Ascended Armour & Linen vs Gossamer
It is bad enough that each individual piece of armour with each individual attribute set cannot be discovered through discovery (a fun mechanic), but is locked behind a laurel and gold sink. Five Laurels for one pattern, locked attributes, bind on account, it’s just not fun at all.
Sad to tell you that it is intended to be a gold/gem sink. I think the dev who think of this has a fat extra bonus.
Ayumu-lvl 80 Necromancer
Tsu-lvl 80 thief
Considering money is made from raw materials, not crafting, the gold sink is targeting the wrong area. I guess I chose the wrong game to play as a player that enjoys RvR and Crafting, the only two areas that are targeted by gold sinks. Meanwhile Fractal runners, champ farmers and dungeon runners are making a fortune.
There is something seriously wrong with the way Ascended Armour has been designed if the demand for Bolts of Linen exceed that of Bolts of Gossamer so much that Linen is worth more than twice that of Gossamer.
Something needs to be done, either reduce the amount of low level cloth required for refining, or increase the drop rate of the lower level cloth so that craftspeople can gather it themselves at a reliable rate.
What on earth possessed the design team in charge of crafting to charge such an exorbitant amount for this stuff?
And they were warned about this by players well before asc armor was actually released.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
There is something seriously wrong with the way Ascended Armour has been designed if the demand for Bolts of Linen exceed that of Bolts of Gossamer so much that Linen is worth more than twice that of Gossamer.
Something needs to be done, either reduce the amount of low level cloth required for refining, or increase the drop rate of the lower level cloth so that craftspeople can gather it themselves at a reliable rate.
What on earth possessed the design team in charge of crafting to charge such an exorbitant amount for this stuff?
And they were warned about this by players well before asc armor was actually released.
This is working as intended to give new players a way to gather wealth in low and mid lvl maps.
The Devs told us already back in August that the market will be in disequilibrium.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
I also wonder how high especially Linen will go in future, since there really is no good way to farm it. Its really absurd that a T4 mat is now the most expensive mat of all (except t6 Blood,Claws, Scales … )
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
Considering money is made from raw materials, not crafting, the gold sink is targeting the wrong area. I guess I chose the wrong game to play as a player that enjoys RvR and Crafting, the only two areas that are targeted by gold sinks. Meanwhile Fractal runners, champ farmers and dungeon runners are making a fortune.
It’s the same problem as most other parts of this game. It only operates at extremes and Anet only addresses the “problems” they introduce with extreme overreactions. They’ve done the same thing with the scrap excess as they did with Orr back in Feb or March. They didn’t like the way it was working, so they just blew the whole thing up and tried to chase people away from it entirely. So anybody who is willing to play their game and sink huge amounts of time into it makes extraordinary amounts of money and you can’t compete if you’re willing to do any less.
But, yes, you’re right, you did pick the wrong game if you wanted to be a crafter. Unless you’re willing to farm dungeons like crazy or try to play the TP it’s really only good for leveling. That said, I’m not sure MMO you’d play instead. Crafting has always been a major weakness in MMOs. Anet is hardly the first to get it all wrong and I doubt they’ll be the last.
That said, I’ve been making good and easy money since Damask came and screwed up the market. I bought a ton of discarded garments and silk scrap for less than 1s about a week ago and I’ve profited about 80g from it by making Damask each day and selling it. The linen thing isn’t a problem, it doesn’t take much time to farm that. Even when I run out of silk I’ll be able to buy what I need for about 3-4g each day and turn it into a 10-11g bolt.
the only thing that kitten es me off about the MATS in ascended armor is that its ALL getting stupid expensive for a few reason:
1: you require MUCH more mats in armor then weapon ( ascended )
2: we have no way to FARM silk/linen/wool/cotton like we do with ore and Wood.
dont think Anet thought this trough, im actually Crafting Ascended weapon MATS to sale on TP to be able to buy SOME mats for Ascended armor.
in 20min with 4 of my charts i can farm enough platinum and Iron to make Deldrimor and sale it for 4g~ and then run 2-3 dungeon runs to make up the rest of the cash to make or buy Bolts of damask…..
PLEASE ANET ADD A WAY TO FARM SILK/LEATHER!!!! like Piles of spider webs we can Gather or something i dunno…..
