New dyes & lawless armor in gemstore
Yes, you too can feel like a Cadillac in Texas with the Lawless Helm.
RIP City of Heroes
Tips to anyone wanting the dyes. Wait a week. The market will be flooded with them and you can buy them at a reasonable cost of 20-30g. Or post your buy orders in that price range, it’ll get filled eventually.
Perhaps the ugliest helm they have ever released, AND at a ridiculously expensive price.
Loving the new shoulders. Helm less so.
Anyone else feel like there has long since ceased to be anything “special” about these special dyes? I don’t see anything extraordinary about these. At least with the original flame and frost ones, they tended to really reveal a lot more detail on your armor (thinking of like Deep Glacial Teal in particular). These look just like ordinary red/blue/green/yellow to me, honestly… with fancy names slapped on them.
Anyone else feel like there has long since ceased to be anything “special” about these special dyes? I don’t see anything extraordinary about these. At least with the original flame and frost ones, they tended to really reveal a lot more detail on your armor (thinking of like Deep Glacial Teal in particular). These look just like ordinary red/blue/green/yellow to me, honestly… with fancy names slapped on them.
Agreed. If they’re going to release “special” dyes in the gemstore, they need to be a.) Guaranteed drops rather than random cash sinks and b.) A bit more visually impressive. I’m thinking dye-based particle effects? Mirror dye? Plaid? Anything, really. A 2% saturation increase doesn’t really do it for me.
I found the Enameled Dyes from the previous set brought out detail, and many were unique shades that I either preferred to other similar hues or helped match hard to mix armor. I would suggest trying them in the preview window (which is still too small, grrr) before you dismiss them.
Fugliest skins I’ve never seen tbh. Not interested in the new dyes either because they’re overpriced and aren’t that much different to cheap dyes. If they had special effects or something I’d be interested…
Otherwise, meh. Next.
I have to disagree about them being too pricey. Normally you’d pay 400-500 gems for these skins. Toxic was 400 a piece and Scarlet was 500 a piece? These are 300 a piece. A much better price. Could be because the helm isn’t too good looking (opinion here) but I do like the shoulders.
That pic up there was too funny I completely agree with all of you I would honestly much rather see the return of cuter items (bunny ears) or new items such as a purple or blue flower etc in the gem store not things like this xP
I have to disagree about them being too pricey. Normally you’d pay 400-500 gems for these skins. Toxic was 400 a piece and Scarlet was 500 a piece? These are 300 a piece. A much better price. Could be because the helm isn’t too good looking (opinion here) but I do like the shoulders.
Yes and those other one’s you mentioned are also pricey. There are full sets you can buy for 800 gems yet these are 2 pieces that look the same on heavy, medium and light and are being sold for almost the same price.
WHY do the shoulders and helms need to be ridiculously huge? He looks
like a child dressed in adult clothing. >.>
Holy god… 600 Gems for an awful looking helm & shoulders? So … almost the price of a full set for 2 pieces? uhh…
I know Anet has a massive disdain for making any gear or environments from the first game, but seriously.. most of the time they make new stuff it’s so bad..
(edited by DarksunG.9537)
Now you can look like a Power Rangers villain!
People wanted that, right?
Now all they need to add is the ability to wave your stumpy arms around like a T-Rex and flip people over.
WHY do the shoulders and helms need to be ridiculously huge? He looks
like a child dressed in adult clothing. >.>
Child in adult clothing is the perfect way of describing how the scaling makes armor look on male sylvari. I can’t believe ANet still refuses to correct this issue. May just delete my male sylvari due to giving up hope that they would. :\ Their silence on the matter and the issue still persisting shows that they have no intention to correct it.
Such a shame. How can this issue be acceptable to them? Giant boots, shoulders and gloves…
le sigh
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(edited by StinVec.3621)
WHY do the shoulders and helms need to be ridiculously huge? He looks
like a child dressed in adult clothing. >.>Child in adult clothing is the perfect way of describing how the scaling makes armor look on male sylvari. I can’t believe ANet still refuses to correct this issue. May just delete my male sylvari due to giving up hope that they would. :\ Their silence on the matter and the issue still persisting shows that they have no intention to correct it.
