Hey John, can you tell me the current ecto rates when salvaging rares, depending on the salvage kit used?
I could, I won’t.
Hey John, can you tell me the current ecto rates when salvaging rares, depending on the salvage kit used?
I could, I won’t.
Hey John, can you tell me the current ecto rates when salvaging rares, depending on the salvage kit used?
I could, I won’t.
“Teacher, MAY I use the restroom?”
John, how do you feel about the recent protest against Zomorros?
John, how do you feel about the recent protest against Zomorros?
I don’t wan to answer a “feel” question, could you phrase a question differently to be more precise on what you’re asking?
Hey John, can you tell me the current ecto rates when salvaging rares, depending on the salvage kit used?
I could, I won’t.
What are you saying, that the 25% and 50% listed on masters kits and BLS kits don’t directly translate to ectos?
John, how do you feel about the recent protest against Zomorros?
I don’t wan to answer a “feel” question, could you phrase a question differently to be more precise on what you’re asking?
I was just trying to be funny ;(
Hey John, can you tell me the current ecto rates when salvaging rares, depending on the salvage kit used?
I could, I won’t.
What are you saying, that the 25% and 50% listed on masters kits and BLS kits don’t directly translate to ectos?
He’s saying he won’t release the game data for the actual rates.
If you google, you can find results from people who have salvaged 100s or even 1,000s of rares and see their analyses. Their informed-speculation is the ecto-drop rate is different from the “chance to get rarer materials,” i.e. that the 25%|50% applies to getting ori instead of mithril, gossamer instead of silk.
probably will go up when ppl have the 40 laurs but only for some hours/days, and is not that hard do money from TP you just need to “read” the economy.
I got +30g from last patch by buying ectos before the patch and sell them after patch for 50s each.
Check supply and demand and you may get an ideia
Hey John, can you tell me the current ecto rates when salvaging rares, depending on the salvage kit used?
I could, I won’t.
What are you saying, that the 25% and 50% listed on masters kits and BLS kits don’t directly translate to ectos?
He’s saying he won’t release the game data for the actual rates.
If you google, you can find results from people who have salvaged 100s or even 1,000s of rares and see their analyses. Their informed-speculation is the ecto-drop rate is different from the “chance to get rarer materials,” i.e. that the 25%|50% applies to getting ori instead of mithril, gossamer instead of silk.
or plank vs logs but I don’t see any difference between getting 1 plank vs 3 logs. On the other hand I haven’t really been paying enough attention to know if you can even salvage 3 logs or just 1-2.
Hey John, can you tell me the current ecto rates when salvaging rares, depending on the salvage kit used?
I could, I won’t.
What are you saying, that the 25% and 50% listed on masters kits and BLS kits don’t directly translate to ectos?
He’s saying he won’t release the game data for the actual rates.
If you google, you can find results from people who have salvaged 100s or even 1,000s of rares and see their analyses. Their informed-speculation is the ecto-drop rate is different from the “chance to get rarer materials,” i.e. that the 25%|50% applies to getting ori instead of mithril, gossamer instead of silk.
It’s more than informed speculation. With the sample sizes in question, it’s virtually impossible for the ecto rate to be 25|50. From my data Black Lion kits have somewhere around a 70% chance for ectos (haven’t done the math to calculate the confidence interval on these, my rough guess is +/- around 5%) while Masters/Mystic kits have around a 60%~65% chance, but are less likely to produce 2 or 3 ectos than the Black Lion kits.
/note, my sample sizes are rather small, but they’re large enough to essentially rule out a possible 25% rate on Masters/Mystic kits
The ascended accessories alone would hardly make a dent in the ecto price. If it cost just ectos, sure, but the 40 laurels is a huge hinderance to buying it. I don’t think there is any reasonable player out there who would waste 40 laurels on an accessory that you could get cheaply by doing guild missions.
So in your universe we’re all part of big guilds?
Hey John, can you tell me the current ecto rates when salvaging rares, depending on the salvage kit used?
I could, I won’t.
Again with the kits. The kits are the least dificult thing to look at. Its hard for us to seperate research from superstition on ecto salavaging but kits aren’t where my questions lie. None of the big data gathering attemps I have found included the data I want most tracked going into it – they focus on what kit was used to salavage. They don’t track the exact level/price of the items being salavaged (lumping together all attempts with items above 68). My superstitious feeling is that either the slot has an effect, or more likely the item’s value in coin has a effect. Without giving percentages, can you answer if any of the following factors influence ecto return rates when salvaging for ectos:
Item value in coin (the number a vendor will offer for it)?
