When doing the trial for each candidate Gnashblade says he wants the loot for himself and Kiel says she wants to return the loot to its owner. Why on earth would anyone want to elect Evon Gnashblade to “serve the people”?
I dunno…. people who are actually honest with themselves??
Watch the Lyssa Temple being done by a Zerg some time…or any WvW fight for that matter. It’s Hilarious how many people will abandon the 5 unlucky players who all got hit by the Gorrilla’s Instant kill or Treb Shots or whatever…. Especially after the Chest pops and half the zerg already looted it while the other half is downed b/c of a giant pink imaginary monkey that didn’t render and also didn’t Despawn when it should have.
It’s Awesome! 
Then please, tell me what happened because I do not know.
Where did the fight happen? Who were the fighting armies aside from margonites? All orrians supported the 5 gods? Who casted Abaddon down? How?
Speaking purely from a lore stand point: The Gods and their antics is actually quite boring compared to the rest of the races of Tyria predating them. I had a suspicion very early on that the Gods who were mostly a Construct of James Phinney (who’s now gone), … would follow closely in the Lore of Sacrifice which he was also the Head “settings/Lore” Dev of. …IE: they didn’t actually create much of anything in this World, they only arrived here as its fair-weather Saviors (or in Marduk’s/Stratos’ case, much like Dhuum & Abaddon, it’s Demonic Destroyer). Right off the bat in Arah path 4 for instance, it finally tells you that the Bloodstone … the CENTRAL plot device of probably 2/3’s of the entire setting of GW1 … wasn’t even created by the Gods. It was sewn together by the Seers from the Magic either leaked by… or as of-that-time which had-yet-to-be consumed by the waking dragons. So once again…. everything centered around the Dragons … and the “Rift”. Humanity itself is not a unique snowflake but just a magic vessel for these very flawed and often contradicting Gods to spread their self-aggrandizing across multiple planes.
Meanwhile what’s behind the Reactor’s meltdown seems to have something to do with the Crystals which predate the God’s arrival and may even explain how the Seearing was possible in the first place. Or it could explain how the Rift came to be. Either way, that’s a lot more important than fighting a bunch of Still-Human at-that-point Margonites in stupid little boats who will probably gives us even worse Drops than either Bandits or Arah currently gives. ….even as demons they gave horrible drops in the first game.
…See this is Gnashblade’s entire angle … he WANTS YOU to stay poor and only get crappy drops so that his BLTC has no real competition. If Kiel wins then there’s a good chance the Reactor instance will dump tons of rare valuable ancient and truly arcane Mats into the game just like COE tends to…