New lvl 68 weapons need to be rethought
They didnt mess up, you did.
They talked about this in the blog posts.
Those crafted armor and weapons as well as the backpacks are intended to veteran players (425 crafting proficiency) that level their alts. These items have higher stats thats comparable on level gear and they have selectable stats. I also think they stay account bound after use, so you can use them for more alts, if you wish, but i am not 100% sure about the account bound statement.
They didnt mess up, you did.
They talked about this in the blog posts.
Those crafted armor and weapons as well as the backpacks are intended to veteran players (425 crafting proficiency) that level their alts. These items have higher stats thats comparable on level gear and they have selectable stats. I also think they stay account bound after use, so you can use them for more alts, if you wish, but i am not 100% sure about the account bound statement.
I messed up making them, yes, but they messed up making them so that nobody would craft them. Besides, I spammed LA chat for hours letting people know how many ectos they took so that others would not be lured in. So to look on the bright side, my mess up led me to perform a community service ;-)
They didnt mess up, you did.
They talked about this in the blog posts.
Those crafted armor and weapons as well as the backpacks are intended to veteran players (425 crafting proficiency) that level their alts. These items have higher stats thats comparable on level gear and they have selectable stats. I also think they stay account bound after use, so you can use them for more alts, if you wish, but i am not 100% sure about the account bound statement.
I messed up making them, yes, but they messed up making them so that nobody would craft them. Besides, I spammed LA chat for hours letting people know how many ectos they took so that others would not be lured in. So to look on the bright side, my mess up led me to perform a community service ;-)
Out of curiosity, can you clarify whether the crafted items are account bound or not?
^ Yeah, that. If they’re account bound, THEN I could see the value in having powerful, reusable gear that I could just recycle between one alt after another while leveling.
^ Yeah, that. If they’re account bound, THEN I could see the value in having powerful, reusable gear that I could just recycle between one alt after another while leveling.
Well, only if you don’t mind dropping around 170 (20/armor piece + 50/weapon) globs of ectoplasm for it. You’d need to be leveling a lot of toons to even make that viable.