(edited by Kervs.4069)
Gift of Blades cost imba
you do realize that you can get all of those materials for free? scraping all of the bad loot that the bags give you are more than enough to get a ton of silk scraps.
~ the only bad thing about crafting those things is that if you don’t have any of them and since they’re ascended materials you’ll have to wait 23+ hours to craft 1 piece of it. you’ll need 15 days in order to get 15 pieces, which is why i absolutely hate crafting ascended things, it’s beyond stupid. if we have the materials, then let us just craft it, or at least let the cap be 5 items.
~ I taught cows how to Moo! ~
It is intended in order to raise the price of leather because it is currently undervalued.
So is the pumping of cotton/linen supply through LA event bags.
To be honest, silk is the one thing I always got enough of. :X
To be honest, silk is the one thing I always got enough of. :X
You panty stealer.
you do realize that you can get all of those materials for free? scraping all of the bad loot that the bags give you are more than enough to get a ton of silk scraps.
~ the only bad thing about crafting those things is that if you don’t have any of them and since they’re ascended materials you’ll have to wait 23+ hours to craft 1 piece of it. you’ll need 15 days in order to get 15 pieces, which is why i absolutely hate crafting ascended things, it’s beyond stupid. if we have the materials, then let us just craft it, or at least let the cap be 5 items.
Even if you gather the silk yourself it’s not free. Don’t forget that you could have sold the silk for a hefty amount of coins.
Think about this,
crafting leatherworking from 0-500 + the 15 elionan leather is CHEAPER then being 500 artificing needing 15 damask.
youll save about 50gold that way, thats NOT fair.
this is why you should try to reach the max lvl for all of your crafting, a bit unfair yes. though you’ll save a lot when things like this happen. you have the chance to craft cheaper things on different crafting stations to get the same result, though in cheaper ways.
~ I taught cows how to Moo! ~
Anet doesnt have to explain anything for this. I have built a shadow of grenth and a light of dwayna, both that require 15 damask. If you make the back piece with tailoring, why would it require anything other than TAILORING materials.
Less whining, more farming/saving your money.
Making it craftable through all 3 professions was the best and most balanced move they could take. This gives you 3 options when it comes to crafting it. The imbalance in price come from other things that cannot be helped right now.
I’m making a fortune selling materials to people who want that hideous back piece. Yay for supply and demand!
you do realize that you can get all of those materials for free? scraping all of the bad loot that the bags give you are more than enough to get a ton of silk scraps.
~ the only bad thing about crafting those things is that if you don’t have any of them and since they’re ascended materials you’ll have to wait 23+ hours to craft 1 piece of it. you’ll need 15 days in order to get 15 pieces, which is why i absolutely hate crafting ascended things, it’s beyond stupid. if we have the materials, then let us just craft it, or at least let the cap be 5 items.
Even if you gather the silk yourself it’s not free. Don’t forget that you could have sold the silk for a hefty amount of coins.
That’s a good argument in the real world, but in a game having fun is the important thing which is why opportunity cost is only a concern for people who enjoy flipping items.
For people who are enjoying their time questing, clearing maps, doing events, and spending time with their friends, the materials really are free, because they get them for doing what they were going to do anyway.
A better way for them to have done it would have been to have made it so armour would use metal for insignia, leather would use leather for insignia, and tailor would use cloth for insignia, that way the demand for materials would be spread across all crafting professions (I except tailors would still be slightly disadvantaged due to more light armour wearing professions)
There was already a post about his here..
The discrepancy is not ok between the three professions. Tailors needing 100 silk bolts on a item that CAN NOT BE FARMED FROM NODE’s is the biggest issue. Trying to say farm from events is a bad argument. One its random getting just as many other crafting mats as you would silk and two the events are not always on. This issue with tailoring is not a short term issue it’s been this way as far as costs for awhile as soon as the over abundance of silk ran out after they added ascended armor the cost to tailors just keeps getting worse and worse.
You can’t farm leather from nodes either. The discrepancy is that the recipes are equal, it’s the market prices that are not. Apparently, clothies are more popular classes and therefor the demand for tailoring supplies is higher, thus driving prices up. If the recipes were equalized based on today’s market pricing, in time the market will shift and the costs will be uneven. It’s just a shame that the costs are so vastly different.
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
I think the main issue is more because of the requirement of 100 Bolt of Silk vs 50 Thick Leather. Both should have been 50, then the Damask would also be more in line with the others in terms of value (albeit still a bit on the higher spectrum).
