Tormented Weapons Feedback Thread
I’m tired of RNG myself but atleast we can buy them on the TP. Continually kittening about rng doesn’t seem to make a difference anyway.
I’m very disappointed in the skins. They barely look like their Gw1 variants. Its a deal breaker for me.
If Anet wants to make a buck off of nostalgia then perhaps they should make an attempt to make the weapons actually look like the ones from GW1.
Nothing against bringing some nostalgic items into gw2, infact, thanks Anet!
PLEASE, resize the Tormented Shield.. it’s way to small compared to the Guild Wars 1 Model. It needs atleast x1,5 size increase to match it..
Next to that, kitten happened to the sword? Why can’t we still just use a spear ABOVE the water (since that skin is pretty kitten perfect), and what the flying monkey happened to the focus o.O?
Again, thanks for bringing more gw1 into gw2, but please.. do something about your designs!
-Wrong place to add this reply, I’m aware of that.
-Good place to mention it and make people vote it up elsewhere.
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa….
You guys know you can buy these on the TP right? If for some reason you don’t have the 80g on your account (the ballpark that most of them are in) that’s less than $20 of direct gems to gold exchange. Far better odds of getting it that way than spending $20 on keys.
Unless they make these Gem Store Skins account bound and not able to be sold on the TP, the whole “Anet is so greedy I have to spend all my real life money blah blah blah” argument is never going to hold water. You can get these weapons for a relatively reasonable price, considering inflation and what most other sought after skins cost.
Jade Quarry
Do we think the prices have stabilized yet??
“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”
Awful idea, I doubt many (if any) GW1 vets like the RNG aspect of this.
Would have preferred either HoM (if you got in GW1=you get in GW2) or even buyable with gems.
im unhappy that they look different, some of them drastically and the hammer is UGLY
the frame of the sword is too thick the torm axe doesnt have the deep dark purple its suposed to
in general most of them are just….sloppy
Do we think the prices have stabilized yet??
No. I’ve been trading BL skins for a while. The prices are unhealthy. They won’t hold. They are, simply put, too high. None of the skins survived these high prices. None. (Fused skins don’t count because they were initially introduced through a different system and were never 1 ticket to begin with).
I want to get the tormented shield but I’m just really put off by how puny it is :-/ I like the GW1 version of it better – it’s bigger and has much nicer detail.
I did purchase a tormented greatsword skin today for my Mesmer though – no complaints about that skin :-P looks epic.
Nothing against bringing some nostalgic items into gw2, infact, thanks Anet!
PLEASE, resize the Tormented Shield.. it’s way to small compared to the Guild Wars 1 Model. It needs atleast x1,5 size increase to match it..
Next to that, kitten happened to the sword? Why can’t we still just use a spear ABOVE the water (since that skin is pretty kitten perfect), and what the flying monkey happened to the focus o.O?
Again, thanks for bringing more gw1 into gw2, but please.. do something about your designs!
-Wrong place to add this reply, I’m aware of that.
-Good place to mention it and make people vote it up elsewhere.Greetings
Completely agree. The Tormented Shield definitely needs some surgery!
I’m incredibly let down by these new weapon designs. I would have really wanted the tormented staff, but it doesn’t look nearly as good. I don’t know what the new batch of dev’s have against dark black and sharp angles and more dynamic animation effects, but it just cost them the $100 i was going to invest in the gem store again this month like i had been doing the last couple months. They might want to consider some less colour blind people in the art dept if they can so easily confuse jet black with blue-gray. I really don’t understand why it seems that the GW1 skins consistently look better than the vast majority of GW2 skins.
I want to get the tormented shield but I’m just really put off by how puny it is :-/ I like the GW1 version of it better – it’s bigger and has much nicer detail.
I did purchase a tormented greatsword skin today for my Mesmer though – no complaints about that skin :-P looks epic.
I wasn’t a huge fan of the greatsword…but I’m not a huge fan of many greatswords except Fellblade and Twilight. I didn’t find the shield to be too bad (on my sylvari/human) but I have absolutely no use for a shield.
Also, to people complaining about the GW1→GW2 skin changes, GW1 Tormented weapons were just as ugly, if not uglier.
I’m incredibly let down by these new weapon designs. I would have really wanted the tormented staff, but it doesn’t look nearly as good. I don’t know what the new batch of dev’s have against dark black and sharp angles and more dynamic animation effects, but it just cost them the $100 i was going to invest in the gem store again this month like i had been doing the last couple months. They might want to consider some less colour blind people in the art dept if they can so easily confuse jet black with blue-gray. I really don’t understand why it seems that the GW1 skins consistently look better than the vast majority of GW2 skins.
