Does magic find help with drops from coffers?
Magic find only helps with looting from bodies.
Magic find only helps you find Coffers from drops, but does not affect your chances from the Coffer.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
I’m going to revive this topic and say to the OP: yes, I think it does.
Before using magic find, I had opened thousands of regular coffers and got zip. One time, I had even opened 5k gems worth of rich coffers, also got zip.
Then, I started using magic find gear and a magic find booster and opened regular coffers in a relatively low populated zone, like the Black Citadel. [From another game, Aion, I know zone population consistently affected certain types of RNG gameplay]
I know, yada yada yada, magic find doesn’t affect coffers yada yada yada, zone doens’t matter yada yada. Rrrrrright. I’ve opened thousands of coffers this way, and I got at least 1 ticket per thousand coffers (and about 10 minis per 1k coffers). One crazy time, I even got 7 tickets opening 1k coffers.
So yea, I’m now sitting on 9 jade weapons skins and 3 unused tickets.
Without the magic find + low populated zone method, I always got zip opening thousands of regular and rich coffers. With it, I got more tickets than I can use. Using the above method, I spread the opening of the coffers out over several days. Always opened 1k at a time, clicked on them like my life was depending on it. Now, you be the judge of whether this works or not. And no, I did not invest in coffers. I thought about it, but decided against it.
Ultimately, you can always say “it was just RNG”, you should have opened at least 100k coffers. You can also say the game-changer was either the low populated zone, or Magic Find (or both). I won’t argue with either of these statements. All I can give you is what I personally experienced from opening some 10k coffers and say: you might want to give this a try yourself.
It’s RNG. A dev awhile back even stated that MF only affects drops from mobs. If I stripped my character and danced, getting 5 tickets within the first 1k coffers wouldn’t mean that was why I got them.
People who don’t have an understanding of statistics try to rationalize what they feel are patterns. In several of the other million threads like this people have posted links to these fallacies.
It’s RNG. A dev awhile back even stated that MF only affects drops from mobs. If I stripped my character and danced, getting 5 tickets within the first 1k coffers wouldn’t mean that was why I got them.
People who don’t have an understanding of statistics try to rationalize what they feel are patterns. In several of the other million threads like this people have posted links to these fallacies.
What if the developer is lying or that has be changed?
It’s RNG. A dev awhile back even stated that MF only affects drops from mobs. If I stripped my character and danced, getting 5 tickets within the first 1k coffers wouldn’t mean that was why I got them.
People who don’t have an understanding of statistics try to rationalize what they feel are patterns. In several of the other million threads like this people have posted links to these fallacies.
What if the developer is lying or that has be changed?
Or you know liked bugged? GW2 has been plagued with small bugs from day 1, no one would be surprised…
It’s RNG. A dev awhile back even stated that MF only affects drops from mobs. If I stripped my character and danced, getting 5 tickets within the first 1k coffers wouldn’t mean that was why I got them.
People who don’t have an understanding of statistics try to rationalize what they feel are patterns. In several of the other million threads like this people have posted links to these fallacies.
Did you just open 10 thousand coffers, or did I? Don’t make such general statements so easily if you have not tested any of this yourself. Also, don’t invoke quasi official quotes made by others without providing a source. I don’t doubt that other people will have tested this, but I’d like to see how they tested it, and what their results were.
I did test this. While I did not expect to find a difference, I experienced a difference of night and day. My only hope is that it is correct, and that it will help others.
(edited by Buttercup.5871)
It’s RNG. A dev awhile back even stated that MF only affects drops from mobs. If I stripped my character and danced, getting 5 tickets within the first 1k coffers wouldn’t mean that was why I got them.
People who don’t have an understanding of statistics try to rationalize what they feel are patterns. In several of the other million threads like this people have posted links to these fallacies.
Did you just open 10 thousand coffers, or did I? Don’t make such general statements so easily if you have not tested any of this yourself. Also, don’t invoke quasi official quotes made by others without providing a source. I don’t doubt that other people will have tested this, but I’d like to see how they tested it, and what their results were.
I did test this. While I did not expect to find a difference, I experienced a difference of night and day. My only hope is that it is correct, and that it will help others.
Wiki definition:
Magic Find is an attribute that increases a player’s chance to receive higher-quality loot from dead foes. Magic Find only affects loot dropped by foes, it does not affect any other source of loot
Sources are provided there.
