Sales Tax in Tyria?

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: almostdaft.4319


I’ve noticed that are a “sales tax” on items in the TP. What’s the %? What’s the sales tax used toward?

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Jrunyon.3012


The sales tax goes towards socialized healthcare and to feed hungry, disabled tyrians who cant work.

Nesmee – Thief
[OHai] – Northern Shiverpeaks

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Kyias.1845


Remember all those people you maliciously attacked getting yourself to 80?

They sued you and won. The 15% tax is them garnishing your wages for the rest of your guild wars life as compensation for mental and physical assault.

Kyias Lightsun
Myrmidons of Kryta (MOK)
Blackgate Server

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Cancer.9065


lol to the other answers.

Op there is a 5% fee to post (think of it as advertisement costs) in the BLTC.

If you make a sale there is an additional 10% fee for the sale, think of it as the commission that the BLTC uses to maintain their operation. You know all those NPC’s and the TP system.

Cancer is also a Zodiac sign.

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

Mental assault ?

How did they win that one ?
Physical assault I can understand. Was I asleep while mentally assaulting them ?

Seriously though, it’s a gold sink. A very effective one. As inflation pushes prices up, it takes more coin. But a players rate of income remains constant. So inflation will eventually stop because of the tax.

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Kyias.1845


Mental assault ?

How did they win that one ?
Physical assault I can understand. Was I asleep while mentally assaulting them ?

Seriously though, it’s a gold sink. A very effective one. As inflation pushes prices up, it takes more coin. But a players rate of income remains constant. So inflation will eventually stop because of the tax.


Kyias Lightsun
Myrmidons of Kryta (MOK)
Blackgate Server

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: azizul.8469


Queen Jennah needs to buy new clothes and shoes as well you know… the money come from the taxes….

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: John Smith.4610

John Smith.4610

This is my new favorite thread.

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Smitt.8602


I believe it is the latest millage increase to help fund a new Arcane University and the rest is going into an escrow for the new Asura Gate that is currently in the planning phase.

Have none.

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089


One day, GW2 will be dynamic enough to show the consequences of this tax in normal-life healthcare, and events will chain from that.

Objective: “Protect the children and the old people from the Risen!”

Soldier: – “Hello, hero! We’ve build homes for those who were affected by this war, all thanks to Tyrian’s taxing contributions by civilians like you. But I admit we’ve build these houses in a rather inconvenient place. It’s riddled with Risen! Please! Don’t let your money go to waste! Think of the poor people!”

(edited by DiogoSilva.7089)

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Stansypants.7921


According to my source, Logan Thackery hasn’t paid taxes in over 10 years. Apparently some people are above the law, while the middle classed adventurers are being “silver’d and copper’d” to death. We are approaching a fiscal cliff unless we can find a way to make the 1% pay their fair share of taxes. Occupy Trading Post ’12!

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: lackofcheese.5617


As a likely member of the 1%, I must object to your claim – I pay more than my fair share of taxes, given the vast number of transactions I partake in.

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Airala.8629


Someone has to rebuild all those pumping stations you let get blown up, all the dams you let get destroyed, all those crops you let burn, all those keeps you let get sieged, all those swamps you let get polluted by the Risen, not to mention the EPA-nightmare of the Scar that still needs to be cleaned up after you utterly failed to stop that overgrown purple and black lizard from rising… we know you were too busy playing Super Mario Brothers in the sky over Metrica Province (not to mention all that drunken brawling you did with those gianormous bookahs to the north) to actually do your job, “hero.”

So now you have to pay the piper to fix all that stuff you let get broke.

Don’t worry, we’ve got a fleet of siege golems on standby to repossess your Home Instance (not to mention all the pretty armor & weapons we know you bought on credit) when you fail to pay up.

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Fozzik.1742


I thought all tax money ever paid went to schools, cops, fireman, roads, and bridges.

They are spending it on something else?

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: MasterJake.9375


I thought all tax money ever paid went to schools, cops, fireman, roads, and bridges.

They are spending it on something else?


Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: RoyHarmon.5398


Everybody wants a perpetual carnival in Divinity’s Reach, but nobody wants to pay for it!

“It is the stupidest children who are the most childish
and the stupidest grown-ups who are the most grown-up.”
- C. S. Lewis

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Chobiko.9182


Actually, Lady Gaga agreed to enter the game… She needs the money for all the expensive costumes. Evon Gnashblade is a diehard fan.

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ethros.1453


Maybe you can speak to the black lion reserve to start an audit…

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Esoteric Rogue.7651

Esoteric Rogue.7651

A large portion of taxes goes towards rehabilitating those who are addicted to dye.

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Grey.7319


A large portion of taxes goes towards rehabilitating those who are addicted to dye.

It all started out so innocently, I dabbled with Fluff and Mist, but before I knew it I was using Midnight Ice like it was water… Now I’m just drowning in the Abyss.

