Kiel vs. Evon

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: shockwave.1764


From a lore stand point I would chose Evon over Kiel easily. He’s very wealthy and his connections can do a lot more for Lion’s Arch than Kiel’s go getter attitude ever could.

I’m voting for Evon more for the Molten Facility fractal.

Shóckwávé 80 Elementalist, Shawk 80 Guardian,
Aolbjorn 80 Engineer | Rank 29
Staunch Evon Supporter

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Lokheit.7943


Peggellegg the “Pirate” wins (“Quaggan is a piwate! Yarr!”).
That’s why she was brought back to the game as a mini.

I won’t be mad if this happens…

Didn’t we help a Quaggan become a Pirate Captain in a meta event in a map? Timberland Falls IIRC? Being a Captain he has the rights…

At least he would have more charisma than Ellen “Bland” Kiel…

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Mia Lunarfang.5826

Mia Lunarfang.5826

Okay, so Evon has more personality, yet however weak the GW2 staff made her, Keil is obviously the key character in living story, and thus, the one that the story will circle around regardless. That being said, I feel its best for her to win, for lets face it, Evon, isn’t that great of a guy, even among char who are well known for their despicable nature. Money+Power+Greed/ambition= … well, lionsarch wont be such a grand place in the future… though, that may certain be more interesting.

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

I love disrupting predictable story lines. Let Evon win for a change, and send Keil back to Southsun to deal with Karka.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Mia Lunarfang.5826

Mia Lunarfang.5826

I love disrupting predictable story lines. Let Evon win for a change, and send Keil back to Southsun to deal with Karka.

In this regard, I feel there are two possibilities; one, the elections never occur, as we find out that Evon, being the rich shady guy with a motive, funded the Aetherblades, and thus is disqualified.. amongst the more legal consequences. This would have a dynamic effect on the game I feel, since absolutely everything relies on the trading post. Or perhaps he could win, and lead Lionsarch into a dictatorship regime; prices on WPs and merchandise skyrocket, the city falls into a state of disrepair and we see beggars on the streets. But fear not, for Keil will grow a pair, developing in a half-way-decent character, and return to liberate us; perhaps it would be just the push she needs for people to actually care about her.

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: skullmount.1758


Where are people getting the idea of lower waypoints?

Basically some people datamined text from the DAT file that might be from the next update, some of the text mentioned the election and the promises of both candidates. The text said that basically Evon promised reduced prices on the BL keys and the use of the fractals technology to further investigate the motives behind the molten alliance (the molten facility dungeon), while Kiel was promising the reducing of the WP travel prices and the use of the fractals technology to gain further insight into the aetherblade pirates (aetherblade retreat). Also one of the items they found there was a vote coin that presumably will be used to cast your vote.

Of course, as a dev mentioned, just because it’s on the data files isn’t proof that it’ll be like that, it might be older content that either wasn’t developed further, or that has changed dramatically since it was written, but so far datamined contents have been mostly accurate.

That said, VOTE FOR KIEL!!!

Thanks. I figured it was datamined stuff, but was hoping to read it from the source.
kitten , I’d rather have the lower wp costs with the MF dungeon.

Maybe Lady Kasmeer Meade can make that happen?

Keep in mind that the reduced waypoint cost might be so insignificant, that it doesn’t matter at all. While the MF dungeon on the other hand, has several ore nodes right at the start that can make you a lot of money if farmed repeatedly. Plus of course all the rare recipes and the awesome rocketpack back cover that you can find in there. Evon really has all our bests interests in mind.

Besides, you want these sort of matters handled by a real pirate, and not some uptown lady with zero trade experience.

Except that if they do it the way Colin said, they would be removing the rewards (so no jetpack/mini), which means the whole thing is moot. Also, weren’t the nodes once per day per account (like the new quartz)? So as much as I want MF back (cause I still want a jetpack), reduced WP costs are much more compelling, for me anyways. If the rewards stay the same for MF, then I’ll have a tough time choosing which I’d want.

Darkhaven server
Please give us a keyring…

(edited by skullmount.1758)

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: MassDelusion.9130


Voting for Kiel, cause she looks kitten in that picture.

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Vol.5241


You know what would be great? a sPvP game pitting Kiel supporters vs Evon supporters. You could set it up as a riot in Lion’s Arch or something with various weapons.

