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(edited by Rainshine.5493)
Still, when spell effects are heavily colour coded, there’s also just the “clash” factor. It’s natural to choose weapon/armor colours to complement, if not mimic, your particle effect colours.
I too can see a cute girl in a frilly dress as a necro; I still would expect her to put a pink bow around her skull staff or something, not wield a rainbow staff.
Trahearne doesn’t use a rainbow sword, he uses one that’s green and yellow.
(edited by Rainshine.5493)
how about this suggestion?
for bifrost since its rainbows, and staff’s skills no matter the class will be associated with projectiles, why not make it into a random color for all projectiles and effects associating with the skill while using staff?
for example, fireball for Eles would yield random colors everytime u shoot them like Green, Red, Blue.
Consequently this could also be done for Meteor Storm where each fireball that rains down would be randomly colored.
The same concept could be done for staff skills for other classes as well.
If you don’t like the look of the staff… don’t get it.
Get a different staff, with a look that you do like.
That’s the whole point of a game which isn’t about stats or a gear treadmill. When you get gear, you’re fundamentally getting the look. If you don’t like the look of a particular piece, get a different piece.
I doubt you’ll hate the look of every single staff in the game.
@ Erasculio – You’re just talking out of your kitten right there. When the class is designed around darkness, black and green looking spells/marks and telling a person that he’s stereotyping the class and that he should step out of the box it makes you look like a fool. The truth is that the minority here will want their necros with such a colorful staff, the reason a lot of the players pick a necro it’s because of the way the class was designed to be, which is a black magic caster, and rarely people will make it to be a colorful joy of a class.
And @ zbrkesbr – Most people that play the game hate Trahearne, so he’s not a good example to follow.
There’s an exotic staff that is very fitting for necros. If you don’t like the legendary staff, which I personally don’t care for then I would suggest going for the Final Rest. It’s an exotic staff that fits with Necros perfectly well. Look at the 3d model viewer:
@ Erasculio – You’re just talking out of your kitten right there. When the class is designed around darkness, black and green looking spells/marks and telling a person that he’s stereotyping the class and that he should step out of the box it makes you look like a fool.
IMO, the only foolishness is in claiming all necromancers should be wearing black and red, with goth hairstyles. I’m sure a lot of people like to be sheep, but we have been given options for a reason. If you do not enjoy an option because it does not fit your narrow stereotype… Your loss, your problem.
The shortbow convinced me that I don’t care about legendaries. When I rolled Ranger, no part of my plan included unicorns and rainbows.
I do agree that legendaries should be “over the top”, and certainly beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But whoever came up with the Dreamer needs to tune in to Sanity FM. I cannot even envision a conversation which ended with, “Yeah, most people will dig that” where the topic was this item. I think it more likely that the conversation ended with, “Teehee!”
(edited by TravisTrout.6803)
To be honest I found the Dreamer rather herptacular, however it has its hilarity value if you think about it. I’ve been tempted to make a giant male Norn Ranger and have him equip it only for the entertainment value. However outside of that I’m not overly fond of it either. Kudzu on the other hand is rather gorgeous.
@ Erasculio – You’re just talking out of your kitten right there. When the class is designed around darkness, black and green looking spells/marks and telling a person that he’s stereotyping the class and that he should step out of the box it makes you look like a fool.
IMO, the only foolishness is in claiming all necromancers should be wearing black and red, with goth hairstyles. I’m sure a lot of people like to be sheep, but we have been given options for a reason. If you do not enjoy an option because it does not fit your narrow stereotype… Your loss, your problem.
You’re still failing to see the point. Take a look at how the class was designed and how it works and what the skills do. The class was stereotyped by the developers themselves because it’s the core design of a necromancer. Sure some people like to be sheep but not the majority. However you still fail to see that the MAJORITY of necromancers here don’t want to wield a rainbowish looking staff
BTW this is brought up for the lack of options on legendary staffs, if there really were more options given this wouldn’t have been brought up. Point is if there are 3 options for Legendary Greatswords and only 1 option for the rest of the weapons I think that’s a little biased. Many staff-wielding necromancer mains like myself would prefer to put their legendary weapon on a multi because the legendary staff weapon for MOST necros is a joke.
