Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]
Yup was fine before the patch then after i have not been able to buy anything or not payed for items sold…. I was working perfect last night too.
I bought about 200 silver ores, but didn’t get ’em….
Attempted to do this again to show that it’s continuous. I placed an order for 50 and only received 20!!!!!!! What is going on?!! Money is gone, items not appearing on “What I’m buying” and nothing incoming.
I tried to order some leather squares. Nothing happened but it sure liked my money.
This has been happening to me as well. I was purchasing an item (tiny totems) in bulk for crafting. Placed an order for 180. One of the 1st listings to show up on my “Items I have bought” list was a set of 47. However this never showed up on my “Purchased Items” pane to pick up. After my order had apparently been fulfilled, I only had 117 of the 180 items. Of course, the coin I had used to place the order had vanished.
A guildmate reported a similar occurance.
dunno if it’s the same problem, but i just tried to remove a few items i was selling on the TP and they just vanished. they’re not in the “items i’m selling” tab anymore, they’re not in the “pick up” tab and they’re not in the inventory.
maybe it’s just the trading post being extremely slow?
down 7g…I’m hoping it’s just lagged transactions.
I have a guild mate too who is trying to buy items and hes lost nearly a gold to this issue. Im wondering if there is an exploit out there that is allowing people to ‘sell’ the items without actually selling them. But since so many people seem to be having this issue that doesn’t seem to be it.
Same here, I need to ask a friend of me to buy it for me whenever I want something for the TP.
To add to my previous post, I also am seeing a bit of money come in from items I posted for sale last night, but I have no idea which items have sold.
I suspect it’s some sort of new “spam” filter to slow down traffic for people playing the market. However it’s a bit broken if that’s the case lol.
Same problem here. The question is: Will we get our hard earned coins back? Fat chance, IMO.
Way to go, Arenanet. Way to go…
1.5+ gold lost and no items. Doesn’t even appear in my transactions. Not much I can do until I either receive the items or receive the gold back. No ‘Success’ message after clicking the buy button, just greyed out buy button and the option to buy again. Bit concerned. Fingers crossed.
Lost about 20 silver, i know it doesnt sound like much but when its half your fortune………..
Unfortunately, same thing happened to me this morning, the trading post should be closed for maintenance before anyone else loses all their money on non delivered items buys
Guild Wars 2 ?@GuildWars2
We are aware that the trading post is playing up a little and we are looking into it, thank you for your patience at this time^AT
on their twitter
I think the Black Lion Trading Company should be banned for exploiting the market and taking players money.
Just posting to add myself to the list of people who lost money to the trading post. Issue occurred for me when placing buy orders. It would take the money for the buy order generally with each click (albeit with a slight delay), but it would not place the respective buy order. Out of maybe 13 buy orders, I think roughly 3 went successfully. The rest were lost gold with no received product. Unfortunately I didn’t realize it until i’d already lost a bunch of money.
Just happened to me as well. Was happily trading, using a spreadsheet, and 50s just vanished.
Can they roll back servers? There’s bound to be thousands of players who lost Gold, Gems, Rare Items and what not here. I lost 10Gold here which is equivalent of $80-100 worth of Gems.
I just lost about 1 gold today on placing a buy order. Long story short: type in the numbers and click Place order, nothing happens…. click it again, nothing happens….. Change tabs on the trading post only to find out that all of those buy orders were half-way done, taking your money without placing any order at all.
No error message, no record of anything, just money that straight-up disappeared! rageface
This happened to me at about 8:20 AM Central time (a little over an hour ago), attempting to buy some Charged Shards to craft runes. Still no trace of the transaction, and now I’m completely stalled because I’ve lost about 75% of the money I was working with at the time.
Now, the strangest part of this story is, that in-between Buy Order attempts, I also successfully placed a Buy Order on Charged Cores, and that transaction was still in my history, which I subsequently had to cancel just to have any silver at all. That unrelated transaction that seemed to work, in between orders that did not work, has been the most frustrating piece of the puzzle. I also saw a few minutes after I tried to place my failed order, that someone else had placed an order a bit higher in price than what I was trying to do (another mystery to solve, why someone else could place an order at the exact same time that I could not).
edit: After I wrote this, the trading post was taken offline, and I have gone to a trading post NPC and recovered my money. Thanks Anet!
(edited by Starfleck.8392)
I have this issue too. Just a blank screen on the Sell tab.
I also cannot buy. The Buy and Place Order buttons are grey and inactive.
Very irritating. Fix this please!
I agree Wheatabix, the TP needs to be taken down now and fixed, it’s hard to even make money not playing the TP when you’re not receiving the money for the items you farm too.
