Sanctum Sprint changes....
yea =/ I’ve done it a bunch of times for the Sprint achievements but now they’re adding karma and coin rewards as well? Grr… Should have waited before doing them >.<
umm you have just as much opportunity now as everyone else?
Why does it matter how many times you have done it?
lol I’ve done it so many times already…
I wish I have waited.
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”
Just as I completed all the achievements and raced over 30+ times…
gg anet lol.
umm you have just as much opportunity now as everyone else?
Why does it matter how many times you have done it?
Because we’ve already spent time doing the Sanctum Sprint without getting all of the rewards
umm you have just as much opportunity now as everyone else?
Why does it matter how many times you have done it?
Because we’ve already spent time doing the Sanctum Sprint without getting all of the rewards
you were told exactly what you would get for completing it. Apparently you thought it was worth doing. Anet doesn’t owe you anything.
If you buy a car and a month later the price drops do you go back to the dealership and demand a refund for the difference?
If you buy a video game and a week later the price drops do you go and demand the difference?
if a company offers a new bonus for signing up for its service when you are already a member do you demand they give you the sign up bonus even though you are already signed up?
This is no different.
umm you have just as much opportunity now as everyone else?
Why does it matter how many times you have done it?
Because we’ve already spent time doing the Sanctum Sprint without getting all of the rewards
you were told exactly what you would get for completing it. Apparently you thought it was worth doing. Anet doesn’t owe you anything.
If you buy a car and a month later the price drops do you go back to the dealership and demand a refund for the difference?
If you buy a video game and a week later the price drops do you go and demand the difference?
if a company offers a new bonus for signing up for its service when you are already a member do you demand they give you the sign up bonus even though you are already signed up?This is no different.
If you buy something and the EXACT SAME DAY the price drops, you will be refunded the difference.
(edited by Xiao Haishou.3691)
I usually am not one to complain about things like this… but I decided to do the sprint again, just for fun. To my shock, I received 10 silver for completing the race.
Considering I had already completed all of the achievements for Sanctum Sprint (and assuming that amount of silver was the average), I missed out on an entire 2 and a half gold for my efforts in the minigame.
I’m all for live and let live but I think it is beyond absurd that a player would be punished for being excited to experience new content and making sure to enjoy it as soon as possible. I don’t expect any sort of refund… but it’s this kind of thing that just comes off kitten unprofessional on patch release days.
It’s been a year, it’s time for these whiffs to stop occurring.
jo0 Binder
Well there goes 3-4 gold for me, gg anet..
I usually am not one to complain about things like this… but I decided to do the sprint again, just for fun. To my shock, I received 10 silver for completing the race.
Considering I had already completed all of the achievements for Sanctum Sprint (and assuming that amount of silver was the average), I missed out on an entire 2 and a half gold for my efforts in the minigame.
I’m all for live and let live but I think it is beyond absurd that a player would be punished for being excited to experience new content and making sure to enjoy it as soon as possible. I don’t expect any sort of refund… but it’s this kind of thing that just comes off kitten unprofessional on patch release days.
It’s been a year, it’s time for these whiffs to stop occurring.
yea. I mean, they’ve been preparing for this patch for quite a while. They should have thought this out already instead of implementing coin and karma on a whim
It’s amazing how the GW2 community finds a way to complain about getting better rewards.
“All good comes to those who wait…”
Only done that race a few times (don’t have ages to play in my evenings), but I mostly did it for the crystals you get as reward… And the fun to play it.
But I’ll be looking forward to the karma I’ll get tonight!
For those who have not done it again to see the karma/coin rewards, it’s a tiny drop of karma, and around 10 silver. Not a huge amount, but noticeable.
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime
If you buy something and the EXACT SAME DAY the price drops, you will be refunded the difference.
Not in my experience.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
If you buy something and the EXACT SAME DAY the price drops, you will be refunded the difference.
