Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: DreamOfACure.4382


I recently actually went and tried working out how long it would take for me to make a Legendary item. (Note: I only play 1~2 hours a day)

The result made me want to cut myself…

I ended up thinking about other neat items I’ve seen, and found this.

http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mystic_Forge/Other_Items (The weapon recipes)
There are a variety of neat looking Exotic weapons that can be made in the mystic forge.

They don’t have the fancy graphics of a Legendary, but some of their models like the Abyssal Scepter, Firebringer, and Wintersbark are really sweet looking.
Working on these will be much easier then the blasted Legendaries.

Quite frankly, I think ANet should upgrade some of these to Ascended tier, so more players can know about them. They’re a much more reasonable goal for the casual player looking to shiny-Up their set.

“Bleeding, Poison, Confusion, Torment, they all look delightful on you.”

Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~

(edited by DreamOfACure.4382)

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: Relair.1843


That halloween scythe skin was the most legendary one of all for my necromancer, the bifrost looks stupid on anyone but an elementalist. So until they add in more legendary staffs I’m totally content with it at the moment. There are indeed quite alot of neat looking things you can make in the mystic forge, if they made the whole forging process a bit less obtuse and a bit more user friendly I bet alot more people would take advantage of it. You basically have to look online to even figure out how to work the kitten thing in the beginning.

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: UnderdogSMO.9428


I recently actually went and tried working out how long it would take for me to make a Legendary item. (Note: I only play 1~2 hours a day)

The result made me want to cut myself…

I ended up thinking about other neat items I’ve seen, and found this.

http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mystic_Forge/Other_Items (The weapon recipes)
There are a variety of neat looking Exotic weapons that can be made in the mystic forge.

They don’t have the fancy graphics of a Legendary, but some of their models like the Abyssal Scepter, Firebringer, and Wintersbark are really sweet looking.
Working on these will be much easier then the blasted Legendaries.

Quite frankly, I think ANet should upgrade some of these to Ascended tier, so more players can know about them. They’re a much more reasonable goal for the casual player looking to shiny-Up their set.

well there are no ascended tier wepons yet and when they do add them there will probably be some you can craft in the forge i would think

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: Karizee.8076


Already made one

Slowly working towards a legendary.

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: Jrunyon.3012


Honestly, looking at that list made me realize just how unloved daggers went. 2 skins, both essentially the same model, and no particle affect. I really really wish Jormag’s needle could have a effect to match my Jormag’s breath, because as it is now, Its nowhere near worth it to craft. It’s the only thing I need to complete my character, a good dagger skin that isn’t the legendary.


Nesmee – Thief
[OHai] – Northern Shiverpeaks

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


The Mystic Forge skins are amazing, staffs are generally very lacking and we could certainly use more cool staff skins.
I wanted to make a Mystic Claymore when I just started looking at MF recipes because I really liked the look for my mesmer.
I eventually bought Khrysaor and now I’m so happy with it that my ingredients are sitting in my bank.
Most of my characters are staff users- very sad

I agree that the very rare MF exotics should be upgraded to Ascended- some of those things are incredibly expensive to craft and look a lot better than most Legendary Weapons

Gunnar’s Hold

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: moirweyn.9872


Once I saw the effects and the skin on the bows – I gave up on Legendary weapons completely.

Freaking rainbows and unicorns…

“There are two types of people in the world…and I don’t like them.”

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: Happyfool.8951


The Anomaly is probably the best looking focus i’ve seen.

We all do as we must to make our way in this world and unfortunately,
we have to do things others may qualify as “evil”.
~Krunch Bloodrage, Looking For Group

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: Firegoth.6427


When they’ll run out of ideas how to milk out the community, be prepared for the “low tier” legendaries boost in cosmetic look.

Everyone will go after the minstrel once it starts showing big notes flying all over the place with a different melody per skill used.
Everyone will go after the dreamer when it’ll leave a motion blur effect when you walk.
And so on…

It actually works for Anet’s best interest to boost these items.
So go ahead and complain about them since you can’t get one, but when they’ll get buffed then we’ll see you talk again

1+1 = potato

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


The Anomaly is probably the best looking focus i’ve seen.