Exact item level (is level 75 different from 76 on otherwise identical items)?
If the item is sloted with a rune or sigil (may just be changing the item’s value)?
The reason I ask is it is my casual observation/superstition that the rares I craft (which have lower value/no rune) have far lower ecto return rates than most “found” rares – which usually have sigils in them and/or much higher vendor values.
(edited by Nike.2631)
Prices are dropping, who cares about these details. You can now easily gain 10 rares within a short time just by doing some open world events, doesn’t take more time or effort than completing a daily, and use BLKs to salvage them fore ectos. It’s not rocket science.
What’s way more important now is the supply/demand ratio or price for high level mats and lodestones…
You won’t say the actual ecto rates for the salvage kits, ok. What about the ecto rates compared to each salvage kits: are they the same or not?
I ask this, because I don’t see any remarkable difference between salvage kits when it comes to drop rates (400-500 salvages with each) where everybody says me there is clearly one.
As I mentioned earlier, I think globs will go up again. Just look at all the complaints about guesting and lag at chests.
Arenanet HAS to do something.
Yesterday, they decreased the population limit in these zones so much that there are as many as two overflows being generated for people on the same server.
They may further implement further changes, such as chests being account bound or reducing rewards.
Hey John, can you tell me the current ecto rates when salvaging rares, depending on the salvage kit used?
I could, I won’t.
What are you saying, that the 25% and 50% listed on masters kits and BLS kits don’t directly translate to ectos?
They definitely don’t. ANet made some tweaks recently to the ecto drop rate, either that, or they flagged one of my characters to have HORRID RNG. I went from getting 75% minimum ecto return to getting below 25%(before: salvaging 10 would get me ~8, now: salvaging 10 gets me ~3).
Lets start this train early with this patch. We did not nerf ecto rates of any kind, we’ve never nerfed ecto rates, if we change ecto rates, it will be in the patch notes I promise you.
Answering the crazies but not the real questions again .
Simple question mode: does the vendor coin value of a rare affect the ectoplasms-outcome of salvaging it?
Answering the crazies but not the real questions again
Simple question mode: does the vendor coin value of a rare affect the ectoplasms-outcome of salvaging it?
Sorry, you aren’t getting salvaging secrets out of me.
Ah well. I’m certain it does, but it would have been nice to definitively seperate fact from superstition .
More information is always better.
Answering the crazies but not the real questions again
Simple question mode: does the vendor coin value of a rare affect the ectoplasms-outcome of salvaging it?
Sorry, you aren’t getting salvaging secrets out of me.
Any insight on why salvage rates on ectos are such a highly guarded secret, as opposed to other information you provide? Is it just the potential market impact that prevents you from sharing or is there some higher big brother reason?
I can’t see what effect telling us the salvage rates would have on the market. The only change I see is a potential increase or decrease in certain salvage kit sales, which seems nominal to me in the long run.
Hey John, can you tell me the current ecto rates when salvaging rares, depending on the salvage kit used?
I could, I won’t.
What are you saying, that the 25% and 50% listed on masters kits and BLS kits don’t directly translate to ectos?
They definitely don’t. ANet made some tweaks recently to the ecto drop rate, either that, or they flagged one of my characters to have HORRID RNG. I went from getting 75% minimum ecto return to getting below 25%(before: salvaging 10 would get me ~8, now: salvaging 10 gets me ~3).
In the month of March the people contributing to my personal tracking data have a salvage success rate of 73% with black lion kits (total of 1.36 ectos per salvage attempt) and a success rate of 56% with masters/mystic kits (total of 0.75 ectos per salvage). My data tracks both level and slot as well so I can say that for the black lion kits sample, 77% of the salvaged items were level 80 (others were all at least level 77) and 87% of the masters/mystic salvage items were 80 (others were at least level 76).
Judging from your comments, you’re just estimating extremely small, memorable samples from rough memory rather than looking at actual data. Looking at my data, there’s a run where only 2 ectos were received out of 7 consecutive attempts with a master/mystic kit (expanding that also resulted in a streak of 3/9). There’s also a run of 5/8 for the black lion kit. However, that streak immediately followed a 12 ectos in 6 attempts run for a total of 17 in 14 (1.21 per salvage, just under the average). Sometimes when you salvage 10 items, you’ll get 3 ectos, but sometimes when you salvage 10 items you’ll get 18 ectos. That’s how random number events work.
