Why I think that crafting is broken

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Palix.9340


I want to know how many of you kittens that are having an easy time are running jewelcrafter? Any crafting class that requires insignias or inscriptions is kitten.

I run jeweler and it’s pretty easy considering discovering on jewler you only need 6 total of each gem to get all discoveries for that gem type and there are multiple gems per tier.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: blink.4239


I want to know how many of you kittens that are having an easy time are running jewelcrafter? Any crafting class that requires insignias or inscriptions is kitten.

I run jeweler and it’s pretty easy considering discovering on jewler you only need 6 total of each gem to get all discoveries for that gem type and there are multiple gems per tier.

Not to mention the fact that jewelry is much cheaper to level than tailoring.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: LoneWolfie.1852


I think MANY people are finding it difficult to craft their way to level 400. Back then when TP was not up, I grinded for an hour daily for a week to get the mats, and it was still NOT ENOUGH.

With the supplements from the TP when it was up, I finally managed to get it done to 400, but I was stuck at around 100s to 200s when TP was down. People keep saying that you’re doing it wrong, but when I finished exploring the entire Queensdale with insufficient mats (as well as having pretty hardworking farm with a bit of MF going on the side)…

In fact I needed two to three times of the mats needed to advance, rune drops are NON-existent and in the end I just gave up and exploited the TP. At least I made a very decent profit (at least 100g-150g worth of equipments and mats in trading value gotten from there).

I am truly disappointed, but no one seems to think that matters. You sure you guys are not grinning because you made money?

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Cyferwolf.1089


In my opinion it’s a hell of a lot easier than crafting in WoW ever was. The time I spend farming alone is drastically reduced. I do wish I got slightly more materials in regular play, especially fine materials in cloth, as I always seem to be lacking them, but honestly I’m spending much much much less time leveling my professions than I ever did in WoW, and my friends who’ve played other MMOs agree. Really the only one that seems to be too costly right now is cooking, just because you have to buy so many extra ingredients.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: klepto.8579


I never have enough materials to keep crafting at an appropriate level of my character. And low-level materials are much too expensive in the auction house for low-level characters.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


I’m actually under level compared to what I can craft. I usually have to wait a few levels to use the fancy set of gear that I just crafted. I haven’t purchased any mats, just what I’ve found. Cloth seems to be the most difficult resource to get. Well, that and the totems, claws, blood, etc.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: EndlessDreamer.6780


Okay, so here is my question:

What you want is this – a crafting system in which you can always make something useful for yourself and you never have to make ‘junk’, correct?

So how?

There are only a few ways Arenanet can do this.

- Make it so that each item you craft gives you ungodly more experience. In order to actually make that worth it, they’d have to make them ungodly harder to make as well. So, you’re asking for the ability for your crafting to make an awesome pistol for you, the only way to do that is to make that pistol cost as much time and mats as 10-20 various weapons.

- Make it so that you can craft various levels of equipment. Like instead of level 5, 10 and 15 weapons, levels 5, 6, 7, etc. Honestly, I have enough trouble keeping recipes in my head straight.

- Make it a complete cake walk to get to 400, which would undermine the entire point of it.

Given that you can get on level gear from just questing around and the real benefits of crafting don’t shine until you hit 400, you can probably assume crafting is a side thing. I started crafting at level 80. I have only just now made myself something useful, a nice exotic. I don’t regret it at all.

Crafting isn’t necessary to level up through the game. However, it is useful, but that doesn’t mean it always -has- to keep up with your level.

Unless you’d like them to cap your level until you get to a certain level in crafts so that you can always make things good for you.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: SiNoS.2147


Ill just say that i infact dinged 400 on my crafting skills 2 levels before i got to 80. It wasent hard. Expecially when i could sell my raw materials and buy premade componites and turn a nice little profit. All i had to worry about was the blood, scale, and totems that i needed to make my gear. But that was simple as i figured out early on which creatures dropped when and targeted those when i was out.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Big Boss.6248

