SPOILER: Jokes in bad taste.
I once again have to quote myself and say that this is not about Scarlet (or wanting to “save” her), even though the dialogue is. It’s about answering a question in a RP sense and that all options were basically the same: stupid jokes, which do not fit in some of our characters’ mindset.
Sure, some of you are saying: Go on. Uh-huh. Just click the dialogue, it’ll go away, and you get your loot bags. It’s just a game, don’t take it too seriously. And that’s what I did. But I still feel like I want to answer to every dialogue option the way that’s natural to the character I’m playing, and to some extent, me. This is what was lacking here, and that is what I’m arguing.
Not sure what happened with the writing team, the last few updates they improved but this one they hit an exceptionally low standard, it plays out essentially from only one perspective. It is like the writers ignored the fact that different people have different reactions to things and completely neglected to add different dialogue reply options.
I found none of the reply choices suitable and took me quite out of character. Not everyone enjoys mocking the dead especially when the situation around it all is quite serious.
(edited by Aedelric.1287)
I don’t even see Scarlet as a person. :/ Yes, I’m racist against non-humans ingame.
exactly. its like saying you get upset after cutting firewood.
I get that Scarlet was the villain, but I felt horrible listening to Marjory and the others joke about her death.
Previous LS updates established that she’s been driven crazy by some external force that she encountered in the Eternal Alchemy and could no longer mentally fight it. We should pity her or mourn for those she’s killed, not make childish jokes about what it felt like to deliver the death blow.
Not to be rude here, but I’m genuinely curious – do dialogue ideas get checked before they are added? If so, did no one suggest that joking about killing a mentally unstable character might be in poor taste?
To be fair a vast majority of the community wanted her dead, didn’t like her, didn’t like her as the main baddie. Basically didn’t respect her. The characters reflect the community if you think about it. Like how Braham and them didn’t want to learn why Scarlet did it. They just wanted her dead. Why it may not be true for everyone, I saw a vast majority of people talking in this way. The characters didn’t respect her, so why should they treat her death with respect?
I don’t even see Scarlet as a person. :/ Yes, I’m racist against non-humans ingame.
exactly. its like saying you get upset after cutting firewood.
I’m a Sylvari and I laughed so you have my approval.
Everyone has different reactions to different situations, and in a fantasy world where our sense of morality can be completely different, it’s not possible to apply every option that would encompass every player’s choice. Remember, they were at a bar drinking away the fight, so they were inebriated, with the exception of Taimi who was having some juice and even she didn’t seem too thrilled with Scarlet’s demise). They were celebrating a victory over a mass murderer and her machinations as well as their survival from the confrontation. This also took place a while afterwards, as Braham could sort of stand on his broken leg and Marjory was able to move around some.
Not to mention the early bits that were datamined had a completely different resolution, which sounded dreary and rather mean spirited. I didn’t see them breaking open a scarlet shaped pinata and cackle over the demise and laugh at her death. You need to take it with a grain of salt, because it sounds less like honoring the dead and more of being a stick in the mud.
“We managed to take down Scarlet and came back alive. Glad we’re all safe and no one will suffer from her anymore!”
With a steel-eyed glaze “We should mourn her death, it was a life we just took…”
In a rather similar situation, when I was at an airport over Ireland heading home for RnR during deployment (few months in hell), we were watching tv and they announced that Bin Laden had been located and and attempt was made to capture him, but ended up with his death. I don’t remember anyone sitting there saying that we need to be respectful of his death. At least I don’t think anyone was, there was a lot of people also on the flight from deployment happy to hear the news and cheering. I guess in the eyes of a lot of people on the forums, we should of been quiet and somber, waiting for the next flight to take us back to Afghanistan.
This is, after all, a rather complicated situation to discuss, since you’ll have hard arguments for both sides, though mostly standing on a soap box saying we should or shouldn’t do this and that because it was a life or it’s fictional. Also, don’t forget alcohol was involved.
The Tumblr generation ladies and gentlemen.
I’m still waiting for the other shoe to drop——————after all, read the backside of the Spinal Blade Pack Blueprints——————and wonder “what’s goin’ on”?
“Caithe——————someday you’ll see——————-Tyria needs me.” -Scarlet
“Yes, doctor, we’ve cured another disease————————-now to find the cure FOR the cure!”
So the basic assumption is that, yeah, this is a fictional game. Second assumption is that this dialog reflects on us. Those two assumptions are critical to discussing the merits of the dialog – otherwise, you’re demonizing someone’s opinion.
That said, if we’re supposed to be heroes, wouldn’t it have been refreshing to be ‘heroic’ and pass on the smarty joke? Don’t heroes aspire to be better than average, above the fray, apart from anything that is unjust or cheap? If not, we’re just the thug that won.
I never asked to be a hero. I do what needs doing.
I have killed thousands of Bandits. Inquest. Dredge. Flame Legion. Courtiers. I stood and watched their leaders mock, fight and fall into the dust. Faolain, Kudu, Baelfire.. and now Scarlet.
They call us heroes because we get stuff done. We kill, so others get to keep moving. If we insist on taking the moral high ground because we aspire to be “better then them”, then I really wonder how you heroes out there can close a single eye at night, considered the hunderts of lives you take each day.
So you stood defiant when lions Arch was under siege. How many aetherblades did you killed today? How many of them have gotten into piracy for the lack of choice? How many of them had family?