Yeah I don’t understand the logic behind the blue-gray colors either. The darker look of the skins in GW1 were better – perhaps the best looking one was the hammer. But the tormented hammer in GW2 just looks plain weird – you can hardly see abaddon’s face in it, and it just has this plastic-wrap feel to it. I think if the blue-gray colors were instead made dark/black, to show the glowy purple bits off more, and there were more detail given to some of the weapon skins (spear, shield, hammer etc.) people would buy them. Shield needs to be bigger too.
My first reaction to this was “How Lame! They should at least be a drop from the Abaddon Fractal.” (& I don’t even do fractals)
but it’s cool cos, haha, I didn’t think I’d be tempted to purchase the “Tuning Fork & Spatula Set”.
Another look at the skins “hmm they didn’t mess these up as bad as the Zodiacs, actually some of them look even better than the GW1 originals”. (yes it’s a matter of taste)
So now I have a Spear so far, cos – it’s the Spear@! (even tho only the only one who’d notice an underwater item is me, and my characters need a new Spear skin like they need another back item).
Sometimes I surprise myself ..
Do we think the prices have stabilized yet??
No. I’ve been trading BL skins for a while. The prices are unhealthy. They won’t hold. They are, simply put, too high. None of the skins survived these high prices. None. (Fused skins don’t count because they were initially introduced through a different system and were never 1 ticket to begin with).
ah so you wouldn’t recommend investing in them? Having terrible flashbacks to how poor the lovestruck items did. I’m fairly new to BL skin trading. Guess I hopped onto the train as it’s coming to a stop…
“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”
Yeah, one factor to consider is that a lot of players are now wise to this investment strategy. This means there’s a lot more people stocking up on BL weapons, and thus a lot more competitors when it comes time to sell.
At the same time, players who actually want the skins also know that the cheapest time to buy is during this initial period, so most veteran players will have snapped up the skins they want by now, lowering demand after the month is over.
Both of these coupled together, along with the fact that the weapon is still available anytime for 5 tickets, means that prices for BL weapons will never really rise beyond 100 – 150g. (Fused weapons are an exception due to their higher price.) The time it takes to sell one of these is long enough that you’d get better returns investing in high velocity goods like Iron Ore constantly rather than just sitting on the skins for 6 months.
Thanks a lot for your insight! :P
“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”
I kind of wish they’d have consulted the HoM calculator and given a ticket in the mail to individuals who had collected them all from GW1, it’s rather annoying to see them returned and part of bridging your legacy is now items that were added to it, not in the game on release, and now redone in the gemstore; Classy.
This would have settled this whole issue IMO. GW1 vets should be satisfied (I know I would be), while the skins would be in gem store making $$$ for ANet.
It’s not too late to implement this, ANet!
I kind of wish they’d have consulted the HoM calculator and given a ticket in the mail to individuals who had collected them all from GW1, it’s rather annoying to see them returned and part of bridging your legacy is now items that were added to it, not in the game on release, and now redone in the gemstore; Classy.
This would have settled this whole issue IMO. GW1 vets should be satisfied (I know I would be
), while the skins would be in gem store making $$$ for ANet.
It’s not too late to implement this, ANet!
That wouldn’t solve anything, the weapons were done so sloppily and lazily, in their current form, they are an insult to guild wars 1. And the ship has long sailed past for these being a part of your legacy when they did the zodiac weapons, which were also sloppy but not nearly as much as these. Sure these were hom weapons, but that’s about it, you can craft destroyer weapons extremely cheaply, and oppressor weapons will be ticket claim weapons next. They’re probably going to put in some guild wars 1 armors in the cash shop as well.
I have barely played any GW1, so the weapons’ looks have no meaning to me. That being said, I was extremely happy to finally see another purple flame torch in the game besides the spiky looking TA one, which I dislike. The flame’s hue goes very well with the color of mesmer abilities.
That wouldn’t solve anything, the weapons were done so sloppily and lazily, in their current form, they are an insult to guild wars 1. And the ship has long sailed past for these being a part of your legacy when they did the zodiac weapons, which were also sloppy but not nearly as much as these. Sure these were hom weapons, but that’s about it, you can craft destroyer weapons extremely cheaply, and oppressor weapons will be ticket claim weapons next. They’re probably going to put in some guild wars 1 armors in the cash shop as well.
