Human Cultural Armor in the Gem Store [Merged]
In other words, people who already paid their 100-119g for the human tier 3 cultural set have been gipped, badly. Other people can get a better looking set for 70% of the cost. On top of it all, insult is added to injury because the tier 3 human cultural armor is available to all other races.
Is it fair take out the best looking light armor only because it’s cheaper? Which will benefit you as well if you want another scholar class.
In other words, people who already paid their 100-119g for the human tier 3 cultural set have been gipped, badly. Other people can get a better looking set for 70% of the cost. On top of it all, insult is added to injury because the tier 3 human cultural armor is available to all other races.
[…]Is it fair take out the best looking light armor only because it’s cheaper? Which will benefit you as well if you want another scholar class.
No. I’m saying it’s completely unfair to people who bought the more expensive, worse looking set because ArenaNet made a conscious decision that cheated them.
Hello to everyone,
I bought the skin because I think it’s probably the best one for a female character. I play only in PvP, not interested in PvE or WvW and the fact you have to wait lvl 80 to have racial t3 is actually very annoing since the xp in PvP is very, very, long to have. Ok, I won’t have this skin anymore and finally it’s not a big deal, but I am very disappointed about lots of considerations: do you really complain about the fact people could buy the same skin for less money?!? Thinking like that, you buy an armor only to show how rich you are… I think it’s just an egoistic way of thinking. By the way, if you want to show everybody how “rich and exclusive” you are, you can still do that, because the two armors are not exactly the same.
With all due respect, this way of thinking is a real cancer in real life. Can’t you see that?!?
shake: It wasn’t just about less money.
I can understand someone gets angry because he paid a lot more to have a similar (maybe less good looking) armor, but all the topics about exclusivity are just childish, imho.
There’s nothing childish about fairness. If humans can’t have any other race’s cultural armor, they shouldn’t be able to have ours. Period.
I can understand someone gets angry because he paid a lot more to have a similar (maybe less good looking) armor, but all the topics about exclusivity are just childish, imho.
It’s mainly because the armor is exclusive to Humans. Charr have their cultural armor, Sylvari have their cultural armor, Asura, Norn, and Humans have their cultural armor. Every race has armor that is exclusive to that race only. That is what makes cultural armor special. It is your race’s specific armor.
But they decided to release the human T3 cultural armor to all races, which is unfair to all the humans who bought that armor for their race. Humans don’t have access to other race’s cultural armors, so why should every other race have access to human’s cultural armor? It is unfair to give every race human T3 cultural and take away an exclusive armor set from the humans, yet leave all the other race’s cultural armors exclusive to them only.
The fact that you can get it for only 40g, while the cultural version is 120g, is a secondary complaint. The main complaint is as stated above.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]
I posted this in a similar thread that is going on in the general discussion forum and think it applies here:
Honestly I think this whole thing has run its course for now. Things we know at this point:
- Anet pulled the Flamekissed armor to appease those unhappy it looked like HT3.
- Anet has said they are designing a new one to replace it.
- Anet has said those with the current Flamekissed will get the new design.
- Anet has said that they have heard the new one will be “something special”.
- Anet has said those unhappy with that “something special” will receive a gem refund.
- Anet’s response so far does not say how they will handle situations where someone spent gold or gems on items such as dyes, character slots, other armors etc. based on the now retracted Flamekissed armor aside from saying they will be addressed by customer support when the time comes.
- We don’t know if that means they will compensate players for gold and gems invested on other items due to buying the Flamekissed armor.
- We do not know how long it will be before the revamped armor comes out and if it is indeed “something special”.
That’s pretty much it for now and as this thread has become massive I don’t see much point in going back and forth about it until we hear more. I’m one that is also unhappy I can’t keep my original Flamekissed armor. I spent gold on a back piece and transmuted a sun catcher skin on it to go with the look. That skin sells for about 30 gold right now and I would have never used it had I not gotten the Flamekissed armor skin. My guess is if I don’t like the revamp and get the refund I’m out of luck with getting a non-soul bound non-account bound sun catcher skin back.