[Permabanned on Forums]
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Seras.5702


Anet should put all kinds of fake off the wall stuff in their DAT files, just to mess with the data miners. Things like a new completely OP gear tier that will cause forum rage, only to find out it’s bull. Or pandas or quaggan genocide or a new currency or intentionally awful gear or mounts or account bound exotic gear boxes for free or…..i mean have a ball with it Anet.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328

I support Evon Gnashblade, because Molten Facility is AWESOME!

Come on, it’s a fast and relaxing dungeon. Do you seriously not want it back?

Aetherblade Retreat on the other hand… It’s too kitten long to be a fractal!

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: kristof.7182


In my opinion, Kiel paid Aeatherblade to become one of the counciles.
That would be cool, isn’t?

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Lily Miranda.5407

Lily Miranda.5407

Anet should put all kinds of fake off the wall stuff in their DAT files, just to mess with the data miners. Things like a new completely OP gear tier that will cause forum rage, only to find out it’s bull. Or pandas or quaggan genocide or a new currency or intentionally awful gear or mounts or account bound exotic gear boxes for free or…..i mean have a ball with it Anet.

References to MLP-themed flying mounts, and a new dungeon where you help Trehearne defeat Risen Tybalt, who became leader of the undead after Zhaitan’s death.

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: skullmount.1758


New info from Seems we will get to decide, and its not just the wp/MA/AR stuff. Something about minigames as well.
(Found in another thread in the main LS forum)

From the press letter they got-

The future of Lion’s Arch is in your hands! The explosive events of the Effigy Ceremony at the Dragon Bash left an empty seat on the Captain’s Council of Lion’s Arch. Now, it’s up to the players to support a new Council candidate to victory! War hero Ellen Kiel and Black Lion Trader Evon Gnashblade are both determined to claim the empty seat – help one of them and the results will seriously impact the future events and the Living World we have come to love and cherish!

Earn support tokens as you play Guild Wars 2 during the two weeks of the Cutthroat Politics release, and then use those tokens to help your favorite candidate accrue influence. The winner will show their appreciation by reducing the cost of certain goods or services, hosting a permanent rotation of well-loved mini-games, and sponsoring Mists research into one of two historical events.

Along with a vibrant campaign, the Cutthroat Politics release brings with it three new activities and new, exclusive rewards. Participate in the Southsun Survival or Aspect Arena activities, or test your mettle in the new Candidate Trials PVE Challenge. When doing so, you can earn a beautiful Desert Rose. stylish Zephyr Rucksack, or a little miniature Ellen Kiel and Evon Gnashblade of your very own!

Darkhaven server
Please give us a keyring…

(edited by skullmount.1758)

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: deviller.9135


Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: draxynnic.3719


Keep in mind that the reduced waypoint cost might be so insignificant, that it doesn’t matter at all. While the MF dungeon on the other hand, has several ore nodes right at the start that can make you a lot of money if farmed repeatedly. Plus of course all the rare recipes and the awesome rocketpack back cover that you can find in there. Evon really has all our bests interests in mind.

Besides, you want these sort of matters handled by a real pirate, and not some uptown lady with zero trade experience.

The rocket backpack at least ArenaNet have said will never be coming back, in order to retain its specialness for the people who got it during the event

Now, ArenaNet have said ‘never’ before and gone back on it, but as people have been saying that you shouldn’t vote assuming the waypoint discount will be significant, you also shouldn’t vote assuming that a particular dungeon will come back with the same rewards.

To those who think Scarlet hate means she’s succeeded as a villain:
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: notebene.3190


Where do you see this information? What they each stand for, what specific things we’ll be granted if each wins, the pictures, etc?

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608


It was data-mined and appeared on reddit.

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Mastruq.2463


I’m not sure I like the changes to Kiel. Being the tough cop that gets it done works for her. Instead of twisting an existing character into a new mold they should’ve introduced someone else during Southsun that could run against Evon now, while keeping Kiel as the Lionguard lead for camos and lionguard-suitable story parts.

From all the living story parts so far I’m actually mostly interested where Braham’s story goes (not Rox though). I kinda like Mai too, hope she plays a further role.

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Shiren.9532


One is a greedy bullcat responsible for disgusting RNG, the other is the second coming of Kormir.

I’ll vote for Kiel, the lesser of the two evils.

I love how we fight the karka, we take down Canache, we defeat the Aetherblades yet Keil gets the flying airship and goes into the running for the Captain’s Council.