Now, if you get a documented streak of only 30 ectos out of 100 salvages, let people know. That’s still statistically possible (albeit extremely unlikely) but is starting to get close to a meaningful amount of data.
One is information on the game, one is telling you the mechanics of the game, they are two completely different things.
Answering the crazies but not the real questions again
Simple question mode: does the vendor coin value of a rare affect the ectoplasms-outcome of salvaging it?
While I don’t track coin value for my salvage items, I do track “type” (albeit not as rigidly as I’d like). Considering greatswords have higher coin values than other items, I tried to look at just those in my data. I don’t have nearly enough data to draw conclusions from that small of a subset, but there’s no real appreciable difference between the salvage rate on greatswords as compared to the average. I just ran a quick total (remember, all these are ridiculously small sample sizes) and the item types whose salvage rates were more than 25% greater than the average for mystic/masters kits were Torch, Shield, and Chest (only tracked by slot, not armor type unfortunately). Torch (sample size is low double digits) came in at a whooping 62% higher salvage rate (looking at total ectos gained rather than success/fail) than the average.
/Please note, as I’ve stated far too many times already, the sample sizes for those figures are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too small to draw real conclusions from, I just wanted to share some of the data on this to point out that there is some reliable tracking going on, even though most of the data sets I’ve seen neglect to even distinguish between level 80 exotics and level 74 rares. All of my data is for rare items of at least level 76, but the vast majority of items are level 80.
Credit card > Gems > BL Salvage Kits > Win
or if that doesn’t work … In game gold > Gems > BL Salvage Kits > Win
…anything else is just a knock off. If I want quality, I go with the best. Just me, don’t care about the $ coin conversion requirement to make money. If I want an ecto to pop, I use a BL.
Rewards overall seem to be better, so the crazy ecto prices should level. 35silver a pop was silly. I honestly believe ectos should level at less than mystic coins. As ecto’s are easier to attain.
… just a game, sometimes patience pays off. I hope ectos land around 20-22s, but more likely will land around 25s
I’ve personally seen no change between item types or level or cost versus how many you get. With a BLSK you’re actually pushing close to 100% return in ectos. I say close to since you don’t get one every time, but if you do 100 salvages you can get 100+ ectos as i’ve done it before. There has to be something completely random (not tied to a fixed percentage value) as to how many actual ectos you get from a particular rare. Either that or the formula is extremely cryptic. This basically means, results will always vary from person to person, possible even over a very large sample size. You could always assume to get an average, which is how odd’s work in general, but to say you’ll get an ecto 1 in 3 is a long shot at best.
With a BLSK you’re actually pushing close to 100% return in ectos.
Safe numbers to work with when salvaging rares are:
BLSK = Average of 0.9 ectos per rare.
Master’s Salvage Kit = Average of 0.8 ectos per rare.
Obviously you aren’t going to get Ectos every time but some times you get 2 or 3. These numbers are based off me crafting and salvaging hundreds upon hundreds or rares (mostly gloves, boots, helmets, and shoulders).
Whereas I did run a 100 item run with exactly the same item with BLSK and the averages were 1.5 ecto per item like it was nailed to it – so much so that 0, 1, 2, 3 all appeared to have a 25%. However it was a jewelry item, so it came “pre-slotted”.
While armor slot or 1-h vs 2-h have some impact on vendor value (just as level does) the biggie I am highly suspicious of is “does the item have a rune/sigil slotted?” The change in outcomes between unsloted crafted rares and sloted dropped rares is night and day for me. So much so that my next experiment is checking if slotting some left over major runes from previous dropped-item salvages into crafted armor before hitting them with a salvage kit noticable brings up my average ecto return.
One is information on the game, one is telling you the mechanics of the game, they are two completely different things.
In my defense I’m ussually more interested in causal relationships rather than specific values. I like to know “are they connected at all” rather than “what is the coefficient in precise case A” .
We’ve been told that the Mystic Forge is sensitive to both the color and level of items being thrown into it when chasing the elusive precursors. It occurs to me that if they have code to quickly connect color and level (which in many ways is synonymous with vendor value) to reward tables there, they likely used the same code to connect savage targets with reward tables for ectos.