That’s always been true ever since and any other “findings” are just speculations.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
It’s RNG. A dev awhile back even stated that MF only affects drops from mobs. If I stripped my character and danced, getting 5 tickets within the first 1k coffers wouldn’t mean that was why I got them.
People who don’t have an understanding of statistics try to rationalize what they feel are patterns. In several of the other million threads like this people have posted links to these fallacies.
Did you just open 10 thousand coffers, or did I? Don’t make such general statements so easily if you have not tested any of this yourself. Also, don’t invoke quasi official quotes made by others without providing a source. I don’t doubt that other people will have tested this, but I’d like to see how they tested it, and what their results were.
I did test this. While I did not expect to find a difference, I experienced a difference of night and day. My only hope is that it is correct, and that it will help others.
The source has been linked. These are not general statements and assuming my stance would be swayed by opening 10k coffers proves my point.
With a drop rate as low as this, you really need to open more than 10k coffers to get an idea of what the drop rate is. Had the drop rate been around 5-10%, a 1000 coffers would give you a fairly good idea of what the drop rate was. Not accurate, but close enough.
With these coffers, people are talking about a drop rate of 0.05%. 0.08% according to this: Not that i trust the numbers there, as we don’t know if those are posted by the unlucky ones or if they are true.
To get a somewhat accurate number, you would have to open about 100k coffers with magic find and another 100k without. 10k coffers, some with and some without magic find, just isn’t a big enough sample.
Although I disagree with the OP about the Magic Find effect, I’m curious about the Population Factor simply because of the Dynamic Events effect that calculates the number of players within the effective area and influences the loot table. May or may not be related or true, but it’s worth testing.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
Mmm, mmm, sure. Wiki also says that permanent hairstyle contracts drop from BL chests. Do they? No. I know what the wiki page says on magic find. Did the people writing this paragraph on magic find open dragon coffers, a relatively new type of RNG loot that requires no keys to open them? No. I did my part of the testing. You do yours. In the end, all people are interested in is getting a ticket. I’m describing the way in which I consistently received mine.
Mmm, mmm, sure. Wiki also says that permanent hairstyle contracts drop from BL chests. Do they? No. I know what the wiki page says on magic find. Did the people writing this paragraph on magic find open dragon coffers, a relatively new type of RNG loot that requires no keys to open them? No. I did my part of the testing. You do yours. In the end, all people are interested in is getting a ticket. I’m describing the way in which I consistently received mine.
Errm yes they do drop from BL kits…. and name changes and total makeover kits… I’ve got them stowed still.. Ill grab a screenie when I am online once the patch has downloaded…
Your sample size in just insignificant.. its purely RNG, MF doesn’t affect the loot in them, just the chance to drop them from kills.
I quite often stick my MF gear on, especially when trying to grab as many coffers as possible in a short space of time. I am a chef crafter so I eat my Ommie cakes and stick on a guild MF boost. I have looted in excess of 3K coffers so far and all to no avail… occasionally I get lucky and have gotten say 3 mini’s some cakes and lots of candy from every 100 coffers, sometimes I get practically nothing.. certainly no Jade tickets.
Even when I forget about MF the only difference is the amount of coffers I can grab in an hour perhaps, the loot from them is practically the same though sometimes a lot better… its called RNG.
Now please play nicely and stop with the “my way is right, your wrong” fail attempts at calling players out, if you did some hunting around the forums you would of perhaps also seen the dev statements on MF.. in fact there have been several since Beta iirc.
Mmm, mmm, sure. Wiki also says that permanent hairstyle contracts drop from BL chests. Do they? No. I know what the wiki page says on magic find. Did the people writing this paragraph on magic find open dragon coffers, a relatively new type of RNG loot that requires no keys to open them? No. I did my part of the testing. You do yours. In the end, all people are interested in is getting a ticket. I’m describing the way in which I consistently received mine.
Hey, I appreciate that you want to help people by telling them what worked for you. Personally, I’ve opened around 6500 coffers and have gotten 3 tickets. Whenever I got a ticket, it was not while I was running around farming coffers with magic find, opening the chests as I got them. I got all 3 tickets in Lion’s Arch, opening coffers I bought from the TP, with no magic find.