For sure! That skin makes me wish I used a focus.
As for the current Legendary Weapons- none of them really appeal to me- even if their effects will probably be buffed.
If they ad more I will see but up until then I really could not be bothered.
Bifrost is cool and all but not that cool- and the look is very specific, it just doesn’t suit most characters.

Gunnar’s Hold

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: DJSkittles.7196


Honestly, looking at that list made me realize just how unloved daggers went. 2 skins, both essentially the same model, and no particle affect. I really really wish Jormag’s needle could have a effect to match my Jormag’s breath, because as it is now, Its nowhere near worth it to craft. It’s the only thing I need to complete my character, a good dagger skin that isn’t the legendary.


Just make a corrupted dagger, its easily the nicest skin this side of Incinerator.

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: Garambola.2461


Wow! It never even occurred to me there was anything else to forge there. Many of these interest me. Uhm… Are these straight recipies or is it a lottery?

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


Wow! It never even occurred to me there was anything else to forge there. Many of these interest me. Uhm… Are these straight recipies or is it a lottery?

Straight recipies.

Gunnar’s Hold

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: Jrunyon.3012


Just make a corrupted dagger, its easily the nicest skin this side of Incinerator.

While it would be about the best match, I’m not fond of the actual dagger skin and the particle fade on sheathe is annoying. I’m just going to stick with my Moonshank until maybe they update Jormag’s needle? Maybe possibly Anet?

Nesmee – Thief
[OHai] – Northern Shiverpeaks

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: GummiBear.2756


Imo the legendary looks are just over the top flashy, i prefer something a bit more plain or clean so to say, so nope never gonna make a legendary likely

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


wow- I just looked up Moonshank and that is a seriously cool dagger- my thief would look great with two I just need to get her up to 80

Gunnar’s Hold

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: Dondarrion.2748


This is my plan too, and being a sucker for swords with element effects and my fiery dragon sword from HoM, I’m now set on the icy equivalent.

Lord Sazed / Hasla the Huntress / Seaguard Hala
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: Paradox.5498


Instead of working on a legendary staff for my Charr necromancer, I’m working on getting all the needed ingredients together for The Crossing, the Halloween craftable staff skin. Some professions simply don’t look good with the current legendaries. I prefer rare exotics over most legendaries any time.

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: Jrunyon.3012


wow- I just looked up Moonshank and that is a seriously cool dagger- my thief would look great with two I just need to get her up to 80

Oh yeah, theyre a great looking set. I’ve used them for a long time until recently switching to S/D instead.


Nesmee – Thief
[OHai] – Northern Shiverpeaks

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: Slacker.2679


I would definitely forge the rifle from that list.

Oh wait, there isn’t one.

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: Zogyark.4597


Instead of working on a legendary staff for my Charr necromancer, I’m working on getting all the needed ingredients together for The Crossing, the Halloween craftable staff skin. Some professions simply don’t look good with the current legendaries. I prefer rare exotics over most legendaries any time.

May I suggest buying it, it’s much cheaper to buy it right now than craft it, of course this would have to be soon since price will be increasing now that there’s only like 7 left.

On a related note, I thin I’ll be getting Volcanus rather than Twilight for my Charr Warrior, I think it would just fit him better, everyone seems to have twilight and it just not that cool to me anymore, not for a charr warrior anyways I think it’d fit a human better.

Necromancer Lupicus Solo – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWkSkhmWiDU

Retired Until Expansion or Meaningful Content is Released.

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: Vol.5241


If you’re only going to play 1-2 hours a day, then you really shouldn’t be making a legendary your goal. There will be another game out there by the time you get it that will pique your interest.

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[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


So I decided to use the stuff that has been cluttering up my bank and crafted Mystic Claymore.
It is very pretty, I love the blue lighting.
I gave it to my husband as a gift.

Gunnar’s Hold

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: Gator.5729


I figure that my legendary will come eventually. I have found some really nice weapons that I am in the process of making.

Firebringer – flaming sword
Titan’s Revenge – Molten Axe
Destroyer Bows (Short and Long)

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: Revan.6259


I figure that my legendary will come eventually. I have found some really nice weapons that I am in the process of making.

