So... PvP and WvW player votes dont matter?
You guys already get to Decide “by Playing” which classes get nerfed the most often in PvE.
That’s a lot more important and you should privileged
Well PvP players don’t pay anything for waypoint travel anyway, nor do they frequent fractals, so I don’t really know why should they get a vote.
I do both, btw.
Well PvP players don’t pay anything for waypoint travel anyway, nor do they frequent fractals, so I don’t really know why should they get a vote.
I do both, btw.
Unemployed dont pay any taxes, nor do they contribute to a states economy.
I dont see why they should get to vote.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
Well PvP players don’t pay anything for waypoint travel anyway, nor do they frequent fractals, so I don’t really know why should they get a vote.
I do both, btw.
Unemployed dont pay any taxes, nor do they contribute to a states economy.
I dont see why they should get to vote.
Me neither.
You might have liked my country 70 years ago.
What does your uncle Al think about your political viewings?
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
I think your forgetting that wvw generates bonuses for you “pve” players to benefit from. Kind of like pve players are on job seekers leeching from the tax payer actually lol.
But in all seriousness overlooking two thirds of a player base in something like this when there was so much potential for innovation is silly really.
We are getting the catapult mastery no?
Not saying its nearly enough for what the PvE crowd will get (and has gotten since like ever) but thats the usual Anet for you.
You might have liked my country 70 years ago.
What does your uncle Al think about your political viewings?
kitten I wished he was my Uncle. My family is kitten poor.
So it doesnt really contribute to your country’s economy neither. Maybey you should get partial votes then?
See what I did there?
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
Well PvP players don’t pay anything for waypoint travel anyway, nor do they frequent fractals, so I don’t really know why should they get a vote.
I do both, btw.
Unemployed dont pay any taxes, nor do they contribute to a states economy.
I dont see why they should get to vote.
Well that’s a big steaming pile of dragon poo right there. Food is taxed, utilities are taxed, gasoline is taxed…
And the money they are spending is coming from where exactly? Did they manufacture it?
But dont go that way, I was just making a point there.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
And the money they are spending is coming from where exactly? Did they manufacture it?
But dont go that way, I was just making a point there.
Points are best made when based in fact.
You dont seem to be able to get your own facts straight. I wont discuss this further than saying: Paying taxes with money financed from taxes doesnt make you a taxepayer.
Who doesnt generate any goods, either material or nonmaterial, is not participating in a country’s economy on a productive way.
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer
New fractal if you give “Kiel/ Evon” your vote. Nice.
Special Discount on goods or travel. Interesting.
Special Bonuses for pvp/wvw players if you……oh wait, there isn’t.Why play style discrimination. Do are votes not matter. We play this game too.
There was so much potential here for deciding things such as the next piece of siege equipment to be released in wvw and/ or wvw trait line released and for pvp mabie the next map released. id love to here the thoughts and ideas of my fellow player base on this topic. Discuss.
Well I don’t think PvP and WvW player WILL be voting period, which is why they didn’t get anything. To get support for your chosen candidates, you have to do PvE content. Lots and lots of PvE content. Doing PvP or WvW does not get you support tokens or whatever that you have to hand in to show your support for your chosen candidate. Hardcore WvW players and PvPers are unlikely to spend substantial amount of time doing PvE to support one candidate another. So yeah, I don’t think it matter one way or another.
PvP and WvW players make the game worse for everyone else, i’m glad they can’t vote personally.
@Tinni. you just accurately described what I am getting at, they have made no way for pvp and/ or wvw players to get invested in the update. No incentives. No mechanics for generating votes. Nadda.
@ ZudetGambeous. WvW actually makes your game better by making it easy’re to craft critical success, gold find, stat increases, etc etc just take a look at your wvw tab instead of making uninformed claims.
The sad facts are nothing will happen but I put this post up to hear your idea’s about cool things they could have doe or should do next time.
I play PvE, WvW, and if I wasnt intimidated by people, Id do fractals. If I didnt do fractals or PvE, then this whole thing would be irrelevant to me. Being a PvP or WvWer and complaining your “vote doesnt matter since it doesnt help you” is like someone from Georgia complaining about getting nothing out of an election in New York. Want it to matter? Then move there.
“I refuse to play PvE, but I want to be able to vote on things that happen in PvE without participating in PvE!”
And im not disagreeing with you. What im saying is again….. They could have worked in ways for pvp and wvw players to get involved and interested in whats happening in the game livening things up a bit and I would like to here your idea’s for ways they could make the game more inclusive for there entire player base instead of just the few.
btw I play it all fractal, wvw, pvp, pve it just seems odd to me that these two week updates do very little for there pvp/ wvw player base in regards to livining things up.
And im not disagreeing with you. What im saying is again….. They could have worked in ways for pvp and wvw players to get involved and interested in whats happening in the game livening things up a bit and I would like to here your idea’s for ways they could make the game more inclusive for there entire player base instead of just the few.
btw I play it all fractal, wvw, pvp, pve it just seems odd to me that these two week updates do very little for there pvp/ wvw player base in regards to livining things up.
People need to understand, not every update is for everyone. Just as people who complained about PvP rewards in achievement chests were narrow thinking, so is this. LS is for PvE. Simple as that.
Well besides getting new skins for PvP (which usually require PvE content) or a new map every now and then, how can you give them anything new? The only thing I can think of is to let them not even have to go into PvE by just getting X tokens per win to trade in for a PvP only version of whatever PvE back skin is new. Other than that, what other update can PvP get?