Reminds me of this video:

I really wish that guy didn’t quit GW2 over the ascended gear debacle, his Trahearne video would have been hilarious.

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Mastruq.2463


That being said, I feel its best for her to win, for lets face it, Evon, isn’t that great of a guy, even among char who are well known for their despicable nature. Money+Power+Greed/ambition

I dont see the problem there, he seems right at home in the ruling council of a pirate town. More Captain Barbossa and less William Turner please.

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Atlas.9704


Mastruq, I too would like to see what happens to Braham. After going back to the Cragstead recently I finally saw the conversation with him and Ottilia. Wow that was rather harsh of her, he should go adventuring to forget about her.

Elona, Land of the Golden Sun….and undead…and poison. The travel brochure lied okay?!

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


I don’t really care who would win as long as the aetherblade dungeon won’t end up in a fractal rotation.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Beetle.2476


Hopefully they change it to +rare drops from boxes/bags. Or a lower selling fee.

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Ronah.2869


Guys, remember, this is politics, so the promises are almost never kept literally

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Crashday.1792


Definetly voting for Evon
Kiel may be nice cause of the reduced waypoint cost, but then again the cost as it is never really bothered me and i hate the aetherblade dungeon.
Then again Evon promises reduced costs for keys, which i don’t care about either, but at least he promises a better dungeon for the mists
It’s weird though that we get to decide. Lions Arch isn’t exactly democratical. The new book clearly states that to be a council member you
- need to be a captain
- have to pay a certain amount of money to the council
- be accepted by the council
Evon has money, Kiel is a captain, but neither have what it takes to become a member
Anyway that’s just me overanalyzing stuff based on the book

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Akechi Hotaru.7129

Akechi Hotaru.7129

I’ll vote for whoever gets me to Cantha fastest. Might be Kiel since she has flying ships. Give me Cantha >.<

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


Just remember that a vote for Evon is a vote for support for RNG gem boxes. >.<

Vote Kiel!

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: notebene.3190


Definetly voting for Evon
Kiel may be nice cause of the reduced waypoint cost, but then again the cost as it is never really bothered me and i hate the aetherblade dungeon.
Then again Evon promises reduced costs for keys, which i don’t care about either, but at least he promises a better dungeon for the mists
It’s weird though that we get to decide. Lions Arch isn’t exactly democratical. The new book clearly states that to be a council member you
- need to be a captain
- have to pay a certain amount of money to the council
- be accepted by the council
Evon has money, Kiel is a captain, but neither have what it takes to become a member
Anyway that’s just me overanalyzing stuff based on the book

Where do you read that Keil will reduce waypoint costs?

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


Definetly voting for Evon
Kiel may be nice cause of the reduced waypoint cost, but then again the cost as it is never really bothered me and i hate the aetherblade dungeon.
Then again Evon promises reduced costs for keys, which i don’t care about either, but at least he promises a better dungeon for the mists
It’s weird though that we get to decide. Lions Arch isn’t exactly democratical. The new book clearly states that to be a council member you
- need to be a captain
- have to pay a certain amount of money to the council
- be accepted by the council
Evon has money, Kiel is a captain, but neither have what it takes to become a member
Anyway that’s just me overanalyzing stuff based on the book

Where do you read that Keil will reduce waypoint costs?

Pulled from the .dat file by enterprising techie players.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: notebene.3190


Oh, ok thanks SC.

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Alacrity.4312


let’s fight it out in WvW!
The guild that claims SM can pick who they are backing, and every tick counts for one vote!

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Kosai.7458


i vote team Edward

oh wait…

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Navzar.2938


Definetly voting for Evon
Kiel may be nice cause of the reduced waypoint cost, but then again the cost as it is never really bothered me and i hate the aetherblade dungeon.
Then again Evon promises reduced costs for keys, which i don’t care about either, but at least he promises a better dungeon for the mists
It’s weird though that we get to decide. Lions Arch isn’t exactly democratical. The new book clearly states that to be a council member you
- need to be a captain
- have to pay a certain amount of money to the council
- be accepted by the council
Evon has money, Kiel is a captain, but neither have what it takes to become a member
Anyway that’s just me overanalyzing stuff based on the book

Well Evon could easily buy a ship and be a captain, he probably already has considering he runs a huge trading business.
I’m not too sure about Kiel or about how much money is needed, but maybe she took a lot of nice stuff from AR with her:p

Anyway, Evon seems to have the right character for this, and I missed flame and frost, so I’d love to try his dungeon, so I’m definitely an Evon supporter
I am curious though, how much are waypoint costs reduced by?