Like I said, a few thousand coffers isn’t a big enough sample to come to any conclusion whether magic find helps or not in getting a ticket.
Mmm, mmm, sure. Wiki also says that permanent hairstyle contracts drop from BL chests. Do they? No. I know what the wiki page says on magic find. Did the people writing this paragraph on magic find open dragon coffers, a relatively new type of RNG loot that requires no keys to open them? No. I did my part of the testing. You do yours. In the end, all people are interested in is getting a ticket. I’m describing the way in which I consistently received mine.
Did you even bother reading what the source of the information in the Wiki says about Magic Find? If you have, you wouldn’t have made that statement.
Besides, your experience is an isolated event that can easily be categorized as “lucky.”
I got my first Jade Ticket from Rich Coffers after opening 10 of them.
I was wearing my Exotic Berserker gears, no Magic Find, I have my Sword, Dagger, and 2 Pistols, Dancing in DR by Dwayna’s surrounded by other players opening fun boxes. It was midday on Saturday and I didn’t had breakfast yet. And I’m a Level 80 Thief, you need to be a Level 80 Thief, it’s important.
I say, I got the ticket because I didn’t have breakfast yet. Now buy your 10 Rich Coffers from the Gem store and do what I did, you’d get your ticket also.
That’s my experience, hope that helps.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
Two things. One, the permanent hairstyle kit is not a hairstyle kit. The permanent hairstyle kit does not drop from BL chests, it never has, only dropped from wintersday boxes. Two, I never stated my way is right while someone else is wrong. I specifically did not do that. I described my experiences. Namely, 60 rich coffers, high populated area, zip. 5k coffers, high populated area, zip. 5k coffers, MF, opening 1k coffers at a time, always on the same spot in the same low populated area – and consistently receiving tickets. That’s what I’m saying. I don’t find the answer “it’s against the wiki, so it must be false” good enough. I stepped outside my comfort zone and persisted buying coffers when I didn’t need them anymore just so that I could be sure enough to say the things I’m stating here. All you’re doing is bashing on me for stating my findings here, providing nothing of substance in return. Stay in your comfort zone all you want. I want to share this in the hope that if it’s experienced by others as well, people don’t have to fall for the false advertising trap called rich coffers.
I’m going to revive this topic and say to the OP: yes, I think it does.
Before using magic find, I had opened thousands of regular coffers and got zip. One time, I had even opened 5k gems worth of rich coffers, also got zip.
Then, I started using magic find gear and a magic find booster and opened regular coffers in a relatively low populated zone, like the Black Citadel. [From another game, Aion, I know zone population consistently affected certain types of RNG gameplay]
I know, yada yada yada, magic find doesn’t affect coffers yada yada yada, zone doens’t matter yada yada. Rrrrrright. I’ve opened thousands of coffers this way, and I got at least 1 ticket per thousand coffers (and about 10 minis per 1k coffers). One crazy time, I even got 7 tickets opening 1k coffers.
So yea, I’m now sitting on 9 jade weapons skins and 3 unused tickets.
Without the magic find + low populated zone method, I always got zip opening thousands of regular and rich coffers. With it, I got more tickets than I can use. Using the above method, I spread the opening of the coffers out over several days. Always opened 1k at a time, clicked on them like my life was depending on it. Now, you be the judge of whether this works or not. And no, I did not invest in coffers. I thought about it, but decided against it.
Ultimately, you can always say “it was just RNG”, you should have opened at least 100k coffers. You can also say the game-changer was either the low populated zone, or Magic Find (or both). I won’t argue with either of these statements. All I can give you is what I personally experienced from opening some 10k coffers and say: you might want to give this a try yourself.
While you information is interesting it is kind of hard to go against a developer that blatantly said magic find does not effect anything but drops from monsters. Of course they have been wrong before. Also why do you think that population affects rng? Not being rude in anyway i am genuinely interested. I like seeing people challenge things and try to find out information for themselves.
Live life to express, not to impress.
Don’t strive to make your presence noticed, just make your absence felt. ~ unknown
Also why do you think that population affects rng? Not being rude in anyway i am genuinely interested. I like seeing people challenge things and try to find out information for themselves.
