I haz clown gun!
Finally made my Clown gun!
I haz clown gun!
Hope u are Thieve/mesmer, ’cuse u are going not to use it as engineer the 50% of the the time :/.
P.s. Congratulation for your Leggendary.
Welcome to the expensive pistol gun club chuga chuga woot woooot :P
Next step? Craft another. Duel wield them clown guns!
Hope u are Thieve/mesmer, ’cuse u are going not to use it as engineer the 50% of the the time :/.
P.s. Congratulation for your Leggendary
I’m making it for my engi. Last time I checked, thieves and mesmers can switch weapons too.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
Yeah, but depend on what build u have, u are not going to use pistol most of the time (just a fast 3-2, and maybe when u use shield to block attacks).
Anet should realy change the look of the kits and their skill while using leggendary :/.
Please anet, make quip/pred-based back kits Like a burning backpack for pred, or a purple party streamer thingy balloon randomness for quip.
I think having it on a engineer is more fitting and better for your sanity and ours.
The purple aura looks great on mesmers.
Too bad Quip itself is a stupid gun. Who the hell wants a clown gun which shoots CONFETTI for 1000 gold!? Give me a James Bond-style PPK with silencer sound effects!
Congrats on the most awesome party gun ever.
I have Quip on my engineer, and I really like the break from the sound effects when I switch to kits.
Instead of a purple aura, maybe it should have came with a red bozo wig that pops up on your head everytime you have Quip equipped.
Oh, and I wish they would improve the footsteps slightly. They are pretty unnoticeable most of the time.
Please anet, make quip/pred-based back kits
Like a burning backpack for pred, or a purple party streamer thingy balloon randomness for quip.
You mean a “THIS IS THE REAL MESMER” effect?