Big Boss.6248

Or you can read the further posts and actually see my point. The people who are saying it is easy are those at max level. I am, and this is anet’s “Design”, supposed to be able to keep my crafting level up with my profession level but I’m level 52 and am making level 30 weapons that are trash to me. I could be so much further in the game if I hadn’t busied myself in lower level areas farming fine materials trying to make gear on my level.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: KingFriday.5982


As a few people mentioned I just wish I didn’t have to discover a bunch of unused recipes when leveling crafting. I would be fine if each recipe used more mats to balance it out. On average I would like to craft about 3 items every 5 character levels. I would feel more attached to them because they would be harder to make, there would be less crafted items floating around making them worth more, and it might make some interesting decisions on how to best use your crafting materials. If you needed 5x the materials to make something you may have to pause and think if the boots or the gloves would be a bigger upgrade.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Nkuvu.2570


Or you can read the further posts and actually see my point. The people who are saying it is easy are those at max level. I am, and this is anet’s “Design”, supposed to be able to keep my crafting level up with my profession level but I’m level 52 and am making level 30 weapons that are trash to me. I could be so much further in the game if I hadn’t busied myself in lower level areas farming fine materials trying to make gear on my level.

I still don’t see your point, and I’ve read every post in the thread.

I have no problems keeping my skill level appropriate to my character level. Yes, sometimes I buy fine materials from the trading post. But I also sell common materials on the trading post. Net profit, actually.

Yes, if you’re level 52 and you’re making level 30 weapons, then yep, you’re behind. You’ll need to do things to catch up to your character’s level. This is not a complicated idea.

My armorsmith/weaponsmith is level 30 (highest level character), making items that are for a level 35 character. I’ve stopped most crafting for my alts simply because they’re also making items for higher than character level. I fail to see the problem you’re having with crafting. (side note: before you claim “oh but you haven’t tried X profession!”, yes, I have. I have them all — and problems with none of them. Except cooking, because I haven’t found beans yet (and would rather find them through exploration as opposed to a simple Google search)).

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Gweniver.8015


I’m level 28 right now and am leveling through tier 2 Artificer. The problem I’m running into is that I’m not finding enough blue rare drops as I go about my normal leveling. I am primarily leveling solo fully exploring the zones and hitting any dynamic event that I run into.

In tier 1 I out leveled the level 20 items once I got to 75 points. I’m already on the path to out level tier 2 items before I am able to craft them.

I do stop and try to farm blue items when I come across creatures that drop them, but I’ve found that the drop rate is not enough for how many you need even if you are jumping on on every dynamic event that you run into.

I’m able to harvest enough wood and metal, its the blue items needed for discoveries that’s slowing me down.

If anyone has suggestions on what to do differently, I’m open to them. Thanks!

(edited by Gweniver.8015)

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Spiriggan.9038


Can I also verify whether level 35 Armoursmith recipes exist? I could not discover the Iron Legion Armour set.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Kaneth.4951


Anyone who has taken up weaponsmithing AND armorsmithing will tell you how painful and monotonous it is to find the required fine materials. Right now crafting is a complete waste of time and I was really disappointed with it.

This is likely true of any 2 crafting disciplines that both use Fine Crafting Materials.

True, but Armor and Weaponsmithing are a particularly bad combo as they both use a lot of ore.

From my (admittedly limited) experience so far, I’d suggest avoiding this combo if you want to craft as you level and make gear for yourself, unless you don’t mind a fair bit of material farming.

Either of them + Jewelry is a much easier option for crafting while you level.

Weaponsmithing+Armorsmithing max is required for the Legendary Greatsword. Granted, you could level one or the other first, and then go back and level the other. However, you should be able to do both and keep them relative to your level. I am currently leveling both on my Guardian, and it hasn’t been horrible (had to do some copper farming, but I ran into events along the way too). Right now though, I am stuck needing bone shards, which are seemingly hard to find. I read in another thread that the drop rate for fine crafting materials seems to be down since the last patch, not sure if it’s intended or a bug though.

Theoretically, being able to gather enough materials every 5 levels should be doable. I mean it’s 5 levels of running around doing stuff and gathering along the way. It’s seemingly becoming more difficult to actually do that with the drop rate of fine crafting materials.

