Dragon’s Jade Wep Skins Not Super Exclusive

Dragon’s Jade Wep Skins Not Super Exclusive

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Verrix.6902


Since the tickets will always be obtainable from dragon coffers, they will never be that exclusive unlike fused and sclerite weapon skins. There is probably going to be alot of supply left on tradingpost after the event, and coffers are likely to get more expensive. Still im a bit sad because I have one skin myself and I wanted it to be a limited time only like fused and sclerite. Sure is exclusive, but only when all supply runs out, which is gonna take forever. Maybe im wrong and the merchant stop selling the skins at some point or maybe they remove tickets from the coffers, atleast i hope so.

Dragon’s Jade Wep Skins Not Super Exclusive

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Dog.1472


I’m sorry, but I have no sympathy for the “I’m sad because other people can get this skin too” point of view.

“Please, you can look down on people without having to be physically above them.
As an asura, I do this all the time.”

(edited by Dog.1472)

Dragon’s Jade Wep Skins Not Super Exclusive

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Jam.4521


OP This is a good thing, skins should not be super exclusive, there will be a limited supply but it won’t be a requirement to have to be there at a specific time.


Dragon’s Jade Wep Skins Not Super Exclusive

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Hexgame.4802


I like the way they did it this time around, its near perfect. The dragon wings however, I think should have been more rare. Thats just my opinion though.

Lynsey – 80 Human Mesmer
Perky – 80 Norn Guardian
Soapie – 80 Human Ranger

Dragon’s Jade Wep Skins Not Super Exclusive

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Otleaz.5639


The weapon vendors will go away, and clearly you did not play guild wars 1 or you would know that these HOLIDAYS repeat every year.

“exclusive items” will be very rare in guild wars 2.

(edited by Otleaz.5639)

Dragon’s Jade Wep Skins Not Super Exclusive

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Ozymandias.5704


The weapon vendors will go away, and clearly you did not play guild wars 1 or you would know that these HOLIDAYS repeat every year.

“exclusive items” will be very rare.

How do you know? GW1 is a different game.

It steam engines when it comes steam engine time.
- Charles Fort

Dragon’s Jade Wep Skins Not Super Exclusive

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Otleaz.5639


The weapon vendors will go away, and clearly you did not play guild wars 1 or you would know that these HOLIDAYS repeat every year.

“exclusive items” will be very rare.

How do you know? GW1 is a different game.

It is the only thing that makes sense. You think they went through all the trouble of redecorating the world for a single month every time they have an event?

Besides that, GW1 had the annual dragon festival which was almost exactly like the current one. It had races, dragon ball, and other games with prizes that were only available during that time every year.

Dragon’s Jade Wep Skins Not Super Exclusive

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Lue.6538


The weapon vendors will go away, and clearly you did not play guild wars 1 or you would know that these HOLIDAYS repeat every year.

“exclusive items” will be very rare.

How do you know? GW1 is a different game.

Dragon Bash is simply the Dragon Festival from GW1, aside from the dragon festival having more fun stuff to do, they’re pretty much the same.

Dragon’s Jade Wep Skins Not Super Exclusive

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Danikat.8537


Personally I prefer it this way.

I’d rather have cool items which everyone can get if they want to put the time/effort in than super-crazy-rare 1 time only items that no one else will ever have a chance at.

It doesn’t make the things I like look any less cool, I’ll still enjoy seeing them and it means other people get that too.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Dragon’s Jade Wep Skins Not Super Exclusive

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Cameirus.8407


Since the tickets will always be obtainable from dragon coffers, they will never be that exclusive unlike fused and sclerite weapon skins. There is probably going to be alot of supply left on tradingpost after the event, and coffers are likely to get more expensive. Still im a bit sad because I have one skin myself and I wanted it to be a limited time only like fused and sclerite. Sure is exclusive, but only when all supply runs out, which is gonna take forever. Maybe im wrong and the merchant stop selling the skins at some point or maybe they remove tickets from the coffers, atleast i hope so.

And if you had not been lucky? Would you still have that attitude? I doubt it.

The i’m a special snowflake arguement is one i totally disagree with

Dragon’s Jade Wep Skins Not Super Exclusive

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397


I’m here after farming for over 12 hours, I opened in that time, over 1400 coffers and have yet to see 1 ticket. I get this strange feeling that they are exclusive.

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|

Dragon’s Jade Wep Skins Not Super Exclusive

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045

Windu The Forbidden One.6045

I’m sorry to say it but I find your stance to be extremely arrogant and hypocritical.

“I have what I want so the jade skins can be as rare as possible now, I don’t want a lot of other people to get it just so I can look unique.”