IGN: Grey | Mesmer | Gandara
GW2 wiki profile | DeviantArt | GW2Guru Art Thread

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Airala.8629


A large portion of taxes goes towards rehabilitating those who are addicted to dye.

It all started out so innocently, I dabbled with Fluff and Mist, but before I knew it I was using Midnight Ice like it was water… Now I’m just drowning in the Abyss.

I’m still wandering aimlessly in the Fog, wishing for a nice glass of Wine to brace me up. I think it may be near to Evening time, though I can no longer see the face of my Gold timepiece. I long so much to be able to see the Starry Night… my face feels Flush with the exertion of my endless journey. I maintain my sense of Pride in my ability to overcome any obstacle, however… I will not suffer the Humiliation of defeat!

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Steven.8027


This is my new favorite thread.

I concur. Can we make a “best-of” section for the forums?

X Of Arnor

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Nep Leet.5491

Nep Leet.5491

Have you seen the huge number of carrier pigeons flying around, delivering the mail?

A large portion of the15% tyrian sales tax goes towards the costs of maintaining the Tyrian Postal Pigeon Service.

Maintaining this nationwide network of postal delivery birds is very expensive, especially the sturdy and strong-winged birds used to deliver multiple packages of plate armor and weaponry.

You Live, You Learn
You Die, You Learn Faster

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: TransparentlyOpaque.1824


I think one of the programers added a little piece of code to the trading post, just like in the movie Office Space, so he could siphon coppers into his play account. Except he made a miscalculation in the decimal just like in the movie!

Um, yeah were going to need those TPS (trading post sales) reports today um ok?

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Sparkie.3465


You know how the Trade Post goes down for “maintenance” every once in a while?

That’s the Black Lion union employees going on strike to renegotiate. The trading fee is used to satisfy the union demands for raises. They are not happy about some of the cargo they have to porter across Tyria. Unidentified dyes = hazardous chemicals. Minis? Live animals! Food that needs to be refrigerated, potions in fragile containers. Payoffs are needed for smuggling weapons across different territories.

I’ve heard a rumor that a certain Mr. Hoffa is now involved in the negotiations on behalf of the Black Lion teamsters.

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mala.3861


“Oh! Won’t someone please think of the children!”

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ravious.4269


Paying for carrier pigeons makes the most sense. Mail is free, right? They make Wall Street pay for common services everybody uses. Sounds like the best plan to me. No wonder Tyrians can take on dragons!

Kill Ten Rats – an MMO blog

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Stansypants.7921


I suppose next they’ll tell us that the attack on Shaemoor was “a spontaneous protest”. That the centaurs were outraged about some stupid video they saw. Why aren’t our tax dollars being used to secure our borders against these extremist groups that threaten our way of life? Surely those coins could be used on something we can actually see.

And what about implementing universal healthcare reform? Mhenlo-care seeks to provide affordable armor repair to all Tyrians, regardless of class or financial standing. With Rez/Waypoint costs on the rise due to level-based HMO’s, the middle class adventurer can barely afford these co-pays. We should be using our taxes for the good of all, instead of as bailouts for the big corporations such as BLTC and the Pigeon Postal Service.

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lunesta.3742


Aren’t flat sales taxes regressive? I demand a progressive tax system!

Librium – Elementalist – IoJ

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: AndrewWaltfeld.4621


Also not to mention the fact that when the hurricane Jormag hit Honor of the Waves – the daunting amount of damage to the city means it will be recovering for decades as they try to prevent it from sinking back into the ocean. The mismanagement of crisis at the Honor of the Wave by TEMA is an clear example of where our sale taxes are being wasted.

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Siyeh.2407


Really it comes from paying for the retirement benefits and health care of those old pigeons.

Of course a large portion goes to paying flood insurance compensation for citizens of Honor of the Wave, who SHOULD HAVE NEVER BUILT HOMES THERE!

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: AndrewWaltfeld.4621


Really it comes from paying for the retirement benefits and health care of those old pigeons.

Of course a large portion goes to paying flood insurance compensation for citizens of Honor of the Wave, who SHOULD HAVE NEVER BUILT HOMES THERE!

Of course, who builds their homes on giant ice bergs! Crazy I Tell you.

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Dookies.2718


There should be a higher tax burden on the wealthier players. I propose a 20% tax on transactions greater than 75g, and reduce the tax of transactions under 1g to 10%.

Also tax breaks on small business and crafting should be considered. The weak state of Tyria’s crafting and working player class is affecting the entirety of Tyria.

Also who is keeping the Black Lion trading company in check? It seems like they have a disturbingly large influence on the economy, having trade monopolized.

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

This thead is flawed. Hilarious, but flawed.

The 15% is not a tax, but a commission to Black Lion Trading Company. They are the only service provider (and have somehow managed to disable even direct barter between people) so they can charge what they want. And as a private company, they can also spend the profits as they see fit. If it’s narcotics and w… courtesans, they are entitled to it (as long as both are legal in Tyria).

Live with it or don’t trade

One – Piken Square

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Tyke.7803


No, no, no, no, you’re all wrong. The money is being used to build the Fat Cat Bath.

