So, It's Been Released: Thoughts on BotFW?
Still not my cup of tea, but I’m optimistic with any update. Just going to have to see how it is.
I would much prefer less technology, and more fantasy/medieval appeal. Every update almost has been more-so about lasers, sonic, flying, etc. Less about magic, dark fantasy settings.
(edited by Antara.3189)
Well first off, thank you Quartz! It is about darn time we had something that made the Home Instances worth something.
Content being released every two weeks: Sounds like an interesting experiment, but I’ll wait until a month before I officially think its awesome or suckage.
I like the idea of travelling merchants in the air. Maybe I’ve been re-watching Airbender too much and fallen in love with the concept of Air Nomads.
The biggest highlight for me is the Achievements finally getting some rewards.
Overall I’m still slightly optimistic, I really do think they’ve started making positive strides ever since Dragon Bash for this Living Story stuff. Southsun was the nice turning point for them.
From a WvW PoV (what little experience I have in that) I’m glad the siege builders and repair folks are getting some mastery love too. Now I can spend my points in something I like.
Still not my cup of tea, but I’m optimistic with any update. Just going to have to see how it is.
I would much prefer less technology, and more fantasy/medieval appeal. Every update almost has been more-so about lasers, sonic, flying, etc. Less about magic, dark fantasy settings.
Well Tyria is advancing past the time of GW1 afterall.
Just think about how things were 250 years ago for us.
Anyways all I can say is this gives me a faint smell of CANTHAAAA!!!
Seeing as it is a merchant traveling airship, they may have news of distant lands.
Still not my cup of tea, but I’m optimistic with any update. Just going to have to see how it is.
I would much prefer less technology, and more fantasy/medieval appeal. Every update almost has been more-so about lasers, sonic, flying, etc. Less about magic, dark fantasy settings.
Well Tyria is advancing past the time of GW1 afterall.
Just think about how things were 250 years ago for us.Anyways all I can say is this gives me a faint smell of CANTHAAAA!!!
Yea I know, I just mean the general direction as the game stands. I’m not happy with it, but I would still prefer this game over any other mmo out there.
Seeing as it is a merchant traveling airship, they may have news of distant lands.
I visited the gates to the crystal desert the other day, was so nostalgic. ANET, BREAK DOWN THIS WALL!
Still not my cup of tea, but I’m optimistic with any update. Just going to have to see how it is.
I would much prefer less technology, and more fantasy/medieval appeal. Every update almost has been more-so about lasers, sonic, flying, etc. Less about magic, dark fantasy settings.
Well Tyria is advancing past the time of GW1 afterall.
Just think about how things were 250 years ago for us.Anyways all I can say is this gives me a faint smell of CANTHAAAA!!!
Yea I know, I just mean the general direction as the game stands. I’m not happy with it, but I would still prefer this game over any other mmo out there.
There’s always hope they’ll do something more magical in a release. After all in this game Asura mix the two (science and magic) quite a bit, humans still have their religion, Norn have their spirits, and the Sylvari are still experimenting with this world for experiences.
Still not my cup of tea, but I’m optimistic with any update. Just going to have to see how it is.
I would much prefer less technology, and more fantasy/medieval appeal. Every update almost has been more-so about lasers, sonic, flying, etc. Less about magic, dark fantasy settings.
Well Tyria is advancing past the time of GW1 afterall.
Just think about how things were 250 years ago for us.Anyways all I can say is this gives me a faint smell of CANTHAAAA!!!
Yea I know, I just mean the general direction as the game stands. I’m not happy with it, but I would still prefer this game over any other mmo out there.
There’s always hope they’ll do something more magical in a release. After all in this game Asura mix the two (science and magic) quite a bit, humans still have their religion, Norn have their spirits, and the Sylvari are still experimenting with this world for experiences.
Norn/Human is what I’m hoping to see
Seeing as it is a merchant traveling airship, they may have news of distant lands.
I visited the gates to the crystal desert the other day, was so nostalgic. ANET, BREAK DOWN THIS WALL!
I’m pumped for anything that improves a game I enjoy
And everything looks like improvements.
This one looks less like a content patch and more like a quality of life patch. Tangible rewards like new skins for achievement points is a dream come true. The new back piece screenshots look great! The exception to the quality-of-life rule seems to be skyhammer, which I’m really excited for. An Asura themed map in SPVP sounds like a blast.