[quote=3412112;Black Regent.5897:]
(edited by Ralron.8124)
FYI the market is stabilizing , but it will remain stupid expensive in comparison
Salvage all blue and greens you find, which you should find plenty if your champ farming or running around WvW. I had enough mats saved up in a months time to make about 15 bolts of damask worth I believe.
I had so much silk and leather at one point that I was contemplating just vendor trashing all of it, thankfully I didn’t.
15 bolts of damask will get you 2-3 piece of ascended armor not to mention the 15 you need for the new backpeice..
I salvage over 200 blues greens a day and i get about 50% of mats i need for bolt of damask….
that’s NOT viable… i still need to run a few dungeons to make the extra 5 gold for rest of mats…. ( i personally dont mind ) but its still stupid expensive compare to the weapons..
Saying that it took 30 days to farm enough mats to craft 15 days worth of Ascended mats only proves that demand is grossly higher than supply.
Until people actually start farming the mats to keep up with the demand, the price will keep going up. Since farming cloth is less steady than for ore & wood, its hard to say when that will happen. Especially for the lower level cloth.
Victory or Death [VoD] – Yak’s Bend
Salvage all blue and greens you find, which you should find plenty if your champ farming or running around WvW. I had enough mats saved up in a months time to make about 15 bolts of damask worth I believe.
I had so much silk and leather at one point that I was contemplating just vendor trashing all of it, thankfully I didn’t.
I’ve been salvaging all blues and whites since release. Greens, blues, and whites since essence of luck came out and I can tell you that it wasn’t enough to keep up with for the thick leather, not every day anyway. If it isn’t enough for leather then it’s not going to be enough for silk.
15 bolts isn’t enough make one set(although there is no need for a full set unless you want the infusion slots) and it’s also the amount required to make the new ascended back items.
Salvage all blue and greens you find, which you should find plenty if your champ farming or running around WvW. I had enough mats saved up in a months time to make about 15 bolts of damask worth I believe.
I had so much silk and leather at one point that I was contemplating just vendor trashing all of it, thankfully I didn’t.
There’s absolutely no way salvaging is getting you enough to maintain Damask crafting day after day. Once you exhaust your stockpile you need to generate 300 silk scrap alone every 24 hours to make a bolt in each cooldown window. Even if you get 2/3 of them from salvage items and containers – highly unlikely – you’d still need to salvage between 75 and 100 light armor pieces a day. Light armor constitutes just 1/3 of all armor drops so you’d be farming 250-300 armor items a day. Considering that enemies drop ANYTHING, what, 1 in every 2 kills and even discounting weapons that’s several hundred enemy kills a day. More likely north of 1000. And no guarantee you’ll actually get what you need.
That’s a pretty absurd requirement. Especially compared to other professions. A Deldrimor steel ingot is, what, about 150 ore or something like that? And then the Mithrillium is another 100 ore. Not only is it a much lower requirement, nodes are guaranteed to give what you need and you can see them right on the map.
Damask’s requirements are utter BS by comparison.
^And that’s only farming for silk.
Now we got to get that linen, cotton, and wool too…
Victory or Death [VoD] – Yak’s Bend
This is why you speculate before crafted gear is released. Did this for Ascended weapons. Did this for Ascended armor. And I did this for Ascended jewelers.
Everyone should go out and buy stacks of Silver, Gold, and Platinum. Then, when prices skyrocket, cash out and use your profits to buy your Ascended armor mats.
15 bolts of damask will get you 2-3 piece of ascended armor not to mention the 15 you need for the new backpeice..
I salvage over 200 blues greens a day and i get about 50% of mats i need for bolt of damask….
that’s NOT viable… i still need to run a few dungeons to make the extra 5 gold for rest of mats…. ( i personally dont mind ) but its still stupid expensive compare to the weapons..
Well expecting to be able to farm everything by yourself in a short manner of time is unreasonable
@Smooth Penguin: Oh absolutely. I’m already wondering what they’ll do with gems & precious metals to make it worthwhile…
…But just because people speculated doesn’t make this situation any better overall, just better for some.
Personally, I’m only disappointed because there is a HUGE discrepancy between the different crafting materials at this point, and ArenaNet probably should have collected more data before making damask take 300 scraps per.
Victory or Death [VoD] – Yak’s Bend
This is why you speculate before crafted gear is released. Did this for Ascended weapons. Did this for Ascended armor. And I did this for Ascended jewelers.