Firebringer – flaming sword
Titan’s Revenge – Molten Axe
Destroyer Bows (Short and Long)

Just be careful with Titan’s Vengeance – the recipe is the same as one of the Jormag’s Needle recipes (this is probably a bug) and the recipe has a chance to give either of the two.

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: Field Marshal.7946

Field Marshal.7946

I am going to do an ax. Just wish there were better options. A rifle would of been nice. But of course…that was forgotten for some odd reason.

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: Revan.6259


I am going to do an ax. Just wish there were better options. A rifle would of been nice. But of course…that was forgotten for some odd reason.

They were too busy making 15 foci to get around to making a rifle.

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: DreamOfACure.4382


Once I saw the effects and the skin on the bows – I gave up on Legendary weapons completely.

Freaking rainbows and unicorns…

-looks up “unicorn bow”-

Dude, that is the most epic looking thing ever. Would go so well with my mesmer. LOL

wow- I just looked up Moonshank and that is a seriously cool dagger- my thief would look great with two I just need to get her up to 80

Too bad, according to wiki, it’s one of the RNG-forged weapons. There’s no straight recipe. Really hope ANet changes this, and makes the Mystic Forge more straight-forward. :x

If you’re only going to play 1-2 hours a day, then you really shouldn’t be making a legendary your goal. There will be another game out there by the time you get it that will pique your interest.

I’m sorry, did you even read the title? What do you think this post is about?

“Bleeding, Poison, Confusion, Torment, they all look delightful on you.”

Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~

(edited by DreamOfACure.4382)

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: Lily Miranda.5407

Lily Miranda.5407

I love my Melandru’s Gaze and dual Moonshanks. I just wish eles had an out of combat weapon swap so I wouldn’t have to lose 2 inv slots.

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: DreamOfACure.4382


They were too busy making 15 foci to get around to making a rifle.

“AUGHH! My… Squeedily Spooch!”

“Bleeding, Poison, Confusion, Torment, they all look delightful on you.”

Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: Infernia.9847


I made the Mystic forge longbow that looks like a blue version of the inquest weapon. I also have rust tooth <—which I really like even if it makes my Norn look a bit psychotic
Honestly I will never have the time or gold to make a legendary weapon but the alternate weapons I like require a huge amount of lodestones. Considering the rarity and expense of those… I’ll most likely just stick to crafted weapons or those with more realistic mystic forge recipes.

Blackgate : Level 80 Ranger, Necro, Guardian, Warrior
Devs: Trait Challenge Issued

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: Kozai.8269


No rifle? Are there any particularly cool looking Pistols then?

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


Once I saw the effects and the skin on the bows – I gave up on Legendary weapons completely.

Freaking rainbows and unicorns…

-looks up “unicorn bow”-

Dude, that is the most epic looking thing ever. Would go so well with my mesmer. LOL

wow- I just looked up Moonshank and that is a seriously cool dagger- my thief would look great with two I just need to get her up to 80

Too bad, according to wiki, it’s one of the RNG-forged weapons. There’s no straight recipe. Really hope ANet changes this, and makes the Mystic Forge more straight-forward. :x

If you’re only going to play 1-2 hours a day, then you really shouldn’t be making a legendary your goal. There will be another game out there by the time you get it that will pique your interest.

I’m sorry, did you even read the title? What do you think this post is about?

Yes I realize that
I hope they change it too.
My current skins on my main are both Mystic Forge RNG skins and it really sucks that I had to buy them on the TP in the end.
I would much have preferred a straight recipe.
I did have quite a thrill making Mystic Claymore

Gunnar’s Hold

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: Prevvy.1936


In the process of gathering mats to make Foefire’s Essence XD still need 60 charged lodestones (pretty brutal). Most legendaries don’t look very appealing to me, hope they add more in the near future

Prevvy Hyperion | [VII] Seventh Legion | [dF] Driven By Fury

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: sostronk.8167


Exotics will be superseded by new gear. Legendarys will not. Forging an exotic will be forging an item that you are going to have to replace if you want the best stats. I came across the same issue as I really want the Tri Forge Pendant, but its labelled as an exotic, suggesting it eventually will be worse than alternatives and vendor trash. Considering its cost, I won’t get it.

