Gnash all the blades achievements?
Perhaps l’m a little confused, does each daily achievement count towards ‘Gnash all the Blades’ or does it have to be 5/5 to count for one point toward GatB?
I’ve just completed 2/5 daily achievements and still 0/1.
I have used the ‘rep button’ and Gnashblade symbol is active.
The count goes up by one when you complete the dailies for one day (5/5).
You do not have to wear the button throughout the process, only when you finish the 5th daily.
Do this 3 times for either candidate, so it will take six days.
However, I heard (I hadn’t tried it myself) that PvP dailies also count, so you can actually complete both achievements in 3 days.
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
you need to do 5/5 for 1/3 on either canidate.
you can also do monthlies, pvp dailies/monthlies.
You can get 2 points towards the achievement per day if you do both pvp/pve dailies. So both Evon and Kiel can be maxed in 3 days.
Just make sure you are repping when the daily triggers!
Additionally, finishing the monthly (5/5) also counts towards it! I found that out by accident (:
It’s important to note that you MUST be supporting the candidate you want when you complete the achievement that awards the chest (you get 5 of 5). If you are not supporting at that time, it does not trigger.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances