Dragon’s Revelry Starcake recipe :( not fair
Maybe it’s not on the TP because no one wants to sell theirs? Ever think of that?
Well we will see, seems strange noones trying to flog it for 100 gold or something, which is what usually happens.
lets not forget either that this not an optional skin/mini, but a stat boosting item that is far superior to other raw stat boosting foodstuffs currently available
And unless the food is, for some reason, account/soulbound I really don’t see the issue.
Everyone will be able to buy the food from the TP, not just those that have the recipe.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
And unless the food is, for some reason, account/soulbound I really don’t see the issue.
Everyone will be able to buy the food from the TP, not just those that have the recipe.
And the price will continue to drop. It’s already down to 34s and that’s just in 10 minutes.
And by the other guy’s logic we should only ever use runes of divinity because they’re so much better and boost everything. I like the foods that give +200 to a stat plus another boon + xp. or 30%MF & Gold find…..so it’s not like they’re OMG so much better. They’re “celestial” stats.
ye I use condition duration food myself, but whats going to happen to standard raw stat boosting food now? omnomberry bread anyone? don’t think so
ye I use condition duration food myself, but whats going to happen to standard raw stat boosting food now? omnomberry bread anyone? don’t think so
That still doesn’t explain the whole “P2W” you keep shouting about.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
ye I use condition duration food myself, but whats going to happen to standard raw stat boosting food now? omnomberry bread anyone? don’t think so
That still doesn’t explain the whole “P2W” you keep shouting about.
It’s not pay to win in a serious manner, but it does leave a bitter taste in my mouth because I know this is where the future of GW2 lies. Every new piece of content revolves around a pay gate, and if you can’t pay, then no new content for you.
Acount bound recipes, bleh.
Powerful stat boosting item recipe only available on the gemstore, and subject to rng at that, as well as being time limited. If this is fine with you thats cool, but it’s not with me. It’s the principal of it if you like. Hopefully the tradepost will become saturated with them like you say, but I’m not optimistic.
Other than this, great patch
It’s not pay to win in a serious manner, but it does leave a bitter taste in my mouth because I know this is where the future of GW2 lies. Every new piece of content revolves around a pay gate, and if you can’t pay, then no new content for you.
Acount bound recipes, bleh.
So… which update have required you to pay to access it?
As far as I am aware (and I have played since head-start) there has ALWAYS been (the vast majority no less) of the content in each patch available without ever even opening the TP.
Hmm? Is the recipes confirmed to be Account Bound?
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
what might happen, if the food itself ends up very expensive, is that the ingredients used to make it will shoot up in price to compensate. at least then people with the recipe won’t be able to rip off everyone else
The food itself does currently cost around 30 silver. That is not really expensive, and that is just a few hours after they became available.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Can anybody tell us what the recipe is? I have a feeling those without the recipe are getting boned on the price atm.
Endless Petrification Tonic
according to reddit the recipe is:
2 White Cake 50 Saffron Thread 40 Piece of Zhaitaffy 1 Pile of Crystaline Dust
Source: http://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1h29g6/dragons_revelry_starcakes_new_best_food/
Well if that reddit post is correct it looks to be account bound. GAH.
The recipe is account bound? Crud. Well, guess I’ll be opening any Dragon Coffers I get from now on instead of selling them. (On the bright side, I might finally get a ticket!)
If the recipe calls for Zhaitaffy though, then I’d like ANet to put in a bank collectible slot for them as well.
The recipe is account bound? Crud.
Well, guess I’ll be opening any Dragon Coffers I get from now on instead of selling them. (On the bright side, I might finally get a ticket!)
If the recipe calls for Zhaitaffy though, then I’d like ANet to put in a bank collectible slot for them as well.
I’m pretty sure the new recipe only drops from the Gem Store Rich Dragon Coffers, which makes me a sad panda.
I want to make cookies too!
8’ [
… Well, fie on you, ANet! >:(
Recipe is from Rich Coffers, is account bound. The recipe is below.
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Did you drop more cash on Rich Dragon Coffers to get that recipe, Geo?
I’m curious as to how frequently the recipe drops from Rich Coffers. If it’s a decent enough chance, I might drop some of my spare gems on it (just because having that ONE unknown recipe on my Chef will drive me bonkers). I’ll wait a few days to see what the data is like.
Did you drop more cash on Rich Dragon Coffers to get that recipe, Geo?
I’m curious as to how frequently the recipe drops from Rich Coffers. If it’s a decent enough chance, I might drop some of my spare gems on it (just because having that ONE unknown recipe on my Chef will drive me bonkers). I’ll wait a few days to see what the data is like.