I don’t mind having to farm a bit, but I would like to see an official response if the drop rates for the fine crafting materials really have been nerfed.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Kaneth.4951


Okay, so here is my question:

What you want is this – a crafting system in which you can always make something useful for yourself and you never have to make ‘junk’, correct?

So how?

There are only a few ways Arenanet can do this.

- Make it so that each item you craft gives you ungodly more experience. In order to actually make that worth it, they’d have to make them ungodly harder to make as well. So, you’re asking for the ability for your crafting to make an awesome pistol for you, the only way to do that is to make that pistol cost as much time and mats as 10-20 various weapons.

- Make it so that you can craft various levels of equipment. Like instead of level 5, 10 and 15 weapons, levels 5, 6, 7, etc. Honestly, I have enough trouble keeping recipes in my head straight.

- Make it a complete cake walk to get to 400, which would undermine the entire point of it.

Given that you can get on level gear from just questing around and the real benefits of crafting don’t shine until you hit 400, you can probably assume crafting is a side thing. I started crafting at level 80. I have only just now made myself something useful, a nice exotic. I don’t regret it at all.

Crafting isn’t necessary to level up through the game. However, it is useful, but that doesn’t mean it always -has- to keep up with your level.

Unless you’d like them to cap your level until you get to a certain level in crafts so that you can always make things good for you.

If the drop rates for fine crafting materials were decent, there wouldn’t be much of an issue, to be honest. I’ve only had enough just because I have been alt hopping trying to settle on one profession. Crafting is supposed to be a legitimate means for gaining levels, theoretically you can go from 1-80 purely crafting (maxing out all crafts on a single character). I wouldn’t make a claim that crafting is supposed to be a “side-thing”, it’s supposed to be additional content to supplement your leveling.

Yes, you don’t HAVE to craft to hit 80. You also don’t have to do PvE to hit 80, or do any PvP to hit 80. The point is that there is supposed to be equal choices based on your playstyle preference. My preference is to be able to make things that are useable to my character every five levels. If you think about it, five levels seems like a fairly decent amount of time to gather the required amount of materials to make what you need, but the reality is that people are able to outpace their crafting far too easily all things considered.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Tismo.3720


I leveled jewelcrafting to 400 and I can’t find any use for it. All the good trinkets are being sold at the same amount that it would be to sell the raw mats and if you buy the mats of the AH and try to sell them you would break even if you didn’t have to pay AH fees.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Wombatt.2546


Crafting now is more difficult than it was in BWE 2 and 3. During those weekends, masterwork inscriptions/insignia required 5 fine mats, instead of the current 8. Also, there were no Rare versions until after BWEs were done. I think that it was necessary to make it harder than it was in beta. Just by completing areas and salvaging, etc, I was able to go to the crafter at the end of the weekends and get through tier 2 (iron/wool) without any need for buying additional items. Having said that, I’m finding myself barely able to keep up the number of fine mats needed for level progression (and my crafting level is seriously lagging). The only advice I can give for finding them is to kill animals, etc, which is where most of those items can easily be found. Harpies and bats for blood, wolves/wargs/etc for claws/fangs, fish and krait for scales, spiders/grubs for poison sacs, skritt for bones, centaurs and ogres for totems, ghosts for dust. That’s my strategy, you may have other ways of going about it.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: amradio.2513


Discovery is so broken >_> what are you talking about?

1. You dont even have to guess, recipes are online.

2. Discovery gives a ridiculous amount of crafting xp.

Crafting is so easy to level its not even funny.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: SiNoS.2147


Can I also verify whether level 35 Armoursmith recipes exist? I could not discover the Iron Legion Armour set.

Im 400 armorsmith and i have not heard of this armor set as a craftable set.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: PSquid.8530


I used to complain about the same stuff, but its really not that bad. Like a lot of people are saying, the easiest way to do it is to make ingots/bolts/planks/whatever the leather equiv is until you get your first 25/75 points in a tier down.