Nonetheless, there isn’t anything any of us can do about it right now until we hear more. I just hope Anet does not get lazy on the revamp and think that since so many have invested in the Flamekissed skin beyond gem purchase that they will get sloppy with it and just throw something together.
tl;dr At this point all the fuss has been made and I’m sure Anet has been following this thread. There really isn’t much to do aside from waiting.
I have the human T3 armor, which is one of my favorites. I actually love the Flamekissed skin as is and bought it immediately. Now I have a Norn with one of my fav skins. I realize I am in the vast minority here, but I really wish when Anet redoes the skin, I get a choice whether to keep what I wanted and bought or go with the “new” skin. Flat out, human cultural t3 female is one of the best skins in the game.
I really wish when Anet redoes the skin, I get a choice whether to keep what I wanted and bought or go with the “new” skin.
They’ve already said that your choices will be the redone skin or a refund. Allowing people to keep the t3 skin would negate the entire point of redoing it in the first place.
I wished that cultural armor wasnt earned through dropping gold. I wish it was earned from performing missions for that said nation (like accumulating rank with the nation itself or a new token) In doing so, possessing cultural armor for your character would mean you have heavily been involved with the said nation or culture, not simply throw 120g into it.
Cultural Armor is special not because of Race itself, but should be because of the devotion towards such a culture. It should not be bought, it should be earned. Buying it means even a lowly bandit thief who prided his life creating criminal acts agaisnt the said nation can steal enough money from tyrian innocents to buy his armor. How much value does it have then?
I am hispanic, born in the U.S and I know English, Spanish, Japanese and auxillaries to a dozen languages. Should I be denied to wear and represent a culture I like or support on sheer race alone?
Such a stance is pure racism. It goes against what this nation represent (as well as being human). We bring our colors from all over the world in order to share them, wear them, and represent them. A lot of Americans are loyal to the U.S but loyal to their roots as well. We are a people of two worlds.
I think people get lost in sight beyond how things truly are.
Cultural Armor should be earned, not bought! That was the first mistake. It should not be one race…I mean c’mon…..
The whole game deals with bringing races and people together for a grand war, I mean look at Divinity’s Edge…
…..and here we have this heavy fight about cultural armor.
…and it started because the developers made Racial Armor and called it “Cultural” and said “raise money and buy it.”
My main character, spends most of her time in charr and norn lands, as well as Lions Arch and the least in human areas, so why cant i go after something tied to a culture i like to be around and represent.
I rather have designs of all the cultural armors for each race, but make it hard to get it. I know this is extremely hard to do…since one will have to develop five times the skins properly UV mapped and everything.
“Hi!!! I’m a human who loves charr culture and lives around that area, but since I am not a charr, i cant get closer in any way to that culture, since it seems culture in this game is all about the race you are born as, and nothing to do with what one actually does for the said civilization.”
I mean, if you really want to talk about things that should be earned not bought I’d have gone with legendaries but…sure, yeah.
I have to admit I felt really disappointed- owing two light t3 human sets on my Ele and Mesmer…
I Wonder if the reroll will also work if someone had used transmutation crystal and transmuted the skin onto account bound white armor…
(edited by Mordiego.7302)
I wished that cultural armor wasnt earned through dropping gold. I wish it was earned from performing missions for that said nation (like accumulating rank with the nation itself or a new token) In doing so, possessing cultural armor for your character would mean you have heavily been involved with the said nation or culture, not simply throw 120g into it.
Cultural Armor is special not because of Race itself, but should be because of the devotion towards such a culture. It should not be bought, it should be earned. Buying it means even a lowly bandit thief who prided his life creating criminal acts agaisnt the said nation can steal enough money from tyrian innocents to buy his armor. How much value does it have then?
I am hispanic, born in the U.S and I know English, Spanish, Japanese and auxillaries to a dozen languages. Should I be denied to wear and represent a culture I like or support on sheer race alone?
Such a stance is pure racism. It goes against what this nation represent (as well as being human). We bring our colors from all over the world in order to share them, wear them, and represent them. A lot of Americans are loyal to the U.S but loyal to their roots as well. We are a people of two worlds.
I think people get lost in sight beyond how things truly are.
Cultural Armor should be earned, not bought! That was the first mistake. It should not be one race…I mean c’mon…..