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: somsom.5201


I already did: Infinite Light.

None of the legendaries interest me the slightest bit; glad that the exotics are nice.

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: DreamOfACure.4382


Exotics will be superseded by new gear.

Uh, not really.

Ascended are designed to be exercises towards making a Legendary. Ascended are essentially the equips/trinkets-form of Legendaries which only come in weapon form. It takes the average player weeks just to complete a single piece.

Exotics will still be the standard.
Only the most dedicated players will be walking around with full Ascended.

“Bleeding, Poison, Confusion, Torment, they all look delightful on you.”

Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~

(edited by DreamOfACure.4382)

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


I started that way, pretty much crafted all the best looking exotics:

The Anomaly
Wall of the Mist

But now I have Sunrise, which blows them all away. Just need to work on Infinite Light and Mjolnir…..ugh

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: sostronk.8167


Exotics will be superseded by new gear.

Only the most dedicated players will be walking around with full Ascended.

I suggest you try playing fractals. A complete Ascended is completely acheiveable for anyone who plays 10 hours a week, in a short period of time. 10 pristine fractal relics will get you one ring. You get 1 per day. Then there is a decent chance to get them as drops as well. On average, for someone who plays with FoTM each day, you will get at least 1 ascended item a week. And then you can buy more with other stuff you get. Maybe our definitions of “dedicated player” are different, but for me this takes up only a very small portion of my GW2 playing time.

EDIT: Oand achievement points (laurels) will be used to purchase ascended gear, starting next week.

(edited by sostronk.8167)

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


I started that way, pretty much crafted all the best looking exotics:

The Anomaly
Wall of the Mist

But now I have Sunrise, which blows them all away. Just need to work on Infinite Light and Mjolnir…..ugh

Sunrise and twilight are will never blow any of these away.
And I’m not “just saying that because I’ll never have one.” I’m saying it because it’s true. Sad and true.

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: sostronk.8167


I started that way, pretty much crafted all the best looking exotics:

The Anomaly
Wall of the Mist

But now I have Sunrise, which blows them all away. Just need to work on Infinite Light and Mjolnir…..ugh

Sunrise and twilight are will never blow any of these away.
And I’m not “just saying that because I’ll never have one.” I’m saying it because it’s true. Sad and true.

Statisitically it will. New gear will come with higher stats. This could be as soon as next weeks patch. Whilst Twighlight is a legendary it is guaranteed to keep the same stats as the highest in game and will get a stat buff. The rest are exotics and will not get a stat buff. They may or may not be better looking, but stat wise twighlight wins for its stats guarantee.

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: Iehova.9518


When I’m 28 lodes and 87g away from my Sunrise, I think I’ll just stick to that.

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: Nike.2631


I already did: Infinite Light.

None of the legendaries interest me the slightest bit; glad that the exotics are nice.

I’ll look slightly jealous .

Have about 60% of the oricalcum and a whole 5% of the lodestones. Feer meh!

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: proxy.7963


There are some really neat Exotics, so I’m probably going to aim for one of those rather than a Legendary. The requirements suit the amount of time I have as well, so they’re more realistic for me to work towards.

Statisitically it will. New gear will come with higher stats. This could be as soon as next weeks patch. Whilst Twighlight is a legendary it is guaranteed to keep the same stats as the highest in game and will get a stat buff. The rest are exotics and will not get a stat buff. They may or may not be better looking, but stat wise twighlight wins for its stats guarantee.

In terms of effort vs reward, I’d argue that the amount of effort required to earn one Legendary could well outstrip that needed to earn an Exotic and an Ascended weapon (to upgrade its stats). We don’t know yet, naturally, but it’s I don’t think it’s an unreasonable speculation.

Behold: Opinions!

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: Zogyark.4597


In regards to those talking about ascended and exotic. Ascended gear and weapons will be better yes, but that does not make the exotic weapon obsolete. The reason people pay for these weapon is not the stats (which can be gotten for 3-4g), it’s the skins that are attractive and make the difference.