I did it for armor, doesn’t make it right or good design.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
This is why you speculate before crafted gear is released. Did this for Ascended weapons. Did this for Ascended armor. And I did this for Ascended jewelers.
Everyone should go out and buy stacks of Silver, Gold, and Platinum. Then, when prices skyrocket, cash out and use your profits to buy your Ascended armor mats.
I already did this for armour. However, I’m just not playing the game any more. Bad design is bad design, and this game has gone completely off the rails since launch that it’s just no longer fun.
Well expecting to be able to farm everything by yourself in a short manner of time is unreasonable
Why expecting to be able to farm mats for armor at about the same speed as for weapons (which was already too low, by the way) should be unreasonable?
Or better yet – why expecting the grind for stats to keep at reasonable levels should be unreasonable?
Remember, remember, 15th of November
I also wonder how high especially Linen will go in future, since there really is no good way to farm it. Its really absurd that a T4 mat is now the most expensive mat of all (except t6 Blood,Claws, Scales … )
First link when I googled “gw2 farm linen”
Same spot as the defend supplies guild mission. I found the NW corner to be the best spot.
Mobs spawn very fast and the NPC’s that you res around you help you kill the mobs (as well as hold them there for you).
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –
This is why you speculate before crafted gear is released. Did this for Ascended weapons. Did this for Ascended armor. And I did this for Ascended jewelers.
To be fair, If everyone speculated, no one would make profit.
Having said that, I don’t agree with people on this subject. I think this is just another overreaction to price increases. People have a short memory about stuff like this. Look back to the prices of Ori, Ancient wood, iron ore, soft wood logs, and so on….. It was all sky high when ascended weapons came out. Few months later, all the prices are down and far more reasonable. I don’t know how many threads I have said this in, but the prices are really high because there is an initial demand on these materials that were rarely used before now. Give it some time and prices will come down and probably a lot sooner than you think.
The reality is, most of you should be taking the opportunity here to make a profit while prices are high instead of QQing about them. I have made a ton of gold crafting damask and selling these high priced mats. In 2 months, when the “have to have it now” crowd is gone, I will have made enough gold to craft ascended armor for free and still have some left over.
Look back to the prices of Ori, Ancient wood, iron ore, soft wood logs, and so on….. It was all sky high when ascended weapons came out.
The difference was that i could go out into the world and farm those directly in a dependable manner. In fact, that’s what i did – all the mats i used for ascended crafting for weapons were self-farmed. Ori and ancient were farmable with a constant rate that, well, i could barely live with. Mithril and elder wood were never a problem at all.
With gossamer and silk this is definitely not the case.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
I can’t figure out why cloth is so much more expensive than leather (despite both dropping from most of the same sources at similar rates).
I can’t figure out why cloth is so much more expensive than leather (despite both dropping from most of the same sources at similar rates).
Leather is only used for ascended medium armor (and asc bowstrings) while cloth is used by all 3 armor professions.
You could also craft ascended leather since September, so the supply was there before the demand.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
I also wonder how high especially Linen will go in future, since there really is no good way to farm it. Its really absurd that a T4 mat is now the most expensive mat of all (except t6 Blood,Claws, Scales … )
First link when I googled “gw2 farm linen”
Same spot as the defend supplies guild mission. I found the NW corner to be the best spot.
Mobs spawn very fast and the NPC’s that you res around you help you kill the mobs (as well as hold them there for you).
That spot was pretty nice for getting linen but I found it somewhat annoying with the despawning mechanic.
I also wonder how high especially Linen will go in future, since there really is no good way to farm it. Its really absurd that a T4 mat is now the most expensive mat of all (except t6 Blood,Claws, Scales … )
First link when I googled “gw2 farm linen”
Same spot as the defend supplies guild mission. I found the NW corner to be the best spot.
Mobs spawn very fast and the NPC’s that you res around you help you kill the mobs (as well as hold them there for you).
That spot was pretty nice for getting linen but I found it somewhat annoying with the despawning mechanic.
Keep the NPC’s up/tag them and they’ll stop them from despawning. It’s just getting a rythm going and knowing what area they’ll spawn next (shouldn’t take most people long to figure out a few spots to bounce between).
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –
I also wonder how high especially Linen will go in future, since there really is no good way to farm it. Its really absurd that a T4 mat is now the most expensive mat of all (except t6 Blood,Claws, Scales … )
First link when I googled “gw2 farm linen”
Same spot as the defend supplies guild mission. I found the NW corner to be the best spot.