You’re still failing to see the point. Take a look at how the class was designed and how it works and what the skills do. The class was stereotyped by the developers themselves because it’s the core design of a necromancer. Sure some people like to be sheep but not the majority. However you still fail to see that the MAJORITY of necromancers here don’t want to wield a rainbowish looking staff
what necro’s skills do now (visual effects) might be subject to change when you wield legendaries as those change can change your projectiles, appearance and/or movement. Just like in personal reality of main hero in
so, you say that all necros have goth hair and dress in black and red?
my necro is a bright orange tiger striped charr with bright and dark green as my main colour theme and use the grenth armour to look fancy (I wish I could use a top hat outside of town clothes :<) (I also don’t wear a hood or cowl, I wear a white mask instead)
so no, not everyone has the grim brooding black+red necromancer look
think of it this way, when we use a staff, we get a black scythe blade popping out of the end of the staff, if we were to use the bifrost, it would clash WAY too much, since the majority of the rainbow effects are concentrated at the head, imagine a ball of colour with s dirty great black spike jabbed into it, that is how it would look
imagine one of the orrian acolytes using the bifrost, they’d look ridiculous
that would be WORSE, imagine spreading diseases using the power of FABULOUSNESS
in no way do death and rainbows mix (except from the fact that the bifrost was the rainbow that acted as a bridge to the norse afterlife)
My (male) elementalist has Arah armour, and it too, just WOULD not look good with rainbows. I have zero hate on ANY of the designs. I think they are awesome. I don’t however think that all the designs are gender or class neutral. I for example, wont EVER use a scepter, as I don’t like the skillset, but I do like daggers and staff.
The daggers are just too small in my own opinion to warrant being legendary, and the staff, I would be honestly, embarassed to walk around with. Just saying. I think it looks really really good on a female caster. But even then agree, its far from fitting on a Necro, and even some other classes. Call me crazy, but a few more options would be pretty desirable, like there is for the greatswords.
Granted, it would have been nice to have more…non shiny happy people legendary weapons, but we got what we got. Its not as if this is the only content or legendary weaponry we’ll ever see. Its just the stuff for the original game. Most companies, including this one, have mmo’s with many expansions. Maybe the next one will include the uber dark overlord of all dooms set and the folks that really like carrying flowers and unicorn rainbows will be sad like y’all are now.
I spread plague
I raise the dead
I leech blood from my enemies and use them to sustain myself
I corrupt the very ground I step upon
I drain life from my enemies and become an avatar of death itself
I can summon swarms of locusts at will
my spell effects are black and green and toxic looking
I use a rainbow sparkles staff
This guy wins. Everyone read this 23 times, this is basically my whole point.
The staff on a necromancer, considering its theme and even the profession name itself, does not make sense with the rainbow sparkles staff. Never will.
Erasculio don’t know what to say about you tbh. Think everyone already got the point besides you lol. Just google NECROMANCER, then look at the staff.
I do not care about a few people going all mad with white/pink dyed necromancer and love the staff, there’s always a few. Good for them.
I do not want a common exotic staff, I want a legendary staff. And the staff was made as if they didn’t know GW2 had necromancer, I simply do not understand what Devs were thinking. Also the fact that greatswords have several amazing effects, yet staff gets a few sparkles is just lazy.
ATM I’m getting the parts of legendary which are needed for all of them, I’m leaving the precursor and crafted gifts for last as I’m not sure which 1 I’m getting. Even if I end up getting the staff I’m 90% sure I’ll roll a mesmer.
Tbh The Bifrost should be UNUSABLE for necromancer, that’s how wrong it is.
And this is the thing I’d love to know next time when I create a character lol. A warning saying: ‘THIS IS THE LEGENDARY STAFF THE BIFROST (pic) IF U EVER DECIDE TO GET ONE, ARE YOU kittenING SURE YOU WANT THIS ON A NECROMANCER ?’
Erasculio don’t know what to say about you tbh. Think everyone already got the point besides you lol. Just google NECROMANCER, then look at the staff.
I do not care about a few people going all mad with white/pink dyed necromancer and love the staff, there’s always a few. Good for them.I do not want a common exotic staff, I want a legendary staff. And the staff was made as if they didn’t know GW2 had necromancer, I simply do not understand what Devs were thinking. Also the fact that greatswords have several amazing effects, yet staff gets a few sparkles is just lazy.
ATM I’m getting the parts of legendary which are needed for all of them, I’m leaving the precursor and crafted gifts for last as I’m not sure which 1 I’m getting. Even if I end up getting the staff I’m 90% sure I’ll roll a mesmer.
Tbh The Bifrost should be UNUSABLE for necromancer, that’s how wrong it is.
