Eternity-When Will It Be Worthwhile?
Better yet, when are we getting another option for any other legendary weapon, I for one would like a different legendary staff, and also the ability to fuse 2 together for something similar like eternity.
Retired Until Expansion or Meaningful Content is Released.
Better yet, when are we getting another option for any other legendary weapon, I for one would like a different legendary staff, and also the ability to fuse 2 together for something similar like eternity.
I think they want to focus on improving the current legendaries first than introducing more.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.
I sincerely hope they improve and finalize all of the current legendaries before adding more. Part of the allure is knowing that you’re working towards a great finished product.
The people advocating for improvement of the existing legendaries are obviously those who aren’t forced to choose between bifrost and meteorlogicus. Staff and Greatsword are both used by four classes. Staves are likely the only type of weaponry with as much popularity as greatswords (I suppose dagger as well).
Also, it shouldn’t be so difficult un-kittening up eternity that doing so would prevent them from working on some other legendaries.
Lvl. 80 Abrasive
GM of [KAIN]
Some suggestions:
-A toggle of some sort to swap Twilight and Sunrise appearances at any time.
-Improved, unique, or exaggerated day and night characteristics for Eternity.
-Footprints. I really miss those.My hope is that Eternity will soon get the attention it deserves. Nearly four months after creation, and I’m still holding my breath.
If you wanted to be able to switch between Sunrise and Twilight at will you should have kept them. They should add the footprints in asap, but I’m against the other two suggestions.
Better yet, when are we getting another option for any other legendary weapon, I for one would like a different legendary staff, and also the ability to fuse 2 together for something similar like eternity.
Please don’t try to hijack threads. If you want to discuss a new topic it should be done in a new thread.
Sorrow’s Furnace Commander
“You’re the mount, karka’s ride you instead, and thus they die happy!”-Colin Johanson
Better yet, when are we getting another option for any other legendary weapon, I for one would like a different legendary staff, and also the ability to fuse 2 together for something similar like eternity.
I think they want to focus on improving the current legendaries first than introducing more.
No, they need to create some more. There’s one legendary per weapon type, except for Greatsword, which for some reason gets THREE, which is stupid. Half the professions in the game can’t even use greatswords.
New content patch and no fixes or improvements for Eternity.
New content patch and no fixes or improvements for Eternity.
That’s cause greatswords don’t deserve any more love, they’ve already gotten too much, I see an update sooner for the legendary scepter and the rest, then more legendaries for each before the update for mixed legendaries.
Retired Until Expansion or Meaningful Content is Released.
Better yet, when are we getting another option for any other legendary weapon, I for one would like a different legendary staff, and also the ability to fuse 2 together for something similar like eternity.
I think they want to focus on improving the current legendaries first than introducing more.
No, they need to create some more. There’s one legendary per weapon type, except for Greatsword, which for some reason gets THREE, which is stupid. Half the professions in the game can’t even use greatswords.
Technically, it’s just two. As it stands now, Eternity doesn’t count.
Hoping for more Legendary improvements with March 26 patch. These are huge time and resource investments for so many people. Please make them right.
Please gives Eternity more features and better looks ! Currently its a rip of and less than other legendaries..sad story. Whoever that wants Eternity to be more than what it is now ..please keep bumping this post. We want the new looks /feature soon ! Not some no time frame promises or rumors. Thank you.
At this point, I would just be happy if they let us revert Eternity back into Sunrise and Twilight. Here’s hoping for something in the April content patch.
The design of this weapon is as you have it now. The eventual bug not corresponding to the day night cycle is fixed. That’s all, don’t expect anything more, i don’t.
One thing is ask a fix of an improper bug, one thing is ask a redesign.
As i explained on an other thread, makes big corrections to the design of a legendary means tell the designer he’s just an idiot who created a fail the community didn’t want at all. Eternity, the only legendary infused using 2 weapons is well, just a fail.
A fail made by the designer. Like any other legendary, Minstrel on top.
Believe me, every single new modification of every legendary hurts me. It’s a sign of how bad the designer was, and Anet even fixing a fail made by him just confirm how unprofessional can be the designer’s team.
Let’s hope the new set of legendaries , when online, will be made by a serious designer, this time.
(edited by Lucas Ashrock.8675)
It’s not a matter of thinking anyone is an idiot. Eternity at present is clearly a placeholder for some future redesign. I have to believe this. I’m just bothered by the fact that we are currently even capable of forging it, when it’s inferior to its two halves.