I’m happy to oblige! My suspicion came from my experiences of playing Aion for about 2 years. I’ll try to explain. In Aion, they had a system called “manastones” which could be inserted in armor to add stats to the armor. For example, the better armor pieces had about 5 to 6 manastone slots, in which you could place a “magic resist +14” manastone, or a “magic boost + 25” manastone. Heavily stacking magic resist in all six armor pieces would result in near-immunity against the most dangerous attacks in the game, so it was an important feature. Now, slotting each manastone could fail or succeed. If you failed the first manastone, it would disappear, gone. If you succeeded on the first manastone, but failed on the second manastone, all manastones would disappear, the first and the second. Poof, gone. And manastones were expensive. Imagine the rage that some people experienced when succeeding all but the last manastone, and destroying all manastones inserted. It was really painful, people sometimes needed hundreds of them.
Now, I say “people” needed hundreds of them. I, and other people in my guild who followed my advice, needed about 40 of them, at most, to succesfully slot armor with manastones. I had found out the hard way that if I slotted them in a remote place, and in a zone where there were barely other players around, the success rate was much, much higher. Having slotted manastones in this manner consistently for over a year, and knowing that others who did the same experienced the same results, I know that this was a serious factor in Aion. By the way, this is but one example, many RNG elements in Aion were affected by this principle. This is why I tried using the same tactic in this game.
Also why do you think that population affects rng? Not being rude in anyway i am genuinely interested. I like seeing people challenge things and try to find out information for themselves.
I’m happy to oblige! My suspicion came from my experiences of playing Aion for about 2 years. I’ll try to explain. In Aion, they had a system called “manastones” which could be inserted in armor to add stats to the armor. For example, the better armor pieces had about 5 to 6 manastone slots, in which you could place a “magic resist +14” manastone, or a “magic boost + 25” manastone. Heavily stacking magic resist in all six armor pieces would result in near-immunity against the most dangerous attacks in the game, so it was an important feature. Now, slotting each manastone could fail or succeed. If you failed the first manastone, it would disappear, gone. If you succeeded on the first manastone, but failed on the second manastone, all manastones would disappear, the first and the second. Poof, gone. And manastones were expensive. Imagine the rage that some people experienced when succeeding all but the last manastone, and destroying all manastones inserted. It was really painful, people sometimes needed hundreds of them.
Now, I say “people” needed hundreds of them. I, and other people in my guild who followed my advice, needed about 40 of them, at most, to succesfully slot armor with manastones. I had found out the hard way that if I slotted them in a remote place, and in a zone where there were barely other players around, the success rate was much, much higher. Having slotted manastones in this manner consistently for over a year, and knowing that others who did the same experienced the same results, I know that this was a serious factor in Aion. By the way, this is but one example, many RNG elements in Aion were affected by this principle. This is why I tried using the same tactic in this game.
I played aion…that story is complete Bull..Its the same as Making a dance with a hoolahoop before opening a coffin will give you better results…Its in your head.
Also why do you think that population affects rng? Not being rude in anyway i am genuinely interested. I like seeing people challenge things and try to find out information for themselves.
I’m happy to oblige! My suspicion came from my experiences of playing Aion for about 2 years. I’ll try to explain. In Aion, they had a system called “manastones” which could be inserted in armor to add stats to the armor. For example, the better armor pieces had about 5 to 6 manastone slots, in which you could place a “magic resist +14” manastone, or a “magic boost + 25” manastone. Heavily stacking magic resist in all six armor pieces would result in near-immunity against the most dangerous attacks in the game, so it was an important feature. Now, slotting each manastone could fail or succeed. If you failed the first manastone, it would disappear, gone. If you succeeded on the first manastone, but failed on the second manastone, all manastones would disappear, the first and the second. Poof, gone. And manastones were expensive. Imagine the rage that some people experienced when succeeding all but the last manastone, and destroying all manastones inserted. It was really painful, people sometimes needed hundreds of them.
Now, I say “people” needed hundreds of them. I, and other people in my guild who followed my advice, needed about 40 of them, at most, to succesfully slot armor with manastones. I had found out the hard way that if I slotted them in a remote place, and in a zone where there were barely other players around, the success rate was much, much higher. Having slotted manastones in this manner consistently for over a year, and knowing that others who did the same experienced the same results, I know that this was a serious factor in Aion. By the way, this is but one example, many RNG elements in Aion were affected by this principle. This is why I tried using the same tactic in this game.