And this is the thing I’d love to know next time when I create a character lol. A warning saying: ‘THIS IS THE LEGENDARY STAFF THE BIFROST (pic) IF U EVER DECIDE TO GET ONE, ARE YOU kittenING SURE YOU WANT THIS ON A NECROMANCER ?’
Please meet Lolimancer Hellscythe: (Hellscythe-”Must…resist…urge…to…hug…myself.”)
oh and unrelated:
I do not want a common exotic staff, I want a legendary staff.
Nope. You want the Bifrost. Since that’s the only Legendary staff.
As mentioned above, why, exactly, are you complaining? Do you want a nice looking staff? If you don’t think there’s any staff that would fit your (very narrow) view of what a necromancer’s staff should look like… Well, sucks to be you, but I’m sure there’s one skin in the game that fits you.
Do you want to have a Legendary item? Doesn’t make much sense, considering how the entire point of the Legendaries is the skin, but regardless, if you don’t like the staff skin, I hope you are aware that there are other weapon types available to necromancers.
The only reasonable reason for you to say “I want a Legendary staff” is because you want the Bifrost. If you don’t, that phrase doesn’t make any sense.
The staff happens to be one of the best Legendary weapons, for the records. In fact, one of the ArenaNet designers mentioned it’s her favourite among them.
Please meet Lolimancer Hellscythe:
It’s not a matter of us being unimaginative kitten. It’s a matter of Anet’s necromancer spell effects clashing horribly with the rainbow staff.
It’s not a matter of us being unimaginative kitten. It’s a matter of Anet’s necromancer spell effects clashing horribly with the rainbow staff.
That’s an excuse, and a poor one at that. I haven’t seen a single person complaining about how Twilight’s black and red blade doesn’t mesh well with all the blue Guardian skill effects that are still very much visible when using the sword.
The issue is that some players assume “necromancer = goth” and they insist on keeping such extremely narrow stereotype despite how ArenaNet has taken great lenghts to avoid it. The OP must feel he had an obligation to get the undead-looking armor dyed black for his necromancer, but most other players understand how silly that kind of narrow perspective is.
The issue isn’t with Bifrost being ugly – it isn’t. It also isn’t badly done (unlike some of the other Legendaries, for the records). It’s simply a matter of it doesn’t fitting a very narrow point of view, that is endorsed by a few players but is obviously not endorsed by ArenaNet itself.
It’s not a matter of us being unimaginative kitten. It’s a matter of Anet’s necromancer spell effects clashing horribly with the rainbow staff.
That’s an excuse, and a poor one at that. I haven’t seen a single person complaining about how Twilight’s black and red blade doesn’t mesh well with all the blue Guardian skill effects that are still very much visible when using the sword.
…Yeah, I wouldn’t put Twilight on a Guardian either. So, there’s your complaint. However it’s LESS of one because there’s always Sunrise if people want a “light” sword. There’s nothing for people who want a “dark” staff.
I don’t even play a necro, I play an ele … but I’d sure be disappointed on the legendary front if a staff necro was my main. (Actually, I don’t want Bifrost on my ele, either.)
There’s nothing for people who want a “dark” staff.
There are other skins in the game that fit the definition of a “dark staff”. Considering the only difference between a Legendary and any other exotic level 80 item is the skin, if someone enjoys more another skin other than that of a Legendary, the issue is…?
As I’ve said before: For Necro there is an exotic skin that is very fitting for you. Final Rest. Look at the 3D model for it and tell me that’s not a necro skin.
As I’ve said before: For Necro there is an exotic skin that is very fitting for you. Final Rest. Look at the 3D model for it and tell me that’s not a necro skin.
Doesn’t the blade clash with the fact that necromancers automatically generate a blade when casting from a staff?
To comment on the thread, I don’t mind the bifrost, but I feel like the devs spent much more effort on designing the great swords (of which there are three!) than any of the other weapons.
To comment on the thread, I don’t mind the bifrost, but I feel like the devs spent much more effort on designing the great swords (of which there are three!) than any of the other weapons.
Actually there is only 1 Truly Legendary Greatsword – and that is Eternity. Sunrise and Twilight are just precursors for it. I think Eternity changes its effects to sunrise during nighttime and to twilight during the day or vise versa (just like ghostly weapons start to glow only during night). So to get Eternity you have to do twice the effort needed to get Bifrost and its perfectly understandable that you get better effects for more effort.