Mobs spawn very fast and the NPC’s that you res around you help you kill the mobs (as well as hold them there for you).
That spot was pretty nice for getting linen but I found it somewhat annoying with the despawning mechanic.
Keep the NPC’s up/tag them and they’ll stop them from despawning. It’s just getting a rythm going and knowing what area they’ll spawn next (shouldn’t take most people long to figure out a few spots to bounce between).
Went back there again for another 30m while keeping track of the drops. Definitely a nice spot considering the cost of linen right now. Ended up with around 3g(that would be after taxes and fees if I actually sold them) of stuff.
I find it better to avoid bouncing around. Just keep the ones in the middle alive and the flame legion enemies will come to you but I am using a melee character for this.
What buggered me was the patch that made it 3 silk scraps pr. bolt instead of 2 and the fact that you need 100 and not 50 to make 1 ascended.
- I though – I had prepared— . and gathered over 3k scraps.- had sadly not made them bolts- then came the bolt kitten , reducing my supply and then the 100 vs 50 for weapons.
I managed so far to make boots and legs for 1 toon. – I have 7.
- Though I had sufficient – I mean, I’m only playing some 14 hours each day- you know casual. And I just don’t have enough.
Further imbalance in what ends with the cost for producing cloth armor versus metal… since all need cloth – OK none can make much. BUT- since metal and leather could be pre-made long ago (I have fair stacks of each)..
Cloth users are in serious disadvantage.
They need – FAR- more cloth (the hardest to farm)
Mats on all other armor types have spread out mats use. (though cloth is still hardest mats to get)
Everyone that crafted could see the slots in advance for crafting cloth- but who could tell that it would get THAT expensive.
Stockpile of metal and leather was possible, and what I though was enough cloth, but no.
No chance to farm enough, for a cloth armor toon, pr. day even at 14 hours play time.
Further- defensive infusion——- 250 karka shells….. a monster none wants to fight as they are-
Horrible droprate -(unless you count karka queen- witch gets farmed on my server BY a HUGE zerg from other servers so we enter overflow if we try to make it.) and no way to transmute them using the genie. That is some 1000+ young karka kills to get one socket.
AND we are somehow expected to have several gear sets depending on what we do??
Seriously! ?? for what 3-10 stat point increase? a skin that looks like a kitten harlequin joke on most races/gender?
Please A-net- first off – balance the cloth users cost to get ascended- and look into the rest as-well.
I also wonder how high especially Linen will go in future, since there really is no good way to farm it. Its really absurd that a T4 mat is now the most expensive mat of all (except t6 Blood,Claws, Scales … )
First link when I googled “gw2 farm linen”
Same spot as the defend supplies guild mission. I found the NW corner to be the best spot.
Mobs spawn very fast and the NPC’s that you res around you help you kill the mobs (as well as hold them there for you).
That spot was pretty nice for getting linen but I found it somewhat annoying with the despawning mechanic.
Keep the NPC’s up/tag them and they’ll stop them from despawning. It’s just getting a rythm going and knowing what area they’ll spawn next (shouldn’t take most people long to figure out a few spots to bounce between).
Went back there again for another 30m while keeping track of the drops. Definitely a nice spot considering the cost of linen right now. Ended up with around 3g(that would be after taxes and fees if I actually sold them) of stuff.
I find it better to avoid bouncing around. Just keep the ones in the middle alive and the flame legion enemies will come to you but I am using a melee character for this.
I bounced around in a small area (NW/NNW/N) I used both mele and ranged on my guard with 1h sw/scepter and JI. Could have probably done better on my thief with DD/SB, but I was just there testing the spot to see if it was still a good place (the guide is pretty old). You just need to tag them before they either do that funky disappear or have the guards kill them before you get to them.
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –
I also wonder how high especially Linen will go in future, since there really is no good way to farm it. Its really absurd that a T4 mat is now the most expensive mat of all (except t6 Blood,Claws, Scales … )
First link when I googled “gw2 farm linen”
Same spot as the defend supplies guild mission. I found the NW corner to be the best spot.
Mobs spawn very fast and the NPC’s that you res around you help you kill the mobs (as well as hold them there for you).
That spot was pretty nice for getting linen but I found it somewhat annoying with the despawning mechanic.