The whole game deals with bringing races and people together for a grand war, I mean look at Divinity’s Edge…
…..and here we have this heavy fight about cultural ."
Funny how you say we lose sight of how things really are, and end up whining full-TLDR Pseudo-socioPolitical mode about an armor skin on an MMO.
Ironic, to say the least.
There’s nothing childish about fairness. If humans can’t have any other race’s cultural armor, they shouldn’t be able to have ours. Period.
It’s amazing that you whiners can get aNet to bend to your whims after just a day of bellyaching and kitten ranting, when Things That Actually Matter like the broken Elementalist Class balance Mechanics or WvW matchmaking population balance issues are still an unsalvageable mess half a year later.
Way to go priorities. I guess that’s how ANet rolls when Gem Store Purchases are involved.
This whole Flame Kissed Armor debacle has really brought out the worst in everyone, Anet and their money grubbing and the entitled, shallow side of players.
I mean over a freakin’ armor skin. Really puts a bad taste in your mouth.
I am so relieved to log in and to see that they have pulled that cheap T3 armor knock-off the gem store. It seriously hurt to look Charrs and Norns running around with our Prestige armor.
They can add particle effects to Cultural Armors we can buy and add to our existing Cultural Armor but to make them available to all races is simply destroying whatever cultural diversity they have tried to build in the first place.
Posts like this are the proof that “T3 Exclusive” people just wanted the particle effects. It’s sad really. You yourself are admitting its a cheap knock off.
If that’s the case, and you truly, sincerely believe that it is nothing but a cheap knockoff, then it shouldn’t bother you at all. Because your original, real, authentic T3 armor is still an exclusive Human-only prestige item that nobody can get for $10.
The fact that you are whining shows that you actually think the “knockoff” is better than the original, and that you actually just care about the particle effects; and nonsense being spewed about racial pride and all that is just that: crap. An excuse to whine for particle effects.
I think it is somewhat interesting. First a portion of the player base complained that the armor was human T3 and wanted it removed.
To their surprise, A-net complied and removed it from the gem shop.
Then they realized having their wish meant that they would loose the Flamekissed as well.
Now they want that humans keep the armor and become the only race with access to an updated armor set. I have even seen one suggesting that humans with T3 should have the new armor AND a gem refund, while everyone not playing a human character or not owning the T3 set should not even have a refund…
This has definitely brought up the worst in everyone.
What I would like to see is another option for those that skinned their T3 armor with the new skin thinking it was a mod etc. Id like an option to revert back to the preious skin for those that want their T3 armor back and not have to re-grind for it.
(no it was not me that skinned T3, but I know of many that did thinking it was a armor modification.)
Well, I sold all my crafting items, bought a new Exo Armor, the FK Skin obv, a lot of new colors and they are going to refund me 800 gems if I dont like the “new” skin?
That’s just as ridiculous as releasing without thinking and then removing it.
The only real option is to remove it from the store, release the new one and let everyone with Human Race who alrdy purchased keep the old skin. Every other race getting the new look should, if they want the refund, get at least more than the 800 gems in case they spent money on other things like me.
It was their mistake in the first place and now everyone who purchased it has to pay because of people whining about it….
Abohoo it’s human exclusive……abohooo Asuras shouldn’t be able to wear human T3……that is just childish and selfish but as I said let the “Humans” keep the old FK skin and change it for other races.
It is just a shame what is happening here in the community but I do admit that anet made a stupid mistake, but why let everyone else pay for it?
The problem with this skin wasn’t that it was cheaper than t3 cultural armor. It’s about the fact that races other than HUMANS could wear them.
The problem with this skin wasn’t that it was cheaper than t3 cultural armor. It’s about the fact that races other than HUMANS could wear them.
No its not….
Its the cost and we all know that…
Or at least i seriously hope that people don t flame on the forum with a solution that will damage legit players, just for a LORE issue.
Would even be worse than those complained they paid more (that should have their armor deleted if the bought after queen jubilee when gold became easier……thus their T3 is less earned comparing to previous).
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
I would rather have the race specific limitation removed and they add the skin back. I do not know what magical reason someone could come up with to why this is a bad idea.