With more people obtaining legendaries, the time has come for Eternity to be redesigned and improved. Why leave the hallmark legendary in an unfinished state?
Please improve the eternity to become more special. Two Legendary weps fused together deserves more than the current design of Eternity.
They said it would be the same weapon featuring visual change depending on the day/night cycle. The only thing it needs is some bug fix.
I have also been posting on here for the past 4 months after creating the sword with no luck as of yet. Still have faith they will make us happy and give Eternity some more epicness. At this point all I want is for a dev to post on one of our threads and just let us know they hear us loud and clear. I am seeing more and more people posting about this issue so maybe we will hear something soon? Hopefully? =)
As a suggestion I think it would be awesome if the design is a white sword with a image of the sky and clouds. I wish I could draw from my imagination! Or if Eternity resembled the two swords from the hilt and each swing the sword changes effect to Twilight and Sunrise.
I’m not sure if most people would prefer a totally different appearance, or some really cool, unique blending of both Sunrise and Twilight. It does seem like it should draw upon both sets of visuals and animations, unless it was made to be so amazingly unique and different that nobody minded.
Unless you only play 1 character, or give it a completely unique look, I don’t think it’ll ever be worth it.
Eternity totally deserves a unique look. Maybe add crystal lodestones to the recipe and the blade could have purple storm in it, something like this:
Yeah, right now Eternity is not worth it for me. If I had Twilight and Sunrise, I’d just equip w/e I want. Why should I wait for it to be night or day? Lol.
On top of that, you lose the effects of black or white footsteps. Lol.
got twilight today
and i realy realy like to farm more for Eternity
but right now it feels more like DOWNgrading your legendary insead of UPgrading
since you combine 2 legendary’s it should be the most epic / amazing item in game!
right now its boring and lame sigh…
give it a new unique skin and i buy it!!
( srry for my bad english )
Eternity was a mistake, if anything they should roll it back for now. Even making it is pointless because you give up the choice of when to use each of the other swords and have it tacked onto the day/night cycle instead.
Well they arent going to roll them back, but I would much prefer it if they left it as is and improved the other legendaries that also need it first.
Where is Gaile Gray when you need her?
Where is Gaile Gray when you need her?
I’m not even sure this forum has dev presence any more. We have been very patient. New content and BLTC goodies are nice, but can we get some polish on the existing game? Eternity is the flagship legendary. It’s been around since mid-October, and it’s still inferior to either of its two halves. I don’t understand why an in-game advertisement like Eternity would be neglected for so long. Each patch comes and goes, and we log in with no changes. The same can be said for various other mediocre legendaries as well.
I’ve got this great idea for GW2, where should I post it?
The only place ArenaNet can legally take player suggestions is the feedback area on the Guild Wars Wiki. Head over there, create an account , and post your ideas. Don’t forget to review other players’ suggestions, too.
Found this on the wiki page for guild wars 2 FAQ.
Confirmed no changes after yet another content update.
There’s a first world problem joke in here somewhere.
There’s a first world problem joke in here somewhere.
Right, just like every thread with a complaint on a MMO forum.
I think I’ll just leave them separate until Eternity is possibly changed.
This is so lame that they haven’t remodeled it. It literally isn’t worth it what-so-ever. A-net literally HAS to change it.
I just made Rodgort, and im quite happy with its looks
And….Eternity is still being neglected. No love for the legendary that is the most difficult to obtain. Still holding out a glimmer of hope, 8+ months after making it.
I have Sunrise for about 8 months now and would aim for Eternity if they would create something new, like a fused version of both (melding the two Light/Dark pattern inso a whirls or something). It would be so great. I don’t understand, why they did something like this.
As of now I just made another Legendary (Kraitkin) and work now on a 3rd (The Bifrost). Let’s hope the most legendary weapon gets some love.
‘would of been’ —> wrong
Please fix this…You even have the animations for the footsteps.
Urban Outreach Program Director, Goon Guilds, LLC.
And….Eternity is still being neglected. No love for the legendary that is the most difficult to obtain. Still holding out a glimmer of hope, 8+ months after making it.
Sounds to me like you have been holding out hope for an….Eternity….
…chirp chirp….
Sorry, I couldn’t resist.
Eternity should be half sunrise, half twilight with both animation effects of them.
So, one year goes by and Eternity is still worse than Sunrise or Twilight, the two legendaries required to craft it. It would be nice to see some dev feedback to some of the post in the crafting forum. For whatever reason, the crafting forum is completely ignored, or at least appears to be.