Keep the NPC’s up/tag them and they’ll stop them from despawning. It’s just getting a rythm going and knowing what area they’ll spawn next (shouldn’t take most people long to figure out a few spots to bounce between).
Went back there again for another 30m while keeping track of the drops. Definitely a nice spot considering the cost of linen right now. Ended up with around 3g(that would be after taxes and fees if I actually sold them) of stuff.
I find it better to avoid bouncing around. Just keep the ones in the middle alive and the flame legion enemies will come to you but I am using a melee character for this.
I bounced around in a small area (NW/NNW/N) I used both mele and ranged on my guard with 1h sw/scepter and JI. Could have probably done better on my thief with DD/SB, but I was just there testing the spot to see if it was still a good place (the guide is pretty old). You just need to tag them before they either do that funky disappear or have the guards kill them before you get to them.
I just mean it’s less effort. Since they’ll all(well most of them) run to you and then aggro on you once in range.
We need recipies to create silk and other tiers of cloth materials. I drown in bloodstone dust but i have hard time to get silk and linen ? Seriously …
Recipies for mystic toilet to convert bloodstone dust to other ’ common’ materials would give some real use for it and would help to stabilize market when some crazy imbalances occurs.
We need recipies to create silk and other tiers of cloth materials. I drown in bloodstone dust but i have hard time to get silk and linen ? Seriously …
Recipies for mystic toilet to convert bloodstone dust to other ’ common’ materials would give some real use for it and would help to stabilize market when some crazy imbalances occurs.
This. I have around 30 stacks of Empyreal Fragments clogging up my inventory that i currently have NO use for at all. At least the nightmare tower patch gave us the toxic consumables to spend the Bloodstone dust on, i´m still waiting on a good use for the Empyreal junk.
I also wonder how high especially Linen will go in future, since there really is no good way to farm it. Its really absurd that a T4 mat is now the most expensive mat of all (except t6 Blood,Claws, Scales … )
First link when I googled “gw2 farm linen”
Same spot as the defend supplies guild mission. I found the NW corner to be the best spot.
Mobs spawn very fast and the NPC’s that you res around you help you kill the mobs (as well as hold them there for you).
That spot was pretty nice for getting linen but I found it somewhat annoying with the despawning mechanic.
Keep the NPC’s up/tag them and they’ll stop them from despawning. It’s just getting a rythm going and knowing what area they’ll spawn next (shouldn’t take most people long to figure out a few spots to bounce between).
Went back there again for another 30m while keeping track of the drops. Definitely a nice spot considering the cost of linen right now. Ended up with around 3g(that would be after taxes and fees if I actually sold them) of stuff.
I find it better to avoid bouncing around. Just keep the ones in the middle alive and the flame legion enemies will come to you but I am using a melee character for this.
I bounced around in a small area (NW/NNW/N) I used both mele and ranged on my guard with 1h sw/scepter and JI. Could have probably done better on my thief with DD/SB, but I was just there testing the spot to see if it was still a good place (the guide is pretty old). You just need to tag them before they either do that funky disappear or have the guards kill them before you get to them.
I just mean it’s less effort. Since they’ll all(well most of them) run to you and then aggro on you once in range.
Tyvm for the tip I’ll pass it on to friends who are trying to farm it (WHY U NO LISTEN 2 ME AND NO BUY EARLY FRIENDS?!)
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –
(edited by Aberrant.6749)
I also wonder how high especially Linen will go in future, since there really is no good way to farm it. Its really absurd that a T4 mat is now the most expensive mat of all (except t6 Blood,Claws, Scales … )
First link when I googled “gw2 farm linen”
Same spot as the defend supplies guild mission. I found the NW corner to be the best spot.
Mobs spawn very fast and the NPC’s that you res around you help you kill the mobs (as well as hold them there for you).
That spot was pretty nice for getting linen but I found it somewhat annoying with the despawning mechanic.
Keep the NPC’s up/tag them and they’ll stop them from despawning. It’s just getting a rythm going and knowing what area they’ll spawn next (shouldn’t take most people long to figure out a few spots to bounce between).
Went back there again for another 30m while keeping track of the drops. Definitely a nice spot considering the cost of linen right now. Ended up with around 3g(that would be after taxes and fees if I actually sold them) of stuff.
I find it better to avoid bouncing around. Just keep the ones in the middle alive and the flame legion enemies will come to you but I am using a melee character for this.
