No holographic dragon jumping puzzle!? D:<

No holographic dragon jumping puzzle!? D:<

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: AngelBacon.4013


This is the first event I’ve ever been in (bought the game last friday) but I heard there where cool jumping puzzles in the game and I thought they made a huge mistake by not making a Dragon jumping puzzle.

Imagine it, you go through the mouth of the dragon and go out the other end, I was told by another player dragons poop diamonds so it would be a good place for treasure. My idea was trying to escape its belly which is cool too.

I am really dissapointed there was no jumping puzzle

No holographic dragon jumping puzzle!? D:<

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: isendel.5049



Message Body length must at least be 15.

No holographic dragon jumping puzzle!? D:<

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


I think they realized that only complaints would ensue if they included a reward (or achievement) which eventually leads with people that have the reflex of a snail to start complaining in the forums.

No holographic dragon jumping puzzle!? D:<

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Esplen.3940


I think they realized that only complaints would ensue if they included a reward (or achievement) which eventually leads with people that have the reflex of a snail to start complaining in the forums.

Every time they make a jump puzzle, they tie an achievement to it. This prompts a lot of outrage from the non-finesse players who like to gather achievements.

To be completely honest, the Wintersday jump puzzle was the best possible jump puzzle. It was hard, but not too hard. It seemed as hard as the Clocktower, but it truly wasn’t once you finished it. In fact, it was relatively easy to the point of being grind-able once you were able to complete it.

The same can be said for the Clocktower, but until you get those first few finishes on Clocktower, it’s a gigantic pain in the rear end.

No holographic dragon jumping puzzle!? D:<

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: biofrog.1568


The little achievement group that snuck out in the first patch (called DELETE ME!) indicated we might be headed to jumping puzzles, to retrieve a cache of some sort. I think there were around 10 total.

Might be a busy time in the JP houses next week

“There’s no lag but what we make.” – biofrog

No holographic dragon jumping puzzle!? D:<

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608


I would have liked a new jumping puzzle as well.

No holographic dragon jumping puzzle!? D:<

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: ombra.1987


The clocktower was a lot of fun, I hope to see something similar in the future

No holographic dragon jumping puzzle!? D:<

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: AngelBacon.4013



Message Body length must at least be 15.

forgive me, I’m very new like I said.

You cannot say that a giant dragon jumping puzzle wouldn’t be cool. People loved the Clocktower one, I hear about it whenever I bring jumping puzzles up. Sure some people hated it, but not everyone will enjoy something. For example, I am a Brony, not everyone will like the show but I do and so do many others. some people don’t like spicy food and some do. Just because some people don’t like something doesn’t necessarily make it bad.

(edited by AngelBacon.4013)