Rising ire against Sylvari
If Sylvari are born of the tree, then can they be turned into firewood?
Rising ire against Sylvari
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: TheReaperTheFourthHorsemen.7894
Don’t even think about it, meat sacks we’ll gut you even before you make it any where near the grove
The underlying theme of GW2 at release was “United we are stronger than alone.” This goes for the orders as well as the races, with Lion’s Arch being the poster child for racial unity. It makes sense that the writers might revisit this theme in a sort of morality tale (hopefully not too heavy-handed) about the perils of racism.
I’d say they had an opposite effect. After all, it was the multiracial city of unity that got burned to the ground – that unity didn’t help it defend against Scarlet’s attacks at all. Purely human Divinity’s Reach managed to withstand the assault far better – and even then it could be argued that all the success of Scarlet’s initial attack was only due to the Queen depending on nonhuman technology. If they used normal, human troops for defence instead, Scarlet would not even manage that much.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
I RP my main Sylvari character as Soundless, so he has deliberately cut himself off from the Dream as much as possible. Up until now he’s been the quiet, ascetic warrior-monk type, but in the wake of Scarlet and the suggestion that Mordremoth is present in the Dream, I think he’s going to start openly proselytising the way of the Soundless.
I do hope we get to see a bit of Soundless preaching in future LS instalments, as they’ve always been one of my favourite parts of Sylvari culture and this seems like a golden opportunity to explore them in more detail.
After this thread, I feel the need for a salad.
Y’know this may explain why they chose Scarlet as the villain of this LS. The pact is just too strong to continue creating a compelling story around, it’s basically become the superman of GW2.
However, it just so happens the pact is lead by a Sylvari… and a Sylvari who provided no help against Scarlet at that. If ire continues to rise in all the races against the sylvari race the pact may be broken by internal strife and prejudices, allowing for a much more compelling story arc then ‘Follow Trahearne in to battle again’ as we face the next dragon.
Don’t forget that those airships that blasted Lion’s Arch into rubble were initially stolen from the Pact. Or should I say “stolen”, as Trahearne so conveniently claims.
Don’t even think about it, meat sacks we’ll gut you even before you make it any where near the grove
We’ll just shatter Rytlocks sword a couple miles away and wipe out a large area. Then, the sylvari who run will be killed on sight and a siege will be deployed. After that, we’ll simply starve out the Sylvari who remain in the grove.
For all you know we’ve already begun preparations and are tainting the food in the grove as I type.
To those that say the sylvari are good for nothing I say you’re wrong, their leaves make excellent toilet paper.
Just to reinforce my last post.
Red Role: Getting Sohothin in position and detonating it. It will splinter into seperate locations to prevent sylvari from running.
Blue Rule: Clearing out surrounding sylvari and alerting the Tengu to evacuate.
Once the foefire has occured, the remaining ghosts of the army will proceed to execute any sylvari trying to escape and then lay siege to whatever of the grove remains and eventually slay the Pale Tree.
Rising ire against Sylvari
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: TheReaperTheFourthHorsemen.7894
Good luck with that meat sacks, while you fail at trying to destroy the pale tree, I’ll be raining torment down from the skies on your pathetic cities and if that’s not enough we have a whole chest of flaming swords plus the repaired magdaer
The final solution for the meat sack problem begins now
Rising ire against Sylvari
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: TheReaperTheFourthHorsemen.7894
Enjoy your wastelands, meat sacks I’ll be enjoying the view of your destruction from the skys
Rising ire against Sylvari
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: TheReaperTheFourthHorsemen.7894
And you idiots thought Scarlet was bad, I’ll turn your kingdoms into ash
Rising ire against Sylvari
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: TheReaperTheFourthHorsemen.7894
Asura can live though especially the inquest since it would be a shame to waste could brains
And you idiots thought Scarlet was bad, I’ll turn your kingdoms into ash
Your father smelled of elderberries!
Reaper likes to see his name on this forum, doesn’t he?
My elementalist In RP started growing more and more distrusting of Sylvari cause of scarlet and for other reasons, (most people RP newborn Sylvari and they can be really annoying and unnerving to humans that have common sense and are ahem "
toilet trained"). Beats me why the first and secondborns don’t keep them in their own city for Six’s sake. I think my ele may become slightly racist if not fully due to her past experiences and because of scarlet. She already has a black and white moral judgment system.
As for the bad “dad” joke, the acronym spells “dead rot”! Anyone else catch that?