I bounced around in a small area (NW/NNW/N) I used both mele and ranged on my guard with 1h sw/scepter and JI. Could have probably done better on my thief with DD/SB, but I was just there testing the spot to see if it was still a good place (the guide is pretty old). You just need to tag them before they either do that funky disappear or have the guards kill them before you get to them.
I just mean it’s less effort. Since they’ll all(well most of them) run to you and then aggro on you once in range.
Tyvm for the tip
I’ll pass it on to friends who are trying to farm it (WHY U NO LISTEN 2 ME AND NO BUY EARLY FRIENDS?!)
I had no need to buy but I did sell off quite a bit and the reason was a lack of space.
I also wonder how high especially Linen will go in future, since there really is no good way to farm it. Its really absurd that a T4 mat is now the most expensive mat of all (except t6 Blood,Claws, Scales … )
First link when I googled “gw2 farm linen”
Same spot as the defend supplies guild mission. I found the NW corner to be the best spot.
Mobs spawn very fast and the NPC’s that you res around you help you kill the mobs (as well as hold them there for you).
That spot was pretty nice for getting linen but I found it somewhat annoying with the despawning mechanic.
Keep the NPC’s up/tag them and they’ll stop them from despawning. It’s just getting a rythm going and knowing what area they’ll spawn next (shouldn’t take most people long to figure out a few spots to bounce between).
Went back there again for another 30m while keeping track of the drops. Definitely a nice spot considering the cost of linen right now. Ended up with around 3g(that would be after taxes and fees if I actually sold them) of stuff.
I find it better to avoid bouncing around. Just keep the ones in the middle alive and the flame legion enemies will come to you but I am using a melee character for this.
I bounced around in a small area (NW/NNW/N) I used both mele and ranged on my guard with 1h sw/scepter and JI. Could have probably done better on my thief with DD/SB, but I was just there testing the spot to see if it was still a good place (the guide is pretty old). You just need to tag them before they either do that funky disappear or have the guards kill them before you get to them.
I just mean it’s less effort. Since they’ll all(well most of them) run to you and then aggro on you once in range.
Tyvm for the tip
I’ll pass it on to friends who are trying to farm it (WHY U NO LISTEN 2 ME AND NO BUY EARLY FRIENDS?!)
I had no need to buy but I did sell off quite a bit and the reason was a lack of space.
I feel you, I couldn’t play multiple alts or use my bank/personal guild bank for a few months because it was full of cloth xD
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –
Any response to this issue that involves something along the lines of “well you should have done something days/weeks/moths ago to prepared for this” indicates a total failure on Anet’s part. Players should not have to stockpile or speculate, the systems should be designed to be balanced out based on how things ARE.
They supposedly have an economist on staff who is capable of predicting these trends almost as well as any of us.
If they add a mechanics change to the economy that any of you could predict would vastly shift the value of certain resources, then the guy on staff should KNOW THAT and plan accordingly. If the change would result in supply dropping well below demand for a limited time before balancing out to a higher level than before, then they need to account for that.
In this case, they could have added linen, wool, and cotton scraps as relatively common drops from Giant Wintersday Gifts. If the math was done right, that would have flooded the market with supply in proportion to the increase in demand. If after Wintersday it doesn’t look like supply/demand will balance out to previous levels, then they can just nudge up the drop rates of those items from other activities a bit.
What is the point of paying someone to have a hand on the tiller if all he does it tie it off and take a nap?
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
They did add in tons of mats with the CP/Scarlet events. They then warned that market changes were coming. Then everyone was able to see the recipe formulas for leather via huntsman and therefore know what it would be for the cloth stuff (outside of silk requiring 100 bolts which was a surprise). Players warned other players in these forums about what was going to happen.
Now you’re upset because you expected them to flood the market for the people that didn’t listen for months? I wouldn’t be upset at them if they increased the availability of it a bit from specific mobs so that it could be farmed more easily, but flood the market with linen from wintersday gifts… no. That’s not at all reasonable.
Just to warn you so the next thing they’ll be coming out with is JC/Cooking. JC will require Ori & orbs to get to 500 and silver/gold/plat/mithril for the daily stuffs. Cooking is somewhat a mystery though, but I would just hold onto whatever cooking mats you get for now.
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –
(edited by Aberrant.6749)
They did add in tons of mats with the CP/Scarlet events. They then warned that market changes were coming.