(edited by Navzar.2938)

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: CorneliusCoffin.3169


That vote Kiel vs Gnashblade is essentially going to be a vote on whether the players value story over gameplay.
If you have followed the storyline and are interested in it, there is no way you could possibly endorse Evon Gnashblade in any way (the terms ‘ludonarrative dissonance’ keep revolving in my mind).
However, as is appearant form this thread, many people seem to care more for the impact their decision is going to have for their gameplay than for how much sense it makes in light of the development of the fictional universe they are moving in.
In my eyes, if Evon Gnashblade wins this election, then the living story and the living world have failed.

EDIT: That is of course, unless they give us a very strong reason not to vote for Ellen Kiel in the coming days, which I doubt.

(edited by CorneliusCoffin.3169)

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Minos.3450


That vote Kiel vs Gnashblade is essentially going to be a vote on whether the players value story over gameplay.
If you have followed the storyline and are interested in it, there is no way you could possibly endorse Evon Gnashblade in any way (the terms ‘ludonarrative dissonance’ keep revolving in my mind).
However, as is appearant form this thread, many people seem to care more for the impact their decision is going to have for their gameplay than for how much sense it makes in light of the development of the fictional universe they are moving in.
In my eyes, if Evon Gnashblade wins this election, then the living story and the living world have failed.

That’s simply not true. I’m a huge lore fan in GW2 and in games in general and I have followed thoroughly the whole living story up to now. Yet, I’m going to vote for Evon for several reasons, none of them related to gameplay.
First, I don’t really like Kiel in general, she suffers from the same syndrom than Kormir or trahearne in the way she steals attention from the PC by cornering all the benefits from our actions. Moreover, her whole story with canach was imo too much Manichean : on one hand she want to stop canach action because he make innocents suffer to get to his ends but on the other hand she does the same in the end (that’s not like the ship she made exploding was empty…).
Finally, I can’t really buy her whole turnover from the status of a henchman to a ship captain and I don’t think she’s got what it takes to be a part of the ruling council of such a big city.
Evon, on the other hand, has both the wealth and power to be a force to be reckoned with and, being a typical charr, we can be sure he’ll put the interest of the city before his own and won’t be afraid of the means (which can lead to some nice stories with us dealing with collateral effects^^).
And, well, he’s a charr and so am I so charrs have to stand together in time of needs^^.

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Anakita Snakecharm.4360

Anakita Snakecharm.4360

That vote Kiel vs Gnashblade is essentially going to be a vote on whether the players value story over gameplay.
If you have followed the storyline and are interested in it, there is no way you could possibly endorse Evon Gnashblade in any way (the terms ‘ludonarrative dissonance’ keep revolving in my mind).

Could you clarify what you feel Gnashblade did that was so awful?

Because from where I’m sitting, back in Southsun, Kiel refused to help the refugees until Canach forced her hand, and then she essentially carried out the completion of Canach’s plan but threw him in prison anyway because there’s got to be a scapegoat when something goes wrong.

Gnashblade is without a doubt a ruthless businessman, but he gets things done. Kiel, on the other hand, seems to me to be a stickler for the rules even if they hurt people and a rather major hypocrite. Of the two, I’d go for the corporate shark for a position of power, especially for a jurisdiction like Lion’s Arch, personally.

ETA: For the record, I think Kiel has the better offer mechanics-wise, but I wouldn’t vote for her because I strongly dislike Kiel herself for the above reasons.

(edited by Anakita Snakecharm.4360)

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: CorneliusCoffin.3169


That’s simply not true. I’m a huge lore fan in GW2 and in games in general and I have followed thoroughly the whole living story up to now. Yet, I’m going to vote for Evon for several reasons, none of them related to gameplay.
First, I don’t really like Kiel in general, she suffers from the same syndrom than Kormir or trahearne in the way she steals attention from the PC by cornering all the benefits from our actions. Moreover, her whole story with canach was imo too much Manichean : on one hand she want to stop canach action because he make innocents suffer to get to his ends but on the other hand she does the same in the end (that’s not like the ship she made exploding was empty…).