The Fat Cat Bath is an all new bath, that have copper coins instead of water that you swim in. You’ll also be able to buy up to gold membership, where you swim in the tears of the people that was unaware of the secret 10% commision after sale. You’ll be able to preoder your membership today, all you have to do is sign over your eternal soul and all the money you have, a small cost for what we offer.

This message was brought to you by, Black Lion Trading Post: The final Elder Dragon

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Hippocampus.8470


The 5% listing fee is definitely for the BLTC, but do we have any reason to believe one way or the other about whether the 10% cut is for VAT or commission?

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: shizniticus.7864


The 15% tax goes toward 47% off the population that are freeloaders of the system. However, the other 53% goes towards the richest 1% of the nation by way of tax breaks and lost tax revenue being hidden in offshore foreign havens…

And how dare you complain that your children dont have healthcare, while the rich have barely enough money to pay their immigrant estate workers 74 copper an hour.

Never argue with an idiot. They’ll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Frosty and Frosty Law Firm.4981

Frosty and Frosty Law Firm.4981

I’m not saying it’s dwarves, but…

Grind Wars 2: Heart of Tears

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Siyeh.2407


I demand an Earned Copper Tax Credit! I’m so poor BLTC should give me at least one more copper for every one I earn!

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: black scholes.3795

black scholes.3795

The BLTC has basically set up a monopoly that prevents any other trading company from entering the market. It appears that any anti-trust laws have either been abolished or prevented from being implemented in the first place. As a matter of fact BLTC is the only taxing authority in Tyria. This has further confirmed my suspicions that local governing authorities have no real power and Tyria is now run by a single multinational corporation.

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: lackofcheese.5617


Not only that, but the BLTC are actually the ones who control the drop rates on the Mystic Forge. Furthermore, the legendary precursors selling on the TP for 300g are actually being sold directly by the BLTC. The whole story about a player exploiting and buying them all was a work of fiction they made up to keep people in the dark.

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Judgement.1078


I can confirm that I have insider information about the BLTC. It turns out that all the extra money they have is being redistributed among enemy mobs. It’s a scandal if I ever did see one!

‘How does the day find you, Peacemaker?’
‘Like every other day- by forcing sunlight between my eyelids.’

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ethros.1453


You guys are missing something here. The pigeons… These tough little critters are strong enough and fast enough to carry heavy armory half way across tyria in seconds.. (Rumor has it that they carried in all of the building material and war machines into orr themselves.)

What I propose is that we gather near million pigeons they have and send them straight for zhaitan. One is strong enough to lift and carry heavy plate armor great distances at very high speeds.. think what near a million of them could do.. We could get them together and lift the dragons out from their hiding spots and fling them deep into space (the multitude of them working together could gather enough momentum to accomplish this). Can Zhaitan or any other elder dragon withstand the sheer gravitational forces of a gas giant, a star, a black hole?? I think not! We could end this very quickly and with a minimal loss in bipedal life.

Come on, who doesn’t want the “This is my story. Today we sent the vast legion of carrier pigeons into the fold and came out victorious.” We could finish the story in just a few steps and the true heroes of tyria could shine.

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

(edited by Ethros.1453)

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Stansypants.7921


That’s a good point about the pigeons, however it raises another concern. Are there regulations in place to discourage pigeons from “juicing”? I mean the pressure to continually perform has broken many a man, I can only imagine the temptation to enhance their abilities with drugs would certainly be there. What is the official Tyrian stance on performance enhancing drugs? Will we continue to sit idle while our children become addicted to these “XP boosters” and “Magic Find” stats, or will we take an active role in regulating the distribution of these materials. We should be paying this sales tax to the Seraph so they can actually do their jobs instead of literally standing in the same spot talking to adventurers.

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Kozai.8269


Of course, who builds their homes on giant ice bergs! Crazy I Tell you.

Next thing you know someone will be building a giant pyramid city floating in space, which requires vaporization of precious metals to provide lift. Even more precious metals then they collect from transit system fees. And if you ask too many questions, well, there is a reason for the alarming lack of guard rails. . .

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: hunTShoo.1247


those taxes are used to organize all the public events going on in all tyria, all over the place day by day.

so events are a major part of the circle of economy

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Hippocampus.8470


The more I think about it, the more sure I am that it must, at least mostly, go to healthcare. I have never been charged for a lifesaving procedure, even when I have a known pre-existing condition, such as being technically dead at the time.

(Yes, I’m still charged the waypoint fee, but that’s a separate system and can’t really be blamed on the high cost of healthcare, since it’s the same amount I would pay to use it in a perfectly healthy condition.)

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Polaritie.4851


This thread is awesome.

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Craka.4618


I was afraid of this, but it seems we are all trapped in a virtual reality. I mean what else could explain these pigeons.

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Voltar.8574


… you didn’t build that…

the only question i have is whether you’re misquoting it on purpose to spoof fox news or on accident because you don’t understand the actual quote.