(edited by zbrkesbr.4173)
erasculio, please stop saying our views on what a necromancer should look like is narrow minded, if anything, YOU are the one being narrow minded for not accepting that not everyone wants the rainbow sparkle staff.
as for wanting a legendary staff, it’s NOT just about the skin, it’s about feeling rewarded in a suitable wat for all of the effort we put into making it. at the moment, the reward is rainbows.
I’m not saying “make a black emo staff” just something less girly would be good, hell even a white staff that emitted holy light would be good (in asian cultures, the colour of death is WHITE, so no, not all things related to death are black)
erasculio, please stop saying our views on what a necromancer should look like is narrow minded, if anything, YOU are the one being narrow minded for not accepting that not everyone wants the rainbow sparkle staff.
Not really. I understand very well that not everyone wants the Bifrost – so don’t get it. This comment…
as for wanting a legendary staff, it’s NOT just about the skin, it’s about feeling rewarded in a suitable wat for all of the effort we put into making it
…Is completely nonsensical. If you think the reward for the effort in making a Legendary is not worth it… Then don’t make one.
Why are you even trying? If you want a “dark” staff skin, there are other skins in the game (that happen to be much easier to get, so good for you). If you want a Legendary, there are other Legendaries a necromancer can use. If you are only willing to accept a Legendary staff tailored exactly to what you believe a necromancer should be like… I’m sorry, but that is too narrow of a view.
no, I don’t want a legendary staff tailored to necros, I want a staff tailored to anything that isn’t a mesmer or brony
I have a necro, engineer, ele, and mesmer, all at or near level cap.
the only one I could seriously imagine using bifrost on is the mesmer.
would it have been too hard to make four staves? one based on light, one on shadows, one on the elements, and bifrost? they made three greatswords after all.
as for why I’m trying: because I want a goal, an ultimate end point that will be proof to myself that I’ve done EVERYTHING there is to do in game, it’s like beating emerald and ruby WEAPON in final fantasy 7, or dullahan in golden sun, it’s there to fight not for the reward, but for the sheer experience of fighting it.
and if you’re going to continue calling me narrow minded, I’ll sum up with this:
I’m asking for a staff that anyone who doesn’t like rainbows can use, you want us to shut up and enjoy our rainbows.
who is the one being narrow minded?
would it have been too hard to make four staves? one based on light, one on shadows, one on the elements, and bifrost?
Yes. As seen in how ArenaNet has not made four staves.
and if you’re going to continue calling me narrow minded, I’ll sum up with this:
I’m asking for a staff that anyone who doesn’t like rainbows can use, you want us to shut up and enjoy our rainbows.
who is the one being narrow minded?
Nope. I’m asking you why are you insisting so much on a Legendary staff when:
a) There are other staff skins in the game.
b) There are other Legendary items in the game.
Do you want more options? There are already more options in the game. The reason why you are not willing to accept anything but specifically a Legendary staff, tailored exactly to your taste, is due to how you are being barrow minded.
Type [&AgGgSwAA] in your game chat. There, now go find that staff for your Necro. Can’t get much more necroy than that.
Technically anyone can get the legendary staff in 2 days since legendaries are soulbound on use. There are sooo many people focusing on legendaries and nothing else. How many Deathbringers have you seen? Final Rests? I can go on and on with exotic skins that can only be obtained from random forge outcomes or that only drop from large chests from Dragons, some from the first stater zone bosses (which reward large chests that give loot based on your actual level btw). There are hundreds of rare skins that are likely going to be rarer than legendaries soley based on the fact that a lot of players are like you, Aphix, who onl want the skin that is “legendary” even if that means going with a look you don’t actually like.
There are a lot of exotics that use gifts of whatever and can be pretty close in terms of difficulty in obtaining as a legendary. To be frank the only legendaries worth gunning for are the bows and greatswords. Yes it sucks, but at the same time- stats wise they contribute to nothing. Exotics share the same stats as a legendary, so you’re not getting any leverage against anybody except looks.
So, if your argument is for stats then it’s moot point. This isn’t WoW where legendaries are 9000x’s stronger than heroic epic weapons. The legendaries are just skins. Some suck and others look nice. It’s all in the eye of the beholder.
To be frank if I were a Necro I’d say screw it to the Bifrost and gun for Final Rest because that staff just looks so bamf. (Plus it’d be cheaper, and from the rumors I’ve heard, it’s probably even HARDER to obtain the Bifrost.) Bifrost to me just looks like an oversized cream colored dildo with a tacky rainbow overlay.