Whereas I did run a 100 item run with exactly the same item with BLSK and the averages were 1.5 ecto per item like it was nailed to it – so much so that 0, 1, 2, 3 all appeared to have a 25%. However it was a jewelry item, so it came “pre-slotted”.
While armor slot or 1-h vs 2-h have some impact on vendor value (just as level does) the biggie I am highly suspicious of is “does the item have a rune/sigil slotted?” The change in outcomes between unsloted crafted rares and sloted dropped rares is night and day for me. So much so that my next experiment is checking if slotting some left over major runes from previous dropped-item salvages into crafted armor before hitting them with a salvage kit noticable brings up my average ecto return.
That’s something that could hugely affect my numbers as I generally make my decision whether to use a black lion kit or my mystic kit based on whether the item has a sigil/rune on it.
From a conceptual standpoint it doesn’t seem that it would make much sense. Thinking about the programming involved, that seems like something that would be much more difficult to implement than a simple system where only item level and rarity (or even vendor price) factor in. On top of that, it’s way too easy to abuse. Since black lion kits have a 100% chance to preserve an upgrade, a player could simply upgrade every unupgraded item before salvaging, knowing they’d receive the upgrade back because of the kit they’re using.
Such a thing is possible, but it strikes me as rather implausible.
And then people ask me why people prefer to be condescending toward official anet reps.
Oh gee I wonder. This thread is no indication at all.
And then people ask me why people prefer to be condescending toward official anet reps.
Oh gee I wonder. This thread is no indication at all.
Is it the same people that are being condesending who are asking the question? I’m confused.
I passed by Maw yesterday while doing my dailies. Wasnt in time for the event but I saw one player linking a single rare and the rest saying he is lucky. ..
Exotic you mean. Rares are 100% or extremely close to it.
Nope I meant rare.
1. I’m pretty sure the maw has a virtually 100% rare drop for participating.
2. When I said those assumptions aren’t necessarily true, I meant they aren’t true. Over 10,000 unique sellers of ectos in the last 24 hours alone. What you are seeing is a supply shift, not an push up the supply curve.
Couple of times Ive got only Blue/Greens only. But its maybe 90%. I guess its probably more than 100% if you consider the times I have had multiple rares from the one chest. Also had my first ever exotic drop from it the two days back. I farmed this event to level my 8×80s so I was starting to think exotic chance from the chest was a myth.
Whereas I did run a 100 item run with exactly the same item with BLSK and the averages were 1.5 ecto per item like it was nailed to it – so much so that 0, 1, 2, 3 all appeared to have a 25%. However it was a jewelry item, so it came “pre-slotted”.
While armor slot or 1-h vs 2-h have some impact on vendor value (just as level does) the biggie I am highly suspicious of is “does the item have a rune/sigil slotted?” The change in outcomes between unsloted crafted rares and sloted dropped rares is night and day for me. So much so that my next experiment is checking if slotting some left over major runes from previous dropped-item salvages into crafted armor before hitting them with a salvage kit noticable brings up my average ecto return.
Salvaging 100 items once is a horrible sample size.
The numbers I gave were what I concluded after salvaging around 5,000 items in lots of 250 each time. There were times I salvaged 100 items and got ~150 ectos but the following 150 rares gave around 50 ectos.
Quick logical question…
Let us assume we are using Master/Mystic Salvage kits. They have a 25% chance of salvaging rarer materials.
Is this 25% chance applied to gain both materials, or one or the other?
This translated into logic :
Let A be Orichalcum Ore
Let B be Glob of Ectoplasm
which of the following is the 25% chance applied to ?
A U B or A v B
(Either A or B ) or ( A or B or Both)
I did the destroyer event chest run yesterday. There were like a hundred players involved. I got greens and blues at the end. I asked around if anyone got anything good. Only two replied that they got crap drops. If someone got all rares I expect them to yell in chat but no one did. Did rare drop rate really increase?
The megadestroyer and Arah chests did not get buffed for some reason. They still only drop blues.
Here is a list of chests that have a >90% chance of dropping a rare:
1. Jormag
2. Shatterer
3. Sunless
4. Jungle Wurm
5. Hydra Queen
6. Shadow Bohemoth
7. Maw
8. Fire Elemental
9. Grenth
10. Lyssa
11. Melendru
12. Dwayna
13. BalthSo each character can get at least 13 additional rares a day over what they could before the patch. I usually get closer to 20 a day now. I’ve gotten 100 ectos since the patch playing only casually.
