Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: Sauzo.6821


Legendaries in this game are the biggest fail i’ve seen in any MMO. Any other MMO at least made their epic stuff take skills or hard work and didn’t allow em to be sold on the broker. And this is coming from someone who has done one and almost a second legendary yet i won’t sugarcoat that this system is a good design for anyone except the guys who got lucky with the RNG, the guys who exploited their way to multiple precursors in the first few months of the game, or the guys/goldsellers trying to monopolize the TP.

This argument will never end and those who defend how precursors are acquired now, i can’t quite see why you are defending it since it wouldn’t affect you negatively if they made precursors easier to acquire but it would affect you positively since you can make more legendaries for alts. Of course i guess i can see how you would defend this system if you are one of the types i stated above. On the bright side for those fed up with it, ESO is around the corner.

Crafted: Meteorlogicus, Incinerator, Juggernaut, Sunrise, Bifrost, The Dreamer, Kudzu
Am I legendary yet!?

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: Burn.5401


RNG is a problem. Everyone who says otherwise already has their legendary. You are not helping the game by trying to justify your wasted time and gold.

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


The dreamer is still cheaper to make than Sunrise / Twilight / Juggernaut / Bifrost.

I don’t see the problem here.
The effects were upgraded, so the hype increased towards getting it.

And guess who’s working on his 4th leggy thanks to that?

The really, really, really funny thing about this is, two weeks before the effects were upgraded the Lover was bought entirely out of the TP at ~350 and relisted at ~550. Then, a day or two before, it vanished from the TP again and reappeared at the ~750 mark. Prices have gone down a little, but they’re still up there since before the update.

Which means that either a) some kittenclown knew it was going to happen (ANet friend? Not likely, or at least I don’t want it to be likely—that conspiracy BS being a little over the top), or b) didn’t know (thereby refuting your assertion), and got incredibly lucky. I guess there’s a small chance that someone with lots and lots of gold just had this “inkling” there would be a Dreamer update… but that wouldn’t really help your argument out either because the price was still raised pre-patch and ran a huge risk.

RNG is a problem. Everyone who says otherwise already has their legendary. You are not helping the game by trying to justify your wasted time and gold.

This, for the most part. And I know many people that have Legendaries that didn’t need the RNG stuff because they knew what was going on early on. Scooped those things up for dirt before everyone realized that they needed them too. Then of course there are the ones that exploited the Godskull recipe…

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

(edited by Fizzlepip.5218)

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: Aristio.2784


1) Somehow get lucky getting three or four precursors and sell all.

2) Buy Legendary of choice off the TP

3) ???

4) Profit

What’s the problem here?

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: Gaudrath.6725


People want to be guaranteed things. Unfortunately for them, whatever ANet does with precursors, they will never guarantee you can get them.

Otherwise everyone and their dog would have one.

Uthgar Stormbringer, elementalist
Sigurd Greymane, guardian
~ Piken

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: Sauzo.6821


And what’s wrong with it being guaranteed if you put in the time, effort and hard work into getting one? I don’t remember reading any post asking for it to be made easier, or if i did, i’d have to disagree. People are asking for ways to get a precursor without closing your eyes and throwing a dart at a dartboard and hoping to get a bullseye. I mean look at it this way, there are guys out there who have everything EXCEPT the precursor to finish their legendary. What makes people with a legendary more deserving of it than the people who have all the mats for it now minus the precursor? Did they work harder? Possibly but my guess would be they got lucky at the MF. So in essence, a guy who gets lucky at the forge in 4 tries actually worked less than the guy who it took 100 tries. ANet should have just said in the beginning “We are implimenting legendary weapons which will be based purely on a RNG luck system”. I can’t wait till ANet introduces new legendaries with actual cool skins and no way to exploit making em like godskull stuff. I’d be willing to bet the people who say the system is fine now will be crying foul til the cows come home cause they will actually feel what the guys who still doing the MF have to deal with. I will be laughing my kitten off on that day.

And i disagree, if ANet is smart, they will introduce a guaranteed way to get precursors which involve a long drawn out process to keep people playing. It’s the “dangling carrot on a stick” trick that all MMOs have used to years to keep people playing. And if they are really smart, they will make it so you can do it on alts too to keep people grinding legendaries on alts cause to be honest, once you’ve run all dungeons, gotten all crafts to 400, gotten 3 or 4 toons 3-4 sets of armor, there really isn’t muvh left to conqueor except making a legendary. Don’t try to say pvp cause we all know that just involves zerg on zerg and with the same map, it really isn’t anything new.