Nope. I’m asking you why are you insisting so much on a Legendary staff when:
a) There are other staff skins in the game.
b) There are other Legendary items in the game.
Because if you are not a necro who is a) colourblind or b) has a very quirky sense of humor, you may have no legendary available for your preferred weapon.
I don’t want a legendary just for the sake of having one, but many people really want that long-term goal of a legendary. Some just like to show off. I realize there are other, more fitting necro staffs (thank goodness, lol) but if you specifically want to work toward the perceived prestige of a legendary, you may very well be disappointed.
I’m not sure why you insist on being so deliberately obtuse … or do all of your characters have to be beautiful and unique snowflakes? If so, I suggest you read up on Mary Sues, lol.
My only issue is that the initial release of legendaries were obviously designed to cater to warriors and mesmers (In look, levels of detail, and design). I don’t know what the thought process was behind the unicorn bow though.
i have a question, are the legendary’s on the legendary page the only ones the can make or are there other combinations
I don’t know what the thought process was behind the unicorn bow though.
It’s obviously a My Little Pony nod.
i have a question, are the legendary’s on the legendary page the only ones the can make or are there other combinations
What you see is what you get, at least for now.
well crap cause i didnt look at the legendary’s and i chose jeweler and chef for my proffesions
well crap cause i didnt look at the legendary’s and i chose jeweler and chef for my proffesions
Drop one and master another. You don’t lose any progress. Right now I’m at 400 JC, Tailor, Weaponsmith, and I will mast Chef tomorrow, then Artificer. Eventually I will have everything at 400.
Like the majority of us if you’re a necro you’ll probably go for Deathwish or Final Rest. Though these staves look better than the rest, they are by far not as awesome as some legendaries. Greatsword chars have it made, Twilight, Sunrise, Eternity, Foe’sfire essence, volcanus, ascalon blue swords, etc.
We have rainbows.
Like the majority of us if you’re a necro you’ll probably go for Deathwish or Final Rest. Though these staves look better than the rest, they are by far not as awesome as some legendaries. Greatsword chars have it made, Twilight, Sunrise, Eternity, Foe’sfire essence, volcanus, ascalon blue swords, etc.
We have rainbows.
Just because an item is legendary doesn’t actually mean everyone is going to love it. There are dozens, if not hundreds, of unique skins. If you don’t like one then go after another. Not even close to all of them have been discovered as of yet.
I love 2-handed weapons (also if I get 1handed legendary I’ll feel the need to get another one to fill the 2nd slot -.-) and I like necromancers – Only choice for me obviously is a legendary staff…
So there’s one staff in the game that you don’t like the appearance of? Then use a different staff. Just because its legendary doesn’t mean you have to get it. The only difference between legendary weapons and exotic weapons is the appearance.
Isn’t this endgame all about rare skins etc so why do I feel I’m forced into a legendary weapon with a skin which just doesn’t work for me and a lot of other people I know…
Any thoughts ? Thanks in advance.
The endgame is about what you make it about. It’s a game; have fun with it. There are so many things to do, complete all the jump puzzles without looking up the solution, fight for your server in WvW, cut some throats in sPvP, master all crafting disciplines, complete your personal story, help your guildies/friends, play some keg brawl, etc.
And even if you make it all about making your character look cool, no one is forcing you into a legendary. There are plenty of cool looking exotic weapons.
yeah pretty much all except the greatswords, greathammer and perhaps axe look like April Fools’ jokes. Those bows are absolutely horrible unless you’re a 9 year-old girl.
I agree everyone’s perspective of “cool looking” may vary, but if we break down the visual effects of Twilight and Bifrost we can see that Bifrost is lacking in terms of the projectile visual effects modifiers. Which leads to conclude that Bifrost is subpar to Twilight.
I mean, come on… If its rainbows u’re giving us, at least make the skills or projectiles or particle effects that follows with such theme. Don’t just leave it hanging there.
They should just make Biflame same model. Maybe different color like silver or a woodish color. Just change the effects to flame trails, foot prints. This would make something neutral for everyone. 2 greatswords , 2 staffs. Lighter and a darker feel for both. I’m going to side with many others on saying that every weapon really got the middle child syndrome except the greatswords. Seems those were given a little more love than the rest.
yeah pretty much all except the greatswords, greathammer and perhaps axe look like April Fools’ jokes. Those bows are absolutely horrible unless you’re a 9 year-old girl.