I played aion…that story is complete Bull..Its the same as Making a dance with a hoolahoop before opening a coffin will give you better results…Its in your head.
Although Aion and GW2 has nothing in common, I mean being different developers in all, the theory may still be valid.
In a Claw of Jormag event, the loot table in the chest is highly affected by the number of players presently participating in the event. If you are in Lion’s Arch for example, or other zone where the coffer can drop, in theory, you are participating in the event.
My hypothesis is, if you open the coffer in your Home instance, Personal Story instance, or Hall of Manument instance, you are techinally not participating in the event thus your loot table is not influenced by other players in the area — since you’re the only player in your instance.
This is just a theory and worth a shot to test.
I’m currently stacking up coffers from drop (65 so far) that I stated last night while doing the dungeon. Once I get 300, should be enough, I’ll open 100 in Home, 100 in PS, and 100 in HoM and log the result.
If RNG is RNG, then the number of coffer I opened will not matter at all. But for the sake of science, I’ll try and make that 3k before the event is over — I’ll buy them off the TP if I have to.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
dev may say mf doesnt affect it, but it never hurts to try (may be bugged)
About the same time a Dev said MF doesn’t affect it, a Dev was denying there was a general loot bug.
I’ll believe that MF shouldn’t affect it, that is the way it was supposed to be designed. But I won’t swear that it does not work any other way just because a Dev said so. They may not even be aware of what MF’s behavior currently is. It might be buggy.
Also why do you think that population affects rng? Not being rude in anyway i am genuinely interested. I like seeing people challenge things and try to find out information for themselves.
I’m happy to oblige! My suspicion came from my experiences of playing Aion for about 2 years. I’ll try to explain. In Aion, they had a system called “manastones” which could be inserted in armor to add stats to the armor. For example, the better armor pieces had about 5 to 6 manastone slots, in which you could place a “magic resist +14” manastone, or a “magic boost + 25” manastone. Heavily stacking magic resist in all six armor pieces would result in near-immunity against the most dangerous attacks in the game, so it was an important feature. Now, slotting each manastone could fail or succeed. If you failed the first manastone, it would disappear, gone. If you succeeded on the first manastone, but failed on the second manastone, all manastones would disappear, the first and the second. Poof, gone. And manastones were expensive. Imagine the rage that some people experienced when succeeding all but the last manastone, and destroying all manastones inserted. It was really painful, people sometimes needed hundreds of them.
Now, I say “people” needed hundreds of them. I, and other people in my guild who followed my advice, needed about 40 of them, at most, to succesfully slot armor with manastones. I had found out the hard way that if I slotted them in a remote place, and in a zone where there were barely other players around, the success rate was much, much higher. Having slotted manastones in this manner consistently for over a year, and knowing that others who did the same experienced the same results, I know that this was a serious factor in Aion. By the way, this is but one example, many RNG elements in Aion were affected by this principle. This is why I tried using the same tactic in this game.
I played aion…that story is complete Bull..Its the same as Making a dance with a hoolahoop before opening a coffin will give you better results…Its in your head.
Although Aion and GW2 has nothing in common, I mean being different developers in all, the theory may still be valid.
In a Claw of Jormag event, the loot table in the chest is highly affected by the number of players presently participating in the event. If you are in Lion’s Arch for example, or other zone where the coffer can drop, in theory, you are participating in the event.
My hypothesis is, if you open the coffer in your Home instance, Personal Story instance, or Hall of Manument instance, you are techinally not participating in the event thus your loot table is not influenced by other players in the area — since you’re the only player in your instance.
This is just a theory and worth a shot to test.
I’m currently stacking up coffers from drop (65 so far) that I stated last night while doing the dungeon. Once I get 300, should be enough, I’ll open 100 in Home, 100 in PS, and 100 in HoM and log the result.
If RNG is RNG, then the number of coffer I opened will not matter at all. But for the sake of science, I’ll try and make that 3k before the event is over — I’ll buy them off the TP if I have to.
One thing in relation to this: I noticed in Aion as well as in GW2 that, population wise, instances are linked to the zone from which you enter the instance. So fractals would be linked to LA (which is why I used to crash in every instance related to LA whereas I had no such problem anywhere else in the game). So I would advise against entering an instance unless it is linked to an empty zone, and even then I would advise opening them in the empty zone instead. Yes, I did seriously extensive testing into this in Aion, I’m a bit of a nerd that way (but a rich nerd because manastones was a serious problem for most players in the game). I would also advise opening 1k boxes at once; I’ll provide half of them if you need (too much gold, already have everything I could ever need anyway).
