Character Re-Customization

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ravion Hawk.4736

Ravion Hawk.4736

The “accidental” price of 350 gems was perfect. If it turns out to be 800 or 2000 gems, I’ll be very disappointed, to say the least. I know $10 was the price in the first game, but more smaller ticket items would do the store some good. You can only buy gems for a minimum of $10 anyway, so why not?

Actually, $10 got you 4 makeovers in GW1.

actually , it was 5 makeovers for 10$ lol
seriously plz no 20$ makeovers, thats ridiculous!

I got the point ROFLMAO!

You’re right it was 5 makeovers for $10
It was one extreme makeover (gender change plus makeover) for $10
And I believe it was $15 for a name change

Head of the Order of the Iron Ravens [OoIR]
Lady Alexis Hawk – Main – Necromancer
Ravion Hawk – Warrior

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Boogiepophantom.3041


I badly want to recustom my necro can we get a official word on eta on this please

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Drakonis.4579


My guardian needs a do-over! Still waiting.

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: defy.7021


this matter where forwarded to dev team in yesterday
lets put fingers crossed and hope somthing happens :I

(edited by defy.7021)

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: FunToStopTime.8569


Sorry friend, the only thing that will happen is more of them ignoring us.

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: defy.7021


Sorry friend, the only thing that will happen is more of them ignoring us.

i know that.. and i am pretty tired of this pointless waiting
this was last message yesterday
Ok, thanks! Will be forwarded today to see if we can get an official statement
seems now that there arent any to give

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lyenyo.2891


I’m very surprised this wasn’t available from day 1.

There was LOADS of people who skipped customization to get their character name, they could have made 1000s of $/£ from this when they still had the huge influx of players, whereas now some people have quit who would have potentially bought items like this at the start.

Also, where’s the Bikini outfits? that’s a well known cash generator.

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: cbugayong.9857


I’m very surprised this wasn’t available from day 1.

There was LOADS of people who skipped customization to get their character name, they could have made 1000s of $/£ from this when they still had the huge influx of players, whereas now some people have quit who would have potentially bought items like this at the start.

Also, where’s the Bikini outfits? that’s a well known cash generator.

Good point. They would have made a lot from day 1 till now if they implemented it from the start. Maybe they were just being careful since the kit may have affected the TP in a large way that it would off set the balance of the economy? As I see it the moment the kit becomes available expect the gems/gold exchange to rise dramatically.

Don’t have much gold so I may be one of those people that would be affected.

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Reldin.5631


Definitely signed for this. I drive myself crazy with making alts because they have to look JUST RIGHT. Would absolutely love for an in-game barber for very minor changes such as hair color and style but a cash shop item for facial/body type changes would be fine.

However…I’d love to see race change items as well and as someone pointed out in an earlier post, after you finish your race storyline there’s no real impact on the story for later stages in the game. I mean, heck. It’d be fine with me if they made a race change item but had restrictions like: “You must be level 80 and have finished all of your personal story in order to use this item.”

But if we can’t get any race change stuff, why not class changes? It’d be nice to work around that at least so I can change my Male Sylvari Guardian into something else because I can’t stand him even though he’s level 80. Sure, that’d mean you would have to work on getting brand new gear if you went from heavy armor to light armor, but if you want to be happy with your character, that wouldn’t be much of an issue, right?

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ravion Hawk.4736

Ravion Hawk.4736

Honestly, I highly doubt there will be a race change or class change and I will agree with TPTB that if you want either of those, either buy a character slot or delete a character.

There is a LOT that gets affected by race and class: Armor, Personal Story, NPC interactions, in-game NPC mail, etc.

The only reason we got profession changing in GW1 was due to the fact that we had a primary and a secondary with the secondary being allowed to be changed. The primary profession affected your armor and interactions, your secondary ONLY affected your functioning.

I’m still waiting for the re-customizing to be added along with more body types, hair styles, and faces. My necro needs to look like she has eaten and not anorexic. She’d also like her chest to look closer to her 30’s in maturity instead of 12-13.