What you are saying about kiel there may be true, but the other side of that coin is that every single time she did something that made her feel self-righteous, (for lack of a better term) the PC was there assisting her as her henchman.
Whether you like Kiel or not is part of your personal assesment, it does, however, not seem to reflect the cognition of the character we’re playing. At least I couldn’t see an indication of it so far.
The entire narrative of the game so far has moved in a very tolkien-esque fantasy-world of light and shadow. There’s either bad or good, no real grey areas (which is why Canach, for example, ended up in prison, instead of becoming Tyrias version of Edward Snowden.) And that’s where I have to situate the character that I’m playing. He or she doesn’t go so far as to evaluate who would be the better suited candidate for the ship’s council from a political or economical standpoint. Or at least he didn’t in the past. If he’d take those aspects into consideration all of a sudden, I would expect to be given a really, really strong motivation for him to do it. Otherwise it’s just inconsistent narration that violates my perception of the character according to the possible world theory.

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Anakita Snakecharm.4360

Anakita Snakecharm.4360

What you are saying about kiel there may be true, but the other side of that coin is that every single time she did something that made her feel self-righteous, (for lack of a better term) the PC was there assisting her as her henchman.
Whether you like Kiel or not is part of your personal assesment, it does, however, not seem to reflect the cognition of the character we’re playing. At least I couldn’t see an indication of it so far.
The entire narrative of the game so far has moved in a very tolkien-esque fantasy-world of light and shadow. There’s either bad or good, no real grey areas (which is why Canach, for example, ended up in prison, instead of becoming Tyrias version of Edward Snowden.) And that’s where I have to situate the character that I’m playing. He or she doesn’t go so far as to evaluate who would be the better suited candidate for the ship’s council from a political or economical standpoint. Or at least he didn’t in the past. If he’d take those aspects into consideration all of a sudden, I would expect to be given a really, really strong motivation for him to do it. Otherwise it’s just inconsistent narration that violates my perception of the character according to the possible world theory.

That’s totally valid take on the story… but also a totally different explanation than what you originally said. What you originally said was pretty accusatory.

Other players have very different views on the situation based on how we view the story from our own lens – neither is better or worse, and the fact that other people view the story and characters differently than you do doesn’t mean we’re less influenced by the story and characters or are more focused on pure game mechanics.

I tend to view events through who I know my character is, rather than having events dictate my character’s personality and opinions. That’s just preference, though, not some sort of universal mandate.

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Crashday.1792


Well Evon could easily buy a ship and be a captain, he probably already has considering he runs a huge trading business.
I’m not too sure about Kiel or about how much money is needed, but maybe she took a lot of nice stuff from AR with her:p

Anyway, Evon seems to have the right character for this, and I missed flame and frost, so I’d love to try his dungeon, so I’m definitely an Evon supporter
I am curious though, how much are waypoint costs reduced by?

If Evon buys a ship to become a captain and then just tosses in the fee to become a council member we’d be reliving “Sea of Sorrows”;
where the most powerful merchant did the same thing, was hated by the council for doing it, but ended up taking care of Lion Arch's finances.

I really doubt Kiel has the money to become a council member, but then again Arenanet can always throw in some storyline in which she becomes rich

I’m not sure about the waypoint costs, it’s probably going to be something around 20-40%, but that’s just me speculating.

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: CorneliusCoffin.3169


What you are saying about kiel there may be true, but the other side of that coin is that every single time she did something that made her feel self-righteous, (for lack of a better term) the PC was there assisting her as her henchman.
Whether you like Kiel or not is part of your personal assesment, it does, however, not seem to reflect the cognition of the character we’re playing. At least I couldn’t see an indication of it so far.
The entire narrative of the game so far has moved in a very tolkien-esque fantasy-world of light and shadow. There’s either bad or good, no real grey areas (which is why Canach, for example, ended up in prison, instead of becoming Tyrias version of Edward Snowden.) And that’s where I have to situate the character that I’m playing. He or she doesn’t go so far as to evaluate who would be the better suited candidate for the ship’s council from a political or economical standpoint. Or at least he didn’t in the past. If he’d take those aspects into consideration all of a sudden, I would expect to be given a really, really strong motivation for him to do it. Otherwise it’s just inconsistent narration that violates my perception of the character according to the possible world theory.

That’s totally valid take on the story… but also a totally different explanation than what you originally said. What you originally said was pretty accusatory.

