Content for only 2 weeks on August is unfair.
If you don’t have enough time to play everything then just don’t?
I’ve been away for a week (holidays) and now that im back home to work from 9 to 5 i can enjoy little bits of the content every evening.
No one is telling you that you must play the content.. I’m sure there will be something after august that you are able to enjoy.
I hope you realize that you can complete one meta-achievement in a day (that means 6 achievements). There are two meta-achievements. If you can’t login for 2 days (and by 2 days, I mean 4 hours sessions each day), then that’s not Arenanet’s fault.
Doing both daily achievements requires 6 days out of two weeks possible. That leaves very little time for any summer holiday activity.
Also, just recently we were told that while living story is shifting to a new event every two weeks, it would not mean shortening the events themselves (they were to last full month each – partly to avoid the problem that OP nas mentioned).
Remember, remember, 15th of November
I hope you realize that you can complete one meta-achievement in a day (that means 6 achievements). There are two meta-achievements. If you can’t login for 2 days (and by 2 days, I mean 4 hours sessions each day), then that’s not Arenanet’s fault.
Doing both daily achievements requires 6 days out of two weeks possible. That leaves very little time for any summer holiday activity.
Also, just recently we were told that while living story is shifting to a new event every two weeks, it would not mean shortening the events themselves (they were to last full month each – partly to avoid the problem that OP nas mentioned).
Or only 3 days if you both the general and pvp daily’s.
I hope you realize that you can complete one meta-achievement in a day (that means 6 achievements). There are two meta-achievements. If you can’t login for 2 days (and by 2 days, I mean 4 hours sessions each day), then that’s not Arenanet’s fault.
Doing both daily achievements requires 6 days out of two weeks possible. That leaves very little time for any summer holiday activity.
Also, just recently we were told that while living story is shifting to a new event every two weeks, it would not mean shortening the events themselves (they were to last full month each – partly to avoid the problem that OP nas mentioned).
What they mean is that each Living Story segment will last one month with another update every 2 weeks.
Dragon Bash is a month long event.
Sky Pirates was the finisher to that event, during the final two weeks.
Zephyr Sanctum is a month long event.
Cutthroat Politics is the finisher to that event, during the final two weeks.
Also, you don’t need to finish “Candidate Every Day” to get the meta-achievement. If you’re trying to be a completionist, then be a completionist and don’t go outside.
6 achievements.
I Like Candidate: Get to the Top of Zephyr Sanctum and vote for Candidate. ~2 minutes.
Candidate: Dungeon Runner: Run a dungeon while representing candidate. CoF P1, 10 minutes.
Candidate: Direct Support: Tier 1 and 2 of Candidate Trials. ~20 minutes.
Candidate: Maw Mulcher: Jade Maw Fractal. ~1 hour.
Candidate: Advanced Support: Tier 3 and 4 of Candidate Trials. ~30 minutes.
Candidate Homeland Support: Complete 20 achievements in Candidate’s homeland. ~1 hour.
Total time: 3 hours 2 minutes.
CoF P1 should take around 6-8 minutes. You can search for the group while doing Homeland Support.
Direct Support is fast and easy while solo. Advanced Support requires some research before soloing, but is relatively simple. Soloing is much more efficient (in terms of speed and ease).
Maw Mulcher may take longer than 1 hour. If you do Fractal2, you can maybe do it fast, depends on your party.
Homeland Support should be done in Gendarren Fields/Queensdale or Diessa Plateau. Gendarren Fields has the Nebo Terrace chain (slightly nerfed, Queensdale is faster). Queensdale has the Champion Train. Diessa Plateau has Meatoberfest (6 events in a small cluster). This will take ~20-40 minutes in Queensdale, ~30-50 minutes in Diessa Plateau, and ~40-60 minutes in Gendarren Fields.
Every Day simply requires 1 Vote Token for each Candidate. You get 2 mailed to you at the start of this event.
Um, the 2 week release schedule started officially this month, but last month’s pretty much did the same thing.
The daily achievement part requires 3 days each, but finishing daily does not take a whole day. Daily should only take you 1 hour if that.
