Anet afraid to make Abaddon fractal?
Did I miss something? Is Gnashblade offering tin foil hats now?
Evon supporters should buy more votes with $$$$ or keep on grinding. That’s all Anet wants. But I guess Ellen supporters will do the same. So it’s even more win for Anet.
I don’t think they care who wins, it’s all about getting people to spend more bucks and to log more play time.
(edited by Tower Guard.5263)
I’ll explain you slowly:
- Casual players of the game itself, will probably in major part vote in Kiel. (Good person, WP reduced, and also a good fractal for a real Gw2 lore)
- Actually, 75% of players in game don’t uses foruns, so, its obviously that the number of Kiel likers in foruns are lesser. They are more happy playing the game, and not complaining about ever all contentes released.
- The non-changing in the polls its obvious. As the poll had been at 52/48 at half of the content, it probably would not change at all. The very same people voting in kiel will continue voting on kiel. The very same people voting in Gnahs will not change thir votes.
Well, Had not any need to ever be complaining about all. I’m siding with kiel, because of the personality of both candidates , also because of the WP reduced (I don’t buy keys too), and of course because of the TR fractal. I’m pretty sure that presence a fight with abaddon probably should be cool, But I already know what happens, and How it happens. TR its a gw2 threat actually present in the Gw2 timeline, and for sure I don’t even know what happened there.
(edited by MauricioCezar.2673)
I’ll explain you slowly:
- Casual players of the game itself, will probably in major part vote in Kiel. (Good person, WP reduced, and also a good fractal for a real Gw2 lore)
- Actually, 75% of players in game don’t uses foruns, so, its obviously that the number of Kiel likers in foruns are lesser. They are more happy playing the game, and not complaining about ever all contentes released.
- The non-changing in the polls its obvious. As the poll had been at 52/48 at half of the content, it probably would not change at all. The very same people voting in kiel will continue voting on kiel. The very same people voting in Gnahs will not change thir votes.Well, Had not any need to ever be complaining about all. I’m siding with kiel, because of the personality of both candidates , also because of the WP reduced (I don’t buy keys too), and of course because of the TR fractal. I’m pretty sure that presence a fight with abaddon probably should be cool, But I already know what happens, and How it happens. TR its a gw2 threat actually present in the Gw2 timeline, and for sure I don’t even know what happened there.
How would you know, how Abaddon was exiled, it’s not like we’ve seen it before, all we know is that the other 5 gods outcasted him. And if you’re thinking about how Abaddon was defetead in Nightfall, well the Fall of Abaddon is 1000 years earlier.
I’ll explain you slowly:
- Casual players of the game itself, will probably in major part vote in Kiel. (Good person, WP reduced, and also a good fractal for a real Gw2 lore)
- Actually, 75% of players in game don’t uses foruns, so, its obviously that the number of Kiel likers in foruns are lesser. They are more happy playing the game, and not complaining about ever all contentes released.
- The non-changing in the polls its obvious. As the poll had been at 52/48 at half of the content, it probably would not change at all. The very same people voting in kiel will continue voting on kiel. The very same people voting in Gnahs will not change thir votes.Well, Had not any need to ever be complaining about all. I’m siding with kiel, because of the personality of both candidates , also because of the WP reduced (I don’t buy keys too), and of course because of the TR fractal. I’m pretty sure that presence a fight with abaddon probably should be cool, But I already know what happens, and How it happens. TR its a gw2 threat actually present in the Gw2 timeline, and for sure I don’t even know what happened there.
How would you know, how Abaddon was exiled, it’s not like we’ve seen it before, all we know is that the other 5 gods outcasted him. And if you’re thinking about how Abaddon was defetead in Nightfall, well the Fall of Abaddon is 1000 years earlier.
This is a bit over the top. I don’t expect everyone to go to the GW1Wiki just to get lore information.
This is a bit over the top. I don’t expect everyone to go to the GW1Wiki just to get lore information.
Not at all, its exactly how I feel whenever an evon supporter tries to play the enigma game. so go eat a cookie or something
TR eventually explodes. Now you know the “how” in TR
TR eventually explodes. Now you know the “how” in TR
you just kitten ed. All your statement explains is that it exploded not “how”.
TR eventually explodes. Now you know the “how” in TR
you just kitten ed. All your statement explains is that it exploded not “how”.
Abaddon […] was eventually struck down at the Mouth of Torment
quoting a quote of a quote what does it all meen? give me a second while I consult god.
quoting a quote of a quote what does it all meen? give me a second while I consult god.
We know the “what” of both Thaumanova and Abaddon. We know the “how” of neither.
That was quite clearly his point.
So I just saw the update in the polls and after 9.5million tokens it still sits at 52%/48% which was the same as last week. I cannot believe that it is that close.
The forums are full of people wanting that fractal to be made, and hardly any positive threads about Kiel. She’s already been labeled Trahearne 2.0, other threads are questioning why anyone would like her. On my server the chat is always in favour of Evon.
I think you’re viewing the forums and chat through Evon-colored glasses. Does he sell those on the cash shop?
I see plenty of Kiel support on the forums. I would go as far as saying there’s way more Kiel support on the forums than Gnashblade, but it’s probably closer to 52% / 48%, in Kiel’s favor.