Other players have very different views on the situation based on how we view the story from our own lens – neither is better or worse, and the fact that other people view the story and characters differently than you do doesn’t mean we’re less influenced by the story and characters or are more focused on pure game mechanics.

I tend to view events through who I know my character is, rather than having events dictate my character’s personality and opinions. That’s just preference, though, not some sort of universal mandate.

That accusation in my first post was not meant to be general, it was more an observation I made in this thread that a lot of people seem to be more interested in who’s going to reduce their travel costs or which dungeon is going to end up in the fractals than thinking about what this all means for the story. And to be fair, I wouldn’t even blame the players for that, because the story bits seemed to be pretty much secondary in many of the recent updates (I’ve read in another post just now that some people weren’t even sure whether there was a plot point in the BotFW update at all and they’re now suprised to be confronted with the election scenario).

And I really understand and appreciate the position that you are coming from. You take up a stance that is more a roleplaying perspective on the game, which lets you envision your own character in a way you like it, in opposition to how the game tells you what they are like.
But that creates a problem for the story. If you’re trying to tell a story, you have to make sure that the characters (and in the living story the PC is a character) have a consistent mindset, so that their actions have meaning. If you’re going to say that the player can inscribe each and every possible mindest to a character, that means their motivations for their actions and as a consequence their actions will become random and therefore meaningless for the story, unless of course it’s your own story that you are trying to tell (in which case of course the protagonist will have a fixed mindset again, namely the one that you have inscribed to him).
And that’s what i mean when I say if Evon wins this election, the Living Story has failed. I can understand that it might be seen as an approach to give players more control over the mindset of their character, but at that point it’s also going to get inconsistent and we’ll start to tell our own story instead of being told the story by ANet.

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Anakita Snakecharm.4360

Anakita Snakecharm.4360

I would be very surprised if Evon didn’t already own multiple ships. He’s the head of a trading company in a setting where a great deal of commerce appears to be conducted by ship. I would imagine he already has a fleet of his own, because from an in-character standpoint that would be required for the running of his business regardless of his political ambitions.

But that creates a problem for the story. If you’re trying to tell a story, you have to make sure that the characters (and in the living story the PC is a character) have a consistent mindset, so that their actions have meaning. If you’re going to say that the player can inscribe each and every possible mindest to a character, that means their motivations for their actions and as a consequence their actions will become random and therefore meaningless for the story, unless of course it’s your own story that you are trying to tell (in which case of course the protagonist will have a fixed mindset again, namely the one that you have inscribed to him).

That’s not necessarily true, I don’t think.

In the real world, I often have to make decisions that I wouldn’t make in an ideal world. My actions don’t always exactly match up to my internal monologue because I’m influenced by external as well as internal factors. That’s part of being a three-dimensional human being.

Likewise, my character may feel it is necessarily to go along with events she is not in full agreement with (like helping Kiel at Southsun) because circumstances dictate it and the alternative would be worse. I really don’t see any inconsistency there, personally. Not every possible mindset would fit every scenario, but there’s a fair bit of leeway.

To use the Southsun example again: My character helped Kiel, in my view, not because she likes Kiel or thinks Kiel made good decisions in that situation, but because letting the refugees suffer just to spite Kiel for being a hypocrite would be kind of awful too.

(edited by Anakita Snakecharm.4360)

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

Kiel will win regardless of what we do because she has been built up more. It’s kind of obvious.

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: CorneliusCoffin.3169


In the real world, I often have to make decisions that I wouldn’t make in an ideal world. My actions don’t always exactly match up to my internal monologue because I’m influenced by external as well as internal factors. That’s part of being a three-dimensional human being.

Likewise, my character may feel it is necessarily to go along with events she is not in full agreement with (like helping Kiel at Southsun) because circumstances dictate it and the alternative would be worse. I really don’t see any inconsistency there, personally. Not every possible mindset would fit every scenario, but there’s a fair bit of leeway.

To use the Southsun example again: My character helped Kiel, in my view, not because she likes Kiel or thinks Kiel made good decisions in that situation, but because letting the refugees suffer just to spite Kiel for being a hypocrite would be kind of awful too.

