Ascended recipes?
The recipes for each piece, and insignias are purchased through the vendor. The indiviual componets (i.e bolt of damask, elonian leather) are unlocked at level 500. For each piece of armor you’ll need one “upper” and one “lower” and an insignia, as well as a vision, or lesser vision crystal.
I think you might be looking for this though:
Also here:
This is the list of the recipes by stats and name so you know which recipies to buy.
Hope this helps.
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
The recipes for each piece, and insignias are purchased through the vendor. The indiviual componets (i.e bolt of damask, elonian leather) are unlocked at level 500. For each piece of armor you’ll need one “upper” and one “lower” and an insignia, as well as a vision, or lesser vision crystal.
I think you might be looking for this though:
Also here:
This is the list of the recipes by stats and name so you know which recipies to buy.Hope this helps.
TY for the quick reply. I have been to the second wiki link, but was hoping for a very specific, recipe by recipe list as opposed to this more general info. Since nearly every recipe I’ve looked at for this game tells you the actual ingredients, I find it unusual that you get to some of the best crafted gear and suddenly can’t see the recipe.
The problem is, that each component is at least 2 other recipes. For example. Ascended chest armor. It takes (for heavy) 5 crystalline dust, 5 deldrimore ignots, and 25 thermocatalytic reagants. To make a deldrimore ignot you need a lump of mithrillium, 20 iron ingots, 10 steel ignots, and 20 darksteel ignots. And for the lump of mithrillium you need 50 mithril ingots, 1 glob of ecto, and 10 reagents. And thats, just for one piece. For the other half you need: 50 sppols of gossamer thread, 5 crystalline dust and 1 bolt of damask. for the bolt of damask you need: 20 wool, 20 linen, 10 linen, and sppol of silk weaving thread. And for the weaving thread you need 100 bolts of silk, 1 golb of ecto, and 25 spools of gossamer.
I could go on, but you get the picture. If you look in the production tab, on all your unlocked recipes, you can start with say the shoulders, and look at what is needed for the first part. The magnifying glass will show you what is needed for each paticular component.
Also that first link breaks down what is needed a little bit better.
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
Also, if you buy the recipe, for say boots, for what stat combo you want, when you click on it in the recipe tab, it will also show you what is needed with the magnifying glass to expand that as well.
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
(edited by pdavis.8031)
I think the wiki is still the best option.
Lets say you want to craft a medium zerker chest piece, which is called Zojja´s Guise:
The recipe on the wiki page states what you need to craft it and if you are unsure what you need for each crafting component, you can click on them as well to see their ingredients.
Every recipe on the wiki also has a small link under the 4 ingredients, which says:
Show base ingredients
If you click on that, it will show you exactly that, everything you need to gather to craft that item.
By suggestion would be to look at those and gather them all. Then buy the 2 recipes you need from the master crafter (in this case the recipe for an ascended insignia and a asc medium chest piece).
Then go to the crafting panel and choose Zojjas Guise.
It will show you the 4 ingredients you need. Of course you have none of them, so you have to use the little magnifing glass icon next to them to see what you ned for them and craft them.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Normally, you would have to buy the recipe for the ascended inscription AND for the item you want to produce.
However, if you are short on karma (if that even exists ) you could also buy the ascended inscription from the tradingpost and ONLY buy the ascended recipe for the ITEM you want to craft. When you are done crafting the item, you wil afterwards also be able to craft this inscription without having bought the recipe for it.
Hmm… Very interesting tip, Joop. Thanks for sharing.
However, if you are short on karma (if that even exists
) you could also buy the ascended inscription from the tradingpost and ONLY buy the ascended recipe for the ITEM you want to craft. When you are done crafting the item, you wil afterwards also be able to craft this inscription without having bought the recipe for it.
I’ll add that buy the inscription from the TP will also make it so you don’t need any Globs of Dark Matter.
Are you sure using an inscription will give you the recipe to make that inscription? I am pretty sure it wouldn’t.
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
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When I make ascended items I go on gw2 spidy. Com and search the recipe section. Also gives you options to buy portions of the recipe rather than craft. Nice way to capture the costs of crafting as well.