Please make Globs of Dark Matter salvagable?

Please make Globs of Dark Matter salvagable?

in Crafting

Posted by: Nilkemia.8507


After getting more than one stack of this (not really going for ascended items besides trinkets and a few weapons), I thought it’d be a great idea if these could be salvaged into Globs of Ectoplasm, or more Piles of Crystalline Dust even (since some might consider being able to get even more ectoplasm that way broken…)

Please make Globs of Dark Matter salvagable?

in Crafting

Posted by: MystF.5186


So your idea is to salvage exotics to get both of these globs, and then salvage one of these globs to get those other globs?
Sounds silly.

Please make Globs of Dark Matter salvagable?

in Crafting

Posted by: SkyFallsInThunder.8257


So your idea is to salvage exotics to get both of these globs, and then salvage one of these globs to get those other globs?
Sounds silly.

It may sound silly, buy it would be a boon for many people. I currently am at ~230 Dark Matters after one set of ascended armor and about 7 weapons. I may craft more in the future, but not many and the Dark Matter just flows and has no use…

Being able to salvage Dark Matter for t6 dust would be awesome. Ectos may be too much to ask for, but it still should have a decent material output since Dark Matter does come from salvaging exotics.

Or bring precursor crafting online and have players need to throw one stack of refined dragonite&co and one stack of Dark Matter into each precursor, that would make things interresting…

TL;DR: Dark Matter needs either new uses or to be salvageable for t6 mats/ectos.

Please make Globs of Dark Matter salvagable?

in Crafting

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Aren’t they an addition to the regular loot table, not a substitution?

If they are an addition, then being able to salvage them for ectos or dust would probably mean they would have to decrease the amount of ectos or dust from other sources. This would inconvenience those who are salvaging rares and ectos.

Please make Globs of Dark Matter salvagable?

in Crafting

Posted by: Mystic.5934


I shall now offer you profitable advice in the form of my own story:
I had about 10,000 GoDM (more than a full bank tab) from salvaging thousands of exotics to get their ectos and inscriptions/insignia (all of which were salvaged for a tidy profit)
At the time I was only saving them because they were a hard-to-get currency that I thought would have a use later one; kinda like other ascended materials that keep piling up right now.
Anyways, one day I decided to see if it were possible to monetize them. So I checked their wiki. turns out they are used to craft ascended inscriptions and insignia. turns out these ascended inscriptions and insignia can be sold on the TP. turns out a lot of them sell for a profit. success!
I proceeded to buy massive amounts of deldrimor steel plated dowels, deldrimor ingots, spiritwood planks, and bolts of damask. In the end, I probably used about 1000 deldrimor dowels (3000 ingots and 3000 planks) and 300 bolts of damask. But I bought them slowly, as the inscriptions and insignia don’t sell very fast (I was listing most of them about 1-a-day). If you make them yourself, they’ll likely be cheaper.
inscriptions gave more profit than insignia, and far more of them gave a profit.
inscriptions give about 10g profit, which was about 30% of the initial investment (spend 30g, get 40g back). almost all of the inscriptions gave a profit.
insignia gave about 5g, which is about 10% of the initial investment (spend 45g, get 50g back). only about 3 insignia gave a profit, and usually not the same 3 each day.
So GoDM are valued at up to 1g each (more than if you salvaged into ectos ). However, I would have to relist them due to undercutting more so than a lot of other things I sell. But at 30% profit, you can afford to lose 5 of that (it’d just be 25% profit instead).
some of the more reliably profitable and quick-to-sell ones I remember:
Beigarth’s Knight Inscription
Chorben’s Soldier Inscription
Soros’ Assassin Inscription
Tonn’s Sentinel Inscription
Zojja’s Berserker Inscription (especially. I would make 20 at a time and sell them all within 2 days)

I imagine the purchaser of these are people who don’t want to bother salvaging exotics to make their ascended sets.
you ckittene spidy to look up which ones you should make. example:
keep in mind that spidy uses only sell listing prices. If you buy at buy order, it will be cheaper to make (but take longer to get all the materials).

I will add that this method requires a substantial initial investment in the form of karma, to buy the recipes. 21,000 karma per recipe, I think 16 inscriptions and 16 insignia (no need to get celestial or keeper’s as they’re account-bound) = 672,000 karma total. You don’t necessarily need them all, but I got them all anyways just so I would be ready for whatever was most profitable on a given day.
If only salvaging exotics were as profitable as it used to be…. used to be 1-3g each. now it’s closer to 50s.

Please make Globs of Dark Matter salvagable?

in Crafting

Posted by: Brother Grimm.5176

Brother Grimm.5176

Ascended materials and gear both need a method to “convert” them into some useful form.

We go out in the world and take our chances
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances

Please make Globs of Dark Matter salvagable?

in Crafting

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Mystic has your answer.

Please make Globs of Dark Matter salvagable?

in Crafting

Posted by: Morsus.5106


Ascended materials and gear both need a method to “convert” them into some useful form.

But these are an addition to loot tables. It would be a boost to the amount of items flowing into the economy, which isn’t what ANet would appear to want.

Please make Globs of Dark Matter salvagable?

in Crafting

Posted by: Brother Grimm.5176

Brother Grimm.5176

I’m pretty sure Anet could SET what you get from an Ascended Salvage (or WHATEVER conversion method is put in place) to NOT make it FUBAR the economy, yet allow the unwanted items do more than get put in storage or be destroyed.

We go out in the world and take our chances
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances

Please make Globs of Dark Matter salvagable?

in Crafting

Posted by: Morsus.5106


I’m pretty sure Anet could SET what you get from an Ascended Salvage (or WHATEVER conversion method is put in place) to NOT make it FUBAR the economy, yet allow the unwanted items do more than get put in storage or be destroyed.

It’s more likely that they’ll timegate it, and it will still screw up the economy.