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more
Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
O I thought they were all 50
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
you do realize that you can get all of those materials for free? scraping all of the bad loot that the bags give you are more than enough to get a ton of silk scraps.
~ the only bad thing about crafting those things is that if you don’t have any of them and since they’re ascended materials you’ll have to wait 23+ hours to craft 1 piece of it. you’ll need 15 days in order to get 15 pieces, which is why i absolutely hate crafting ascended things, it’s beyond stupid. if we have the materials, then let us just craft it, or at least let the cap be 5 items.
Its not free just because you collected it yourself. Think about the money you lost from not selling it
You can’t farm leather from nodes either. The discrepancy is that the recipes are equal, it’s the market prices that are not. Apparently, clothies are more popular classes and therefor the demand for tailoring supplies is higher, thus driving prices up. If the recipes were equalized based on today’s market pricing, in time the market will shift and the costs will be uneven. It’s just a shame that the costs are so vastly different.
Please don’t type something unless you know wtf you are talking about.
Elonian Cord: 50 cured thick leather square = 100 hardened Sections
Silk Weaving Thread: 100 bolts of silk = 200 silk scraps
yep no imbalance there….
So on the leather vs. cloth argument – I actually find drakes and other critters dropping sections at a higher rate than critters drop silk/linen winds up balancing this out… my experience only – yours may differ since randomocitiness is involved
On the topic of intent – only thing i can figure is ANet will wind up 1) motivating the completion to 500 in certain crafting skills 2) creating indirect demand for the NEXT living story(ies) event participation by continuing to offer trades for former LS item crafting… that’s happening now for some.
Dunno if that was intended, but that appears to be the effect it’s having.
You can’t farm leather from nodes either. The discrepancy is that the recipes are equal, it’s the market prices that are not. Apparently, clothies are more popular classes and therefor the demand for tailoring supplies is higher, thus driving prices up. If the recipes were equalized based on today’s market pricing, in time the market will shift and the costs will be uneven. It’s just a shame that the costs are so vastly different.
Please don’t type something unless you know wtf you are talking about.
Elonian Cord: 50 cured thick leather square = 100 hardened Sections
Silk Weaving Thread: 100 bolts of silk = 200 silk scraps
FYI its 300 silk scraps not 200. Awkward.
PvP modes are the “endgame” in all MMOs.
Stop failing at PvE, and fix WvW/SPvP. Thank you.
You can’t farm leather from nodes either. The discrepancy is that the recipes are equal, it’s the market prices that are not. Apparently, clothies are more popular classes and therefor the demand for tailoring supplies is higher, thus driving prices up. If the recipes were equalized based on today’s market pricing, in time the market will shift and the costs will be uneven. It’s just a shame that the costs are so vastly different.
Please don’t type something unless you know wtf you are talking about.
Elonian Cord: 50 cured thick leather square = 100 hardened Sections
Silk Weaving Thread: 100 bolts of silk = 200 silk scraps
yep no imbalance there….
In fact, it is 150 Thick Leather Sections for the Elonian Cord and 300 Silk Scraps for the Silk Weaving Thread. The ratio is the same, though.
You can’t farm leather from nodes either. The discrepancy is that the recipes are equal, it’s the market prices that are not. Apparently, clothies are more popular classes and therefor the demand for tailoring supplies is higher, thus driving prices up. If the recipes were equalized based on today’s market pricing, in time the market will shift and the costs will be uneven. It’s just a shame that the costs are so vastly different.
Please don’t type something unless you know wtf you are talking about.
Elonian Cord: 50 cured thick leather square = 100 hardened Sections
Silk Weaving Thread: 100 bolts of silk = 200 silk scraps
yep no imbalance there….
In fact, it is 150 Thick Leather Sections for the Elonian Cord and 300 Silk Scraps for the Silk Weaving Thread.
The ratio is the same, though.
Oh, the irony.
(edited by FenrirSlakt.3692)
ANet wants to force people to level leatherworking to 500.
That’s the only reason I can think of.
Or they just don’t know what they’re doing.
ANet wants to force people to level leatherworking to 500.
That’s the only reason I can think of.Or they just don’t know what they’re doing.
I welcome the use of the leather oversupply. My stock of seemingly worthless leather may soon find a new home.