My buddy and I both started the same time and leveled our professions at the same rate. He took leatherworking and JC while I did armorsmithing and weaponsmithing. He kept his up with his level because, as many other people stated, not having overlapping mats makes it so much easier to keep up with. Mine was a bit trickier because I essentially had to have twice the amount of fine mats as he did (~52 instead of 26 per type). Even then, my personal investment per TIER of crafting (both armor and weapon) was around 40-60s on average. My tip? Find out what mob types drop what items and go from there. There’s a list over on gw2guru that details all the types. Just recently I was out farming devourers for scales and poison and worgs for claws and fangs. Four types of fine mats, 26 of each in about an hours time. Go over to gw2db or guildhead and find out where to farm these mats. It takes some elbow grease, sure, but its a lot better than other MMOs, thats for sure.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Xandax.1753


I tried to keep crafting equal to my levelling; using Leatherwork and Huntsman…. it was impossible.
The drop rate of fine materials were (are) a pain and I have bought 30 stacks of them of the TP.

I managed to keep it even to about L15 – after that I ran out of materials faster than I could get them playing the game.

Crafting is ‘easy’ yes. Jewelcrafting is a walk in the park and cooking can be as well despite being marked as ‘advanced’.
But to make other stuff requires much more dedication and I do think most people claiming they did it while levelling are telling a tall tale.

I do like that ore and wood are easy to come by, but that you require fine materials for those crafts.
I do however question why we can’t skin animals for leather instead of salvage and something similar with cloth. Because it creates an issue between getting Ore over getting Cloth/Leather.

I do also think there’s an issue with too low drop rates for fine material.

ANet needs to take a look at their crafting to make it useful for many; especially when levelling.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: carabidus.6214


Crafting needs a huge overhaul. The amount of time and gold that needs to be spent in order to level your crafting skills is ridiculous.

http://www.guildwars2guru.com/topic/12521-arenanet-andrew-mcleod-talks-crafting-in-gw2/page__st__450#entry599372 anet post linked to by the gw2wiki. We’re apparently supposed to be able to level crafting as I level my character by making items useful to me without having to craft a bunch of “junk,” I have been doing just the opposite though being forced to craft a bunch of “junk” and forced to go back and farm previous areas I have long since out leveled.

And now that many of us continue to have their gem purchases blocked, crafting is out the window. I’ll be lucky to raise enough capital to purchase a grandmaster’s manual for my engineer before he reaches level 80.

A proposed workaround might be to just grind and farm, but maybe I really don’t want to spend my in-game time farming. I was under the impression that GW2 was about providing a multitude of leveling pathways so that players have the power to decide HOW they want to play. If you’re into farming and enjoy the grind, then great. However, I happen to enjoy getting into my personal story, exploring Tyria and taking in the beautiful ambiance of the game. I WOULD like to explore crafting much further, but it is impossible (for me) with these ongoing gem purchasing issues.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Moandero.7320


It’s not necessarily crafting that needs an overhaul, it’s that it is WAY to easy to level in this game and thus you are always crafting stuff you can’t use since your crafting level is guaranteed to be surpassed by your character level. If there was a way to turn off exp gain at will, then yes crafting would be worth it. As it is right now, you can spend more for 1 blue mat than you would in spending on the item 3 to 8 of those mats would create.

So, no not worth the effort in maintaining a crafting level. Sell your blue mats, make money, buy your gear. Still have surplus money left by a long shot.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Stevoli.8795


I’ve been playing since head start, for about 5 to 6 hours a day, over 6 different characters. My highest is level 33, and EVERY single one of my characters have crafting in 2 professions over level 150.

Reason being? I explore, I play the game how it’s meant to be played, and collect tons of mats while I’m out and about.

If you rushed to level 80, then you are going to have to go back to lower level areas and either look for jumping puzzles and easter eggs while collecting mats, or hate life and grind mats from one spot all day.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Chivo.2974


Crafting needs a huge overhaul. The amount of time and gold that needs to be spent in order to level your crafting skills is ridiculous.

http://www.guildwars2guru.com/topic/12521-arenanet-andrew-mcleod-talks-crafting-in-gw2/page__st__450#entry599372 anet post linked to by the gw2wiki. We’re apparently supposed to be able to level crafting as I level my character by making items useful to me without having to craft a bunch of “junk,” I have been doing just the opposite though being forced to craft a bunch of “junk” and forced to go back and farm previous areas I have long since out leveled.

At this point after sinking hours into a crafting system that has returned nothing to me other than raising some level I’m about to say kitten it and just ignore crafting as a whole and only use gathering to get my daily.

I disagree with this post. You can craft and level at the same time.

Do you have to farm the mats? Yes.
That is part of the process of crafting.
Craft the base materials and then perform the discoveries.
You’ll then have a level appropriate item for you IF you spend the time to gather the mats.

OP, are you asking that crafting materials should be easier to obtain?

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Luthan.5236


I had a bit of problem with my first char. Sold nothing so far. Only the sell loot and some dye I already unlocked at trading post. Other stuff I salvaged everything. Now I started 2nd char and let him level 2 of the other professions and I have enough stuff stored up to be a bit faster. Can craft – at least at tier 1 now – stuff that is higher than my level. But still need to farm a bit ingredients especially the stuff like fangs, bones… and some more copper because I try to do weapon and armorsmith with that char and both eat a lot of copper.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: CtrlAltDel.5309


Do you have to farm the mats? Yes.
That is part of the process of crafting.

I think that’s the point he’s trying to make. Everything we were told from the developers is that you will not have to grind/farm in order to level crafting but in reality that’s exactly what you have to do.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Midnight Mystique.6359

Midnight Mystique.6359

I think the real problem with crafting for yourself as you level up is not the crafting itself, it is the drop rate of the blue materials, which just recently changed when a lot of the cooking mats that used to sell for karma where moved into the drop tables. Prior to that change I could reasonably easily keep my armor/weapon crafting characters supplied with the materials they needed both for discoveries and to craft the gear I wanted every 5 leves. After that change the only crafter I can keep supplied is my cook - easily 50% of the drops you used to get from loot bags is now food instead of blood, scales, etc. Additionally the drops from mobs seems to have been reduced.

Considering that cooking is only 1 craft out of what, 8 crafts, having so much food supplies dropping in place of blue materials for the other crafts has crippled my ability to keep up with my armor and weapon crafting. I really think the drop tables need to be balanced so that you get more non-food items. The mob drop reduction may be reasonable - it used to be a bit insane how many blue mats you could get just by farming mobs, so I don’t object to that. But when I do a centaur invasion event, get 10 loot bags and half of them drop cooking items there is clearly something wrong.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: splatomat.9370


You can’t level crafting without churning out piles of items you’re never going to use. That’s even using the discovery system almost exclusively.

You can’t level anything aside from Jewelcrafting or Cooking concurrently with anything else, since EVERYTHING ELSE uses the EXACT SAME scheme of blue upgrade items. Use up your small fangs leveling Huntsman? Too bad, you can’t use them for tailoring, and now youre stuck either grinding or buying off the auction house.

Making completely unrelated professions all emphatically reliant on the same blue items is simply bad design.

My suggestions:

1) make food drops from bags additional to whatever the bag should have had (no more butter instead of totems, please).

2) make cloth scraps drop directly from humanoid mobs, and leather scraps drop directly from animal mobs.

3) remove cloth and leather from treat bags, and make them the domain of blue upgrade items.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: albotelho.2931


Did not read all the threads… but I do not think crafting is hard in GW2, the last MMO I played was much more harder… so hard I consider GW2 to be easy on craft.

Turig Wolfsbane Norn Guardian
Rangrorn Charr Necromancer
Ultimate Legion [UL]

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Darkorical.9213


I went from just under 100 jewelcrafting to 350 in about 2 hours
I was level 74 when I started so I had several mats already and suplimented from the TP where needed. I started at 2 gold 35 silver and some copper I made stuff purchased stuff and sold stuff and ended with 1 gold 50 silver and some copper (tho I did get lower than that at points). I also went from level 74 to 80
I made base items then discovered everything else. that’s it

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Imaginos.3756


I make sure I craft everything in discoverable mode, I have not used the same recipe more than once unless a friend throws some mats at me to make a gun or something. “Trash” is me making a bunch of different weapons that I don’t even use but need to because I can’t make 15 types of Greatswords and Bows, even more worthless because random drops are giving me better gear that’s at my own level.