Ascended gear, like rings will most likely not be too hard to obtain, people will just transmute their exotic skin with the ascended stat, it’s not like the weapon will become usless and a mistake was made because a Legendary wasn’t crafted instead, Legendary is just top tier and that’s the only reason they are putting it on par with ascended stats but one should not even try to craft one just because it will keep its stats, it’s a big mistake.

It’s called Fine Transmutation Stone people look it up.

Necromancer Lupicus Solo – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWkSkhmWiDU

Retired Until Expansion or Meaningful Content is Released.

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


I started that way, pretty much crafted all the best looking exotics:

The Anomaly
Wall of the Mist

But now I have Sunrise, which blows them all away. Just need to work on Infinite Light and Mjolnir…..ugh

Sunrise and twilight are will never blow any of these away.
And I’m not “just saying that because I’ll never have one.” I’m saying it because it’s true. Sad and true.

Statisitically it will. New gear will come with higher stats. This could be as soon as next weeks patch. Whilst Twighlight is a legendary it is guaranteed to keep the same stats as the highest in game and will get a stat buff. The rest are exotics and will not get a stat buff. They may or may not be better looking, but stat wise twighlight wins for its stats guarantee.

Next patch is amulets not weapons, however, Twilight still looks bad, and you can always transmute better looking skins to have bis stats.
Also it is very negligible that amount of stats ascended weapons have compared to exotic, one could easily use exotic until he gets an ascended. Having a legendary only satisfies that need for instant gratification.

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: Oglethorpe.5369


I’m not going after any Legendaries, personally. Twilight/Sunrise/Eternity are kitten cool, don’t get me wrong, but the amount of work needed for them are just not for me. I play often, but still casually, so to save up materials for the next year or two for one weapon (rightfully so – they’re bloody LEGENDARY, for kitten’s sake), or to just focus on really nice-looking exotics for all my characters – it’s not really even a decision at that point.

Vision of the Mists is the perfect Greatsword for my Female Mesmer (had it a little more than a month into the game – Whisperblade/The Anomaly in the future). I also use Peacemaker’s Trident/Spear.

AC weapons are absolutely beautiful on my Guardian (Greatsword/Scepter/Sword/Staff), as well as the Peacemaker’s Hammer/Shield.

Eye of Rodgort is the perfect Necro scepter, I couldn’t imagine using anything else actually (will take some time though). Also – where the kitten is Final Rest already?

I love my dual Mystic Daggers/Peacemaker’s Shortbow on my Thief.

I’m also fully ascended on Guardian (for Fractals) and Necro (for WvW), and I’ve been able to fully gear 4 level 80’s, with #5 (Elementalist) on the way.

So… ALL of that, or (not even) one legendary? Not to mention what’s left in the bank/collection/karma for other future weapons. I’m certainly not hating against people who want legendaries – that’s your thing – it’s just something I’ll never be interested in.

Time Chamber to the [PAST], Fort Aspenwood
Tirian – Human Mesmer | Oglethorpe – Human Necromancer
Bigbeard the Grey – Norn Guardian | Emoury – Human Thief

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: Mad Rasputin.7809

Mad Rasputin.7809

Yeah.. great choice of rifles and pistols.. rme.. no love at all…

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: The Blue Ace.2850

The Blue Ace.2850

I would get an exotic skin GS I want instead of the legendary sunrise,

but that costs 250 charged lodestones more than the legendary.

Go figure.

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: Kuldred.2436


Once I saw the effects and the skin on the bows – I gave up on Legendary weapons completely.

Freaking rainbows and unicorns…

The legendary pistol Quip not only looks horrible, it has less than ideal stats unless you PvP with it, and it shoots bubbles? Since I’m not a 12 year old girl, I’ll pass on the bubbles, rainbows and unicorn stuff, thanks.

The two pistols on that list both look awesome, and have better stats. 250 globs of ecto and 250 ori pistol frames is rediculous, but it’s a walk in the park compared to a legendary. This is definately the direction I’m taking.

And whats up with no mystic forge rifle?

Thanks for posting this list, I had forgotten about it. Awesome stuff!

Yak’s Bend