The cost to craft this is so disproportionate just from 1 ingredient:
Armorsmith: 15 Deldrimor Steel Ingot ~ 7g each on TP
Leatherworker: 15 Elonian Leather Square ~ 4g each on TP
Tailor: 15 Bolt of Damask ~ 13g each on TP = 195g????Even to craft it from bottom up, you’ll find that for Bolt of Damask, you need Spool of Silk Weaving Thread, which requires 4500 Silk Scrap???
ANet, please explain?
You have a couple of things you need to realize from your post.
1) Players are the ones who determine the value of Elonian Leather and Bolts of Damask.
2) There’s nothing wrong with the ingredients. You have the option of crafting your own, and/or buying from the TP. There’s plenty of opportunity to get enough mats for multiple Blades.
I made mine with all of the deldrimor steel I had crafted for 3 months and had done nothing with. it was jsut sitting around. The deldrimor is half the cost on the TP as opposed to the damask.
I actually found this back piece to be WAY less expensive than the quiver I made ages ago with T6 mats etc. Picking the stats this time around is great too.
You can’t farm leather from nodes either. The discrepancy is that the recipes are equal, it’s the market prices that are not. Apparently, clothies are more popular classes and therefor the demand for tailoring supplies is higher, thus driving prices up. If the recipes were equalized based on today’s market pricing, in time the market will shift and the costs will be uneven. It’s just a shame that the costs are so vastly different.
Please don’t type something unless you know wtf you are talking about.
Elonian Cord: 50 cured thick leather square = 100 hardened Sections
Silk Weaving Thread: 100 bolts of silk = 200 silk scraps
yep no imbalance there….
In fact, it is 150 Thick Leather Sections for the Elonian Cord and 300 Silk Scraps for the Silk Weaving Thread.
The ratio is the same, though.
Doh ya typed the wrong numbers.. but ya was going for the ratio.. being 2 to 1… Someone trying to say they are balanced.. well you understand.
The imbalance is that damask is needed in all three professions and not just for Tailoring. On top of that you need 100 bolts which is also more than any other. Leather working materials aren’t worth much because you don’t need much leather and in order to make the ascended version you also don’t need much.
If Leather was needed for everything like silk was and the cost to make ascended were the same then leather would be like damask is.
They should either lower the requirements of silk or raise the requirements of leather.
This still wouldn’t be enough because damask is needed for all three armor professions. Which is also a huge problem.
What they should not do at all is lower the amount of silk needed for the base recipe because the market has placed a high value on it.
I’ve pretty much been saying cut the silk need to 50.. just like the rest.
Also they need to look at drop rates. Did LA event 3 times and got double the leather vs cloth.. now this is for silk and think leather. linen and rugged leather when I ran a lower level through the event were about even in numbers. Granted rng plays a part but most of the time I get a lot more thick leather then silk.
I do think that cloth drops need a bit of a balance tweak. I think that increasing the amount of cloth scraps received when salvaging by 1 (so they drop 2-3 scraps by default instead of 1-2) should help correct the ratio. I’d personally like to see Damask reduced to 50 Bolts of Silk instead of 100 too, just to keep it consistent with the other Ascended mats, but I think my first change would mostly address that (since the main bottleneck for Damask is actually Cotton and Linen, not Silk).
I do think that cloth drops need a bit of a balance tweak. I think that increasing the amount of cloth scraps received when salvaging by 1 (so they drop 2-3 scraps by default instead of 1-2) should help correct the ratio. I’d personally like to see Damask reduced to 50 Bolts of Silk instead of 100 too, just to keep it consistent with the other Ascended mats, but I think my first change would mostly address that (since the main bottleneck for Damask is actually Cotton and Linen, not Silk).
Maybe for you.. its a lot cheaper to buy a few cloth and linen once a day then farm 300 scraps or the cost of buying that much silk for me per day.
very very unfair :\
you do realize that you can get all of those materials for free? scraping all of the bad loot that the bags give you are more than enough to get a ton of silk scraps.
~ the only bad thing about crafting those things is that if you don’t have any of them and since they’re ascended materials you’ll have to wait 23+ hours to craft 1 piece of it. you’ll need 15 days in order to get 15 pieces, which is why i absolutely hate crafting ascended things, it’s beyond stupid. if we have the materials, then let us just craft it, or at least let the cap be 5 items.
I salvage every white, blue, green, and yellow I get my hands on, and it still takes me 4 days -1 week+ to amass the 300 silks needed to make 100 bolts.
I initially regret getting my Leatherwork to 500 because after making my Warrior, I wanted to turn him into my main toon. This changed that so I’m kinda glad it’s imbalanced =D