What i actually find interesting is that ANet hopped pretty quick on that single rich ori node in Southsun Cove and converted it to a regular node. I’m guessing they watched the TP and saw ori ore go from around 3s each to less than 2s each yet they havn’t done anything to stifle the precursor price jump from around 100-200g back at the Karka event to around 600-800g for the same precursors now. Kinda interesting……

Crafted: Meteorlogicus, Incinerator, Juggernaut, Sunrise, Bifrost, The Dreamer, Kudzu
Am I legendary yet!?

(edited by Sauzo.6821)

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: dukefx.9730


Half of the posters here are market manipulators and shouldn’t even open their mouth. If it was any other company their account would be history by now. Yes, it’s bannable offense in most MMORPGs. Before you open your mouth again and say precursors aren’t a problem let me tell you a few things:

- most of the legendaries out there belong to market manipulators who didn’t even break a sweat
- there is an RNG factor in the recipe: it’s called Gift of Fortune, no need to have a 2nd component relying on RNG
- developers themselves know that precursors are the only factor hindering people from finishing their legendary. Response to that: scavenger hunt which will probably be implemented in a few months and will most likely have a nowhere near guaranteed chance to net you a precursor.
- Legendaries are something to keep you busy, not increase your ego and turn you into Gollum. Done with 1? Make a few more. <- that’s what intended (look at the achievement counting how many you have), and stop plaguing these forums with your silly “not everyone is meant to have one” attitude.

You’ll want a legendary…
- to show off how much hard work and time you invested in getting one and how dedicated you are
- to have an always top tier weapon
- for eye candy

How it really works: “look how much money I managed to leech from the trading post and/or how much gold I bought from gold sellers”
The sad truth is that less than a quarter of the legendary owners got theirs in an honest way and this is all because of precursors!

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: Nike.2631


I’ve got enough other stuff to work on building all the gifts without buying my way to one that I doubt I’ll have to wait long for them to roll out the scavenger hunt once I’ve actually finished all the other gifts.

I’ve got close to 800 of the required 2000 T6 mats from real live harvesting (rather than the TP) and it’ll be another 2 months or so before I’m finished. No doubt I’ll wrap up the Gift of Jump-er Battle in that time and have obsidian and a bloodstone shard lined up ready to go at that point. Got my clovers and I’m 17 out of 250 on the ectos. Its a process .

THEN I’ll get all twitchy about precursors.

Or not, since I’m working on Infinite Light at the same time, and thats the skin I actually care about.

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: Gaudrath.6725


There is no such thing as “long, hard road” in an MMO. You have a ton of teenagers and schoolkids with nothing but time on their hands, and they will ALL eventually own a legendary if the only obstacle is time.
And how legendary will the legendaries feel when every other player has one?

No, whatever ANet does, I can guarantee you one thing – the precursors will NEVER be a guaranteed reward. The closest they might make it is by creating a challenge system so fiendishly difficult that only a tiny percentage of the playerbase will even have a prayer of getting one via skill and effort. The rest can forget about it and just pray that RNG stays in as an alternative.

Why? Because it is all about controlling percentages. You guarantee something, and no matter how long it takes, if it is guaranteed people will grind and grind until they get it. RNG ensures that only a set percentage of players have the precursors and that only a set amount of precursors are available on the market.

Whatever new system ANet comes up with, will definitely keep those percentages and numbers in check or else they might as well give them out for free.

Uthgar Stormbringer, elementalist
Sigurd Greymane, guardian
~ Piken

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: Sauzo.6821


ANet needs to just bite the bullet and change precursors to acct bound and throw em on the laurels guy for 130 laurels for one. Far easier and cheaper than this so called scavenger hunt which could take 6 months, 8 months, 1 year.

Crafted: Meteorlogicus, Incinerator, Juggernaut, Sunrise, Bifrost, The Dreamer, Kudzu
Am I legendary yet!?

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: Gaudrath.6725


Not gonna happen. Again, what would happen when everyone is running around with a legendary in two months? There would be lots of wailing and gnashing of teeth, that’s what. Especially from people who got them the hard way.

Just face it people, precursors are never going to be easy to get, nor are they ever going to be a guaranteed drop at the end of a grind.

Uthgar Stormbringer, elementalist
Sigurd Greymane, guardian
~ Piken

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: Gasoline.2570


Especially from people who got them the hard way.

A tiny percentage of the current owners.

