Overall Suggestions for future patches
1) May happen, but doubtful. Major trait skills can be swapped out of combat, but that’s it. It’s not a “major” thing to need to swap traits on the fly….in sPvP it is, thus you have the ability to reset traits there constantly (that, and sPvP has no gold, so you really can’t pay an NPC for the swap). Every city has a trait swap trainer anyways, and you probably pass them 2-5x daily.
2) Not going to happen. This was changed far back in Beta for a reason, they explained it, and that’s why it is what it is. Based on players already spending 100’s to 1,000’s of gold on dyes, it would be a huge kick in the Skritt if they did this.
3) Don’t expect this game to go heavy on the “end-game PvE dungeon/raid environment”. That’s what old MMO’s do, this game is something different. That said, it is making new Fractals that are coming out between now and Dec 31st, 2013. Those Fractals will include: Molten Weapons Facility, Aetherblade Retreat, and (from what looks to be leading in votes) the Reactor meltdown/explosion. The previous two mentioned are being worked on right now, the latter hasn’t been worked on [and neither has the Abaddon one]. A.Net has said that they will not start work on it until the players have voted. Ther other fractal will not be made at all, as said by devs.