I foresee the new legendaries arriving, without addressing the common issues or suggestions about the original ones. Striving to create these items is what keeps a lot of the player base active, as they act as a long term goal. You would think that fixing them would be a priority.
(edited by Hearte.6852)
Yea, I have Twilight now and almost enough to make Sunrise with the goal being Eternity. However, I’d like the devs to actually say SOMETHING in regards to the situation. This is stupid.
I’ve played since release with a couple thousand hours played and since the beginning hearing that 2 legendaries could be combined into 1 superior legendary sounded like the perfect thing for a semi-hardcore player like myself. Nearly 7 months in i pulled it off even with so many people telling me it’s not worth it because both the legendaries required have better effects and are better legendaries for half the price. Basically one of these days I’d like to see that it was and is worth all the effort and Eternity will not feel like an eternity of work for a legendary that isnt on par with its predecessor legendary skins and effects. If keeping long term players is the goal then make things that are worth putting the time a lot of the player base does worth the time and effort to attain. WTB more noteable Eternity effects.
I’ve been confused by Eternity for a long time. When I think of the rarest skin in GW2 I think of Eternity, but It’s inferior to both its precursors. Legendary weapons being so expensive as they are yet, still double. I’m sure they had good ideas for the weapon. Yet even a year into GW2 It’s still avoided completely and with new legendary weapons being made, it shows how badly it has been ignored.
Glad to see this is a hot topic still. I log on occasionally with hope that I will notice a difference in it, at the very least a blade streak when thrown but I always log off disappointed. What is even more disappointing is the lack of interest from the devs. I’ve emailed directly, contacted a few on facebook and posted on these forums a bunch of times and never get a bite. Wish there was a way to uncombine them.
Eternity update will be the LAST thing on the to DO list at Anet
The reason being it would only benefit the 25 people who have already made one.
Anet is more worried about the 250,000 people who will be trying to get asended weapons and armor.. those are the items they will be spending their time on.
Also NEW legendarily for the hard core players to go for.. Why would they update something for the people who have already got it that wont be putting in the time to do it again?
Its all about updates that make us spend more time in the game.. Sorry about your bad luck
I’m a SUPER MEGA HARD CORE PLAYER 4 to 14 hours a day Ive played every day from the start of GW2 with over 1000g into the mystic forge and almost 1000 FOTM L48 runs and still haven’t got a legendary precursor drop or the Fractal skin i want.
So cry me a river! you were able to MAKE 2 Legendarily .. When most of us who play MORE and put in 3 times as many hours HAVE horrible luck and have nothing
Also took me 1000 Globs, shards, coins and crystals to get 250 Mystic Clovers
(edited by VidGhost.3215)
“Legendary Weapon Updates
Legendary weapons are getting a stat boost and an Offensive Infusion slot to align with the new Ascended weapons! Legendaries are also receiving additional functionality: When out of combat, Legendary weapon bearers will be able to choose between different stat combinations for your weapon. And to top it all off, many Legendaries are getting some aesthetic upgrades!"
That’s from the new upcoming release info. Hopefully Eternity gets some well-deserved love!
If Eternity goes unchanged once again after a year and this announcement of graphical/feature changes i WILL salvage my Eternity and post a video here doing it. It’s been long enough having a legendary made from 2 combined that has a product of a lesser legendary.
If Eternity goes unchanged once again after a year and this announcement of graphical/feature changes i WILL salvage my Eternity and post a video here doing it. It’s been long enough having a legendary made from 2 combined that has a product of a lesser legendary.
It’s funny you say that. After being disenchanted about the dud that was Eternity and getting into some alts a long time ago, I was musing about doing the same thing. I figure if it’s going to be done, one must use a Crude Salvage Kit, just to properly enhance the whole effect. I would hope that some Ectos would be gained, but you never know.
So Eternity was finally fixed, and it’s now unique. Even now I don’t believe it has the combined value of Sunrise and Twilight. Can anyone confirm that the footsteps show the same celestial window as Twilight’s, though slightly modified with the swirling stars and moons/planets?
The nighttime version of the weapon seems fairly consistent with the dark feel, but the daytime version just feels disjointed, with the light and dark mixed, especially with the dark body aura and the dark footfalls. The daytime body aura should be lighter and the footsteps should show Sunrise’s window to the sky.
Here’s a link to an updated video of Eternity:
Your lucky to get what u got..