Not in my experience.
they would have to, items fall within a refund period. all you got to do return item for refund & rebuy it at sale price. either way. i still want my free karma & gold XD
Before the update you could get 6-7 quartz. Now you get a bag containing 9-11 silver. Yesterday, a few hours after the update 7 quartz was around 8 silver on the TP.
Now they’ve updated it to give you silver, karma AND quartz… Great…
Now they’ve updated it to give you silver, karma AND quartz… Great…
So sort of like doing an event where you kill a load of trash in the process (random kite cookies fortunes from murdered trash mobs are easily my primary source of quartz; they also give the currency stuff and recipes pretty frequently).
Honestly if you don’t like the race… don’t race. It’s far from the only way to get silver, karma, or quartz.
I guess I messed up when I got the Sprint achievement yesterday while my guild mates used food buffs to do the Belching achievement.
So now they get better rewards for doing the sprint and I can’t use food.
QQ me. Oh well, lesson learned.
I have done it so many times already.
Now I need to run many times more!
Winning now gets you an extra ~3 silver and 300 karma.
Probably will see fewer people willing to let other people come in first now.
Now they’ve updated it to give you silver, karma AND quartz… Great…
So sort of like doing an event where you kill a load of trash in the process (random kite
cookiesfortunes from murdered trash mobs are easily my primary source of quartz; they also give the currency stuff and recipes pretty frequently).Honestly if you don’t like the race… don’t race. It’s far from the only way to get silver, karma, or quartz.
The point isn’t to get silver, karma, and quartz, its to get the “proper” rewards that we missed out on.
Winning now gets you an extra ~3 silver and 300 karma.
Winning now gets you an extra 6-11 silver and 300-1000 karma.
6 silver from yesterday, now its 10-11 silver.
Multiply that by 60 runs and that’s around 4-6g
Thats also about 50 first places/60 so thats 53000 karma
I guess I messed up when I got the Sprint achievement yesterday while my guild mates used food buffs to do the Belching achievement.
So now they get better rewards for doing the sprint and I can’t use food.
QQ me. Oh well, lesson learned.
You don’t need food to beat the things. I didn’t use food at all and I got the Belching achievement the day BotFW came out. Also, they nerfed Adnul, who was the only problem with the belching achievement anyways.
(edited by Xiao Haishou.3691)
It has happened many times in the reverse for me. Where the rewards are really high and by the time I am home from work they drop.
i.e. Aetherblade shoulders was 60 s and then 3 s by the time I got home.
Now they’ve updated it to give you silver, karma AND quartz… Great…
So sort of like doing an event where you kill a load of trash in the process (random kite
cookiesfortunes from murdered trash mobs are easily my primary source of quartz; they also give the currency stuff and recipes pretty frequently).Honestly if you don’t like the race… don’t race. It’s far from the only way to get silver, karma, or quartz.
The point isn’t to get silver, karma, and quartz, its to get the “proper” rewards that we missed out on.
This isn’t a bug that prevented you from getting your reward or something you can’t repeat like achievements. There was an activity with such a payout which you completed and received the appropriate compensation. Now the compensation has improved and you can either keep doing it because you don’t mind doing it, or make your profits elsewhere because you don’t like it.
Something tells me you’d have sudden second thoughts about setting this precedent if they also decided to lower your rewards to the ‘proper’ amount every time they changed (i.e. nerfed) loot drops and that sort of thing (exploits aside).
umm you have just as much opportunity now as everyone else?
Why does it matter how many times you have done it?
Because we’ve already spent time doing the Sanctum Sprint without getting all of the rewards
you were told exactly what you would get for completing it. Apparently you thought it was worth doing. Anet doesn’t owe you anything.
If you buy a car and a month later the price drops do you go back to the dealership and demand a refund for the difference?
If you buy a video game and a week later the price drops do you go and demand the difference?
if a company offers a new bonus for signing up for its service when you are already a member do you demand they give you the sign up bonus even though you are already signed up?This is no different.
If you buy something and the EXACT SAME DAY the price drops, you will be refunded the difference.
LOL, yea, try this with a new car. What you say is only applicable if the store has that policy/practice.