Yes, I did seriously extensive testing into this in Aion, I’m a bit of a nerd that way (but a rich nerd because manastones was a serious problem for most players in the game). I would also advise opening 1k boxes at once; I’ll provide half of them if you need (too much gold, already have everything I could ever need anyway).
Sent you a PM
Already sent 500 boxes to Sir Vincent as he was genuinely interested in testing this theory. Sorry Gaviston, not extending this invitation to everyone.
Already sent 500 boxes to Sir Vincent as he was genuinely interested in testing this theory. Sorry Gaviston, not extending this invitation to everyone.
No worries. I hope he posts the results. perhaps you could e-mail me more specifics. How much MF did you have, what waypoint do you go to when you open? I’d like to test on my own. No worries on the 500 coffers. I understand.
Already sent 500 boxes to Sir Vincent as he was genuinely interested in testing this theory. Sorry Gaviston, not extending this invitation to everyone.
Thanks for the coffers. Here’s the first 250 opened in my Home Instance.
One Ticket
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
Here’s the result of all 500 coffers.
- 250 opened in Home instance
- 250 opened in Hall of Monument
Important note:
1x Jade ticket
3x Holo Risen knight
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
Gratz on your ticket Unfortunately though, you didn’t follow any of the advice I gave you. Not the exact location that I identified for you, no magic find booster, and not 1k tickets at a time.
Basically, the first instance you selected is, I believe, linked to Divinity’s reach. Not that bad, but also not very good because it’s visited quite often now during these two events. That’s why I personally picked the other side of Tyria to open coffers.
The second instance you selected is, I believe, either linked to LA (because the fans of my machine only go nuts in instances linked to LA) or to the far shiverpeaks, most likely, frostgorge sound (closest to HoM), in which case you had to check whether the claw of Jormag event was up and running.
Therefore, I’m truly glad you received your ticket, but I don’t know if there’s anything I can do with this info. If I did so, the “everything-is-RNG” people would slaughter me.
Gratz on your ticket
Unfortunately though, you didn’t follow any of the advice I gave you. Not the exact location that I identified for you, no magic find booster, and not 1k tickets at a time.
Basically, the first instance you selected is, I believe, linked to Divinity’s reach. Not that bad, but also not very good because it’s visited quite often now during these two events. That’s why I personally picked the other side of Tyria to open coffers.
The second instance you selected is, I believe, either linked to LA (because the fans of my machine only go nuts in instances linked to LA) or to the far shiverpeaks, most likely, frostgorge sound (closest to HoM), in which case you had to check whether the claw of Jormag event was up and running.
Therefore, I’m truly glad you received your ticket, but I don’t know if there’s anything I can do with this info. If I did so, the “everything-is-RNG” people would slaughter me.
I will follow your advice tonight. As you can see from the screenshot and from the posts, it was pretty late for me (long day). But I have another 500 in the bank so I’ll try your method tonight.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
Perhaps I should add that a techie once explained to me that it is possible, depending on the design of the RNG system used, that latency can affect RNG outcomes (something to do with the (re)seeding of the number generation, it was a bit to technical for me). Essentially, he said, lag can cause the system to reset a 1 (outcome: positive) to a 0 (outcome: negative) where it should have been a 1, or something. I bet others can can explain this a lot better.
Or reset a 0 to a 1.
Perhaps I should add that a techie once explained to me that it is possible, depending on the design of the RNG system used, that latency can affect RNG outcomes (something to do with the (re)seeding of the number generation, it was a bit to technical for me). Essentially, he said, lag can cause the system to reset a 1 (outcome: positive) to a 0 (outcome: negative) where it should have been a 1, or something. I bet others can can explain this a lot better.
That applies on a totally different type of RNG mainly found on First-Person-Shooter games. When the client sends a command when you pull the trigger of your chosen weapon, depending on the accuracy of your weapon, an RNG is calculated whether you hit your target or your don’t and if you hit, the RNG will also determine what part did you hit. And yes, lag is a major issue for this type of RNG especially when a lot of bullets are flying around at any given time. The physics of the game also starting to affect RNG on those games the closer it gets to realism.
