I need the propaganda
Well, they never sold the OBEY and DISMANTLE posters from Guild Wars, though I would have bought those in a heartbeat too… :Q
This is what I’m saying Anet needs to break this cycle of missed sales opportunities.
I’m still shocked that they don’t sell the songs they’ve been using for the recent game releases. I mean, I’m glad that you can get them for free on their SoundCloud account, but still… They’d make a pretty penny from it.
When they introduce player houses. It would be cool have control over whats on our walls. So we can do something like this.
Yeah the free songs are awesome, and while I’m not looking to have my wallet plugged straight into anets accounts I would like something a little more substantial than just the gems to show my love for the game.
@onshidesigns Idk how they would do that……..but I like it!
Head of Global Community
Here are the digital versions of the campaign posters, so you can print them out or play with them to show your support for the candidate of your choice:
Kiel: http://www.flickr.com/photos/arenanet/9304482086/sizes/l/
Gnashblade: http://www.flickr.com/photos/arenanet/9301701493/sizes/l/
Here are the digital versions of the campaign posters, so you can print them out or play with them to show your support for the candidate of your choice:
Kiel: http://www.flickr.com/photos/arenanet/9304482086/sizes/l/
Gnashblade: http://www.flickr.com/photos/arenanet/9301701493/sizes/l/
I think i just pee’d a little
Reminds me of the Soldier Demoman WAR.
Also… everyone look at Martin’s face in that stream when Colin all-too-innocently says that the “Pirate Politics” are nothing at all like current American Democracy… I wonder if that isn’t a similar reaction Most europeans have to that exchange?
Priceless moment … definitely worth the 23 minutes it took to get there.
(edited by ilr.9675)
Dig that linked them Martin but pretty sure the area I live in is so bland when it comes to videogames the only thing they’d get is mario. I swear… multi-billion dollar industry and most of the world still acts like it’s a thing you shouldn’t enjoy as an adult taboo.
I case anyone is going to go get prints made to hang, here is a print sizing chart
Standard Print Sizes/Dimensions (and minimum resolution requirements)
4″ × 6″ (600 pixels x 900 pixels)
5″ × 7″ (750 pixels x 1050 pixels)
6″ × 6″ (900 pixels x 900 pixels)
8″ × 10″ (1200 pixels x 1500 pixels)
8.5″ × 11″ (1275 pixels x 1650 pixels)
11″ × 14″ (1650 pixels x 2100 pixels)
12″ × 12″ (1800 pixels x 1800 pixels)
12″ × 16″ (1800 pixels x 2400 pixels)
16″ × 20″ (2400 pixels x 3000 pixels)
18″ × 24″ (2700 pixels x 3600 pixels)
19″ × 13″ (2850 pixels x 1950 pixels)
20″ × 24″ (3000 pixels x 3600 pixels)
24″ × 24″ (3600 pixels x 3600 pixels)
12″ × 36″ (1800 pixels x 5400 pixels)
24″ × 36″ (3600 pixels x 5400 pixels)
Here are the digital versions of the campaign posters, so you can print them out or play with them to show your support for the candidate of your choice:
Kiel: http://www.flickr.com/photos/arenanet/9304482086/sizes/l/
Gnashblade: http://www.flickr.com/photos/arenanet/9301701493/sizes/l/
Those are not New Krytan! My immersion!
thats some really awesome art posters, kudos to the artists.
I was just looking for these on google this weekend, not finding anything in high res.
Thanks This really helps
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
Any chance of in game propaganda? I would love a temporary title to let people see who to vote for. Evon of course….
Reminds me of the Soldier Demoman WAR.
Also… everyone look at Martin’s face in that stream when Colin all-too-innocently says that the “Pirate Politics” are nothing at all like current American Democracy… I wonder if that isn’t a similar reaction Most europeans have to that exchange?
Priceless moment
… definitely worth the 23 minutes it took to get there.
No offense to any Americans but the campaigning in this update is exactly what american politics looks like to the average European. Let’s go down the list:
1/ Ads that trash the opponent instead of playing own strengths
2/ online campaigning
3/ elections rigged by the person with most money
4/ candidates literally buying votes
5/ exact same promises (the minigames)
6/ apparently only 2 parties ???
7/ irrelevant issues hijacking the vote
None of that happens in that scale in Europe. From European view the US has a vote between right-wing and extreme right-wing which is hardly a vote if you really consider it. This in-game election looks exactly the same to me.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
Reminds me of the Soldier Demoman WAR.