Head of the Order of the Iron Ravens [OoIR]
Lady Alexis Hawk – Main – Necromancer
Ravion Hawk – Warrior

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Huck.1405


Anet, if you want players to buy more gems you’d best get cracking on this. Folks aint going to buy many skins that can only be used on town clothes and that’s what most of the stuff BLTP has is for. I have no doubt that gem sales will increase dramaticly if y’all ever get around to char customization.

I aint bought any gems for a while now and dont see any reason to do so since there’s nothing on the BLTC gem store that I’m interested in. Now char customization, THAT I’m interested in. And I have 4 chars.

“You can teach ’em, but you cant learn ’em.”

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Strodor.6051


I pretty much picked the default Asura female face for my Asura elementalist when I was making the character quickly with friends who were also trying out the Asura. Little did I know how much I would love my new chraracter and her adorable animations/ voice acting. Now I’m stuck at 80 with the default face kitten it.

Smaggle – Asura elementalist [INT]

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Nemi.5826


Still no news about the kits? Anet why are you ignoring your customers? So far there is NOTHING I would buy in the gem shop… A makeover kit I would gladly buy.

Delayed due bugs?
Delayed due price discussions?
Delayed due a special shop promotion for the makeover kits?

Any answer would be better then this silence!

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Syktek.7912


First post, if that counts as anything.

Looking forward to the release of this since it’s obviously coming to us sometime in the future. At current my Charr has no lips and looks quite frantic all the time. I don’t really like this. So it seems as if he’s always scarred and I’m not too huge of a fan of that. So yeah, as stated, looking forward to it.

Vesper Dawnshield | Guardian

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: GorgeousDave.9608


Yeah i’ll add my vote to this i’d pay ALL THE GEMS to allow a complete (race/gender everything) transformation of character.

I love my Asura but some of the jumping puzzles have been a nightmare and the fact I can barely see ANY changes to my armour I work so hard to get i’d love to change to something equally cool, like a Sylvari. Do it Anet, allllll the gems!

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: smeen.4237


I would pay for this. I don’t even need a class change or race change, I actually just want to edit the glow on my female Sylvari (and maybe her hairdo too). I love her dearly but she just doesn’t look good anymore. I made her really fast when the game was just launched. Now I’ve been playing with her a lot I believe she needs a make-over.

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: defy.7021


yeah coming in future and that gonna be long timee
i bet that none gonna ask about it in AMA at monday either

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: KallaDragoone.9125


The only issue is that I really just do not like my female charrs fur pattern, it is just too dark, and her eyes do funky things, so I really would just like to chang her face and fur possibly. I am happy with everything else!

Make it happen Anet! I will pay whatever it is to change her appearance!

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Strodor.6051


It can’t be taking this long to iron out a few bugs with them if people managed to change their appearance successfully when they were accidentally added to the game.

I reeeeaally want these items now.

Smaggle – Asura elementalist [INT]

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Tearthy Flame.1463

Tearthy Flame.1463

Yeah, changing the hair and color would be really nice. (I do want a new face for my necro sylvari, some leafs go through anything on her face.)

“I don’t take insults from a tree! Have at you, leafy!”

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Evalia.7103


When I created my warrior i was thinking about giving him a bit of rogue-ish sense with dualwield swords(+longbow), but got dissappointed and rethought my playstyle.
Now I’m playing allmighty warrior with small model and unfitting hair.
I hope the feature will be added soon =/ I don’t mind – even if it costs 2k gems.

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Fook.3914


how long must we wait?

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Curae.1837


I too hope they’ll bring this feature out in the near future… Been hoping that it came along with the halloween update, then lost shores…
Hope they can iron out the bugs they said there were with them are ironed out soon…

“When we remember that we are all mad.
The mysteries dissapear and life stands explained.”

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Conjurerjiki.1204


Ya waiting net pls respond dev!

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ziggurat.8261


Since it is taking this long to implement it, I am starting to think they are planning to implement new character hair/face etc. This would of course prompt more people to get the kit when it arrives.

