Trying to get Dusk of Rage
I know and have talked to people who have acquired legendary precursors with 4 lvl 80 rare swords after the 65+ rare issues was taken care of.
There is also a thread around here with a AN representative who said that it is still possible to get legendary precursors by combining lvl 80 rares.
STD [Scarlet Gave Me Harpies]
Does that mean that if your using exotics they also have to be level 80 or can you use fx level 75 exotics?
(edited by Roziak.9501)
To sum it up:
Question posed:
1. Can we still attain the pre-cursors from lvl 75-80 rare weapons in mystic forge.
2. Can we still attain the pre-cursors from lvl 75-80 exotic weapons in the mystic forge.
LinseyMurdock’s answer:
I believe the issue was with rares of a lower level. So, the answers to 1. and 2. are yes.
Exactly, it was sub-lvl75 rares that were the issue. Not the 75-80 ones.
STD [Scarlet Gave Me Harpies]
Cool. Thanks for the info mate
Can level 70 exotics be used?
Yes a guildie got The Hunter today useing 4, level 70 exotic guns.
So, is it possible to truly get a precursor using lv 70 exotics? I managed to get Eir’s longbow with them… Must be a hint or something like that I suppose :S