Cannoneer needs more HP
At least 2 hours, 3 would be perfect
Is he bugged, or does a zerg of invisible Menders zip by when he’s at 80% health and heal him to 100%?
We determined that if you drag him into the red lasers… not the green ones… he definitely goes down quicker.
We got him down to 20% after about 50 minutes, he then bugged out and healed to full lol
Cyrus Glitch – sPvP/tPvP Mesmer
Doctor Loki – sPvP/tPvP/WvW Power Necro
Move it to red lasers in the north ^^
Aens / Ellantriel / Nao To Mori / Saelyth. Commander
Guias de Raids en español / Spanish raiding guides
The best is watching everyone trying to use projectiles on him.
The best is watching everyone trying to use projectiles on him.
Magic users don’t have much else.
You always can give him mean stares.
To make matters worse, I heard someone in TeamSpeak last night say that they got him down to 20% and then he glitched into the ground and became invulnerable.
AOE and melee him. make sure you have people blasting water fields and he should go down “faster”. He definitely is a pain though, especially with people trying to hang back and range him.
Soraya Mayhew – Thief
Melissa Koris – Engie – SF for Life!
It only takes long because you don’t know how to fight him.
He has a shield that reaches 10 stacks overtime. To remove the stack, he has to be hit by the red lasers. This is accomplished by stacking on him and then dodging away at the last moment, especially if you want the achievement.
It only takes long because you don’t know how to fight him.
He has a shield that reaches 10 stacks overtime. To remove the stack, he has to be hit by the red lasers. This is accomplished by stacking on him and then dodging away at the last moment, especially if you want the achievement.
THIS over and over again! Last night the zerg drew him down south away from the red lasers. No matter how many times myself and a few others tried to tell the zerg to bring him back north to the RED lasers no one would listen. It was actually quite maddening. How long can people attack and get zeros for dmg and not realize something is amiss?? The answer: approx 20 min or more. When people woke up and finally drug him to the red lasers the fight was over in a matter of minutes. I realize it may take a little time to learn mechanics of a new boss fight, but when there are people telling you exactly what to do and you choose to ignore them……well good luck with all that and have fun crying.
THIS over and over again! Last night the zerg drew him down south away from the red lasers. No matter how many times myself and a few others tried to tell the zerg to bring him back north to the RED lasers no one would listen. It was actually quite maddening. How long can people attack and get zeros for dmg and not realize something is amiss?? The answer: approx 20 min or more. When people woke up and finally drug him to the red lasers the fight was over in a matter of minutes.
Wow, did you luck out. We fought him last night and were NEVER able to convince everyone to drag him back up the hill from the beach. How can people miss repeated /s chats from multiple ppl that are STANDING ON TOP OF THE DUDE THEY’RE ATTACKING.
Oh well, I learned just to stay away from that Champ now. These “special mechanic” bosses are a royal pain and it’s not even because they’re difficult. It’s because people don’t pay attention (or don’t care?) and just keep pressing 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.
Same frustration with the mini-holograms. We got the first two down to a sliver of life and moved to the third (they all have to die nearly simultaneously). While we were attacking the third there was a ranger plucking away at one that was on the verge of death. I rez’d her once and tried to explain to her not to attack. When she downed the second time, I left her there.
(edited by Shademehr.1397)
He has a buff, you need need to pull him into the red laser to remove the stacks. That’s all. It’s very easy. If you do this he will be down in a matter of minutes.
But the general player base these days seem to ignore any mechanics and just 111111111 zerg. And then complain on the forums. Even a triple facepalm isn’t enough to describe so much ignorance.