I’m so glad that it is not about crabs/pirates/that boring inspector Kiesomething.
I’m surprised to see another event update so soon. Even more surprised there’s going to be a permanent mini game.
I hope the new armor looks cool. I expect it to be more trench coats unfortunately though.
Also, if Home Instances are to be giving use finally, I wish Anet would also give us free teleports to our race’s hometown instead of Lion’s Arch only, and also add a MF to them. :< I’m sooooooo tired of Lion’s Arch.
(edited by Doggie.3184)
To be honest, everything I saw in the announcement looks very exciting.
I really like the theme overall, and the skyhammer map stands a good chance to become my favorite spvp map.
Lots a goodies, lets hope it turns out that way.
To be honest I am not personally excited about the achievements reward system. Dont get me wrong. I am a completionist. I have over 10k points atm. I like achievements in games. But to be fair I always liked them as a goal on their own. Not as a semi-mandatory tool to achieve greater things or get some rewards. The total count was a goal on its own and I liked the fact that many people found that “useless”. That identified me as an achievement junkie. Something that sits in its own niche. But oh well, thats just silly me. If this change will make more people happy, I shall not protest it.
To be honest I am not personally excited about the achievements reward system. Dont get me wrong. I am a completionist. I have over 10k points atm. I like achievements in games. But to be fair I always liked them as a goal on their own. Not as a semi-mandatory tool to achieve greater things or get some rewards. The total count was a goal on its own and I liked the fact that many people found that “useless”. That identified me as an achievement junkie. Something that sits in its own niche. But oh well, thats just silly me. If this change will make more people happy, I shall not protest it.
We’ll have to wait and see how they implement it, but I imagine that not every achievement will have a reward associated with it. Meaning that there will still be some achievements that only players like yourself will be inclined to complete.
That said, even if everything does end up with a reward tied to it, I still think that most people won’t be in a hurry to complete every achievement they can. Getting to 10k is probably no simple feat, something that not everyone can/wants to do.
The update sounds like it will have potential, but what I was most excited about was the use of these old pieces of concept art:
I hope this means more of the map will open up.
The mining node for the home instance, back items and new vendors sound intriguing.
All I know is that it is a great time to be a player of this game.
New content sounds fun and interesting. However, I am deeply disappointed that there was no mention of the Tengu coming out of isolation.
New content sounds fun and interesting.
However, I am deeply disappointed that there was no mention of the Tengu coming out of isolation.
I was just about to write “need MOAR Tengu!!”
Before they break down that wall, I want access to the floating Wizard’s Tower. It was a mystery in GW1 and still is in GW2. I want to know what’s in it!
i want moar Largos!! honestly i do expect some good skins off this release. It releases on my birthday too!!! ty ANET!!
Hmm those screenies…. could be the new skins :o
Alt: Mulciber Ironbarrel – The fire creates as much as it destroys
(edited by SilverThorn.5047)
I’m all for them releasing content every two weeks.. but I hope most of it is permanent. Between shift work, overtime, and growing family obligations a gamer can find it pretty hard to free up the hours they want.
Gate of Madness
I dunno what to think, I saw something about racing though, and rollerbeetle racing was always fun, so hopefully this will be too. As for the rest, we’ll see in two weeks.
I am excited, but the biggest thing is that it’s given me a kick up the kitten to actually focus on getting achievement points. I never took the blindest bit of notice of them before, and now I wish I had lol.
My only thought, delay it further!!! This is way too soon!
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
Makes me think of Elona
its a very promising update with future possibilities, they play this right it’ll be kitten ed brilliant.
My only thought, delay it further!!! This is way too soon!
Anet has been releasing major patches every two weeks since Secret at Southsun and only now are people going crazy over it, as if the company is just going to fire out whatever rushed crap they have. I think Anet deserves more credit than that. They probably have a plan about dealing with such a short release schedule. And if it doesn’t work out, they will adapt and change their plans.
Subterranean vermin, Beach Crabs and now Ballooning Merchants…
When did the ‘fantasy’ secede from the mmorpg genre? WTB more Dragons, Magic, Swords and Vengeful Wizards.
My only thought, delay it further!!! This is way too soon!
Anet has been releasing major patches every two weeks since Secret at Southsun and only now are people going crazy over it, as if the company is just going to fire out whatever rushed crap they have. I think Anet deserves more credit than that. They probably have a plan about dealing with such a short release schedule. And if it doesn’t work out, they will adapt and change their plans.
