i was bird sitting ( yes who baby sits a bird for 10 dyas LOL)
anyway back home now on my pc that has all settings maxed out and I want to punch the screen it was that annoying. at times i was standing still and then WTF I was dead in another part of the map, I couldn’t even finish a game , This morning though at 6.30am Aust time on sos it was ok,
So i will try a low pop server tonight and see how that goes