Levelling a Charr - Which zones did you go through?
I went through Ashford, then Diessa, Queensdale, Kessex, Wayfarer, Snowden, and now I’m working on Gendarren. Mostly did the side quests, got all the POIs, vistas, and what not. After that I just moved to the next one. Never really spent to long in one area, so I’m looking at 36 right now.
Oh and I hit up the main cities in each part
Level 30 so far. IIRC: Ashford…Diessa…Snowden.
For my first level 80 I did all the main cities first 100%, then all the 1-15 areas. By then I was in my late 20s. After that it becomes a bit of a blurr following my personal story to where ever it lead me lol. I also harvested a lot as I went along (gave up on crafting after 150 skill). Pretty good exp no matter what you did! I did not try WvW will I was allready 80. I am not much of a PvP fan. Reminds me of Warhammer’s RvR. oddly enough I did enjoy that a lot. Turns out WvW is just as fun! Not sure how much fun it is leveling up in though.
As for my alts, the main reason I LOVE THIS GAME. I can do the exact same zones over again and run into completely new experiances (events) and a totaly different personal storty. Even if all 8 of my characters are the same race!!!
I’m lvl 46. I went Plains of Ashford, Diessa Plateau, Wayfarer Foothills, Snowden Drifts, Gandarren Fields, Fields of Ruin. Now I am in Blazeridge Steppes. I have 100% in Black Citadel, Hoelbrak, Lions arch and all the above areas except Blaze. My personal story is in Bloodtide coast but i am staying in eastern Charr lands, I read Edge of Destiny so it’s all making the book come alive.
Yeah I did the same as you. Ash>Diessa>Gendarran>Field of Ruin>Blazeridge Steppes Then I did bloodtide coast, then back into Ascalon for Iron Marches, then Sparkfly Fen, Mt.Maelstrom and then I did all of Orr to 80.
Never did any of the snow area or Fireheart Rise until after I hit 80.
Since my charr is my main and I’m guild leader I leveled everywhere from having to jump around constantly to help everyone out. I’d say half of my total leveling experience per-level most of the time was exploration alone lol.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…
Hopping all over the place with my charr mesmer, but now with engineer sticking mostly in charr areas. Plains of Ashford, Diessa Plateau, Blazeridge Steppes, Fields of Ruin and now at level 57 are doing Iron Marches. I like Ascalon, liked it in Guild Wars too, the devastation post Searing and now the ruins of human settlement.
(edited by Bogey.5423)