You got me wrong mate, it isn’t that I want them to extend to release a rushed version, I want them to extend for the people to have a little breathing space with achievements. Especially those who like to accomplish everything.
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…
But you can’t expect to get the achievements for every release. Your bound to miss at least one event, right? I understand that release after release seems overwhelming, but every time I’ve tried to get achieve’s for an event, I do it a couple of days (playing like 2 hours a day). Maybe that’s just me and it takes others a lot longer to do them.
Now that Bazaar of the Four Winds has been released, it’s time to bump this thread and share my thoughts…so far.
I like it. The new temp zone is incredible, moving around it is fun, and it’s unique (both the zone and the movement, that is). I like the overhauled achievements. Everyone I’ve seen is having fun and so am I. I’ll have more to say later on.
I am not a fan of JP’s to be honest and this feels like one giant JP
The race was fun but I am not sure about the rest of it.
I agree that I want less tech and more fantasy. GW2 is becoming less adult and more kid oriented which isn’t my cup to tea.
intel 335 180gb/intel 320 160gb WD 3TB Gigabyte GTX G1 970 XFX XXX750W HAF 932
Well… I did the race, explored the new place and im done. back to sitting in LA for the next update I want some big updates Anet… This thing wont keep me interessted for days
My first impressions… love the new achievement based rewards, new zone is freaking awesome, and the race is fun as hell. Great job on this one Anet. Really well done in my opinion.
Still not my cup of tea, but I’m optimistic with any update. Just going to have to see how it is.
I would much prefer less technology, and more fantasy/medieval appeal. Every update almost has been more-so about lasers, sonic, flying, etc. Less about magic, dark fantasy settings.
Well Tyria is advancing past the time of GW1 afterall.
Just think about how things were 250 years ago for us.Anyways all I can say is this gives me a faint smell of CANTHAAAA!!!
Yea I know, I just mean the general direction as the game stands. I’m not happy with it, but I would still prefer this game over any other mmo out there.
WTF is Cantha??
[GoA] Guardians of Äsgard
One massive JP.
I agree that I want less tech and more fantasy. GW2 is becoming less adult and more kid oriented which isn’t my cup to tea.
You know, I agree with you. GW 2 is almost more Steampunk that it is fantasy. I don’t like it, usually, when fantasy is mixed with more modern technology. It’s funny that this universe has invented flying airships and laser cannons, but everyone still uses swords to fight with. The more steampunk-esque (I guess that’s how I’d describe it) elements don’t ruin the appeal of the game for me, but I’d like more straight fantasy stuff too.
Then again, I could just be taking it too seriously. Then again again, everyone on these forums seems to take the game too seriously.
Was starting to go off the game a bit after being massively underwhelmed by living story. Im still not a fan of the overall directipn, but i am impressed with this zone. Its nice to have a unique area with its own identity. So many of the existing zones lack this.
Theres still some vagueness with npcs – it seemed like some were giving me something, but it was clear what (morning for eg). However, its joyous to see that the zephyr are made up of a single race. Its been utterly ridiculous to see charr, humans and asura mixing in such numbers across the world in the factions we meet.
Overall feelings are that more care and effort has been put in on this one and if the content goes up from here, theres potential these patches will finally deliver.
I feel that Anet doesnt even care about the playable content. They only care about the story behind it… Which wont work for a longer period of time
Content would be fine if not for gold and time sinks.
The zone is gorgeous, the music is beautiful and immersive, the movement skills are omgfreakin amazing, the racing game is So. Much. FUN!!
I think this is possibly my favorite patch so far and that’s saying something.
Well done, ArenaNet
Most boring content ever, going back to do my normal stuff. Now if they actually introduced some non kiddy content and not to forget, the new achievements UI is worse than Win8 Metro.
Have to admit that my first impression was negative. Did not care for the Skyhammer map (really, now you can die from falling in sPvP? I have no idea why anyone would think this is a good idea.) So far the new PvE content feels like one big jumping puzzle. And if you die from falling there you need to pay to waypoint. It’s as if the developers are saying “Ha ha, you fell, sucks to be you now doesn’t it. Oh don’t whine it’s only a tiny amount… that you just lost hahahahaha.”
We will see if the content grows on me. But first impressions are very tough to get over.
Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] – Gate of Madness
“This space intentionally left blank.” ~ Zork
Better than all the other crap they’ve been calling updates by a very large margin. Good work.