Imagine you missed your target because your GPU is slow. :/
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
Or reset a 0 to a 1.
Or 0 to 0 :P
Perhaps I should add that a techie once explained to me that it is possible, depending on the design of the RNG system used, that latency can affect RNG outcomes (something to do with the (re)seeding of the number generation, it was a bit to technical for me). Essentially, he said, lag can cause the system to reset a 1 (outcome: positive) to a 0 (outcome: negative) where it should have been a 1, or something. I bet others can can explain this a lot better.
That applies on a totally different type of RNG mainly found on First-Person-Shooter games. When the client sends a command when you pull the trigger of your chosen weapon, depending on the accuracy of your weapon, an RNG is calculated whether you hit your target or your don’t and if you hit, the RNG will also determine what part did you hit. And yes, lag is a major issue for this type of RNG especially when a lot of bullets are flying around at any given time. The physics of the game also starting to affect RNG on those games the closer it gets to realism.
Imagine you missed your target because your GPU is slow. :/
I dunno about 1st person shooters, but the person that told me was talking about RNG seeding whatchamacallit (shoot me, I really don’t know) in an MMO (the person being a developer himself (not GW2 or Aion)). And how latency could affect it.
Perhaps I should add that a techie once explained to me that it is possible, depending on the design of the RNG system used, that latency can affect RNG outcomes (something to do with the (re)seeding of the number generation, it was a bit to technical for me). Essentially, he said, lag can cause the system to reset a 1 (outcome: positive) to a 0 (outcome: negative) where it should have been a 1, or something. I bet others can can explain this a lot better.
That applies on a totally different type of RNG mainly found on First-Person-Shooter games. When the client sends a command when you pull the trigger of your chosen weapon, depending on the accuracy of your weapon, an RNG is calculated whether you hit your target or your don’t and if you hit, the RNG will also determine what part did you hit. And yes, lag is a major issue for this type of RNG especially when a lot of bullets are flying around at any given time. The physics of the game also starting to affect RNG on those games the closer it gets to realism.
Imagine you missed your target because your GPU is slow. :/
I dunno about 1st person shooters, but the person that told me was talking about RNG seeding whatchamacallit (shoot me, I really don’t know) in an MMO (the person being a developer himself (not GW2 or Aion)). And how latency could affect it.
It sounds like he’s talking about how the loot table is being populated, but I’m not sure how lag can affect it though since the whole process happens on the server side, unaffected by lag.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
Fact: magic find only works on loot drops. Not on chests or in the Forge. We know this to be a fact because a dev confirmed this many months ago.
Fact: Everlasting Halloween Tonics can be sold on the BLTP. We know this to be a fact because a fix was announced TWICE in the update notes.
Fact: Final Rest has dropped from the Behe loot chest from launch. We know this because devs confirmed it did.
The above examples convince me that nothing we are told should be taken at face value. Wiki is full of mistakes.
The game is riddled with bugs; events get stuck; game mechanics break. How many skills, sigils and runes are broken or not working as intended?
Intended or not I’m quite convinced that MF does affect chest drops. Can I prove it? No. Do I care to? Not really. But experience has made me doubt a lot of things that others take for granted just because of something a dev said.
Fact: The world is flat………
(edited by OmniPotentes.4817)
Magic find has never helped me
But my naked norn has good juju. She gets tickets
Every one should try it naked,
Also puking in the mystic forge before getting naked helps, well thats what worked for me.
BTW did you know that if you stand on the stair banisters outside the bank and try and puke on Merchant Wynn and all his customers, the puke stays suspended above their heads.
I open mine in front of the entrance of the ghost pirate jump puzzle in LA. It gives me a reason to make the jump in and try to miss the water on purpose. Who am I kidding? I miss it all the time without trying. Somehow I even managed to mess up the last fall at the end and died too. I didn’t even think that was possible.
1000 coffers using Buttercup’s instructions:
222% MF
Black Citidel
Opened really fast
3 jade weapon tickets!
1000 coffers using Buttercup’s instructions:
222% MF
Black Citidel
Opened really fast
3 jade weapon tickets!