That said, it might not be true. It’s just my guess.

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Curae.1837


Since it is taking this long to implement it, I am starting to think they are planning to implement new character hair/face etc. This would of course prompt more people to get the kit when it arrives.

That said, it might not be true. It’s just my guess.

Since it’s taking this long, I gues I’d be quite dissapointed if that weren’t true ^^’ Although I’d still get a kit x’D

“When we remember that we are all mad.
The mysteries dissapear and life stands explained.”

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Divine Joanne.6948

Divine Joanne.6948

any news on it?

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Nemi.5826


Haven’t found any on the hole Reddit question stuff. But it was questioned several times. So why is this matter being so hard ignored by Arena?

Makeover Kits canceled for the near future?

I want it so hard!

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Nicolle Rodgers.4926


Nicolle Rodgers.4926

Maybe you should check the Gem Store now…

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


Maybe you should check the Gem Store now…

Oooh, those this mean they are added? (At work for the moment so can’t check)

Thanks in any case!

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Nemi.5826


As an Austrian I’m at work now… do you actually say the kit is available right now?

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: defy.7021


thanks Anet love u guys<3
yeah they are in store go buy some xD

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mutiny.4180


Awesome, thanks guys! Love the price for the full makeover kit, but the hair kit seems a bit too costly. For another 100 gems you can get a full makeover. Spending 250 just to change the color of a hair accessory kinda sucks, but oh well. Glad these are finally in!

Now if we can get the renames…

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Nemi.5826


Thanks Anet finally something to dish out gems ^^

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: pchow.1956


yah game crashes every time i change gender.

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zedrix.2104


yah game crashes every time i change gender.

Worked fine for me, finally got my character how i wanted it

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Trock Bronze.9625

Trock Bronze.9625

10 gold and I can get 1… seriously. I can not earn enough gold without being lucky like others to keep up.

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: chaosmesmer.9857


Awesome! Thanks so much Anet!! Is renaming available as well?

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ryuujin.8236


Got mine for 5 gold, has it really shot up that fast the gem prices? – Anyways, I’m a super happy Asura now

For those wondering, the options are basically the same as at character creation right now. No new colours/models/etc. That goes for hair accessories too they’re limited to the default palette which is a shame. The kit isn’t consumed until you make the change, you’re free to open the kit and experiment in the preview panel and then close it and come back to it later.

The full makeover kit even allows you to change gender if desired (but not race)


The Ashwalker – Ranger
Garnished Toast

(edited by Ryuujin.8236)

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Fay.2735


Got mine for 5 gold, has it really shot up that fast the gem prices? – Anyways, I’m a super happy Asura now

For those wondering, the options are basically the same as at character creation right now. No new colours/models/etc. That goes for hair accessories too they’re limited to the default palette which is a shame. The kit isn’t consumed until you make the change, you’re free to open the kit and experiment in the preview panel and then close it and come back to it later.

The full makeover kit even allows you to change gender if desired (but not race)

That’s too bad I really wanted to change my Asura’s bow to match my outfit. Even if I changed to a different colour from the default palette it would still not match or look right on my outfit. I’d have hoped they’d make it so you can use any of the dyes you’ve already unlocked for accessories.

•— Fay Everdunes | Fay Erduna | Lilyfay (Fay.2735) — Mesmer/Revenant — [NA]FA — 8k±Hrs Played —•
Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Leaf.3156


Maybe you should check the Gem Store now…

Can I just say, that despite being glad about this, there’s something you forgot to test?

That is, you can’t see sylvari glow in the re-customization window.
I tried changing my Guardian’s appearance but had to cancel because I couldn’t see what the glow effect I picked did.

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: calankh.3248


Maybe you should check the Gem Store now…

Can I just say, that despite being glad about this, there’s something you forgot to test?

That is, you can’t see sylvari glow in the re-customization window.
I tried changing my Guardian’s appearance but had to cancel because I couldn’t see what the glow effect I picked did.