With all due respect, that’s just despicable.

Dear A-net: Please nerf rock. Paper is fine
~Sincerely, Scissors

Dragon’s Jade Wep Skins Not Super Exclusive

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

I only remember doing one dragon festival in GW1… those who did multiple ones: did vendors return? Did the same currencies (Zhaitaffy in our case) return? Or is the event repeating, but the currencies, vendors, skins unique?

Dragon’s Jade Wep Skins Not Super Exclusive

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Torasan.6029


OP be glad you got one at all. I’ve opened over 100 coffers and had 0.

I’m still to see someone using one of the Scelerite weapons on Gandara… I myself spent dozens of hours in Southshore and didn’t recieve one. It was a carrot on a stick and frankly it put me off playing. I’m glad to see theres more people who have been lucky with the jade weapons.

Dragon’s Jade Wep Skins Not Super Exclusive

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Danikat.8537


I only remember doing one dragon festival in GW1… those who did multiple ones: did vendors return? Did the same currencies (Zhaitaffy in our case) return? Or is the event repeating, but the currencies, vendors, skins unique?

The vast majority of stuff returned. There was a hat awarded by the finale each year which was unique (until they stopped making new ones and gave you a ticket to get an old one again) and the Canthan New Year festival had a unique mini each year (and again they now give a ticket that lets you get any of them).

They would occasionally change things, but it was usually adding new content on top of the existing stuff.

But, GW1 also didn’t get monthly updates with new content, even the events they did have were introduced gradually over the years. They seem to be putting a lot more effort into creating small regular updates instead of the regular large expansions GW1 did get (I think Factions came out 6 months after launch). So there’s no guarantee they’ll do things the same way. We won’t know for sure until next Halloween.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Dragon’s Jade Wep Skins Not Super Exclusive

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Niyo.5920


I remember from another thread (don’t know which… it was in the Southsun-discussion a while ago) where a dev said something about the holiday-events. I believe he said that these events will be repeated, but not completely in the same way they did the first time. I think the holiday-events will be there every year. But you can’t know if the weapon-skins are the same every year. I think some things must be different, but the main-things like Dragonball are the same. But it’s just a guess/my interpretation of what I read a while ago.

Dragon’s Jade Wep Skins Not Super Exclusive

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Stinson.5972


The devs always have to strike a balance, and I think they’ve done a good job here. During Wintersday everyone got stuff (which was appropriate for Christmas.) Southsun was waaaay to far on the other end – the sclerite stuff is super rare because the process for obtaining it was ridiculous. This is in the middle – the tickets seem to be obtainable on average from opening 500-700 boxes or so, could be much more or much less. At current price for the coffers on the TP, on average that means the weapons cost around 20-30 gold. That puts them at obtainable for many players, but not as a trifle.

And oh yeah, not a ton of sympathy for “woe is me, other people have my skin.” It’s great to feel cool/special, and I always feel kitten when my dagger ele breaks out the fractal dagger (which is fairly exclusive, but the downside is that the process for obtaining it is enormously tedious, random, and unfair) but I think for most people the game is about creating fantasy characters and outfitting them in magical-looking fantasy gear that fits the story the player has created for them. Exclusivity is unnecessary for that.

Dragon’s Jade Wep Skins Not Super Exclusive

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: zerotwo.4731


Having one of these skins gives no prestige at all. Everyone knows its pure luck so it shouldn’t matter how many are out there. The fact that they look pretty cool is why a lot of players want them.

Dragon’s Jade Wep Skins Not Super Exclusive

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397


Having one of these skins gives no prestige at all. Everyone knows its pure luck so it shouldn’t matter how many are out there. The fact that they look pretty cool is why a lot of players want them.

This ^ I just want it cuz it’s pretty, don’t care what anyone thinks. In fact all my friends think they are ugly and dislike them. Screw them though, I like it.

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|

Dragon’s Jade Wep Skins Not Super Exclusive

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: God Of Fissures.8627

God Of Fissures.8627

I’m sorry, but I have no sympathy for the “I’m sad because other people can get this skin too” point of view.

Agreed wholeheartedly. This comment pretty much ends the thread from continuing in favor of the OP.

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Dragon’s Jade Wep Skins Not Super Exclusive

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Necrochild.1497


If it makes you feel better, I got a Southsun Supply Crate as a drop during the Dragon Bash event.

Dragon’s Jade Wep Skins Not Super Exclusive

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Vahkris.6847


The weapon vendors will go away, and clearly you did not play guild wars 1 or you would know that these HOLIDAYS repeat every year.

“exclusive items” will be very rare.

How do you know? GW1 is a different game.