For WvW, things are pretty similar. After the addition of the new level up system and the new mastery lines, what else can be introduced there. There could be another battle ground, but that would throw off the 1 server home/1 non affiliated zone. I don’t know how you would tie in any LS to WvW really. And don’t forget, the past two LS has “tried” by “forcing” people run the EB jp, which usually raises up hell on the forums as people complain that they get ganked in a pvp zone.
Mind you I don’t do much of PvP or WvW, just when I’m bored and feel like something different. But I don’t see how you can include new stuff for either and have it relate to the living story (plus then every PvE person would then complain that they are “forced” to do PvP or WvW for an achievement/reward). Not saying that’s an excuse not to do it, but just that lots of people would complain for one reason or another.
Though someone’s idea of which new mastery trait line to add could have been used to try to get WvW’ers to care (or which new map for PvP’ers). But since this looks like a farming tokens event to see who will win, I don’t think most people would stop playing PvP or WvW to farm tokens in PvE mini-games to influence the vote much.
the last update wasn’t for pvp/ wvw ether or the one before or the one before. they just trickle out these small extras for each and that’s it. it is plainly evedent that they need to get more involved with the people who play these things. Having keil/ evon offering to commission production of new siege wepeons and/ or trait lines and new pvp maps along with mabie introducing a way to earn votes into these formats to keep these players involved in the game is just my thoughts on this.
There is plenty they can add to WvW…need any hints go look at WvW discussion forum…
Asuran Engineer (Lost)
I can’t see why pvp and wvw exclusive players would even WANT to vote for something that won’t affect them at all.
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”
Wait, WvW players don’t use waypoints?
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
Wait, WvW players don’t use waypoints?
WvW waypoints are 0c
What boosts would matter in WvW or PvE? No matter what, the other side will have them too, so no point in having any.
Also if you WvW or PvP only, you don’t do the living stories. It’s kind of fair. WvW boosts affect WvW too btw, not sure if anyone realized this.
(edited by Beetle.2476)
Wait, WvW players don’t use waypoints?
WvW waypoints are 0c
You know what, I never even noticed that…
~ Whips ~ City Minigames ~ City Jumping Puzzles ~
@ ZudetGambeous. WvW actually makes your game better by making it easy’re to craft critical success, gold find, stat increases, etc etc just take a look at your wvw tab instead of making uninformed claims.
I would gladly, with extreme joy, give up those bonuses if it meant warriors got nerfed, thieves, confusion mesmers, and rangers got buffed, conditions got fixed and they stopped balancing around WvW/PvP.
PvP players get every class balance aimed specifically at them, often to the great expense of PvE. Let us have this vote in the sun.
Edit: I am well aware of how disputable this statement is. Please don’t flame me unnecessarily.
Time for some people to start PvEing.
I thought they said these coins were drops?
So play WvW, get coin drops, then vote.
I don´t want to be the bad guy here, but it´s the election to the Lions Arch council, not to the Mists parliament…
I feel with you, hardcore WvW-ers/PvP-ers, but the elections are affecting PvE most (it is PvE story, it is happening in PvE, it will determine future PvE stories etc) so…maybe they wanted to leave it to players that are invested in PvE?
And yes, this is from a PvE player standpoint. I really feel for you, I realise that the most content goes to PvE but…Take it this way, imagine that there would be voting about some really important stuff to PvP/WvW site of the game and here comes bunch of PvE players who knows nothing about PvP and vote for the worse alternative an because of them, you get something that PvP people know is worse. Not really the case, but you see the point?
Just the fact of him saying thieves need to be buffed shows how different WvW and PVE mentality is…and confusion mesmers too lol
Asuran Engineer (Lost)
New fractal if you give “Kiel/ Evon” your vote. Nice.
Special Discount on goods or travel. Interesting.
Special Bonuses for pvp/wvw players if you……oh wait, there isn’t.Why play style discrimination. Do are votes not matter. We play this game too.
There was so much potential here for deciding things such as the next piece of siege equipment to be released in wvw and/ or wvw trait line released and for pvp mabie the next map released. id love to here the thoughts and ideas of my fellow player base on this topic. Discuss.
I’m sorry, but you have no idea what you’re talking about. Essentially a “vote” is for a PvE NPC in a PvE Town for the purposes of LORE, STORY, and PVE. This vote has no relation to sPvP or WvW at all. There’s no effect from it because the candidates aren’t doing a representation for those within those areas.
sPvP gets periodic changes to balance/systems, and a new map every 2-3 months. This is besides being able to unlock most every new skin within the sPvP zone.
WvW gets a new mastery every other patch, the periodic balance/systems updates, and holiday perks through drops/map updates (such as the skeleton NPC’s, ghost Dolyaks, and candcorn nodes from Halloween).
However, the PvE environment gets it’s story progression and content. That’s where this election is coming from. That’s what it’ll effect.
Don’t like it? Sorry, but tough luck.
P.S. Tomorrow is the State of Game blog to be posted, wait until then to complain about future WvW/sPvP updates if you don’t like what’s written.
P.P.S. Guild Wars 2 is an MMORPG first and foremost, a “pvp game” secondly. The whole system of the game was designed at being friendly to your fellow player (i.e. no loot stealing, no mob tagging, downleveling to prevent zone camping, and so on), as an aspect of trying to be an RPG. Sure WvW is a big thing, but not as big as you’d imagine (in fact, large groups of the PvP obsessives who assumed this was a PvP-centric game have left, but larger groups of PvE players have come in droves thanks to the Living Story). As for sPvP, they get tons of content. But there’s only so much they can get to keep things balanced.
(edited by Siphaed.9235)