(edited by Yumiko Ishida.3769)
Enjoy your wastelands, meat sacks I’ll be enjoying the view of your destruction from the skys
Underworld’s gotten boring, huh?
And no one got upset or commented about my post? Shame on you forums!
And you idiots thought Scarlet was bad, I’ll turn your kingdoms into ash
Your father smelled of elderberries!
Go away or I shall taunt you a second time! (clip clop clip clop)
There are actually signs of this in-game already. Speak to Captain Tokk at the Bloodtide Coast refugee camp (pro-Sylvari), and there’s one refugee at the Lornar’s Pass refugee camp who’s hostile to Sylvari. Also, if you speak to Ellyna Graidy as a Sylvari, her reaction is… well, I’ll let you see for yourself.
It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out.
(edited by Zaxares.5419)
There are actually signs of this in-game already.
Speak to Captain Tokk at the Bloodtide Coast refugee camp (pro-Sylvari), and there’s one refugee at the Lornar’s Pass refugee camp who’s hostile to Sylvari. Also, if you speak to Ellyna Graidy as a Sylvari, her reaction is… well, I’ll let you see for yourself.
It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out.
Those are actually the npcs I was thinking of when I made the thread! Yeah, I’m kind of chomping at the bit for more.
As for the bad “dad” joke, the acronym spells “dead rot”! Anyone else catch that?
Dedicated Union of Meat Based Races Of Tyria
I so get a different result than you.
Opps yeah it was “Dumb Rot”! That’s what I meant to say.
I’ll have you know—we Sylvari are a HIGHLY civilized race. If you intend to attack OUR grove, we insist you use ONLY the correct salad fork while doing so!! And please remember, Red wine is SOOOOOO gauche with greens.
ps: the Tengu have already tried a-salt-ing us——————and now they are to be known as the Ninegu! (Pass the pepper please).
BTW—————I still think (occasionally) that this ending was even lamer than Braham and whats-her-name———-oh, yeah, Tami—————put together. I begin to suspect—————-that this was all a nefarious plot by the undead.————-After all, even tho they WERE just “hanging around”——all of OUR ships were SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much nicer than the undead could muster———-they just let jealousy get in the way of intelligent actions—————just think what they could have accomplished with our REAL ships———-instead of the rust junks they had!!!
An odd side effect of this LS and the dislike of the Sylvari race by ever increasing numbers (in-game) has caused me to do something I have never done….
I created a Sylvari character in order to see the “other side” of everything.
I have never wanted to play a salad before, but with the upcoming LS season, I am almost sure that the salad race will have a larger part to play in it, so I am going to explore the possibilities.
I just hope that Anet doesn’t get cold feet and decide that it’s more PC to avoid the whole racial issue. That would be sad. On the other hand, if Anet does allow racial tensions to boil, I can see some factioned play in our future, which is n’t a bad thing either.
In fact, I think it would be great if they explored a general distaste for Sylvari across the world, and then brought everyone back together when the “real” threat descends upon Tyria.
An odd side effect of this LS and the dislike of the Sylvari race by ever increasing numbers (in-game) has caused me to do something I have never done….
I created a Sylvari character in order to see the “other side” of everything.
I have never wanted to play a salad before, but with the upcoming LS season, I am almost sure that the salad race will have a larger part to play in it, so I am going to explore the possibilities.
I just hope that Anet doesn’t get cold feet and decide that it’s more PC to avoid the whole racial issue. That would be sad. On the other hand, if Anet does allow racial tensions to boil, I can see some factioned play in our future, which is n’t a bad thing either.
In fact, I think it would be great if they explored a general distaste for Sylvari across the world, and then brought everyone back together when the “real” threat descends upon Tyria.
Nah, factions suck. They gate people.
Unless they’re very loose factions (Luxon/Kurzick), but then they’re not real factions because you can jump around any time you want.
I like the unity thing GW2 has going for it.
Let’s stick with that. Sylvari are overall a new, noble, enigmatic, and heroic race of people; with their exceptions like every other race.
If the new dragon ends up being a jungle themed dragon and a new enemy faction of jungle dragon worshiping sylvari arise, such as norn who follow Jormag, that’s alright I suppose.
That just means the sylvari people are begining to become more like the other races. A good and a bad thing, more bad given that these other sylvari factions are corrupt.
Diverse in beliefs with PCs and good sylvari following the Mother Tree and the morals their people began with.