The weapons are indeed poorly done, the Shield especially was a huge dissapointment for me, as well as the Greatsword. This version of the shield does not even come close to the awesomeness of the one from GW1. But I maintain that it would be a nice gesture towards the GW1 veterans who collected the entire Tormented set in their HoM, if they would receive one free ticket for a GW2 Tormented skin. And it would definitely cut down on the griefing. It’s not a big thing, but it would be nice. Regardless of this, I will get the only GW2 Tormented skin that I like (Axe).
I wouldn’t want them because of HoM, but more because of what they represented in GW1. Destroyer and Opressor weapons were never close to the prestige the Tormented ones held, they were just other weapons to be put in HoM.
And there are already 2 armor sets from GW1 in the gem store, Primeval and Krytan (IIRC).
Vote with your wallets, as long as people buy gems with real money this greedy behaviour will continue. Stop buying gems and there might be a chance they’ll change their ways, otherwise your complaints will do nothing.
I didn’t pay a cent after buying the game, they don’t deserve it. Such greed shouldn’t be rewarded.
It’s true. People are shelling out the dough left and right. That’s why this keeps happening. I will admit, I’ve spent money on Armor Skins, but that’s about it. I’m not buying freaking keys to only be screwed over by RNG. I’d get some crafting boosters or a few WXP boosters…. I highly doubt I’ll be spending anymore money on Armor Skins either until I see that the money I’ve given them has been put to good use. (which it hasn’t yet.)
Buy the skins for 60g (the price that it usually settles at), or convert your gems to gold.
Your decision to gamble when there are cheaper and more reasonable alternatives is your fault alone.
If no one bought Black Lion Keys there wouldn’t any skins in the TP to buy. You are twisting the facts to favor a specific agenda you have which seems to be to insult everyone who thinks Anet is doing something wrong. They are and I think most would agree whether or not they agree exactly on how to deal with it. These skins should be awarded to those who previously accomplished acquisition in GW1. I already did the work and I feel under valued. The new skins shouldn’t be RNG but a new GW2 event type method of acquisition specifically because of how they were acquired in GW1. It comes across badly as pay to acquire. Anet didnt do HOM correctly and many are bitter because of it. I would like to see them fix their mistake. If they want to sell skins fine just don’t sell skins from GW1 make new ones. Also make skins an account unlock that is drop down selectable instead of taking up inventory space. They can do it kinda like their recipe system except account wide.
That wouldn’t solve anything, the weapons were done so sloppily and lazily, in their current form, they are an insult to guild wars 1. And the ship has long sailed past for these being a part of your legacy when they did the zodiac weapons, which were also sloppy but not nearly as much as these. Sure these were hom weapons, but that’s about it, you can craft destroyer weapons extremely cheaply, and oppressor weapons will be ticket claim weapons next. They’re probably going to put in some guild wars 1 armors in the cash shop as well.
The weapons are indeed poorly done, the Shield especially was a huge dissapointment for me, as well as the Greatsword. This version of the shield does not even come close to the awesomeness of the one from GW1. But I maintain that it would be a nice gesture towards the GW1 veterans who collected the entire Tormented set in their HoM, if they would receive one free ticket for a GW2 Tormented skin. And it would definitely cut down on the griefing. It’s not a big thing, but it would be nice. Regardless of this, I will get the only GW2 Tormented skin that I like (Axe).
I wouldn’t want them because of HoM, but more because of what they represented in GW1. Destroyer and Opressor weapons were never close to the prestige the Tormented ones held, they were just other weapons to be put in HoM.
And there are already 2 armor sets from GW1 in the gem store, Primeval and Krytan (IIRC).
On a quick side note, can you consider the profane armor gw1? it’s kind of close enough?
that’s actually a very fair point about the oppressor and destroyer weapons, I just often forget that as i was farming DoA back when ursanway was still a thing, Tormented weapons did require the most farming, in terms of effort or time.
As for a ticket for gw1 players, that would be nice and you could argue that it doesn’t hurt anyone, but I feel like they’d get kitten from non gw1 players, some of which are upset we got an increase in achievement points, so take that as you will.
Does everyone here complaining about the skins being in the BLC realize that these skins can be obtained on the TP for <100g at the moment? I really don’t understand what the fuss about it is. And, for those making the comparison to how tough it was to get in GW1, do dungeons, farm events, whatever it takes, and make the money to buy one off the TP. What the hell is the big deal?