Also… everyone look at Martin’s face in that stream when Colin all-too-innocently says that the “Pirate Politics” are nothing at all like current American Democracy… I wonder if that isn’t a similar reaction Most europeans have to that exchange?
Priceless moment
… definitely worth the 23 minutes it took to get there.
No offense to any Americans but the campaigning in this update is exactly what american politics looks like to the average European. Let’s go down the list:
1/ Ads that trash the opponent instead of playing own strengths
2/ online campaigning
3/ elections rigged by the person with most money
4/ candidates literally buying votes
5/ exact same promises (the minigames)
6/ apparently only 2 parties ???
7/ irrelevant issues hijacking the voteNone of that happens in that scale in Europe. From European view the US has a vote between right-wing and extreme right-wing which is hardly a vote if you really consider it. This in-game election looks exactly the same to me.
So true. I did laugh when I saw Evon Gnashblades video. Reminded me of The Campaign.
No offense to any Americans but the campaigning in this update is exactly what american politics looks like to the average European.
Not that bad. In Soviet Russia we have 2 candidates. Putin and Putin.
No offense to any Americans but the campaigning in this update is exactly what american politics looks like to the average European.
Not that bad. In Soviet Russia we have 2 candidates. Putin and Putin.
But atleast Putin isnt slagging off Putin to get votes.
No offense to any Americans but the campaigning in this update is exactly what american politics looks like to the average European. Let’s go down the list:
1/ Ads that trash the opponent instead of playing own strengths
2/ online campaigning
3/ elections rigged by the person with most money
4/ candidates literally buying votes
5/ exact same promises (the minigames)
6/ apparently only 2 parties ???
7/ irrelevant issues hijacking the voteNone of that happens in that scale in Europe. From European view the US has a vote between right-wing and extreme right-wing which is hardly a vote if you really consider it. This in-game election looks exactly the same to me.
Pretty much.
I’m American, but after I spent a year abroad in college and witnessed some of the European elections, American politics are revolting in comparison. I can only imagine how bad it looks to those who didn’t grow up here.
Yes. Our political process is far more “revolting” than Europe’s… where they have fist fights, etc.
American politicians may resort to name-calling and muck-raking, but they tend not to resort to physical violence. We leave that for Europeans.
No offense to any Americans but the campaigning in this update is exactly what american politics looks like to the average European.
Not that bad. In Soviet Russia we have 2 candidates. Putin and Putin.
But atleast Putin isnt slagging off Putin to get votes.
We have much worse situation.
State channel. No photoshop.
I’m deadly serious. That’s what we had at last election. Now we have a meme “I can speak with a 146% confidence”
*That’s a chart of political parties and percentage of votes.
Why can’t we be able to change that little emblem next to your name (the one that tells people if you have explored the entire world or not) into a button with kiel or evon’s face on it?
but there are people who will help you get back up when you are downed
- PalwaJoko
Why can’t we be able to change that little emblem next to your name (the one that tells people if you have explored the entire world or not) into a button with kiel or evon’s face on it?
^ This is an excellent idea.
Yes. Our political process is far more “revolting” than Europe’s… where they have fist fights, etc.
American politicians may resort to name-calling and muck-raking, but they tend not to resort to physical violence. We leave that for Europeans.
And yet words hurt more than fists, especially when they’re lies.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
Vote for Gnashblade, he always runs on all fours. Four legs good, two legs bad.
Here are the digital versions of the campaign posters, so you can print them out or play with them to show your support for the candidate of your choice:
Kiel: http://www.flickr.com/photos/arenanet/9304482086/sizes/l/
Gnashblade: http://www.flickr.com/photos/arenanet/9301701493/sizes/l/
Thanks for these!
Reminder: please stay on topic. This thread is about propaganda posters for Kiel and Gnashblade, not the political circumstances of different countries in the real world.
Here are the digital versions of the campaign posters, so you can print them out or play with them to show your support for the candidate of your choice:
Kiel: http://www.flickr.com/photos/arenanet/9304482086/sizes/l/
Gnashblade: http://www.flickr.com/photos/arenanet/9301701493/sizes/l/
Excuse me. But where is the poster for skritt king?(though he might not need one cause he’s already the obvious choice.)
Excuse me. But where is the poster for skritt king?
Unfortunately there was an oversight by Anet during the official campaign release, something involving being distracted with bunch of skritt and missing office supplies. Hopefully this will be corrected soon. In the meantime, you can find several alternate posters at this post. Feel free to create your own content and share it there as well.
Let’s get old school.
The views expressed in the above post are a load of billhooks.
Any reference to real persons are probably intentional and worthy of a libel suit.