Seriously either get rid of leveling all together or make the amount of mats needed to make inscriptions/insignias much lower and much easier to obtain.

It was lower in beta for the master insignias then they upped it and crippled crafting a bit. used to be 3 for first set of insignias then 5 for next set. now it’s 3 and 8 and the rares are 15.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Imaginos.3756


I went from just under 100 jewelcrafting to 350 in about 2 hours
I was level 74 when I started so I had several mats already and suplimented from the TP where needed. I started at 2 gold 35 silver and some copper I made stuff purchased stuff and sold stuff and ended with 1 gold 50 silver and some copper (tho I did get lower than that at points). I also went from level 74 to 80
I made base items then discovered everything else. that’s it

Worst tradeskill to talk about, outside of cooking. You don’t use blood and stuff. you only use gems and they seem to be in pretty fair amounts on the TP and you can upgrade gems yourself which you can’t do easily or in any decent quantity with fine crafting materials.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Izziee.8392


Yeah no, the crafting doesn’t need to be any easier than it already is. What are you expecting OP? This is an MMO, it by and large is already a time sink. Do you have any idea how many people are at 400 crafting already? I think instead of putting down the system, you need to reconsider how you’ve managed your mats and what you chose to craft.

Oh I’m sorry, I was expecting Anet to follow what it has already said. Maybe if you had been reading and not just the opening post you would realize that I’m trying to level crafting as I level so I am able to use the gear I make, however the consensus is to only level up crafting when you hit end game when it is financially possible.

Yeah don’t go assuming because YOU can’t do something.

I leveled crafting while leveling. All the way to 400 and actually regret how much XP I gained from it since I missed the zones at my appropriate level.

It’s easy enough. It’s TOO easy.

You have your opinion and that’s all it is. Taking a look at the general census in this topic, you are by far the minority as well.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: pmnt.4067


I agree with the OP. Yes crafting is easy, but that is not the point. Did anyone read the post linked in the OP?

If you level your crafting disciplines up as you level, your crafting skill should be raised simply by crafting useful stuff for yourself. Making yourself some new level-appropriate gear should earn you enough crafting experience to be able to craft the next set of gear when your character gets to that level. Since you don’t have to craft a lot of extra “junk” items simply to level your skill, crafted items should retain more value in the player economy.

Crafting only for yourself does not give enough XP to go to the next tier of material. I don’t need any stat combination on any ring/accessory/amulet. I don’t need a set of armor with the wrong stats to head on to the next sub-tier of armor. I don’t even need the first blue items of the next tier because the greens from the current tier are better.

Let’s face it: The crafting system failed the design goals. In its current state it’s just a easy version of standard MMO crafting, where junk is crafted until max-level and products are less worth than materials.

I can’t wait until ANet releases the game promoted in the manifesto.
Until that, I’ll play GW2.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: madhatter.1639


Just find the right recipe to make some money of the ah, then reinvest into crafting.

I wont go into detail but I have managed to make a decent enough profit crafting. I buy item A, B, and C for a certain amount of silver. Use these items to craft item D. Then sell item D for more then A,B, and C cost. You make money, level your crafting, and you don’t have to farm mats for it.

Compared to other crafting systems it is a little tougher to turn a profit, but it is still very doable.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Sparkie.3465


So most professions have something other than the very obvious items that you can also discover. For artifice, it’s the potions – a cheap way to level. For the armor-related crafts, it’s the sigils. Jewelcrafting is pure straightforward, once you realize you can replace gems with jewels in any recipe. Looks like weaponsmithing and huntsman also have sigils and one or two buff items that they can make.

Since you could be making yourself 5-10 sigils for each set of gear, plausibly, I think you could actually level with only things you use (or very few wasted items).

Y’all know that you can salvage the crap stuff you make to get part of your materials back, too, right?

