2x Pink Quaggan Backpacks
From what I can tell, one is the packed version (you double click to get the skin + level 0 statless back strap), and one is just the skin (unpacked, they used the strap for nefarious deeds).
The BLTP version bought with gems and the black lion chest version? Is the one from the BLTP not account bound?
Can’t buy pink quaggans with gems.
From what I can tell, one is the packed version (you double click to get the skin + level 0 statless back strap), and one is just the skin (unpacked, they used the strap for nefarious deeds).
This is correct.
Are the quaggan backpacks from BLCs a limited time offer, or can they always be found in the chests from now on?
From what I can tell, one is the packed version (you double click to get the skin + level 0 statless back strap), and one is just the skin (unpacked, they used the strap for nefarious deeds).
This is rather unclear to me. So one has two backpacks in it (a level 0 statless back AND a skin) or just a level 0 backpack with the skin on top of it?
Adrienne Stormborn//Elementalist
A ‘skin’ is not an equippable item – it is an item you put on a piece of equipment to give it a certain look. In this case, the quaggan is a skin that equips on a back piece of equipment.
There are two versions of the pink quaggan backpack – one is one that is a pack – you double click it, and it gives you the skin AND a no-stat back piece (so you can put the skin on it to equip it at any level). The other is where someone already double clicked, and they are selling only the skin. You will need your own back piece to attach the skin to.
Adding the skin is done in the same manner (just like transfusions) – double click the skin, and drag the piece of equipment you want the skin on (be it the level 0 back piece or your own back piece). Hit OK, and you are now helping support saving the frog/salamander/thingies!
These explanations still make it sound like there is basically no difference between the two.
So no matter which one you buy, you can give either backpack any stats you wish. Is this correct? The large disparity in price and scarcity could lead one to believe that one backpack is superior to the other. Is this not the case?
Yes, there is absolutely no difference. Get the cheapest of the two. People that unpack and sell for higher are just trying to rip off the ignorant, and I hope they lose their listing gold.
Just wanted to say thanks to the dev team for making such a cute skin. =)