Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]
Yep. Sold just over 1g70s worth of stuff on the AH. The Items Sold tab on trade history shows all items were sold, but not a split penny to be found in the pick up tab.
Also, can’t buy anything. Buy button goes grey and then nothing happens.
yeah it happens to manny people , these kind of problem on this build. id just play without the trading market for a day until the next maintenance in less than 24 hour.
shame im stuck at 590 gems… i want a bank expansion… yeah cant use gem trade either..
let us hope all is changed in next build.
I suppose there was an update during past 10 hours? Because TP worked just fine yesterday
have you checked your trading log? maybe it hasnt been sold yet.
Selling works for me buying is not.
I can’t buy anything cos hitting the buy button not working. It start working then nothing happens. Selling works for me.
Made me think of that southpark episode where Randy and Stan are at the bank and their money dissapear.
And its gone!.
I just tested it again placing an order for 15 Scale’s, I only received 13, but ‘Items I’ve Bought’ adds up to 15.
Underpants Gnomes!
Had the same issue… put in a buy order for 30, “bought” list showed a batch of 2 and a batch of 28. Only got the batch of 2.
I sold to the highest bidder, so that Should be automatic, no?
You’re not alone . I just lost my profits from over 200 bone shards ..
That was all my money..
And tks, I feel a bit better if Im not the only one. lol Safe travels.
I placed an order, it took my money, and the order was never placed. Not in bought items, not in buying items, not in item pick up. Over 50% of the money I earned over the last 50 hours gameplay is gone…
I cannot hit the buy button. I do not know if it is an animated button but it does nothing when I press it. I cannot see tooltips on any items So for instance if I want a piece of armour I cannot even tell what class uses it.
Same thing happened 2 me …. says it sold my stuff but I didn’t get my coin for it .. Hope I can get my coins…. I need my lvl 60 skill book
Hm.. seems like the TP is quite buggy and that transaction problem is quite annoying if you want to remove items you want to buy/sell.
Im sorry to read that.
Hmm needs fixing you should get what your ordered at the price you been offered at, IE 100 units for 25s should mean you get 100 units for 25s. If you can only get 80 units then it should charge you 20s only.
Yep same thing happened to me since last build…. I removed some of my items that were selling and couldn’t pick them up… I can search stuff but I click buy nothing happens… or sell again I click it nothing happens…
same problem – sold a bunch of stuff and no coin out the back end several gold vanished!!!
Similar. Just sold a pile of crafting mats on the Trading post. Some to highest bid selling instantly , some set to lowest seller.
All sold as nothing is now listed as ‘for sale’- However only the Sell to highest bidder items show in the transaction record.
No coin is showing as ready for pickup.
+1 Here. Missing around 200 Copper
Same here AND you don’t get your gold back from selling stuff!!! arggggghhhh! Several gold lost in thin air!!!
I’ve had the same – I ordered 250 copper, received 25. Kind of irritating to have spent 10 silver on 25 copper.
Had a similar issue, removed a whole host of items that were not selling, and they appear to have vanished into the mists.
same here – no coin back from major sales!
I’ve sold some items and got only half of money for it… lost already a gold or so… and when i removed items that i was selling i did’nt get them they just… disappeared. Lost 2 rare dyes thanks to it… fix it please
Happened here too -_-
The first deduction occurs when you post the item up for sale. The second occurs after the item is sold — the fee is subtracted from the collected profit value. Is this a bug, or is this intentional?
just checked ah another item just sold and dint get any silver/copper/gold for it also it isnt in the transactions it whas a small thing probly 2silver only i only care about that leather wich whas 1.5gold i woulth advice to bring ah down since it totaly bugged and will cause more problems to more people the longer its online
I am having exactly the very same issue. I hit the buy button but nothing happens. Please help.
Your not alone.
I think its an issue that affects some but not others as my brother who also has a GW2 account can happily buy things without an issue. But i cannot. As when i click buy nothing happens.
Both PCs are coming from the same house and through the same ISP so i can only think that its an issue on arenas end. Hopefully theyll bring out a fix soon.
Same here, can’t seem to buy stuff, pressing BUY simply doesnt do anything
I though it was some extra charges by the trading post lol
Same here, just removed a yellow hammer and it vanished. Ticket #120905-004714
Similar issue . Money gone after selling .
So it seems a very widespread problem…lets just hope there are logs somewhere of this happening so we can all get our coin back If not then I guess just suck it up and move on. Do not use the trading post until fix is confirmed I guess!
I bought some crafting items that it took my money for but didn’t send the items.
Currently bugged right now at 8:16 AM EST… Tried rebuying materials several times before I noticed that it was taking my money while failing to give me the item.
I have pretty much had it right up to my eyeballs with the Trading Post.
“when it’s ready” has turned into a sick joke.
Currently bugged right now at 8:16 AM EST… Tried rebuying materials several times before I noticed that it was taking my money while failing to give me the item.
Hello. So yea its not just me, other people have this problem as well.
Will ANET give us our lost items/gold back?
I was putting up offers for Silver Ores and after I confirmed, it didn’t do anything, I tried again and the same thing. A few seconds later the amount that I was going to spend in the offers was missing from my currency and the orders were never placed according to transaction history. Please help!
(edited by Satoes.2518)
Same here the buy button is just greyed out for me. Was trying to buy jute scrap. Also, I noticed that the quantities available change rapidly so not sure if it might be the sheer volume of items going through the system that is causing problems perhaps ?
i lost a big investment after seeing all of my items were sold, bought or even the silvers on the items I’m buying are lost.
do they respond to these kind of things? (like blizzard’s blue posts)
since when i make a bug ticket ingame im pretty sure i wont get any response
also not sure if i will here aswel to who shud i talk to get that gold restored wich i dont get bk from the action house?
I tried to purchase some silver ores, and i clicked about 3 times, the system took my money but it didn’t gave me anything or any refund, I did went to the trading post merchant to pick it up but it appeared as nothing.
Can you guys please look into this matter and maybe give me the money i spent back?
So it seems a very widespread problem…lets just hope there are logs somewhere of this happening so we can all get our coin back
If not then I guess just suck it up and move on. Do not use the trading post until fix is confirmed I guess!
Unfortunately, my transaction’s tab [Show Items I’ve Sold] is not logging everything. It only logged the last 10 items I’v sold.
So… lets hope it’s just a query display limitation that they are planning to include all transactions, and not losing any user data.
I’ve sold ALL of my mats collected in the past 20 levels. sigh….
There are 2 fees:
Listing fee of 5% – collected at time of listing item. Non-refundable.
Selling fee of 10% – Only collected upon successful sale of item.
Most people are unaware of the Selling fee (it doesn’t seem to be mentioned in game anywhere that I’ve noticed), and don’t factor that into selling price, and so end up selling for less than merchant value!