(edited by Ashadow.6874)
[Please change the cost to 50-60c per use.]
Citizens of Tyria! I bring you great news and tidings!
Introducing the new Silver Fed Salvage-o-Matic!
Are you having a problem with making too much gold in the game? Are you running out of ways to throw your hard earned gold away in game?
Not only do you get to pay for this lovely item with gems! But it actually charges you more than any version of the Salvage Kit in game!
Not only do you pay for it the first time, but everytime you use it, you lose even more money!
Never have too much gold again! With this beautiful new Silver fed Salvage-o-Matic, you can throw away more of your hard earned gold than ever before! Never have too much gold in your inventory again!
And you can safely rest assured! It will never pay for itself, ever. Not even in a billion years!
Silver fed Salvage-o-Matic!
For the man/woman/Charr/Sylvari/Golem/Kodan/Tengu/Quaggan/Largos/Elder Dragon with too much money, and nothing else more precious to waste it all on!
Warning. You should be as rich as Queen Jennah/Palawa Joko before you attempt to purchase this item. Elder Dragons need not apply, you are not that rich, or your Champions would drop better loot, maybe you should farm harder Elder Dragons.
(edited by Ashadow.6874)
couldn’t agree more. 60c per use would put it in line with the copper SoM (only a few percent lower than what it replaces, so would take 10 years to recoup the cost). As is, there’s no reason to use it. no one gets enough rares that they can’t visit a merchant before they need to.
I agree that the price should be changed. I find it reasonable to charge 50c per salvage (change the name to Half-Silver Fed Salvage-o-Matic), or 1s every 2nd salvage (keep the name). I also find it reasonable to increase the price to 800 gems once the change is made.
I wouldn’t even use it if I got the item itself for free.
You discr.. ahem forgot Quaggans and Largos (especially the canthan ones), therefore 1s is more than justified for people like you!
Actually, I’d go with the opinion of that one guy for the red color swatch. Its for those that are too lazy to do the math…
Accurate and funny! Hard for the OP not to be convincing.
They should just charge 100 gems for it and let the additional cost per use be money sink. Paying 500 gems is a bit unreasonable for a convenience that causes you to lose money over time. I state this based on all of the other convenience items that do save you money over time even if it takes awhile to recoup how much it cost to purchase them.
You discr.. ahem forgot Quaggans and Largos (especially the canthan ones), therefore 1s is more than justified for people like you!
Actually, I’d go with the opinion of that one guy for the red color swatch. Its for those that are too lazy to do the math…
Apologies! This slight will be corrected post haste!
Because the other dozen threads on the silliness of this device wasn’t enough.
Too many gold? No problem! Silver fed got your back!
Are you concerned about how quickly you recover your investment on large purchases?
Be concerned no more!
With the Silver Fed Salvage-o-matic the return on your investment is infinite!
Do you hate your family? Do you wish that there was some way to bring misery to them for generations to come? Wish no longer! The Silver Fed Salvag-o-matic can be gifted and handed down to your future generations!
This wonderful new convenience item will continue to consume hard earned gold well into your family’s future!
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