Dragon Bash is simply the Dragon Festival from GW1, aside from the dragon festival having more fun stuff to do, they’re pretty much the same.

You know, I went back and checked what the first year of Dragon Festival had.

  • 7 missions that only appeared at certain times for limited duration
  • 4 quests
  • Dragon Arena
  • Whack-a-Wurm
  • Nine Rings and Rings of Fortune (buy tickets and stand in a ring a while to get rewards)
  • candy, fireworks consumables
  • a finale event where you gathered items spread around the outpost while being chased by enemies, and if the players got more points everyone got a hat.

So far we have in Dragon Bash after 3 days

  • Holographic minions spread through several zones
  • Dragon Ball
  • pinatas, fireworks, candy
  • later will have effigies
  • 6 storyline achievements
  • new miniatures and a new weapon set out of coffers that are extremely plentiful
  • fireworks finale where you get a hat (more may be happening here too, we don’t know enough details right now…something about moving golems and various references, and apparently we really don’t want to miss it)

And we still have more incoming. Honestly I kinda found the GW1 Dragon Festival a little boring. The games weren’t really all that interesting…and two of the things to do required just standing somewhere. It wasn’t until the following year that they added the rollerbeetle racing, and that was pretty much it. They didn’t add much of anything beyond that…even the hat stayed the same.

(edited by Vahkris.6847)

Dragon’s Jade Wep Skins Not Super Exclusive

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: ghettogenius.9174


The Manchurian Troll.

The best trolls are the ones that don’t know they’re trolling.

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Dragon’s Jade Wep Skins Not Super Exclusive

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Rouven.7409


I’m not even sure I understand it. Because I hardly see a “lot” of characters all running around with the same stuff.
The one weapon that always seem to stand out are greatswords – be it the chainsaw or the f&f version or even one of the legendary (only exception here would be unicorns) . But then … there is the next best thing around the corner, haven’t seen a chainsaw in a long time.
So why even worry about being exclusive? I can equip the wooden toy sword and likely be the most unique character in a two map radius. Not because the toy sword is hard to get, but because there are so many other swords out there.

“Whose Kitten is this?” – “It’s a Charr baby.”
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”

Dragon’s Jade Wep Skins Not Super Exclusive

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Sisho.5431


It’s not exclusive because the event is still in progress lol. Sure they are by far easier to get than the last few living story weapons, but by this festival time next year, I bet there will be less than half of what there will be by the end of this festival.

Honestly with all the complaining people about drop rates of them, I don’t really want to hear the other end of the pole either. The drop rate is fairly fair for players that play for hours on end, and for casual players getting one is not out of the question but they might still manage (those without globs of gold that is). Personally I’ve played a pretty good chunk so far and have two weapons, this is after opening roughly 1000 coffers, which from what I understand is pretty lucky.

Level 80 Elementalist/Warrior/Ranger/Mesmer
Leader and founder of [BIO] on Sea of Sorrows

Dragon’s Jade Wep Skins Not Super Exclusive

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Akechi Hotaru.7129

Akechi Hotaru.7129

Since the tickets will always be obtainable from dragon coffers, they will never be that exclusive unlike fused and sclerite weapon skins. There is probably going to be alot of supply left on tradingpost after the event, and coffers are likely to get more expensive. Still im a bit sad because I have one skin myself and I wanted it to be a limited time only like fused and sclerite. Sure is exclusive, but only when all supply runs out, which is gonna take forever. Maybe im wrong and the merchant stop selling the skins at some point or maybe they remove tickets from the coffers, atleast i hope so.

I don’t know about you but the RNG hates me like many other players, so if its exclusivity youre after i think you’ll be ok. Personally I kinda hate that attitude because if you want rare go get a legendary, let us poor people have our event skins.

Dragon’s Jade Wep Skins Not Super Exclusive

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Fiontar.4695


When ever I see a post like the OP, I have to wonder if it isn’t the personal account of the person who runs the gem store…

Dragon’s Jade Wep Skins Not Super Exclusive

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: cerberus.1937


That’s the spirit I got one now make it impossible for everyone else to get because I want to be special really?

Dragon’s Jade Wep Skins Not Super Exclusive

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: TheMagickDoll.7594


Um yah, they are stupidly exclusive. Abysmal drop rate from abysmal boxes.

Dragon’s Jade Wep Skins Not Super Exclusive

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: ExaDal.2017


In Summary:
- You have your skin.
- You dont want the other theirs to feel special…… Sigh…

Dragon’s Jade Wep Skins Not Super Exclusive

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397


In Summary:
- You have your skin.
- You dont want the other theirs to feel special…… Sigh…

I’m sorry I just… I just had to..

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|