Why do you craft in this game?
Three reasons for me
Some items can only be accessed via crafting, specifically ascended armour and weapons
Long term you can make money off crafting, particularly if you know what the market is doing and why.
It adds a bit of variety to the game.
I craft food because it’s cheaper than buying it.
The drop rate for top level gear (Ascended) is so insanely low that you have to craft to get the best gear. If on the off chance you get an ascended chest then odds are it wont be a stat combination that you can use at the moment. So if you want the best gear you had better get to crafting.
Warrior – The New Burninator! Strongbad would be so proud!
Guardian – Burn for you, heal for me, block for me and uh…sorry Im all out of gifts.
For food and for ascended weapons, because there is no chance you will be able to outfit your chars as you want from drops.
Ascended gear. And proffit, especially right after new releases (omgooooooooosh dem piquant/meaty food proffits right when they came out!!!).
I craft to level sometimes. I also am an achievement point fiend, and so I got them all to 400 (and then to 500 after that was added) for the APs. Plus, having the ability to make ascended mats and gear if I need it is very good.
- I’m a completionist so I wanted to complete all of them.
- To level up my alts
- To have access to some gift for Legendary and some special exotic weapons. Usually cheaper to craft than buy those.
- To craft ascended armor and weapons because it the only reliable way to have a complete set.
- Some food are cheaper to craft than buy.
- You can make a profit with some crafting.
and now, to have backpacks as you level up instead of just a handful and, to have a cheap backpack at level 80 that does have an infusion slot as you work on your ascended back piece
I craft because there are some things that are cheaper to make for myself. When time gated recipes are released, I can profit early on. Thirdly, so that I can make ascended armor and weapons.
Crafting is pretty useless until you get to level cap. Crafting is the main way to get the best gear in the game. If you don’t craft, you will be missing out on ascended armor. Other than ascended armor, there are unique skins out there that can only be crafted. I would for sure craft on every character you make until you have everything maxed
Leveled them all because I could. Still craft to save/make gold, mostly timegated things here and there. Sometimes ascended items. I made ascended mawdrey and crafted/gathered everything myself. They are also needed to craft account bound legendary gifts, if you want to make it instead of buying the finished weapon.
My favorite thing about crafting is avoiding the trading post. Want something craftable? Got the mats? Go right ahead. Who cares what it costs? I don’t even like to think about it. Sometimes I do work out if crafting is better than buying. Like I bought exotic inscriptions to craft ascended inscriptions, because buying was cheaper than crafting for exotic and other way around for ascended. But for little things like the halloween food collection I find it more satisfying/fun to make it myself. If/when I get around to the weapon set collections, I’ll craft them too.
I craft tons of weapons that I use to forge for precursors. I craft for personal use and for selling on the TP. I craft ascended armor. I like to upgrade my essences of luck in hopes that one day they will be used in more than just MF Gain. I craft a lot of inscriptions to sell. I also craft things for people who cant. Not everyone wants a 400 chef but has what they need to make the level 400 items. I also craft a lot of jewels to sell.
I am “That” guy you have all heard about.
1,073 precursors forged and counting.
Most of the time for me it’d be crafting to level up alts as I managed to craft 4 disciplines to 400 and reached level 39-ish or so. If you’ve got the gold go for it I guess. Then there’s ascended crafting. Also when something new comes out it’s nice to know you have the crafting requirements to be able to make it.
Make your own weapons, armor, food etc. Plus it can provide a source of income.
I craft for:
1 level up alts (but that’s just about cook and artificer)
2 craft legendaries
3 craft ascended
4 get achievements ( only when I notice my collectibles are particularly full)
I like being self-sufficient.
Plus, ascended gear.
I craft because I just like to. I guess I’m geeky enough that I actually have to have at least one character that max’s a craft. As above, I like being self sufficient.. and when I roll a new character I know I can give it whatever it needs. I now have all crafts above 400 and one at 500.