Such a shame. How can this issue be acceptable to them? Giant boots, shoulders and gloves…
le sigh
When they are outsized like that, it looks comedic rather than intimidating.
Sylvari, the Rick Moranis of Guild Wars 2.
My first though … WTF?!?! I’m not even sure what kind of theme that portrays … it’s a little outrageous.
I am 100% sure that I have already seen that helmet somewhere… old game? old comic? old movie? I just can’t put my finger on it!
I really don’t understand the new helm and shoulders, especially the helm. We already have a helmet for the “oversized horns” theme as part of Braham’s armour set and that one actually looks like something a norn might wear.
This thing looks very strange indeed. It really does have the look of a power rangers monster as people have said, for the horns are a bizarre shape and the rest of the armour has stubby bits on that are suggestive of power cells or generic sci fi nodules.
The toxic shoulder and arms looked like what they were supposed to be. They had glowy bits, they had a clear theme and people could justify buying them. The scarlet parts matched the helm and had glowy techno bits, they also matched some asura armour….but these are just out of nowhere.
I like the idea of the cash shop and paying to make my character look cool, but the things on offer are so bizarre that nobody in their right mind would actually but them, even with gold. They probably wouldn’t wear these items if even they were free.
It shouldn’t be hard to come up with an idea that will sell on the cash shop. Heck, everyone went mad for the monocles, lets make another one of them and people will buy it. People liked the grenth hood too. Why is it proving so hard to match up what we clearly want with what is being put in the store?
When I saw that helm my first thought was, “looks like something a 5 year old glued together with cardboard and toilet paper tubes”.
The armor skins look ridiculous. But that price… definitely moving in the right direction. Its almost to the point where its actually a reasonable price for a single piece of armor. So hooray for that at least.
As for the new dyes… meh. I liked a few of the original Enamelled dyes, they do some neat things on certain armor sets (some of them even seem to have a gradient effect). But the new ones don’t interest me, they’re a bit more subdued and less vibrant which makes the effects less apparent.
I am glad they are willing to let people who want to wear something truly bizarre have some fun. I had a character in City of Heroes that had horns that size. Possessed by a demon he was, and the horns were on his skull, not a helm. That was a character creator .
But having grown up in Texas and seen giant mounted Longhorns on the wall in the den since I was a tiny tot, my perspective may be a bit skewed. Won’t buy em, but sure won’t dis them either.
“Yes and those other one’s you mentioned are also pricey. There are full sets you can buy for 800 gems yet these are 2 pieces that look the same on heavy, medium and light and are being sold for almost the same price.”
I don’t disagree that those other items are pricey, but 300 is far better than 500 which is where most of those items sit at. I would love all of these things to be more in line with a full armor set. I even think they would sell more of them regardless of their looks but AN doesn’t seem to be budging on that front.
I really don’t understand the new helm and shoulders, especially the helm. We already have a helmet for the “oversized horns” theme as part of Braham’s armour set and that one actually looks like something a norn might wear.
This thing looks very strange indeed. It really does have the look of a power rangers monster as people have said, for the horns are a bizarre shape and the rest of the armour has stubby bits on that are suggestive of power cells or generic sci fi nodules.
The toxic shoulder and arms looked like what they were supposed to be. They had glowy bits, they had a clear theme and people could justify buying them. The scarlet parts matched the helm and had glowy techno bits, they also matched some asura armour….but these are just out of nowhere.
I like the idea of the cash shop and paying to make my character look cool, but the things on offer are so bizarre that nobody in their right mind would actually but them, even with gold. They probably wouldn’t wear these items if even they were free.
It shouldn’t be hard to come up with an idea that will sell on the cash shop. Heck, everyone went mad for the monocles, lets make another one of them and people will buy it. People liked the grenth hood too. Why is it proving so hard to match up what we clearly want with what is being put in the store?
I think what people really really want to buy is a) “everything the NPCs have” (hair, outfit, weapons, etc) and b) “something that is all the rage RIGHT NOW”.
The new skins are neither. There’s zero connection to anything happening in the game right now.
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