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Kaneth.4951


So most professions have something other than the very obvious items that you can also discover. For artifice, it’s the potions – a cheap way to level. For the armor-related crafts, it’s the sigils. Jewelcrafting is pure straightforward, once you realize you can replace gems with jewels in any recipe. Looks like weaponsmithing and huntsman also have sigils and one or two buff items that they can make.

Since you could be making yourself 5-10 sigils for each set of gear, plausibly, I think you could actually level with only things you use (or very few wasted items).

Y’all know that you can salvage the crap stuff you make to get part of your materials back, too, right?

It’s fairly uncommon to get a rare material back from salvaging (at least in my experience). The normal gathered materials aren’t all that hard to obtain, although cloth and leather got a bit harder with the material bag change recently. The biggest change recently is that the bags you get from humanoids mostly contain cooking ingredients now, where you used to get more totems, bones, bloods, etc.

Getting XP from discovery is easy, getting the normal materials is also fairly easy, but the blues needed for things like sigils to make the actual discoveries is really messed up since the change. Playing for most of the day to day, off and on, I obtained a total of 7 Bone Shards with my guardian, and that’s even with some short attempted farming spots (like Skirtt areas). It takes 8 bone shards to make one sigil that I need. On the other hand, I got more butter than I can use.

The amount of butter and chocolate dropping from bags seems unreal, and almost bug like.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Nemui.6753


so far, crafting has been quite bothersome for me.

i picked up armorsmithing and weaponsmithing and intended to level them along with my character. a few hours into the game i realized i wouldn’t be able to keep up, my character level was outgrowing my crafting level quickly.
i almost exclusively crafted making new discoveries, but every time i decided to craft, i ran out of fine crafting materials way too quickly.

i don’t want to buy them on the trading post because they go for prices that i feel are not worth it. then again, if the demand is that high, i can understand that the price rises.

i most recently i replaced weaponsmithing by jeweler, mainly because i had kept all jewels i have found through my entire progress. i had discovered everything i could at the beginning and then had to craft old stuff quite a few times in order to progress. since i didn’t get any crafting experience for copper ore => bronze ingot, i guess (i had trained that in armorsmithing, after all).

i don’t think the system is flawed though, i just wish i knew where to get more fine crafting materials (claws, bones, totems, etc.) from.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Flavvor.2648


Crafting in this game is so easy. At times I out leveled my ctafting, It was great. Maybe the OP doesn’t know how to use the Discovery panel when crafting? You do have to Discover a lot of different armor pieces but you can sell them or salvage them for more crafting materials. Again, crafting in this game is so easy.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: SaintAvalon.2096


I’ve been using discoveries. That’s all I tend to craft now. They are easier to do than most things and allow you to skill up extremely fast so it doesn’t require nearly as many as crafting a bunch of generic items.

Go in, discover 4-10 things, go back to leveling.

This isn’t WoW.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: blakkrskyrr.7413


what’s with all the rush? I find that as I progress through a zone, and complete my dailies, and do whatever DE pops up as I’m travelling, I get just about enough mats to continue leveling my crafting. However, if I find that I want to make a rare piece of equipment, I need to either go farm or purchase mats in the TP. But I’m in no hurry.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: grayggr.4968


Fine crafting materials are the bothersome problem. Too low a drop rate for me (Huntsmen and Leatherwork) have meant that I level (not power levelling either – a nice pace) far quicker than the items I can craft – and yes this is using the discovery system. It is a problem and makes crafting for me a bit tedious as I’m going to have to go back to the starter zones to farm Wasps and the like.

I understand and like the system generally but fine crafting materials need sorting imho

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


I dont know what you are talking about OP. I have raised all my crafts so easily without using gold at all. You must be doing it wrong IMO.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Specteral.9740


I agree with Chewablesleeptablet. I have not had any issues raising my crafting. I have cooking to 400 which was super easy but I did need to buy some mats to raise the level since I am only level 60. I easily made more money back, not an hour after getting 400 I had already made 1g in profit buying mats in quantity and crafting items that are in demand.

I am almost 300 in Artificing andTailoring and also just started Weaponsmithing and Armorsmithing.

If you expect to be able to get to 400 without any effort or expense maybe crafting is not for you.

Effort * Expense = Growth Rate.