The balance team is chained to SPVP, and the PVE team is all about producing carnivals

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: Izuna.5307


stop making these treads anet just need to merge these senseless topics

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: Aristio.2784


Half of the posters here are market manipulators and shouldn’t even open their mouth. If it was any other company their account would be history by now. Yes, it’s bannable offense in most MMORPGs. Before you open your mouth again and say precursors aren’t a problem let me tell you a few things:

- most of the legendaries out there belong to market manipulators who didn’t even break a sweat
- there is an RNG factor in the recipe: it’s called Gift of Fortune, no need to have a 2nd component relying on RNG
- developers themselves know that precursors are the only factor hindering people from finishing their legendary. Response to that: scavenger hunt which will probably be implemented in a few months and will most likely have a nowhere near guaranteed chance to net you a precursor.
- Legendaries are something to keep you busy, not increase your ego and turn you into Gollum. Done with 1? Make a few more. <- that’s what intended (look at the achievement counting how many you have), and stop plaguing these forums with your silly “not everyone is meant to have one” attitude.

You’ll want a legendary…
- to show off how much hard work and time you invested in getting one and how dedicated you are
- to have an always top tier weapon
- for eye candy

How it really works: “look how much money I managed to leech from the trading post and/or how much gold I bought from gold sellers”
The sad truth is that less than a quarter of the legendary owners got theirs in an honest way and this is all because of precursors!

So much mad in one post I can almost feel him yelling at the screen.

Buying low and selling high is bad now?

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: Gasoline.2570


Half of the posters here are market manipulators and shouldn’t even open their mouth. If it was any other company their account would be history by now. Yes, it’s bannable offense in most MMORPGs. Before you open your mouth again and say precursors aren’t a problem let me tell you a few things:

- most of the legendaries out there belong to market manipulators who didn’t even break a sweat
- there is an RNG factor in the recipe: it’s called Gift of Fortune, no need to have a 2nd component relying on RNG
- developers themselves know that precursors are the only factor hindering people from finishing their legendary. Response to that: scavenger hunt which will probably be implemented in a few months and will most likely have a nowhere near guaranteed chance to net you a precursor.
- Legendaries are something to keep you busy, not increase your ego and turn you into Gollum. Done with 1? Make a few more. <- that’s what intended (look at the achievement counting how many you have), and stop plaguing these forums with your silly “not everyone is meant to have one” attitude.

You’ll want a legendary…
- to show off how much hard work and time you invested in getting one and how dedicated you are
- to have an always top tier weapon
- for eye candy

How it really works: “look how much money I managed to leech from the trading post and/or how much gold I bought from gold sellers”
The sad truth is that less than a quarter of the legendary owners got theirs in an honest way and this is all because of precursors!

So much mad in one post I can almost feel him yelling at the screen.

Buying low and selling high is bad now?

It just has nothing to do with being dedicated or skilled at the actual game, just how good you know your markets. It’s really sad the state anet went with these “legendary” weapons. On one hand you have a player who does dungeons, wvw, pve whenever hes on and plays the actual game, on the other you have a guy who just looks at the market and sees an oppoturnity and takes it. I mean this is how anet sees rewarding the player right now, “play our markets or forget your legendary”. It’s stupid and makes no sense to the people who actually play the game.

The balance team is chained to SPVP, and the PVE team is all about producing carnivals

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: Gaudrath.6725


It just has nothing to do with being dedicated or skilled at the actual game, just how good you know your markets. It’s really sad the state anet went with these “legendary” weapons. On one hand you have a player who does dungeons, wvw, pve whenever hes on and plays the actual game, on the other you have a guy who just looks at the market and sees an oppoturnity and takes it. I mean this is how anet sees rewarding the player right now, “play our markets or forget your legendary”. It’s stupid and makes no sense to the people who actually play the game.

So the market is not part of the game now? Only skull bashing applies? Market manipulation is a sort of emergent minigame for those who know how to do it. Most of the rage we see on the forums stems from the fact that most people find that sort of thing too complicated. Of course, if someone is actually skilled at spotting opportunities and playing an in-game market, that doesn’t count, right. That’s not skill, right?

Tough cookies. Go bash skulls then and stop complaining.

And by the way… has it occurred to anyone that even though the precursor prices are hiked up due to market being controlled, the actual number of available precursors is really low? Even if all the precursors currently on the market and in possession of the market manipulators got released for free right now, it would be enough for just a tiny fraction of people who actually want to have one.

Why? Because ANet designed it that way. And that way it will stay. You can remove them from the market, you can do whatever you wish, but forget about them being handouts, simple fact. Legendaries are legendary because they are rare.

And for the record, I am all for creating close-to impossible and totally unfair gameplay skill challenges to test who gets a precursor and making them account-bound on acquire. Do note however, that this would completely and utterly prevent 98% of the playerbase from EVER getting one.

I don’t think people understand how fair and even RNG is… no matter how bad or good you are at the game, no matter what is your particular skillset, you have a chance of getting one. With the above, some of us would have NO chance whatsoever.