This is not just a recustomization thing, I remember when making my sylvari that I had no idea what the ‘glow’ section meant.

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Leaf.3156


Maybe you should check the Gem Store now…

Can I just say, that despite being glad about this, there’s something you forgot to test?

That is, you can’t see sylvari glow in the re-customization window.
I tried changing my Guardian’s appearance but had to cancel because I couldn’t see what the glow effect I picked did.

This is not just a recustomization thing, I remember when making my sylvari that I had no idea what the ‘glow’ section meant.

I knew what the section meant and how it worked, the problem here is that it is simply not visible in the preview screen. You can set glow colour and intensity, but you can’t see the effect. I think it’s a problem with the Light setting.

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aluano.1826


Nice one ArenaNet, changed my sylvari to male

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Tallis.5607


Got mine for 5 gold, has it really shot up that fast the gem prices? – Anyways, I’m a super happy Asura now

For those wondering, the options are basically the same as at character creation right now. No new colours/models/etc. That goes for hair accessories too they’re limited to the default palette which is a shame. The kit isn’t consumed until you make the change, you’re free to open the kit and experiment in the preview panel and then close it and come back to it later.

The full makeover kit even allows you to change gender if desired (but not race)

Yes, the price went from 1g27 to 1g76 (that’s +40%) between the announcement and now…

Tallis – Perpetual newbie – Tarnished Coast.
Always carries a towel – Never panics – Eats cookies.

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aexrael.5918


Would have had an additional sale if it permitted change of race as well.

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Hunter.6950


Still confused why this feature was released before one of the biggest bugs still hasn’t been fixed, Fractal Disconnections…

Don’t get me wrong I loved the make-over feature in the first game and used it alot and see myself using this one aswell, I just feel as if there were more important issues out there than changing my headband from green to blue.

Dragons’ Solstice [SoL]
Maguuma Server

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Leaf.3156


Still confused why this feature was released before one of the biggest bugs still hasn’t been fixed, Fractal Disconnections…

Don’t get me wrong I loved the make-over feature in the first game and used it alot and see myself using this one aswell, I just feel as if there were more important issues out there than changing my headband from green to blue.

Here’s the funny part: I’ve heard multiple people say that you CAN’T change accessory colours currently.

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: GottFaust.5297


Still confused why this feature was released before one of the biggest bugs still hasn’t been fixed, Fractal Disconnections…

Don’t get me wrong I loved the make-over feature in the first game and used it alot and see myself using this one aswell, I just feel as if there were more important issues out there than changing my headband from green to blue.

You DO realize that there are multiple teams working on multiple issues in A-Net right? You DO realize that they have openly stated that there is an ENTIRE team dedicated to that issue alone right? You DO realize that it may not be a quick and easy fix right? You DO realize that there are people who specialize in new implementations and people who specialize in fixing old implementations and they can’t always do eachother’s jobs right? You DO realize that trying to make them do so would be like trying to get a CAD Artist to do an Auto Mechanic’s job right? You DO realize that you sound like a child right?

Iron Bound [IB] – Gates of Madness

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Hunter.6950


Don’t get me wrong I loved the make-over feature in the first game and used it alot and see myself using this one aswell, I just feel as if there were more important issues out there than changing my headband from green to blue.

You DO realize that there are multiple teams working on multiple issues in A-Net right? You DO realize that they have openly stated that there is an ENTIRE team dedicated to that issue alone right? You DO realize that it may not be a quick and easy fix right? You DO realize that there are people who specialize in new implementations and people who specialize in fixing old implementations and they can’t always do eachother’s jobs right? You DO realize that trying to make them do so would be like trying to get a CAD Artist to do an Auto Mechanic’s job right? You DO realize that you sound like a child right?

Nope, was just confused, I’m not in the industry so I wouldn’t know how it all works,. I’m just sharing my concerns and experiences, that’s what I thought the forums are for. If anyone sounds upset, it’s you, have a good day.

Dragons’ Solstice [SoL]
Maguuma Server