That’s putting the cart before the horse. All that does is give more warning to market speculators, not to normal players who only notice the price of things when they intend to buy them for their own use.
If they are going to increase demand then they need to dump supply into the market during and after that shift, not before it. The dump in supply should be proportionate to the increased demand so that prices remain flat.
The market should not be there exclusively for people that pay attention to it. The market should be there for people who just want to buy the materials they need at the time. Players should never have to “pay attention to warnings,” there should be no need for warnings because the market should correct itself. When adding new mechanics to the economy, they should give with one hand and take away with the other so that the prices remain stable, increase demand, increase supply, reduce demand, pull back on supply.
At the moment, the market is designed to work for people who play the market, for people who pay attention to the ups and downs, follow the trends, listen to the warnings and more importantly understand their cryptic meanings. That is not how things should be. The market should not be for the use and benefit of those who play in it, the market should be for the use and benefit of those who are playing the REST of the game, and who only interact with the market when they have stuff they don’t need and want to get rid of, or have stuff that they do need and want to pick up.
The whole point of having people who work at ANet who supposedly know how economies work, is to smooth the playing field so that those players don’t have to pay attention AT ALL and still get good prices for their transactions.
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
At the moment, the market is designed to work for people who play the market, for people who pay attention to the ups and downs, follow the trends, listen to the warnings and more importantly understand their cryptic meanings. That is not how things should be. The market should not be for the use and benefit of those who play in it, the market should be for the use and benefit of those who are playing the REST of the game, and who only interact with the market when they have stuff they don’t need and want to get rid of, or have stuff that they do need and want to pick up.
The whole point of having people who work at ANet who supposedly know how economies work, is to smooth the playing field so that those players don’t have to pay attention AT ALL and still get good prices for their transactions.
I agree about what they should have done but I’m not sure that has ever been their aim with the TP, its always been an issue that it arenanet appear to regard it as a game in and of itself rather than supporting the actual game.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
I have no problem with the price or the market. What I do have a problem with is the fact that despite how much I was playing it was still not possible to gather that material in a day.
So that leads to the following questions:
1) am I supposed to stop playing and just farm gold instead(never going to happen)
2) well since I can’t keep up time gating is pretty much irrelevant now right?
3) start paying $$$ for gold?
As mentioned above, even while being aware of things there is the issue of storage. That could be solved by more gold or more $$$ but if you have the gold you could just being buying things now and I think any solution that involves paying cash is just wrong.
I’ve decide to go with another route. I’ll just buy them until I run out of gold and then … probably find another game or something.
Oh and I am well aware of the fact that ascended armor is not necessary. The stat gain is only a fraction of what you can get from things like stacking sigils and food. The problem is that they are always looming ahead. I could just use exotics but there is always the specter of “someday I will have to replace this and then it’ll be more transmutation crystals and BLSKs”.
I agree about what they should have done but I’m not sure that has ever been their aim with the TP, its always been an issue that it arenanet appear to regard it as a game in and of itself rather than supporting the actual game.
Then they might as well fire the economists on staff and just let the thing run, let the fat cats ride it hard and put it back wet and let the chips fall where they may, because what they’re doing nowadays isn’t much better. At the very least it’d save them $30K per year or so in salary that they could hire another texture artist or something with.
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
They did add in tons of mats with the CP/Scarlet events. They then warned that market changes were coming.
That’s putting the cart before the horse. All that does is give more warning to market speculators, not to normal players who only notice the price of things when they intend to buy them for their own use.
If they are going to increase demand then they need to dump supply into the market during and after that shift, not before it. The dump in supply should be proportionate to the increased demand so that prices remain flat.
The market should not be there exclusively for people that pay attention to it. The market should be there for people who just want to buy the materials they need at the time. Players should never have to “pay attention to warnings,” there should be no need for warnings because the market should correct itself. When adding new mechanics to the economy, they should give with one hand and take away with the other so that the prices remain stable, increase demand, increase supply, reduce demand, pull back on supply.
At the moment, the market is designed to work for people who play the market, for people who pay attention to the ups and downs, follow the trends, listen to the warnings and more importantly understand their cryptic meanings. That is not how things should be. The market should not be for the use and benefit of those who play in it, the market should be for the use and benefit of those who are playing the REST of the game, and who only interact with the market when they have stuff they don’t need and want to get rid of, or have stuff that they do need and want to pick up.