Uthgar Stormbringer, elementalist
Sigurd Greymane, guardian
~ Piken

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: Sauzo.6821


RNG is fair and even? I need a pair of your rose colored glasses. And as for making a close to impossible way to acquire a precursor, why? Nothing else in this game is close to impossible. Dungeons are all jokingly easy including Arah, all the parts for the legendary are jokingly easy as well. The hardest part is doing WVW jump puzzles for badges.

The only reason i could see ANet wanting to keep precursors the way they are is purely from a monetary standpoint since im sure they do a nice chunk of microtransactions from gems to gold to buy precursors. But if you look at the game overall, like i said, nothing in this game is close to impossible. Making 1 part of the legendary close to impossible would unbalance it.

And if i wanted to play markets all day, i’d do it in RL where i could make real cash. I do agree with you that i doubt ANet will change precursors as it is unless their bottom line starts to take a hit in the form of a noticeable drop in microtransactions or a steady decline in playerbase.

All i can say is there will be a point when people just get fed up and throw their hands up and leave. And to those who say suck it up and quit whining, you ever play an MMO that starts with a T and ends with an A and is 4 letters? That community had a bunch of people telling others to quit whining about enchanting gear/weapons and the RNG. Guess what happened, the game lost people by the boatloads and it kinda became a ghost town with only those people who said quit whining left to try and form groups to run stuff and deal with each others elitism.

Crafted: Meteorlogicus, Incinerator, Juggernaut, Sunrise, Bifrost, The Dreamer, Kudzu
Am I legendary yet!?

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: Gaudrath.6725


Well, if getting a Legendary is the only thing keeping those people playing, I say they’re going to leave anyway really soon.

RNG is fair because it is not biased. Everyone has a mathematically equal chance. Doesn’t matter if you are poor, rich, skilled or not, you have the same chance. The only thing making it more fair would be removing precursors and legendaries from the TP entirely, but yes, that would mess with ANet profits, and I can totally see why they would leave them on – they have a business to run.

And you want to keep precursors difficult to acquire because their rarity directly impacts the legendary rarity (which is why they are in the game in the first place).

Personally, if I get an AAA MMO to play sub-free and with no restrictions and the only price is that I can’t get a shiny sword, I say we need more of that!

Uthgar Stormbringer, elementalist
Sigurd Greymane, guardian
~ Piken

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: Sauzo.6821


Well for some like me, legendaries are something to keep you occupied since each one is different and they all take like 2 months or so to complete if you work hard. So i can basically get something “new” for alts but running AC for the 400th time regardless of which toon im on gets old just for the point of running it.

And the problem with RNG is while true its not judgemental and is “fair” sort to say, it also doesn’t reward for time invested which in an MMO where lots of people work for a living, their time is worth something to them and spending say 3 hours a night for a week to farm weapons to throw into the MF and not get any return for it is a waste. Look at it this way, if you worked for a company that said “Ok, everyone will work for 2 weeks and at the end of that 2 weeks, we will spin a wheel with everyones name on it and whoevers name pops up wins 2 weeks wages. The rest of you will have to work another 2 weeks and try again”. While this is fair in the idea that everyone is on equal footing, its still not fair to the overall community of that company.

Crafted: Meteorlogicus, Incinerator, Juggernaut, Sunrise, Bifrost, The Dreamer, Kudzu
Am I legendary yet!?

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: dukefx.9730


Half of the posters here are market manipulators and shouldn’t even open their mouth. If it was any other company their account would be history by now. Yes, it’s bannable offense in most MMORPGs. Before you open your mouth again and say precursors aren’t a problem let me tell you a few things:

- most of the legendaries out there belong to market manipulators who didn’t even break a sweat
- there is an RNG factor in the recipe: it’s called Gift of Fortune, no need to have a 2nd component relying on RNG
- developers themselves know that precursors are the only factor hindering people from finishing their legendary. Response to that: scavenger hunt which will probably be implemented in a few months and will most likely have a nowhere near guaranteed chance to net you a precursor.
- Legendaries are something to keep you busy, not increase your ego and turn you into Gollum. Done with 1? Make a few more. <- that’s what intended (look at the achievement counting how many you have), and stop plaguing these forums with your silly “not everyone is meant to have one” attitude.

You’ll want a legendary…
- to show off how much hard work and time you invested in getting one and how dedicated you are
- to have an always top tier weapon
- for eye candy

How it really works: “look how much money I managed to leech from the trading post and/or how much gold I bought from gold sellers”
The sad truth is that less than a quarter of the legendary owners got theirs in an honest way and this is all because of precursors!

So much mad in one post I can almost feel him yelling at the screen.