Hah. I wouldnt go that far, but would definitely say, that I think the rainbows is a little … flamboyant. Not to say that’s bad, just that I would really really like another option for all of us that use a staff.
Some people in this thread are being very rude, and aren’t quite grasping the true nature of a legendary weapon. No, it is not just about the skin. There are two very important things that happen to your account when you equip a legendary weapon:
-> You get a badge on your character selection screen
-> You get an account achievement that increments with each legendary you equip on your account
These things are why I want to get a legendary weapon and not just another cool looking exotic weapon. For me, a legendary weapon is a special achievement and is rewarded as such; I can get plenty of cool stuff from dungeon tokens without paying a copper out of my bank. I want to get a legendary weapon for that prestige, for the badge, and for the knowledge that I have achieved the awesome. Deathwish, Final Reach, whatever are all cool looking and awesome, but they do not come with that prestige. They truly are “just a skin”.
And that is why I would like a staff for my necromancer that fits the special effects of the class. If I am going to be working toward an achievement of the magnitude of a legendary weapon, I desperately want that achievement to make me feel proud of the way my character looks. And no, it’s not enough to transmute some other skin onto the legendary because then no one else will ever know you got one. The prestige is why you wield it, why you ping it, and why you walk around with your weapon out in LA, showing off for all to see. So, as you can see, there are reasons for wanting a legendary weapon and not wanting to change the way it looks. For those reasons, I expect that eventually ANet will introduce new and varied legendaries for all brands of people.
That said, such a release cannot come soon enough. The staff is my primary weapon on my Necromancer, and I’d love nothing more than to get a legendary variant of it that fits the special effects.
-> You get a badge on your character selection screen
-> You get an account achievement that increments with each legendary you equip on your account
No you don’t. I’ve got Sunrise and I have yet to get any badges or achievements for it.
Are you sure? There is a specific badge on your character select screen that says “Equip a legendary weapon”. And if you peruse your achievements, there is definitely one for equipping legendary weapons as well. If they are not working, that is a bug that you should report.
I already reported both of them.
In all reality they should have made 2 skin’s for each legendary, not just the greatsword. As a charr ranger I find the my little bronie bow and daffodile death dealing longbow insulting.
Hey all you guys talking about get this or get that staff. Guess what? I already have the Deathwish, and Final Rest is in no one’s crosshairs currently. Cuz we don’t even know where to get it from. Basically you’re telling all of us to not aim for the intended end game and make it our own.
So I guess my end game ends here, cuz I don’t care for other classes, I want end game on my Necro, and due to this forced decision to be a rainbow staff wielding necro, I have to settle for a less graphical staff? No thanks. I’m bored currently cuz I have all my exotics and love my necro too much to care for another class(I know this cuz i’ve played all them in spvp).
Meteorologi-however you spell it, well its graphics lack too. No foot steps, and the clouds inside the globe, aren’t even equal to the flames on a Volcanus tbh. I guess this is a neutral weapon that many classes can equip so they didn’t want its effects to class with another weapon that can be offhand and main hand, such as the dagger? Even if I could equip it, Necros have nothing to do with the weather. So why?
Incinerator…again…flames…if I wanted flames I’d deck myself out in CoF dungeon armor or make an Elementalist. But no, cuz to me, flames for fashion are so 10 years ago. And that’s what legendaries are about right? Fashion and looks. So I’ll pass.
Frostfang? No. My arm frozen, and a dragon axe so I can cast green effects and steal life with ice while I run around freezing the ground? Doesn’t fit to me.
There is a reason most Necros have the idea that their characters need to be dark. That’s because if I wanted fruity pets or more worldly pets, I’d buy deluxe and summon mistfire, or I’d take mesmer for the clones, or elementalist for their pets. Or even guardians to summon weapons…but no, I summon a FLESH golem, BONE minions, and a SHADOW fiend. I do not summon my little pony, or mistfire wolf or/and some sort of elemental creature forged of colorful designs.
I want options. You contradict yourself when you tell me not to be stereotypical, wielding this staff leaves me no choice but to be colorful to match it, or clash horribly with my character. If that’s not stereotypical of Anet to assume we all would enjoy this staff, then I don’t know what is. So instead of getting on to us, turn your biased opinions towards them, cuz we just simply want options like with the rest of the weapons, and it really seems there are none.
So yeah, I feel like this has blatently been said more than once in this thread, but maybe with enough people saying it in their own way those who just don’t seem to get it, might finally somewhat start to understand where we are coming from.
(edited by fykick.2569)
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