As a previous poster mentioned, it is not August yet, no part of the world, no matter what timezone is it August.
What do you mean vacation? Unless you are a student with no job or work in a school, there is no such thing as summer vacation outside of school. Besides, it has been a while, but don’t summer vacation start in June or July, people should be starting school again in August.
For sake of argument, what occupation allows you to have vacation in August?
For sake of argument, what occupation allows you to have vacation in August?
For most of Europe and America, school is still out on summer vacation in August. Teaching professions are mostly still on vacation.
In some European countries, manufacturing shuts down for a month’s vacation in August.
This limited time content is causing a lot of issues with people. Lots of completionists I know are leaving or left this game entirely, because all you need to do is go on holiday or a cruise or a road trip, or something away for some time and you lose all opportunity to complete some achievements.
An absolute no-no in the world of achievements.
Hm, I always thought achievement completionist have no life.
I see this as a lesson in real life, there will always be opportunities to gain something and lose something else.
If your company has a monthly drawing for prizes, but you have to have work the whole month (not counting normal days off) to be in the drawing and you decide to go on vacation. Do you come back complaining to your boss/company about how you’re missing out on the month’s prize drawing because you went on vacation.
MMO =/= real life.
MMO =/= real life.
If you’re a completionist, then your statement is untrue.
I think 2 weeks is too short in general.
I have no problem with new content every two weeks, as long as that means that is is really 4 week sections (such as Dragon Bash and Bazaar) that overlap with other chapters. We would have the same number of achievements, but more flexibility as to when we have the time to actually complete them.
If you MUST have shorter chapters of only 2 weeks, like Sky Pirates and Cutthroat Politics, then please put the harder achievements into the longer chapters and the easier ones into the shorter chapter.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
MMO =/= real life.
If you’re a completionist, then your statement is untrue.
I am… but this doesn’t change the fact that games shouldn’t be subject to the laws of time and space. Again – MMO =/= real life. I play games because they remove the limitations of “real life”. Idea of “temporary content” is flawed.
Honestly, 2 weeks is plenty of time for the meta-achievement. If you’re a completionist, you’re probably on at least 20 hours a week, which also makes this a breeze.
If you’re just going for the meta-achievement, it’s easily do-able in 2 sessions of play (1 session = 4 hours).
6 achievements.
I Like Candidate: Get to the Top of Zephyr Sanctum and vote for Candidate. ~2 minutes.
Candidate: Dungeon Runner: Run a dungeon while representing candidate. CoF P1, 10 minutes.
Candidate: Direct Support: Tier 1 and 2 of Candidate Trials. ~20 minutes.
Candidate: Maw Mulcher: Jade Maw Fractal. ~1 hour.
Candidate: Advanced Support: Tier 3 and 4 of Candidate Trials. ~30 minutes.
Candidate Homeland Support: Complete 20 achievements in Candidate’s homeland. ~1 hour.
Total time: 3 hours 2 minutes.
CoF P1 should take around 6-8 minutes. You can search for the group while doing Homeland Support.
Direct Support is fast and easy while solo. Advanced Support requires some research before soloing, but is relatively simple. Soloing is much more efficient (in terms of speed and ease).
Maw Mulcher may take longer than 1 hour. If you do Fractal2, you can maybe do it fast, depends on your party.
Homeland Support should be done in Gendarren Fields/Queensdale or Diessa Plateau. Gendarren Fields has the Nebo Terrace chain (slightly nerfed, Queensdale is faster). Queensdale has the Champion Train. Diessa Plateau has Meatoberfest (6 events in a small cluster). This will take ~20-40 minutes in Queensdale, ~30-50 minutes in Diessa Plateau, and ~40-60 minutes in Gendarren Fields.
Every Day simply requires 1 Vote Token for each Candidate. You get 2 mailed to you at the start of this event.
See: this link here
Stop spamming this thing. This doesn’t prove anything and it’s based on numbers taken from nowhere.
Stop spamming this thing. This doesn’t prove anything and it’s based on numbers taken from nowhere.