Also, GW1 is GW1. Yes, some things have carried over to GW2. Yes, there were super expensive gear in GW1 that showed off hard work and dedication. GW2 is a new game, aimed at a new audience, with pretty much a new player base. It has its own versions of these hard-to-get items (legendaries? ascended stuff?) so there’s no need to import every kitten novelty skin in GW1 and make it just as hard to obtain in GW2. It’s a new game people. The fact that they did reintroduce some of the neat skins in GW1 for me to use in GW2 should be appreciated regardless of how they’re obtained.
Some posts make me feel like i’m in a twilight zone where “but you can buy it for less than 20$” type of “arguments” have become something normal. shudders
this is honestly unbelievable that they wouldnt credit us gw1 veterans who have stayed with them, fed them money and supported their cause, and then they sell the same skins that are end game, took tons of time to get, and then we put them in the hall of monuments which even lists and keeps track of which of the skins we have or haven’t received, which links that information to our account, and they dont even credit us for the same skin that we have and expect us to pay more money. NO. I support this game but dear lord this is too far.
quad core i7 2.2GHz 8gb ram 64 bit Windows 7 Premium
this is honestly unbelievable that they wouldnt credit us gw1 veterans who have stayed with them, fed them money and supported their cause, and then they sell the same skins that are end game, took tons of time to get, and then we put them in the hall of monuments which even lists and keeps track of which of the skins we have or haven’t received, which links that information to our account, and they dont even credit us for the same skin that we have and expect us to pay more money. NO. I support this game but dear lord this is too far.
Different game. How many other games bring out sequels where the fact you played the previous game is even recognised AT ALL? not many. So the fact you get the HoM stuff, which you worked for, is really nice of ANet. They didn’t have to do it, and they did. Enough with the “we made this game possible” axe people are holding over ANet’s head the whole time. you bought GW1, you supported GW1, and they gave you a wonderful GW1. You got some nice nod from the devs in GW2, and that should be it. It’s a different game, and it’s over a year in. They don’t owe you anything anymore because I highly doubt they’re still spending GW1 money on GW2 – that generates its own money through the cash shop.
I am not one for yelling the word “entitlement” at people on these forums. I dislike those arguments and try to stay away from it because it never gets anywhere. But really, this “I’m a GW1 fan, I deserve everything from GW1 in GW2 for free because it took me time to get in GW1” stuff is getting ridiculous. It’s at that point where I’m surprised nobody has made a thread saying that because they played GW1 and made GW2 possible (which is a little arrogant. I’m not denying obviously a sequel isn’t made without a prequel – but it wasn’t GW1 alone that made it actually happen) they should just be given the whole game and everything in it free.
Please note, this isn’t directed at you specifically, Man Slauterer … just all of these arguments are getting ridiculous.
this is honestly unbelievable that they wouldnt credit us gw1 veterans who have stayed with them, fed them money and supported their cause, and then they sell the same skins that are end game, took tons of time to get, and then we put them in the hall of monuments which even lists and keeps track of which of the skins we have or haven’t received, which links that information to our account, and they dont even credit us for the same skin that we have and expect us to pay more money. NO. I support this game but dear lord this is too far.
Different game. How many other games bring out sequels where the fact you played the previous game is even recognised AT ALL? not many. So the fact you get the HoM stuff, which you worked for, is really nice of ANet. They didn’t have to do it, and they did. Enough with the “we made this game possible” axe people are holding over ANet’s head the whole time. you bought GW1, you supported GW1, and they gave you a wonderful GW1. You got some nice nod from the devs in GW2, and that should be it. It’s a different game, and it’s over a year in. They don’t owe you anything anymore because I highly doubt they’re still spending GW1 money on GW2 – that generates its own money through the cash shop.
I am not one for yelling the word “entitlement” at people on these forums. I dislike those arguments and try to stay away from it because it never gets anywhere. But really, this “I’m a GW1 fan, I deserve everything from GW1 in GW2 for free because it took me time to get in GW1” stuff is getting ridiculous. It’s at that point where I’m surprised nobody has made a thread saying that because they played GW1 and made GW2 possible (which is a little arrogant. I’m not denying obviously a sequel isn’t made without a prequel – but it wasn’t GW1 alone that made it actually happen) they should just be given the whole game and everything in it free.
Please note, this isn’t directed at you specifically, Man Slauterer … just all of these arguments are getting ridiculous.