Either you need to put more effort into gathering / salvaging materials or expect to buy the materials on the TP at a great expense. If you lack effort then expect a high expense to get a decent growth rate.

Discovery is the key to maximizing the xp for leveling crafting. Vendor or TP the stuff to recoup some of any money spent on mats used to discover recipes.

Use an online database to find what recipes use an item you have a quantity of so you can maximize usage of drops you already have instead of buying all mats on TP.

I’ve found it’s much easier to level crafting as you level your character. I think they progress really well together although it does take a little extra effort to keep your crafting level on par with character level.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Drunken Mad King.8193

Drunken Mad King.8193

In all honesty it’s near impossible to craft armor for you level. I wind up out leveling to gather the materials in order to get enough to craft and then when crafting I usually gain so many levels it then puts me further behind.

I will simply level crafting for end level. Eventually I will be able to catch up and I will always have it around to craft for alts or for guildies…

As far as keeping up with leveling… that’s a pipe dream.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Barghaest.3061


Leveling crafting isn’t an issue… getting a useful return from it is… it takes around 48 fine ingredients to assemble a suit of level 20 armor. By the time you get all that you’ll probably have outleveled the armor and need to start acquiring ingredients for the next suit instead. As for those who say “just buy the fine ingredients on the TP”… if I wanted to spend coin on armor, I’d just save up for culture armor instead of trying to be a crafter in the first place.

Crafting here seems to follow suit of most MMOs… it’s almost entirely useless to the crafter and instead best utilized twinking alts. Get to 80 and farm materials to craft gear for other characters.

I’m glad I never cancelled my EQ2 account, whenever I want worthwhile and useful crafting I can log in there.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Raf.1078


You don’t need to spend a dime to craft. You need to just take your time and play the game. I get the sense from these guys that what they are griping about is that they can’t level up immediately. So therefore they are crafting junk.

I know my main won’t be able to take advantage of his leatherwork, but my alts will and in the meantime my main is filling the tiers above the alts for when they get there. And they are filling the tiers for the stuff they’ll need.

Everyone plays this game differently, but its like the crafting was set up for people taking the long view.

And that may be the problem for those that think crafting isn’t working.

PF/ GOAT on Tarnished Coast (Semi-Retired)
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: poot.5487


So, what I’m reading in this thread is that “discovery” is secret code for “unlock recipes that are completely predictable only because they net you more skillup than making six of the same exact thing” and that making one of each type of Greatsword is somehow not making a bunch of junk you’ll never use just to boost your crafting level. Unless we can sextuple-wield Greatswords? I’m not a fan of GS in general, but if I can somehow wield 6 of them simultaneously, then sign me up!

Cooking is ever-so-slightly better, although the non-depositable ingredient bloat does cause its own fair share of problems.

The best thing that can be said about GW2’s crafting is that a fair portion of it, depending on the craft and the tier, is not as bad a grind as in many other MMORPG’s. It’s still a grind. You’re still doing the same thing over and over again to get to the end result, which is to be able to craft exotic level 80 items that won’t become obsolete in a matter of hours, or the best buff food and potions, or the best runes and sigils. You’re still grinding for fine and rare crafting materials and drop-based cooking ingredients. You’re still grinding for ore and wood and herbs, although for these three resources GW2 has made steps to make the grind less bad (until the last tier of ore and wood, anyway, where rarity and low respawn rates are significant chokepoints even after factoring in the lack of node competition.)

I think one of the reasons people are reacting poorly to the amount of grinding required even though it’s not as bad as in most other MMORPG’s is precisely because it’s still a grind, and that’s really not in line with the Manifesto.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Alexandar.9043


I don’t agree with you at all. Crafting in this game is incredibly easy. Sure you have to grind to farm some mats, but leveling with discovery is mind numbingly easy.

That’s why prices are so suppressed.

I’m tired of people complaining about grinding not being fun. IT’S a CRAFT! it takes work, if everything is handed to you, anyone and everyone would be doing it and nothing would be worth anything.

It’s the work, and some things being hard to get what drives value in an economy!

This game in general dumbs down everything to make it ‘easy’.

Stop whining,