I have lost vast amounts of items and money over the last week when the TP has been up . Raised a few bug reports. If a admin can look into this for me please, my character is starving
Unfortunately, same thing happened to me this morning, the trading post should be closed for maintenance before anyone else loses all their money on non delivered items buys
I would not have lost anything if they had done this immediately after the first reports… If the problem is not reversable a lot more people will be pretty angry now.. I hope that it is still online means that my money is not gone forever..
Same on buying for me.
The first one is the “Buy” button being greyed out. I have enough money, I select quantity, everything I should. I still can’t click it.
The second one is, I can’t sell anything. I attached a screenshot of what I get when I’m in the selling window.
Same problem. I sold about 3 gold worth of stuff and it didn’t appear in the currency tab. Also, I couldn’t exchange gold for gems.
LOL, U lost 3 gold stuff while selling the items? I lost my 3 golds while buying the item without getting it.
Having same problems, I can see my buy orders being for filled, in the my transactions tab “Items i’m buying” but I have not received any of the goods. I use a spreadsheet to track my buy and sell orders and so far have over 1250 items not been delivered. No prices are being updated in place custom offer listing, but in the my transactions “Items i’m buying” I can see that people are buying and forfilling the order, but its not updating the main listing.
I own two accounts. I purchased gems a few days ago on my other account, but when I try to purchase gems on this account, I keep getting a “Card Approval Failed” message. I have more than enough funds to cover the cost, and I get the message when using three different cards associated with my name and billing address.
I’ve tried restarting the client and doing it again, but I get the same message. Is there some kind of restriction placed on using a credit card or billing information for more than one account?
I’ve seen both sides. I’ve been trying to buy/sell for profit. 40-50% of the time, the items and/or gold will not show up. Wtf is going on?
Problem has been ongoing for at lest 5 hours now, Trading Post is still up and still broke, just lost about 5 gold. The only official response we have had so far is a twitter post about a hour ago that says they are aware the trading post is “playing up a little”. Can we get some kind of official announcement about whats going on and whats being done? Why is the trading post even still up right now? Do you plan on refunding everyone’s money? Every minute the trading post stays open is god knows how many more people losing money and items…when do you plan on addressing this?
I lost over 3gold.
I hope that we will get our money back … I only have 4silver not enough to travel and farm. :/
Please ANet answer, are we going to get our money back?
yeah im still getting this problem are the people at GW2 still looking into this or do they think they have sorted it out yet?
I bought an item a few hours ago and even though the money disappeared, I have YET to receive the item.
I sold veridian dye and my item was sold a second ago on transaction log, but when i check pick up there is no silver in my pick up list, only some item i bought..
Is it just me experiencing this or Trading Post bugged?
Issues here too, “buy” button greys out, nothing happens. Some people can still use the trading post just fine though, so idk where the problem lies, server side or client? Maybe some of us just got bad patches
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…
Same for me, never happened before today though.
I see a lot of trading post problem, but this is what I run into. I order lets just say 10 copper ore at 1 silver each. The trading post is only giving me nine of them. And then lest say i sell for 2 silver each the trading post is only giving me back I would say16 silver instead of the 20. This is crazy.
Tried buying some items…didnt work. Tried again…didnt work. Oh look, my money is going down and down and down. Bam, no money, no items.
Same issue as you guys but I face having a hundred of an item I cant use at the end of it. Will I be getting my gold back or the useless items?
Retired and living in a shack. Relaxing!
Same here.. I sold about 7-10 gold worth of collectables/mats but never received the gold for it. Been waiting atleast 20 hours now since then, still no luck..
There is a commission of about 15% upon selling things on the TP. That’s where the money goes.
As for the orders, you receive only what people sell. So let’s say your order 10 copper ore at 1 silver each. A guy sells you 9. But then another guy makes an order of 125 copper ore at 1 silver and 10 copper. Then your order will take longer to be completed (further back in the queue).
Some orders can get buried that way. The best thing to do is cancel it and reorder at a new fitting price.
I have the same issues as you guys/ladies! I wonder with how many green wood logs I will end up :-D
yes it happend today we lost all our gold today
Same issue. I’ve lost slightly less then 1 gold trying to buy something on the TP and getting no items in return. I hope I get refund.
The search is also still bugged for me. I keep seeing a loading circle after the search is complete leaving me unable to click on any results.
It is finally down for maintenance. I hope we all get our money back once the problem is solved.
Lost around 50s- 1g , was trying to buy some materials. When i pressed the button it nor gave me an error, neither said it was successfull, then i realized i was losing money aswell. The day the trade post opened(yesterday) it worked perfectly for me, but today no good news.
I think the Black Lion Trading Company has been investing in derivatives, we are facing the Guild Wars Financial Crisis (GWFC)! :P
Thought I’d throw in as well. Attempted to buy 31 small claws and 50 wool scraps this morning. The trading post happily took some of my money, but did not send me any of my purchase.
You know those greedy Black Lion Execs will walk out with at least a 100g severance package while our home instances are in jeopardy!