So in other words, you feel like helping Kiel to prevent Lion’s Arch from getting destructed after the consortium stirred up the karka, sink the settler contracts on Southsun and capture Mai Trin and strike against the aetherblades was more out of neccesity than your charatcers deep personal conviction? The Canach situation may have been a different thing, but we’ve helped Kiel numerous times now and more often than not it felt like we did it because it was the right thing to do and not because it was the less bad alternative.

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

One thing to keep in mind, is that Kiel so far has been traveling all across Tyria to solve various issues, and if you vote for her then her adventures would come to an end. She would basically be given a dusty seat on the council, and will be confined to pirate meetings, instead of kicking butt out in the field. This is all a matter of having the right person in the right place. And you may not like Evon, but he is exactly the right sort of person to have on pirate meetings. He would be among people he’s most familiar with. While Kiel has managed to get some stuff done in the world, would she be equally effective trying to get things done on a pirate council? None of those pirates are going to respect her, and they will look down on her. What you need is someone scrupulous and clever. Someone who gets how pirate politics and the economy work. Evan really is the most sensible choice.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608


Evon Gnashblade is the Benjamin Horne, the Datak Tarr, the Lex Luther of Lion’s Arch.

What could possibly go wrong, putting a magnate in charge of politics? Will he make unbiased decisions, in the interest of the inhabitants of this wonderful city? Will he fight corruption? Or will he make every decision in the interest of lining his own pockets and widening his own influence?

What could possibly go wrong?

Big-time business owners do not make good politicians. Especially not unscrupulous, dishonest, Machiavellian industrialists.

(edited by Pixelpumpkin.4608)

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


Big-time business owners do not make good politicians. Especially not unscrupulous, dishonest, Machiavellian industrialists.

And what is more unscrupulous and dishonest than selling RNG boxes?

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Anakita Snakecharm.4360

Anakita Snakecharm.4360

So in other words, you feel like helping Kiel to prevent Lion’s Arch from getting destructed after the consortium stirred up the karka, sink the settler contracts on Southsun and capture Mai Trin and strike against the aetherblades was more out of neccesity than your charatcers deep personal conviction? The Canach situation may have been a different thing, but we’ve helped Kiel numerous times now and more often than not it felt like we did it because it was the right thing to do and not because it was the less bad alternative.

Um… no, when I said Southsun I meant Southsun, not everything ever.

It was just an example of why a character might do something not totally representative of his/her own opinions and desires.

My character doesn’t necessary disagree with Kiel about every issue, either. Again, that more-than-one-dimension thing.

Because of the Southsun incident, though, Kiel has very much lost my character’s trust. She may win it back at some point, but that hasn’t happened yet.

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608


Because of the Southsun incident, though, Kiel has very much lost my character’s trust. She may win it back at some point, but that hasn’t happened yet.

And Evon Gnashblade has it?



Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Anakita Snakecharm.4360

Anakita Snakecharm.4360

And Evon Gnashblade has it?



No, he just hasn’t given me any active reason to distrust him yet, and she has.

If we could do write-in ballots, I wouldn’t pick either of them.

Kiel vs. Evon

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: CorneliusCoffin.3169


So in other words, you feel like helping Kiel to prevent Lion’s Arch from getting destructed after the consortium stirred up the karka, sink the settler contracts on Southsun and capture Mai Trin and strike against the aetherblades was more out of neccesity than your charatcers deep personal conviction? The Canach situation may have been a different thing, but we’ve helped Kiel numerous times now and more often than not it felt like we did it because it was the right thing to do and not because it was the less bad alternative.

Um… no, when I said Southsun I meant Southsun, not everything ever.

It was just an example of why a character might do something not totally representative of his/her own opinions and desires.

My character doesn’t necessary disagree with Kiel about every issue, either. Again, that more-than-one-dimension thing.

Because of the Southsun incident, though, Kiel has very much lost my character’s trust. She may win it back at some point, but that hasn’t happened yet.

Okay, there’s the leeway you’ve been talking about and i can accept that as part of one’s own personal interpretation of the character. Still, none of these options makes for a good motiviation to support Evan Gnashblade in an election. If your character chooses not to fully trust Ellen Kiel, it shows that he/she is inquisitive and wants to know about a candidates backgorund. Then what makes you vote for Evon Gnashblade, whom we know nothing about, other than that he runs the single most captialistic company in Tyria, an instituiton that has been likened to the consortium on various occasions and his employees describe him as a “big, old, grumpy cat” (Sareb in the BLTC headquarters)?