The whole point of having people who work at ANet who supposedly know how economies work, is to smooth the playing field so that those players don’t have to pay attention AT ALL and still get good prices for their transactions.
They may well have felt that the prices on the materials were too low. Up until just before ascended armor came out I would have def. agreed. You could get a linen scrap for under 1s back then. This order of doing things is one way of increasing the price, but still giving a chance to players that were paying attention to what was announced to prepare. I don’t find that to be a bad thing, but apparently we differ on that.
Keeping the supply on par with demand would have countered a price increase (may not be what they wanted)… then on top of that the demand will also be going down for these mats/ascended armor. If they had flooded the market the price of these mats would have gone down over time, not up/remain the same.
Not needing to pay attention to things that will cause shifts in the market is just silly. It’s an economy and things change… just like in real life. If you don’t pay attention you’re going to be at the mercy of the market.
Had they just tossed everything out at once without adding supply beforehand and with no warnings/announcements I would have agreed with you. However that’s not the case at all. They gave ample warning.
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –
I wonder what the excuse will be when they have to fix the price of gossamer.
The other issue with the current silk situation is that it feels like they are making players pay for the developers’ previous mistakes.
Idk if they are going to do anything with goss. 2s isn’t THAT bad. It’s not like it’s at NPC price or anything.
I sympathize with the silk problem from both POV’s. I’m sure dev’s saw there was too much t5 leather/silk. Raising up leather to 3 didn’t do very much with ascended weapon crafting, but they couldn’t really go back and increase the leather requirements again so soon (well they could, but it would cause even more drama). So IMO they tried to learn from that and suck out more silk with ascended armor, but they may have gone a bit too far. We’ll have to see how it pans out in the long run. I don’t know where it’ll eventually settle down to after this initial first set rush.
From the player’s POV everything until then had been 50 refined t5/day. The sudden increase to 100/day was out of left field.
So yea I can def see how it would feel like you’re paying for previous mistakes.
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –
Atleast it’s helping to lower the gold to gem exchange. The higher the price of mats get, the more people that are exchanging thier cash for gold. There hasn’t been one thread complaining about the price of gems getting out of hand all december. Anet obviously got a good boost in profits too, that’s a good way to finish off 2013.
Why does Anet kittening hate the tailoring crafting or any crafting prof that requirers cloth!
It’s bullkitten and Anet is doing it only to force people to convert gems to gold!
It’s just a kittening grind and Anet you are making us quit this kitteny grind game!
Idk if they are going to do anything with goss. 2s isn’t THAT bad. It’s not like it’s at NPC price or anything.
I sympathize with the silk problem from both POV’s. I’m sure dev’s saw there was too much t5 leather/silk. Raising up leather to 3 didn’t do very much with ascended weapon crafting, but they couldn’t really go back and increase the leather requirements again so soon (well they could, but it would cause even more drama). So IMO they tried to learn from that and suck out more silk with ascended armor, but they may have gone a bit too far. We’ll have to see how it pans out in the long run. I don’t know where it’ll eventually settle down to after this initial first set rush.
From the player’s POV everything until then had been 50 refined t5/day. The sudden increase to 100/day was out of left field.
So yea I can def see how it would feel like you’re paying for previous mistakes.
I think Anet just didnt anticipate that people used alot of the supply of Silk pre patch to promote to Gossamer. Now we are stuck with not enough silk and too much gossamer.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Idk if they are going to do anything with goss. 2s isn’t THAT bad. It’s not like it’s at NPC price or anything.
I sympathize with the silk problem from both POV’s. I’m sure dev’s saw there was too much t5 leather/silk. Raising up leather to 3 didn’t do very much with ascended weapon crafting, but they couldn’t really go back and increase the leather requirements again so soon (well they could, but it would cause even more drama). So IMO they tried to learn from that and suck out more silk with ascended armor, but they may have gone a bit too far. We’ll have to see how it pans out in the long run. I don’t know where it’ll eventually settle down to after this initial first set rush.
From the player’s POV everything until then had been 50 refined t5/day. The sudden increase to 100/day was out of left field.
So yea I can def see how it would feel like you’re paying for previous mistakes.
I think Anet just didnt anticipate that people used alot of the supply of Silk pre patch to promote to Gossamer. Now we are stuck with not enough silk and too much gossamer.
We all blame you for this personally.
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –