Ascended armor: Recipe Speculation
No idea, but why do I get the feeling I wont be needing dragonite, emp and bloodstone? oh well, if that’s the case, more for weapons!
(edited by Natsu Dragneel.1625)
You won’t – it was announced in a prior livestream when ascended weapons were discussed that the ascended armour stuff would require different time gated mats.
So those other T6 ascended mats which currently do not drop will start to – until that happens I would not bother farming dragonite unless you need more ascended weapons.
That “different material” is the ascended level weaving silk. Eventually jewelry will call for the Xunlai Electrum and the crystalline mats.
You’re gonna be in for a surprise if you don’t think every single piece will require it’s own vision stone…
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
My guess is that even though those mats (dragonite, emp star.. ect) won’t be used for armor crafting, they will be used for pre-cursor crafting.
You won’t – it was announced in a prior livestream when ascended weapons were discussed that the ascended armour stuff would require different time gated mats.
So those other T6 ascended mats which currently do not drop will start to – until that happens I would not bother farming dragonite unless you need more ascended weapons.
Perhaps the different time gated mats required for ascended armor that anet devs were referring to is Bolt of Damask, not vision crystals. Those will probably be required to craft ascended amor too because they were introduced in the game as an incentive for players to do different content.
The only time-gate materials are the unrefined T7 ascended materials; Glob of Elder Spirit Residue, Spool of Thick Elonian Cord, Spool of Silk Weaving Thread and Lump of Mithrillium. You can only craft one per day (resets at daily reset).
Dragonite, Empyreal, and Bloodstone are not time-gated. You farm, refine and craft as many Vision Crystals as you want. The limit for Vision Crystal is based solely upon play-time and number of characters. World bosses drop Dragonite and EACH level 80 character you have can receive it once per day. If one character farms every world boss they can receive between 279-345 per day. Same is for Empyreals from dungeons; 20 per dungeon path. The game itself has no built in timer for these materials.
(edited by Rush.8253)
So, I should just go ahead and make a bunch more ascended weapons using my dragonite and emp?
I would hate to use them on some weapons and be left with none for the armour if it did in-fact need it, and for some reason, id rather a set of armour then a few weapons =p
So, I should just go ahead and make a bunch more ascended weapons using my dragonite and emp?
I would hate to use them on some weapons and be left with none for the armour if it did in-fact need it, and for some reason, id rather a set of armour then a few weapons =p
There is two days till the patch. Would it really make sense to use up all your mats this very second? Let’s all just wait a couple days and see what happens. My guess is armor will take two of the gated mats just like weapons do.
Also, there really is no time gating to any ascended weapons, except for the recipes bought with laurels and who doesn’t have a ton of those by now? All the stuff that you personally can only craft one per day (i.e. spiritwood planks) can be bought off the TP. I can’t believe people still call this stuff time gated.
If you look at the description of materials currently in use:
Deldrimor Steel Ingot: Refined from X, Y, Z, and Time-Gated.
Spiritwood Plank: Refined from X, Y, Z, and Time-Gated.
Now look at Bolt of Damask:
Refined from Wool, Cotton, Linen, and Silk Weaving Thread. (you can see this description in the code [&AgGVtgAA] )
I think this makes it pretty clear that Spool of Silk Weaving thread will be Time-Gated material. It will probably be similar to the others…. 50 Silk Cloth, 1 glob, and 10 reagent.
More importantly, these spools will (probably) be required to make Bolt of Damask in the same way the Mithrillium is required to make Deldrimor Steel Ingot. So as we have to wait a few days to build up our mithrillium to make a three-ish ingots for weapons components… we may have to wait a few days to do the exact same thing for armor… whether it be mithrillium for ingots, or spools for bolt of damask.
I hate to say it, but we may be working at least 3 days per piece of armor just to get the time gated materials. I say 3 days because each armor piece costs typically fewer ingot-type material than a weapon does (except for chest).
But that’s no big deal, because if other speculators are correct in their prediction of 1 Vision Crystal per armor piece… then we will be spending at least 3 days farming dragonite for each armor piece anyway!
Cheers, and have fun with the patch.
More importantly, these spools will (probably) be required to make Bolt of Damask in the same way the Mithrillium is required to make Deldrimor Steel Ingot. So as we have to wait a few days to build up our mithrillium to make a three-ish ingots for weapons components… we may have to wait a few days to do the exact same thing for armor… whether it be mithrillium for ingots, or spools for bolt of damask.
I hate to say it, but we may be working at least 3 days per piece of armor just to get the time gated materials. I say 3 days because each armor piece costs typically fewer ingot-type material than a weapon does (except for chest).
Unfortunately it will likely be more like 5-6 days per piece of armor. While it took 3 days to craft 3 deldrimor ingots and 3 spiritwood planks for the ascended weapon inscriptions, my guess is ascended armor insignias will only use bolts of damask. If this is true, they will likely require 5-6 bolts (similar to the way exotic inscriptions required 3 orichalcum ingots/2 ancient wood planks and exotic insignias required 5 bolts of gossamer).
Dog Biscuits [DOG] – Stormbluff Isle
Self-Proclaimed King of Orr – “It’s MY Island”
Looks like the Vision Crystal for Inscriptions was replaced with a Lesser Vision Crystal for Insigna with armor. I assume it will be less than 5 Dragonite ore, 5 bloodstone bricks and 5 stars….but havent hit rank in crafting eyt to se exactly what it will cost. Anyone know yet?
Lesser Vision Crystal is 2 of each (plus an Augur’s Stone). Here’s what it seems like light armor will cost as far as ascended mats go:
36 damask (3 per insignia, 18 for the armor components)
6 elonian leather (for the armor components)
12 dragonite ingots, 12 bloodstone bricks, 12 empyreal stars
Anyone see if I’ve made a mistake here, or if I’m making an incorrect assumption somewhere? I’m too cheap to rush to 500 today if I’m gonna need to spend so long making damask anyway.
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”
Pre-launch, Colin listed things that make MMOs bad. They are all now in GW2.
(edited by One Note Chord.5031)
I made a theoretical list a couple days ago for wupwup set. updated to reflect what you just said:
30 Bolt of Gossamer
30 Glob of Ectoplasm
30 Charged Quartz Crystal
180 Pile of Crystalline Dust
12 Dragonite Ingot / Empyreal Star / Bloodstone Brick
60 Glob of Dark matter
6 Augur’s Stone
600 Thermocatalytic Reagent
36 Bolt of Damask
6 Elonian Leather Square
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