90%? you must be trolling so hard or the rng on me must hates me so bad
I did the destroyer event chest run yesterday. There were like a hundred players involved. I got greens and blues at the end. I asked around if anyone got anything good. Only two replied that they got crap drops. If someone got all rares I expect them to yell in chat but no one did. Did rare drop rate really increase?
The megadestroyer and Arah chests did not get buffed for some reason. They still only drop blues.
Here is a list of chests that have a >90% chance of dropping a rare:
1. Jormag
2. Shatterer
3. Sunless
4. Jungle Wurm
5. Hydra Queen
6. Shadow Bohemoth
7. Maw
8. Fire Elemental
9. Grenth
10. Lyssa
11. Melendru
12. Dwayna
13. BalthSo each character can get at least 13 additional rares a day over what they could before the patch. I usually get closer to 20 a day now. I’ve gotten 100 ectos since the patch playing only casually.
90%? you must be trolling so hard or the rng on me must hates me so bad
Actually John Smith said it was actually closer to 100%. Remember the loot is scaled to your level. the near 100% chance is for a level 80, and also remember you can only loot the chest once per day, and that this is since the patch last Tuesday. After doing about 70 of the listed events I have averaged 1.3 rares per event, and have ALWAYS received at least 1 rare, not always armor, once I got a ruby orb
With a BLSK you’re actually pushing close to 100% return in ectos.
Safe numbers to work with when salvaging rares are:
BLSK = Average of 0.9 ectos per rare.
Master’s Salvage Kit = Average of 0.8 ectos per rare.Obviously you aren’t going to get Ectos every time but some times you get 2 or 3. These numbers are based off me crafting and salvaging hundreds upon hundreds or rares (mostly gloves, boots, helmets, and shoulders).
Assuming you got those numbers with a relatively large sample size then I guess it is safe to conclude that you should NEVER buy a BLSK.
25 uses * 0.9 ectos per salvage = 22.5 ectos
Cost per salvage of the kit: 300 gems = 5.82g/25 uses = 23s per use
ectos cost about 25s-15% = 21.25s
you are LOSING an average of 1.75s per salvage over just straight up selling the gems plus losing additional money over what you could have been making from just selling the rares.
To put it in perspective:
sell 300 gems = 4.2g
sell 25 rares (ave of 25s ea) = 5.3g
total profit: 9.5g
buy BLSK: -5.82g
salvage for 22.5 ectos and sell for: 4.78g
total profit: -1.03g
so every time you buy a BLSK you are losing 8.5g on what you could of gotten from selling the rares and buying no kit.
Assuming you got those numbers with a relatively large sample size then I guess it is safe to conclude that you should NEVER buy a BLSK.
That’s the conclusion I came too for ectos.
I do use BLSKs though but it’s for runes only. A lot of times exotics with valuable runes are slightly cheaper than the runes itself (e.g. 6.5g for armor with a divinity rune and 7g for a divinity rune). The price difference is because there is a cost in getting the rune out or transmuting it to something better.
However, if you use a BLSK to get the rune and get a few ectos (exotics can give up to 5 ectos) you can make more money removing the rune.
Of course I never buy BLSK anyway. I just have some from BLCs I opened with keys from story/map completion on alts.
Salvaging 100 items once is a horrible sample size.
I don’t agree. When an item has 4 outcomes and each of those outcomes is near 25% (like say, a 4-sided die) it doesn’t take a tremendous number of rolls to check the die within a modest tolerance. 60+ rolls is plenty to get a feel for if a die is warped. You need gigantic sample sizes with checking things with very small likelyhoods and you need an extra significant digit or two to feel strongly about your predictions. Massive sample sizes are needed for precurssors far moreso tha they are to read ecto behavior.
The numbers I gave were what I concluded after salvaging around 5,000 items in lots of 250 each time. There were times I salvaged 100 items and got ~150 ectos but the following 150 rares gave around 50 ectos.
My sense is unless those items had the exact same vendor value, salavaging huge lots like that muddied the data, not clarified it. We know that a rare is not a rare is not a rare to the Mystic Forge – rares of different levels/values act differently. If the input data wasn’t tracked flawlessly, 100 items heavy on unsloted rare 73s and a lot heavy on sloted 80s would give very much the type of data you’re describing in my estimation.
No big deal. I’ll be carrying out my test of sloting crafted gear with runes before cracking them and I’ll share my results. Its just a theory about observed behavior and to a degree it is a testable theory.
Someone probably mentioned it too, but don’t forget lodestones and cores are rares,. Just be glad its not ghostly tonics
Total quantity of ectos for sale has dropped from 35k to 29.5k. So John, you were saying this was not from panic selling?
Salvaging 100 items once is a horrible sample size.
I don’t agree. When an item has 4 outcomes and each of those outcomes is near 25% (like say, a 4-sided die) it doesn’t take a tremendous number of rolls to check the die within a modest tolerance. 60+ rolls is plenty to get a feel for if a die is warped. You need gigantic sample sizes with checking things with very small likelyhoods and you need an extra significant digit or two to feel strongly about your predictions. Massive sample sizes are needed for precurssors far moreso tha they are to read ecto behavior.
Well said, except you forgot one important thing – the level of significance that people on internet gaming forums seem to require. Never mind that the 99% or even 95% significance levels are good enough for medical research, Mr. or Ms. Gamer needs 99.999999999%
Answering the crazies but not the real questions again
Simple question mode: does the vendor coin value of a rare affect the ectoplasms-outcome of salvaging it?
Sorry, you aren’t getting salvaging secrets out of me.
Any insight on why salvage rates on ectos are such a highly guarded secret, as opposed to other information you provide? Is it just the potential market impact that prevents you from sharing or is there some higher big brother reason?
I can’t see what effect telling us the salvage rates would have on the market. The only change I see is a potential increase or decrease in certain salvage kit sales, which seems nominal to me in the long run.
Telling us the salvage rates prevents them from adjusting it manually to what ever rate they see fit.
Telling us information prevents nothing. They can still adjust it and if we ask, they would just tell us the new rate.
Telling us information prevents nothing. They can still adjust it and if we ask, they would just tell us the new rate.
Your assuming they don’t change the rate. I bet they change the rate all the time depending on player activity and changes to the game.
If they tell us the rate we can verify it by accumulating data. If they dont’t tell us the rate they can change it by 1% and no one would notice. 1% may not seem like much but, in a global market with millions of transactions? Think about it.
(edited by Calae.1738)
I would quote john quoting john but come on. He’s said if they changed it, they would tell us in the patch notes.
Telling us information prevents nothing. They can still adjust it and if we ask, they would just tell us the new rate.
Your assuming they don’t change the rate. I bet they change the rate all the time depending on player activity and changes to the game.
I didn’t assume anything, though I don’t take what devs tell me as lying, so I tend to believe them when they say they don’t change the rate.
If they want, they can change the rate and I can’t think of any reason how that would be prevented in any way if they decided to tell us the rate.
(edited by Obtena.7952)
I would quote john quoting john but come on. He’s said if they changed it, they would tell us in the patch notes.
If the arenanet wether man tells me it’s sunny outside and I look out the window and I see rain; I’m going to take an umbrella.
I don’t really care what anyone says. I trust data from experimentation. Run the numbers yourself.
John could say anything he wants; I have no reason to believe anything he says. I fact, I have no reason to believe anything anyone says.
I would quote john quoting john but come on. He’s said if they changed it, they would tell us in the patch notes.
If the arenanet wether man tells me it’s sunny outside and I look out the window and I see rain; I’m going to take an umbrella.
I don’t really care what anyone says. I trust data from experimentation. Run the numbers yourself.
John could say anything he wants; I have no reason to believe anything he says. I fact, I have no reason to believe anything anyone says.
Then why play at all? Continuing to play only would show that you either enjoy being lied to, or simply don’t believe your own conspiracy theory. Because here in the land of facts and numbers we have answers and can take them as such. Because our $$$ is supporting this company whether or not we have our tinfoil hats on or not.
We are playing a game, not voting for the next politician. Why people take this stuff so seriously is beyond me. I imagine every lead, designer, dev has to take babysitting courses just to be allowed to post on forums. Because half the time instead of being able to post helpful information they have to be busy culling the conspiracy theories that bored people come up with in their heads.
Obviously John Smith doesn’t exist at all, I mean who really has the generic first and last names like that right? Clearly he is an undercover agent from another country, possibly planet, sent here to steal our gems through micro-transactions. He has so far evaded capture by posing as a mild mannered MMO person, but soon the jig will be up.. very soon… MISTER SMITH
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
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