Buying low and selling high is bad now?

Yes, it is. It’s a parasitic behavior. It’s not difficult to play the market at all, even a monkey could do it, but it’s the most disgusting thing you can do in this game. And what if everyone is running around with a legendary? If it really hurts you that much to see anyone else with a legendary then you need to see a psychologist.

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: Gaudrath.6725


Yes, it is. It’s a parasitic behavior. It’s not difficult to play the market at all, even a monkey could do it, but it’s the most disgusting thing you can do in this game.

The usual argument of people who tried to play the market and failed miserably.

Uthgar Stormbringer, elementalist
Sigurd Greymane, guardian
~ Piken

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: dukefx.9730


The usual response of someone unable to comprehend a simple sentence that states: I don’t want to play the market, never did, nor will, nor do I want to see others do it!

Please do us all a favor and plague some other forum with your brainless comments.

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: Lucas of the Desert.2165

Lucas of the Desert.2165

The usual response of someone unable to comprehend a simple sentence that states: I don’t want to play the market, never did, nor will, nor do I want to see others do it!

Please do us all a favor and plague some other forum with your brainless comments.

I don’t want to spoil you but almost every MMO nowadays has some kind of an economy. And people who understand it will always make a profit. That’s a given. That was possible in GW1 aswell… i personally made sooo much loss but i think it still is better than a gindy MMO imo.

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: Gaudrath.6725


The usual response of someone unable to comprehend a simple sentence that states: I don’t want to play the market, never did, nor will, nor do I want to see others do it!

Fortunately nobody made you King. I suggest looking at things from a less self-centered perspective.

Uthgar Stormbringer, elementalist
Sigurd Greymane, guardian
~ Piken

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: Aristio.2784


Half of the posters here are market manipulators and shouldn’t even open their mouth. If it was any other company their account would be history by now. Yes, it’s bannable offense in most MMORPGs. Before you open your mouth again and say precursors aren’t a problem let me tell you a few things:

- most of the legendaries out there belong to market manipulators who didn’t even break a sweat
- there is an RNG factor in the recipe: it’s called Gift of Fortune, no need to have a 2nd component relying on RNG
- developers themselves know that precursors are the only factor hindering people from finishing their legendary. Response to that: scavenger hunt which will probably be implemented in a few months and will most likely have a nowhere near guaranteed chance to net you a precursor.
- Legendaries are something to keep you busy, not increase your ego and turn you into Gollum. Done with 1? Make a few more. <- that’s what intended (look at the achievement counting how many you have), and stop plaguing these forums with your silly “not everyone is meant to have one” attitude.

You’ll want a legendary…
- to show off how much hard work and time you invested in getting one and how dedicated you are
- to have an always top tier weapon
- for eye candy

How it really works: “look how much money I managed to leech from the trading post and/or how much gold I bought from gold sellers”
The sad truth is that less than a quarter of the legendary owners got theirs in an honest way and this is all because of precursors!

So much mad in one post I can almost feel him yelling at the screen.

Buying low and selling high is bad now?

Yes, it is. It’s a parasitic behavior. It’s not difficult to play the market at all, even a monkey could do it, but it’s the most disgusting thing you can do in this game. And what if everyone is running around with a legendary? If it really hurts you that much to see anyone else with a legendary then you need to see a psychologist.

You’re putting words in my mouth.

It’s not parasitic, it’s opportunistic. If you didn’t do the research on X item and I see you have put it up for sale far lower than market value, do you think I’m going to pass up an opportunity to make gold with almost no work other than reposting it on the trading post?

You’re just seething with anger, it’s funny.

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: Lord Emamah.8132

Lord Emamah.8132

I might regret throwing my two cents into this debate as it is already getting heated. I do not own a precursor, but at some point I got to 80, finished the PvE, stories etc., and so I decided to work towards a legendary. I looked at the TP and saw that the price of the precursor I wanted was 80g.

No, stop laughing, you have actually been able to buy precursors for 80g.

I thought to myself: I want that. I reckon I can farm that kind of money – even the ice crystals will cost more than that.

By the time, I had farmed the money, guess what? The price was now 500g. Those of you who already have your legendaries, can you possibly appreciate how discouraging that is? You can tell me that I should work and farm harder, but seriously, what’s the point if I’m only chasing a moving target? You will do a much better job of convincing me, if you also put down exactly how you came about getting yours (RNG or TP, and how much did it cost you!?)

I can propose a solution that I believe will solve it: Cap the TP at 200g. Don’t allow anyone to sell anything at more than 200g.

First, I believe it will be in ANet’s interest. If they want to make money, they have to tempt me with lots of small transactions – go on, just $5 more, it’s so little, right? Dump down $500? Riiight… Large prices discourage microtransactions.