I found it funny because I had a stack to open, and on the first open I got one lol RNG likes to tease me :P But it is kind of pointless now because I already am one of those people who bought them pre update who will probably get 1 free.. So.. yea lol Oh well i have 3x (400) cooks anyway :P
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF
http://everyonesgrudge.enjin.com/home MY GW2 Music http://tinyurl.com/cm4o6tu
Yeah, I’m hoping that enough people go “WTF, ANet, I don’t want this recipe! I don’t even have a Chef! Let me sell it!” and ANet obliges and makes the recipe tradable.
Yeah, I’m hoping that enough people go “WTF, ANet, I don’t want this recipe! I don’t even have a Chef! Let me sell it!” and ANet obliges and makes the recipe tradable.
You and me both, bud. This non-stop farming for the next content to come through the gemstore is wearing me down.
since this item was supposed to be in the chest and wasn’t and there was no information on this item prior to the patch notes at the release of the patch it seems a bit unfair to be honest.
However, those players that did buy rich dragon coffers should be compensated. Also this recipe should have been added to the taffy vendor for 50 jorbreakers or something along those lines. I mean it was left out of the box in error. So don’t put it in the box, make it available through the taffy vendor.
Well had not bought any and bought 6 to try for this recipe.. nothing but candy Is it available in the normal ones?
What is truly unfair is that I bought one rich coffer and got the recipe. Meanwhile, everyone else who is just now buying their coffers is ending up buying way more than necessary.
I feel bad that I basically bought the recipe with 100 gems or whatever the price is for one rich coffer.
now they make gem store down so ppl cant buy rich coffer and get chance to get compensation recipe ~_~
what so you want to buy one now because you are trying to cash in on a known error and you whining because you can’t????
BAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH and Double Baaahhhhhhhahahahha
I so much this rng chests…. 1-st i bought around 50 crates for gems. Nothing from them. Now i bought 25 rich coffers. Nothing from them. So sweet. U rly motivating me to waste more gems on it.
I’m just going to copy what I posted in this thread
I’m not on board with recipes being exclusive to the gem store, especially in RNG containers. This oversteps the “it’s only vanity” argument as far as I’m concerned.
The actual food may not be account bound, but the only method to obtain it is to buy it from people who spent RL $ in the gem store. Yeah, I definitely see a problem with that. It sets a really bad precedent that if you have the disposable income you can buy an advantage over other players. Measuring that advantage is moot, the fact remains that it exists.
The recipe should either not be account bound and/or have a chance to drop out of the normal coffers.
I cannot understand why the recipes are account-bound.
It doesn’t make much sense for:
a) the people that have more than the recipes they need
b) the unlucky people that did not get the recipe and want to buy them
I’m not on board with recipes being exclusive to the gem store, especially in RNG containers. This oversteps the “it’s only vanity” argument as far as I’m concerned.
*note that i got a recipe from buying rich coffers before
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]
(edited by Linguistically Inept.6583)
The recipe is account bound, the food buff itself is trade-able.
On topic.
I was very much aware of the recipe’s existence when I bought coffers, however when I didn’t get one I just thought that it was RNG (I got a ticket and was happy).
Thank you, Anet, for compensating us for the lack of Recipe’s in Coffers. Especially when alot of us spent our actual money on the gems, it’s good to see you care for your consumer base.
As for the OP, you aren’t entitled to anything. If you want something from an RNG loot table, then go ahead and get gamblin’.
Protect him at all costs.
This complaint takes the cake… the starcake.
OP is one type of the people I frown upon irl. While I detest the RNG boxes, I don’t see why you need to complain about this thing.
a) The food isn’t that great anyway,
b) We paid for the boxes regardless of the recipe with gems. Heck I didn’t even know there was a chance to drop recipes.
Poor me, I did my research before deciding not to purchase the chest for the recipe when it was clearly bugged and got rewarded for my diligence.
I do not like the precedent of RNG only account bound recipes. That’s not vanity, no matter the quantity of benefit. I shouldn’t be relegated to go through another player for food if I chose to farm those ingredients myself.
There’s some “entitlement” issues all around, but not all who are against this stuff are whiners. This is a very slipper slope that repulses some players. I know for one when I saw this was account bound, I was sick.
In the future, if they want to introduce these recipes to diminish the candy supply they should do what they did with the halloween event and make them purchasable from the crafting merchants, or as drops from dungeons — never account bound.
(edited by Miflett.3472)