Actually, I’m not at all surprised that the numbers are so close. I suspect most people are just interested in finishing both achievements and getting both miniatures in-game. That requires throwing support behind both candidates.
quoting a quote of a quote what does it all meen? give me a second while I consult god.
We know the “what” of both Thaumanova and Abaddon. We know the “how” of neither.
That was quite clearly his point.
Actually, you’re quite wrong on the “what” part. Abaddon’s fall was caused because he went to war with the other gods because they took his gift back from the races after those races caused war with the magic given (the first few Guild Wars). We know all the background leading to the event itself, the location, and the results of the event (the only thing missing is some Mortal Kombat style fighting amongst gods.
What do we know of the Thaumanova Reactor? We know the result was a catastrophic meltdown that tore a hole in reality and released chaos that spewed forth from the location. That’s it. We know nothing of the sub levels of the station where this happened, we know nothing of what was being researched down there. We don’t know what group caused the sabotage, if it was sabotage at all. What can be extracted from the current GW2-related lore is that the Crucible of Eternity is an off-site location based on earlier works within Thaumanova. Deduction based on that bit of information, it would seem that there’s something Elder Dragon related inside the Thaumanova Reactor.
For all we know, some Skritt ran a muck inside the reactor and stole some vital pieces. Those stolen pieces caused the meltdown. A later inserted Personal Story quest can be added to the game to talk to the Skritt King about recovery of one of the pieces, a Dwarven relic steeped in Elder Dragon magic. This addition to the Personal Story will be added over the next year to extend into the conflict with yet a 2nd Elder Dragon to defeat. In said fractal mentioned at the start, the players are transformed into the Skritt who go stealing all the shiny research equipment.
Doesn’t that sound fun?
Doesn’t that sound like an epic lead up to future Elder Dragon related content?
Doesn’t that have more lore relation to GW2?
The only thing ArenaNet needed to do to give Kiel the win was make her the hero of the Living Story for the last three chapters and portray her as the heroic archtype with an appealing model. Bonus points when her opposition was barely heard of prior to the election and was constantly portrayed as a villain over and over again. They tried to balance it by giving him the more desirable election promises but when the mass of casuals voted for what was familiar (human female hero) the tide was too strong.
It didn’t help that Evon seemed to become more and more offensive as a villain every time we were exposed to him . His appearance in the Candidate Trials was ripped right out of a Saturday morning cartoon villain’s monologue and his interactions with Kiel portrayed him as bullying someone the players had been constantly told was the hero of the story. It’s amazing that the votes were as close as they were, the election was practically gift wrapped for Kiel by the writers.
You don’t need a conspiracy theory or tin foil hat to argue that the election was rigged, just look at how the two candidates are portrayed in the game to understand why it’s turning out this way. Forum posters represent a small minority of players. Most players will never leave the game for info about the game. When all your going off of is their characters in the Living Story, it’s hard to see how Evon stood a chance.
Doesn’t that sound fun?
Doesn’t that sound like an epic lead up to future Elder Dragon related content?
Doesn’t that have more lore relation to GW2?
You know what it doesn’t sound like? A fractal!
Do any of the people talking about this nonsense ever play fractals? They are not story delivery devices, they are the game’s equivalent of action movies. A fun gameplay experience with a cool setting and flashy graphics. They aren’t even real events, just recreations (so fractals aren’t even canon for what truly happened – even if they were, they have minimal dialogue and picture book level of story). When did the events in any fractal lead to something outside of the fractal? You aren’t voting for a Living Story or Personal Story addition, you are voting for a fractal.
If ArenaNet has a compelling idea of how to introduce an Elder Dragon (and there are so many far more interesting threads in the world to pick up on which are actually relevant today) they will utilise that regardless of whether the fractal is made. If the reactor is truly an important part of today’s Tyria and there is a story to be told there, it will happen without the fractal.
(edited by Shiren.9532)
You know what it doesn’t sound like? A fractal!
Do any of the people talking about this nonsense ever play fractals?
I do. And the idea of players taking the form of Skritt who then steal components from a reactor, causing it to malfunction, sounds exactly like a fractal.
What about that does not say fractal-content to you? I mean, it even fits your own description… :
They are not story delivery devices, they are the game’s equivalent of action movies. A fun gameplay experience with a cool setting and flashy graphics. They aren’t even real events, just recreations (so fractals aren’t even canon for what truly happened – even if they were, they have minimal dialogue and picture book level of story).
I think a very vocal minority have hyped up the Abaddon fractal too much, and there were so many echos on the forums, and in the portions of map chat that we chose to acknowledge, that we gave ourselves false expectations we were in the majority.
Personally I would find it much stranger if the results had changed.
The candidates haven’t changed and neither have their promises. We’ve had absolutely no new information on the outcome of the election so there is no reason anyone would change sides.
So unless you thought Evon supporters were just saving their tokens for the end while Kiel supporters were spending them there was no reason to expect a change.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Doesn’t that sound fun?
Doesn’t that sound like an epic lead up to future Elder Dragon related content?
Doesn’t that have more lore relation to GW2?
If it was such a big deal, they wouldn’t risk it not appearing in the game.