And I furthermore don’t even see why people want to sell things at 500g. Why would you possibly want 500g? (assuming you’re not a gold vendor) It’s not real. You can’t take it with you, you know. It seems to be some kind of a power trip for some players to make my game experience more miserable.

You worked hard for yours, you say. I can respect that. I will not belittle that. What I’m saying is that I’m prepared to work hard for mine, but with the way it’s looking atm. I’m just going to be working hard for nothing. If I wasn’t on a fun server, I would honestly have quit this game by now.

And sorry for ranting.

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: Gaudrath.6725


Prices are getting hiked up because there are obviously players who are willing to pay that kind of cash. Precursors are being sold left and right despite their exorbitant price tags.

And ANet won’t cap prices because of listing taxes, which are excellent money sinks on their own.

Uthgar Stormbringer, elementalist
Sigurd Greymane, guardian
~ Piken

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: dukefx.9730


Half of the posters here are market manipulators and shouldn’t even open their mouth. If it was any other company their account would be history by now. Yes, it’s bannable offense in most MMORPGs. Before you open your mouth again and say precursors aren’t a problem let me tell you a few things:

- most of the legendaries out there belong to market manipulators who didn’t even break a sweat
- there is an RNG factor in the recipe: it’s called Gift of Fortune, no need to have a 2nd component relying on RNG
- developers themselves know that precursors are the only factor hindering people from finishing their legendary. Response to that: scavenger hunt which will probably be implemented in a few months and will most likely have a nowhere near guaranteed chance to net you a precursor.
- Legendaries are something to keep you busy, not increase your ego and turn you into Gollum. Done with 1? Make a few more. <- that’s what intended (look at the achievement counting how many you have), and stop plaguing these forums with your silly “not everyone is meant to have one” attitude.

You’ll want a legendary…
- to show off how much hard work and time you invested in getting one and how dedicated you are
- to have an always top tier weapon
- for eye candy

How it really works: “look how much money I managed to leech from the trading post and/or how much gold I bought from gold sellers”
The sad truth is that less than a quarter of the legendary owners got theirs in an honest way and this is all because of precursors!

So much mad in one post I can almost feel him yelling at the screen.

Buying low and selling high is bad now?

Yes, it is. It’s a parasitic behavior. It’s not difficult to play the market at all, even a monkey could do it, but it’s the most disgusting thing you can do in this game. And what if everyone is running around with a legendary? If it really hurts you that much to see anyone else with a legendary then you need to see a psychologist.

You’re putting words in my mouth.

It’s not parasitic, it’s opportunistic. If you didn’t do the research on X item and I see you have put it up for sale far lower than market value, do you think I’m going to pass up an opportunity to make gold with almost no work other than reposting it on the trading post?

You’re just seething with anger, it’s funny.

The funny thing is people proclaiming to know what I feel and you couldn’t be more wrong. I probably should come up with something stupid like: you only play this game because you failed to be a broker in real life, but sorry… I won’t lower myself to your level.

I doubt you will ever know the feeling of having earned something.

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: Aristio.2784


Half of the posters here are market manipulators and shouldn’t even open their mouth. If it was any other company their account would be history by now. Yes, it’s bannable offense in most MMORPGs. Before you open your mouth again and say precursors aren’t a problem let me tell you a few things:

- most of the legendaries out there belong to market manipulators who didn’t even break a sweat
- there is an RNG factor in the recipe: it’s called Gift of Fortune, no need to have a 2nd component relying on RNG
- developers themselves know that precursors are the only factor hindering people from finishing their legendary. Response to that: scavenger hunt which will probably be implemented in a few months and will most likely have a nowhere near guaranteed chance to net you a precursor.
- Legendaries are something to keep you busy, not increase your ego and turn you into Gollum. Done with 1? Make a few more. <- that’s what intended (look at the achievement counting how many you have), and stop plaguing these forums with your silly “not everyone is meant to have one” attitude.

You’ll want a legendary…
- to show off how much hard work and time you invested in getting one and how dedicated you are
- to have an always top tier weapon
- for eye candy

How it really works: “look how much money I managed to leech from the trading post and/or how much gold I bought from gold sellers”
The sad truth is that less than a quarter of the legendary owners got theirs in an honest way and this is all because of precursors!

So much mad in one post I can almost feel him yelling at the screen.

Buying low and selling high is bad now?

Yes, it is. It’s a parasitic behavior. It’s not difficult to play the market at all, even a monkey could do it, but it’s the most disgusting thing you can do in this game. And what if everyone is running around with a legendary? If it really hurts you that much to see anyone else with a legendary then you need to see a psychologist.