How long does it take to get to the top of Zephyr Sanctum? Assuming you’re a completionist, you’ve already done Zephyr Sanctum achievements, so you shouldn’t even worry about this achievement.
If you just do the meta-achievements, you still most likely got to the top of Zephyr Sanctum, but if you haven’t it doesn’t take longer than 10 minutes. Thus, 2 minutes for people who know how/have waypoints/etc.
CoF P1 takes 6-8 minutes with an experienced group. I said 10 minutes because most people want to play on their main and not a Warrior/Mesmer/Guardian. If one of those is your main, all the power to you.
Candidate Trials take 5 minutes for Tier 1, 6 minutes for Tier 2, 7 minutes for Tier 3, 8 minutes for Tier 4. Direct Support involves completing Tier 1 and 2. 20 minutes means you have ~4 tries to do it, which is reasonable.
For the tier 3 and 4, it’s harder, but it’s also easier since you’ve had practice (if you did it solo). Like I said, you’ll most likely want to research before going in solo, but it’s easily done in under 5 tries, thus ~30 minutes.
20 achievements in Queensdale or Meatoberfest. I did my 20 achievements in Gendarren Fields which is a lot slower than Queensdale. It took me about 50 minutes. I also did 20 achievements in Gendarren Fields, that took me 35 minutes. There were two people hopping in and out of the circle I was running, so the spawn wasn’t influenced (too much) by other players.
Average fractal run, as long as you’re not doing a high level, will take about an hour, if you allow for mistakes.
If you think any of that is unreasonable or pulled out of my kitten , please, explain why.
I simply detest the very idea that participating fully in a living story arch practically requires you to nolife. Yes, i know, nolifing is a MMORPG standard, blah blah, no work no gain, blah blah, carebears, grumble grumble, entitlement (insert other irrelevant arguments here).
It’s still too short.
And i bet it’s because they simply forgot initially that the location they have placed the whole vote event in is going away in two weeks.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
If you think these Living Story achievements actually requires 2 full weeks of nonstop playing, you obviously have not play enough of other mmos where constant, never-ending, luck-based grinding was the whole game.
Please do not count something as hard or will take forever until you have tried them out yourself.
You can touch every aspect of this living story without passing the 1 hour mark. The meta-achievements don’t have that much to do with the content in this patch.
Having content last one month with new content coming in the middle of that seems perfect to me. While it might not fit every person’s schedule for the whole year, it will fit the vast majority of people for most of the time. If you miss one segment don’t sweat it, there will be many more coming down the line.
Sorrows Furnace
MMO =/= real life.
If you’re a completionist, then your statement is untrue.
Completionist == Obsessive (and not ANet’s problem)
If this seriously causes you RL issues, you should seek some professional help.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
You can do this in 2 days.
Daily PvE
Daily PvP
Monthly PvP
Monthly PvE
Daily PvE
Daily PvP
6/6 daily achievements complete in 2 days
Meta completed fully.
Hmm odd… i’m going on vacation for 10 out of the 14 days this is available and I have already completed every achievement. Maybe the problem isn’t the content or the length of time…
If you think these Living Story achievements actually requires 2 full weeks of nonstop playing, you obviously have not play enough of other mmos where constant, never-ending, luck-based grinding was the whole game.
Please do not count something as hard or will take forever until you have tried them out yourself.
It takes me two weeks…
…of playing a couple times per week, 1-1.5 hours at a time (all I can spare with life and job). I just got Lessons from the Sky, for example, and tomorrow I hope to finish the Kite and do one of the metas.
If someone had several hours at a stretch or could play every day, two weeks is plenty of time though. Easy to get it with more time available.
I think we need more difficulty-scaling-type content (like Fractals do) for those who have plenty of time, specifically where you can run it over and over again getting more and more difficult, and then keep adding more of those (maybe one every 2 months or so) to keep those with more time with something to do for them. I initially figured that’s where Ascended gear was going, where it’d be the gear those who wanted to do that content would focus on because it had stats (like agony resistance) that only mattered in there whereas those who didn’t could stay with exotic and not care.