And the fact is, and this is directed at all the bashers of trying this out yourself, this is comparable to my consistent results opening coffers with MF on the exact same spot (which I pm’d to gaviston at his request). You’ll also see way more risen knights using more MF. Very easy to at least spot that one.
1000 coffers using Buttercup’s instructions:
222% MF
Black Citidel
Opened really fast
3 jade weapon tickets!Awesome!
And the fact is, and this is directed at all the bashers of trying this out yourself, this is comparable to my consistent results opening coffers with MF on the exact same spot (which I pm’d to gaviston at his request). You’ll also see way more risen knights using more MF. Very easy to at least spot that one.
Oh dear
I’ve opened around 500 crates no MF at all infact 95% crates I farmed naked as well.
So 500 crates No Magic Find – No Armor -
19 risen knights
3 Dragon wings from drops
2 Tickets.
I win , Naked trumphs Magic find
Lisa, I opened over 10k coffers. If we want to test whether my consistent results are experienced by others, this is the only way. You can ridicule it all you want, but the fact is some people do not get tickets and are very frustrated over it. I could have done nothing, not share anything. How easy that would have been. I didn’t, because I genuinely believe this works and want to help people. You just want to be funny over the backs of others, in this case, mine. And it’s so easy to do so, isn’t it? I could think of a hundred better jokes to ridicule this, but the fact is, no one is helped by that. You want to blindly follow one dev who made statements about this half a year ago. Fine. I on the other hand want to see what works, and hopefully avoid people from resorting to the rich coffer slot machine that is covered with the foul letters of false advertising.
Lisa, I opened over 10k coffers. If we want to test whether my consistent results are experienced by others, this is the only way. You can ridicule it all you want, but the fact is some people do not get tickets and are very frustrated over it. I could have done nothing, not share anything. How easy that would have been. I didn’t, because I genuinely believe this works and want to help people. You just want to be funny over the backs of others, in this case, mine. And it’s so easy to do so, isn’t it? I could think of a hundred better jokes to ridicule this, but the fact is, no one is helped by that. You want to blindly follow one dev who made statements about this half a year ago. Fine. I on the other hand want to see what works, and hopefully avoid people from resorting to the rich coffer slot machine that is covered with the foul letters of false advertising.
You may think I am joking ,
But that is exactly how I farmed my crates , Naked in low level maps.
I opened the crates naked as well?
Go figure , my naked norn must just be ultra flukey
for experimental sake I shall open 500 crates as you have done and compare the results, What server did you open yours on?
SFR, 1k coffers at a time, near the TP on Black Citadel using a truckload of MF, as Gaviston posted. Thank you for trying, even if you don’t believe anything of what I’m saying. Actually, especially because you don’t believe it makes the effort more remarkable.
All I will say is that I’d opened ~ 2,500 coffers before this opening 20-30 at a time (as I collected them) , wearing my normal gear and only got 1 jade ticket.
Last evening following the instructions I got 3 out of 1,000 tickets. I do personally beleive that Magic Find has an impact.
BTW, I got so many minis that didn’t stack is why I had to clear my inventory…you see the inventory full warning in my shot…I did not know those would not stack in inventory…so take this into consideration anyone else who wants to try this.
Unless you know how the game is programed this doesn’t really apply. It is easy to say if I roll a pair of dice 10 times and roll a 5 each time that the propbablility of rolling a 5 on my next roll does not change based upon the prior ten rolls. this is because the “programming” of the dice is a known quantity. there are 6 sides each with the same chance of turning up and the combinations that make 5 (1-4. 4-1, 2-3 and 3-2) are finite.
Only Anet knows how the programming of the game and how different variables (MF, Zone, speed of opening) factor into the loot mechanisms.
Unless you know how the game is programed this doesn’t really apply. It is easy to say if I roll a pair of dice 10 times and roll a 5 each time that the propbablility of rolling a 5 on my next roll does not change based upon the prior ten rolls. this is because the “programming” of the dice is a known quantity. there are 6 sides each with the same chance of turning up and the combinations that make 5 (1-4. 4-1, 2-3 and 3-2) are finite.
Only Anet knows how the programming of the game and how different variables (MF, Zone, speed of opening) factor into the loot mechanisms.
Again, you’re assuming that speed of opening, time of day, or whatever are actually a factor. These are things people make up to explain what they felt was a pattern. These are also the same people who have a lack of understanding about statistics/probability.