You’re putting words in my mouth.

It’s not parasitic, it’s opportunistic. If you didn’t do the research on X item and I see you have put it up for sale far lower than market value, do you think I’m going to pass up an opportunity to make gold with almost no work other than reposting it on the trading post?

You’re just seething with anger, it’s funny.

The funny thing is people proclaiming to know what I feel and you couldn’t be more wrong. I probably should come up with something stupid like: you only play this game because you failed to be a broker in real life, but sorry… I won’t lower myself to your level.

I doubt you will ever know the feeling of having earned something.

I didn’t lower myself to any sort of level. I haven’t even insulted you. All I stated was you are raging with anger. But, anyhow.

What’s even MORE funny is:

1) I don’t have a Legendary.
2) I don’t have a single gold to my name (I have only 80 silver).
3) I just hit Level 80 on Sunday for the first time, and bought all rare armor and 1 Exotic weapon.
4) I’ve never played the trading post or auction house, in any MMO.
5) I still don’t care if other people buy low and sell high.

You’re just full with all kinds of mad. Sure, I can’t be absolutely sure that’s what you’re feeling. But by the theme of your post I can absolutely deduct that.

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


I don’t understand all this talk about getting legendary weapons “the cheap way”. Unless you have somehow amassed 2000g (very very very very few people) then there is only one way to get a legendary and that is through a lot of hard work.

1.2 million karma… can’t be bought, takes time and dedication.
500 WvW badges… can’t be bought, takes time and dedication.
100% Map completion… can’t be bought, takes time and dedication.
Dungeon Gift… can’t be bought, takes time and dedication.

Completing the 4 above things through normal gameplay will net you approximately 400g. Are people suggesting that using that gold to buy things off the TP is somehow cheap and didn’t require work? Are you suggesting that to make the item truly worthy I should throw away that gold and then farm the mats separately?

Investing money, doing research, watching trends. These things don’t make you evil, they don’t make you a cheater. Everyone is capable of doing them and everyone is capable of making money off the TP. I use the TP a grand total of about 15 minutes a day and I make a decent income from it. Not enough to buy a Legendary off the TP but enough to keep making progress towards my goal of Bolt.

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: Kain Nosgoth.4218

Kain Nosgoth.4218

The usual response of someone unable to comprehend a simple sentence that states: I don’t want to play the market, never did, nor will, nor do I want to see others do it!

Please do us all a favor and plague some other forum with your brainless comments.

1) They can play the market all the want, but when they buy out all 9 listed items and increase the price by 30% its a different thing.

2) A guy playing the market (buy 10 halloween skins and sell in3 months for 4000% profit) can and should afford a legendary at the current prices INSTANTLY and you can even say he “earned” it.

3) Leaving current prices as they are and thinking they are ok based on the fact that the guy at 2) can do it makes you a kitten because prices should not be set by the exceptions.

4) Seeing how some people can get or got theirs for free and others have to grind (or play “casually” 6h+ a day for 5 months) the system isn’t working as it should (it might be working as intended since they clearly don’t want to fix it sooner and how they will probably add some fixed minimum time required to complete SH no matter how many h/day you will want to invest in it).

This post isn’t directly targeted at anyone, the quote is there to point out an opinion on market playing.

Just beacuase.
AFL – Away From Life. // I admit to being a bad person.
Character specific key binds…yesterday if possible. Thank you.

(edited by Kain Nosgoth.4218)

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: Infernia.9847


I still think the precursor should have been the culmination of the personal story and then every single ingredient needed for the legendary could only be obtained after finsihing the personal story. Each ingredient would have it’s own quest and objectives and all of them would be account bound. The weapons would be legendary acheivements and not legendary gold grinds.
Just my 2cents and with inflation that isn’t worth much.

Blackgate : Level 80 Ranger, Necro, Guardian, Warrior
Devs: Trait Challenge Issued

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: Sauzo.6821


I still think the precursor should have been the culmination of the personal story and then every single ingredient needed for the legendary could only be obtained after finsihing the personal story. Each ingredient would have it’s own quest and objectives and all of them would be account bound. The weapons would be legendary acheivements and not legendary gold grinds.
Just my 2cents and with inflation that isn’t worth much.

I like the idea of the precursor being the culmination of the story quest. I don’t agree about the mats tho. This game already is pretty much a solo game. Adding in quests to do the mats would just further fuel alienation in this game unless you meant make it group quests like in dungeons or something.

Crafted: Meteorlogicus, Incinerator, Juggernaut, Sunrise, Bifrost, The Dreamer, Kudzu
Am I legendary yet!?