It is a part 2…does not make it that different. Comparing to other games is irrelevant. just because they are more greedy does not justify GW2. The “axe” people are holding, justified or not, is still there and Anet would be the smarter one to mollify their loyal GW1 players with their reasonable wishes. Anet needs to keep in perspective that loosing their player-base for the right or wrong reasons does not matter in the end it will still hurt them. It is in Anets best interests to pacify the player-base that made them what they are today. GW1 players are basically asking to not lose what they had achieved in the past and to have something to show for it. Anet made many promises that did not seem to turn out the way it came across when they said them and while they have the right to change their minds they have to keep in mind that the players also have to right not to play and not to support GW2. Anet is the one who enjoys the most privilege here not the players. This could be squashed with minimal effort and should be. Everyone would benefit in the end not just GW1 players. New players can have increased respect for a company that rewards in players. They can also start playing GW1 to get the same rewards, at least as long as they keep it up. Adding GW1 stuff into GW2 would also help preventing negative feelings when and if they do shut GW1 down.
As for a ticket for gw1 players, that would be nice and you could argue that it doesn’t hurt anyone, but I feel like they’d get kitten from non gw1 players, some of which are upset we got an increase in achievement points, so take that as you will.
I disagree with “a ticket”. It should be skin for skin. If I had sword and sheild in HOM then I should get sword and sheild. If I want more then I need to go back to GW1 and accomplish more.
Non-GW1 have no place complaining. They can do accomplishments in GW1 at any time. If they don’t want to then they are choosing to forgo the benefits. Plus I have NEVER heard any non-GW1 player complain about anything GW1 players have gotten so I have a hard time believing that this is in anyway a real issue. Many players like to game hop and they will play for as log as it interests them and move on the next best thing. Anet can’t afford to insult those who were loyal and consistent over those who wont be here long after a newer game can take its place.
As for a ticket for gw1 players, that would be nice and you could argue that it doesn’t hurt anyone, but I feel like they’d get kitten from non gw1 players, some of which are upset we got an increase in achievement points, so take that as you will.
I disagree with “a ticket”. It should be skin for skin. If I had sword and sheild in HOM then I should get sword and sheild. If I want more then I need to go back to GW1 and accomplish more.
Non-GW1 have no place complaining. They can do accomplishments in GW1 at any time. If they don’t want to then they are choosing to forgo the benefits. Plus I have NEVER heard any non-GW1 player complain about anything GW1 players have gotten so I have a hard time believing that this is in anyway a real issue. Many players like to game hop and they will play for as log as it interests them and move on the next best thing. Anet can’t afford to insult those who were loyal and consistent over those who wont be here long after a newer game can take its place.
Well, remember when they increased the achievement points for hom stuff? that’s the easiest one to remember.
Now I’ll say, tormented weapons really shouldn’t be a ticket item, they should be a elite area weapon set; however, anet doesn’t seem to agree with that, and they run the place. Still, asking for a straight weapon in gw1 to gw2 conversion is obviously crossing the line. It isn’t reasonable to tell someone to go spend an additional 50 dollars for gw1 and expansions, just for a weapon set or hom points, which btw would still take a month or two.
I really wish I were on the forums when zodiac weapons were released to see the arguements then. While they weren’t hom weapons or nearly as prestigious, they were still elite area weapons.
I honestly don’t care about what they meant in GW1, because they don’t mean that in GW2. It’s a different game. In GW1 it was a trophy, in GW2 it’s a cool skin that costs 60-80g or a BL ticket. If you don’t like the fact that I barely played any GW1 and have a tormented weapon (2 in fact) not because they were uber leet GW1 weapons but because I think they go well with my mesmer’s colors you will just have to deal with the fact that GW2 is not GW1.
It’d be like complaining that you start Shadow Hearts II at level 1 with no abilities unlocked just because you may have been uber in Shadow Hearts and the main character is the same. It’s a DIFFERENT GAME. Same lore, DIFFERENT GAME. The HoM stuff that is already in the game is just a carrot to old GW players to pick up GW2, and honestly it makes more sense from an Anet perspective to get people to buy keys or trade for the skins than to expect them to buy a copy of GW1 and complete the endgame stuff to get it. GW1 is no longer being developed and any sales they get now are just gravy; they want people in GW2 and using the gem store, not playing an old game.
That being said, it would have been a nice gesture to old players that did have tormented weapons in GW1 to get access to the skins in GW2 as account bound unlockable HoM items as well as being tradeable BL skins, but it is what it is.