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: Gasoline.2570


I don’t understand all this talk about getting legendary weapons “the cheap way”. Unless you have somehow amassed 2000g (very very very very few people) then there is only one way to get a legendary and that is through a lot of hard work.

1.2 million karma… can’t be bought, takes time and dedication.
500 WvW badges… can’t be bought, takes time and dedication.
100% Map completion… can’t be bought, takes time and dedication.
Dungeon Gift… can’t be bought, takes time and dedication.

Completing the 4 above things through normal gameplay will net you approximately 400g. Are people suggesting that using that gold to buy things off the TP is somehow cheap and didn’t require work? Are you suggesting that to make the item truly worthy I should throw away that gold and then farm the mats separately?

Investing money, doing research, watching trends. These things don’t make you evil, they don’t make you a cheater. Everyone is capable of doing them and everyone is capable of making money off the TP. I use the TP a grand total of about 15 minutes a day and I make a decent income from it. Not enough to buy a Legendary off the TP but enough to keep making progress towards my goal of Bolt.

This is the funniest post yet. I’m sorry but are you trying to be serious here?

The balance team is chained to SPVP, and the PVE team is all about producing carnivals

(edited by Gasoline.2570)

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: Sauzo.6821


I don’t understand all this talk about getting legendary weapons “the cheap way”. Unless you have somehow amassed 2000g (very very very very few people) then there is only one way to get a legendary and that is through a lot of hard work.

1.2 million karma… can’t be bought, takes time and dedication.
500 WvW badges… can’t be bought, takes time and dedication.
100% Map completion… can’t be bought, takes time and dedication.
Dungeon Gift… can’t be bought, takes time and dedication.

Completing the 4 above things through normal gameplay will net you approximately 400g. Are people suggesting that using that gold to buy things off the TP is somehow cheap and didn’t require work? Are you suggesting that to make the item truly worthy I should throw away that gold and then farm the mats separately?

Investing money, doing research, watching trends. These things don’t make you evil, they don’t make you a cheater. Everyone is capable of doing them and everyone is capable of making money off the TP. I use the TP a grand total of about 15 minutes a day and I make a decent income from it. Not enough to buy a Legendary off the TP but enough to keep making progress towards my goal of Bolt.

Lol i too don’t know if this guy is joking or not. 400g to do those 4 things? Not even close. Map completion doesn’t really net crap unless you doing 70+ ones since anything under 70+ doesn’t sell for crap since it doesn’t give ectos when salvaged.

500 wvw badges can be done purely by doing JPs which give you usually a couple blues or greens which are like 1.5s each and give 3-6 badges. So even if you completely sucked at luck and got 3 badges only every time, thats only like 5g total for 500 badges.

Dungeon gifts are 500 tokens at 60 tokens per path. That’s 9 runs needed and say we base it off COF P1 which can net you say 2g a run(being generous) unless you get a good drop, thats 18g. Now if you need something from one of the 2 big lodestones(COE or TA), you can make more but not enough to cover a 350g spread.

1.2M karma. Again running dungeons 9 times for the gift will give you alot of drops of karma and doing dailies will give you jugs yet only 5s each. Forget doing DEs for karma since its pretty much a waste at like 400 karma per DE while dungeons give 1880 karma+ usually 3-4 drops of karma(400 karma each). So again, i don’t see running dungeons/dailies enough for 1.2M karma netting you 350g or so.

But hell if you made 400g doing those 4 things alone, then you are a magician or VERY lucky and should write a guide and sell it for RL cash.

Crafted: Meteorlogicus, Incinerator, Juggernaut, Sunrise, Bifrost, The Dreamer, Kudzu
Am I legendary yet!?

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: Gaudrath.6725


He probably made 400g because he spent his time playing the game instead of crying about it on the forums.

Uthgar Stormbringer, elementalist
Sigurd Greymane, guardian
~ Piken

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: azazil.9541


He probably made 400g because he spent his time playing the game instead of crying about it on the forums.

Aren’t you doin exactly same thing ? At least he is saying something but you ? Just trolling around.

Tell me Precursors aren't a problem

in Crafting

Posted by: ddak.3150


Spark , precursor for legendary dagger was always around 450 to 550 gold, today – 650! Last night it was 750.

I managed to get like 50 gold in almost a month, and now I stand around 100 gold – and I was there thinking – around 400 gold more to go… And now I see it will be even more…

Prices for precursors are going sky high, and I don’t event want to mention lodestones – which I need both Destroyer and Molten ones, thats 200 lodestones, and that their drop rate is like almost as rare as it is precursor…

But that won’t change, everything in this game except few things will be based on pure luck. Except ofc, if u have the need to get that something badly, so u give your own money for it…