But it’s fine, you’re a hero, you are better then them since you pity their deaths. But kitten will you cheer if you find a valuable exotic piece of gear in their bloodsoaked pockets when you loot their still warm body.
No one is a hero here. And if you honestly see yourself as such, then you are even more sick and twisted then we who celebrate the death of a sick and dangerous creature who got what was coming to her.
Good thing I don’t get immersed enough in video games that I confuse my real world morals with theirs.
But you immersed enough to go to the forums and talk about how not immersed are you. You know, some people might even think, that you care. Silly people.
Of course I care about the game. I wouldn’t be playing it otherwise… Just not enough to misconstrue a joke with realism.
So…would it be fine, if game, u care about, would transform into puke jokes and story for a 10 year old kids?
You mean like how Guild Wars 1 became Guild Wars 2?
You’ll need a lot thicker skin if you expect to survive in this world if your fake world is offending you.
So…do you like playing a game with puke jokes and with story for 10 year old? Why you keep playing in guild wars 2? They changed everything. The only thing, thats common between them is lore. And they screwing it. Whats holding ya?
You keep making that comparison without backing it up. Show me these alleged “puke jokes.” Expand your post. Prove your statements.
Alternatively you can choke down that Scarlet Burger mail we just got and deal with it.
You mean like how Guild Wars 1 became Guild Wars 2?
You’ll need a lot thicker skin if you expect to survive in this world if your fake world is offending you.
It was your words. I guess, someone lied to make his statement sound better? Its fine. I forgive you.
Still don’t see “puke jokes.” Try again.
Exactly. It means, your comment was a lie and you should feel bad about that.
Everyone has different reactions to different situations, and in a fantasy world where our sense of morality can be completely different, it’s not possible to apply every option that would encompass every player’s choice.
Let me stop you here. It is possible to make 3 different choices, which would be 3 times better, than what we had now. Mby it wouldn’t be exactly what i want to say. But, at least, it wouldn’t be so bad.
But it’s fine, you’re a hero, you are better then them since you pity their deaths. But kitten will you cheer if you find a valuable exotic piece of gear in their bloodsoaked pockets when you loot their still warm body.
No one is a hero here. And if you honestly see yourself as such, then you are even more sick and twisted then we who celebrate the death of a sick and dangerous creature who got what was coming to her.
Er.r…. U mix things up here. Our hero, our avatar. Is better than us. We, as a player might be happy about new loot. Our hero might be weeping the loss of life that happened that day.
A lot of the forum community seemed to be tired of her. I do get not wanting to joke about it from an RP perspective though, it’s a shame anet didnt give us that option.
Hopefully in the future anet will give more options and the living story will be more dynamic. For instance my main has never met taimi, instead of pretending like she knew me she should have introduced herself or something. Though she’s the type of person that would make jokes like that, atleast to ease the tension. My Sylvari on the other hand, respected Scarlet in an odd way, because they really wernt that different and wouldn’t joke about her death.
I’m kind of laughing at the “anet needs to stop catering to the majority” connotations in some of the comments here. They’re a business. Are you for real right now?
Look, I hated the epilogue. I thought the writing, pacing, and characterization was trash. I thought that the dialogue options were unfunny garbage. I even thought it was inappropriate to be acting like everything is sunshine and rainbows when there’s a kittened off elder dragon yelling at us to get off his lawn. But what is with all of this pearl-clutching in this thread? “O-oh nooo, Scarlet was a person tooooo!” Yeah, a person who killed thousands of civilians and woke a kittening dragon. Some people’s deaths deserve to be celebrated, because the world is objectively, in a measureable way, a better place without them.
I’m kind of laughing at the “anet needs to stop catering to the majority” connotations in some of the comments here. They’re a business. Are you for real right now?
Look, I hated the epilogue. I thought the writing, pacing, and characterization was trash. I thought that the dialogue options were unfunny garbage. I even thought it was inappropriate to be acting like everything is sunshine and rainbows when there’s a kittened off elder dragon yelling at us to get off his lawn. But what is with all of this pearl-clutching in this thread? “O-oh nooo, Scarlet was a person tooooo!” Yeah, a person who killed thousands of civilians and woke a kittening dragon. Some people’s deaths deserve to be celebrated, because the world is objectively, in a measureable way, a better place without them.
There’s a difference between being disappointed at the loss of a brilliant mind (possibly the most brilliant the world has seen), and saying she didn’t need to die; and some people are making the case that she didn’t need to die.
By the end of the LS, Scarlet wasnt herself, she had gone completely crazy. She may have had to die but she was a person at one point that lost her mind to someone or something else. It’d be a different story if Scarlet was acting completely by her own will but we already know Scarlet had a voice inside her head ever since she came out of Omadd’s machine and she lost the fight.
Some people’s deaths deserve to be celebrated, because the world is objectively, in a measureable way, a better place without them.
She deserved to die but no person’s death should be celebrated, killing her was just a necessary evil. Not having a diverse selection of dialogue options to choose from was quite a disappointment, the writing team really let us down here.
SPOILER: Jokes in bad taste.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512
I enjoyed the scene in the bar. And I don’t think making jokes about Scarlet is at all in bad taste. What I did however feel, was that the dialogues were a bit awkwardly written. It just didn’t flow naturally, especially a lot of the jokes. There were a lot of jokes in there that didn’t even feel like jokes, yet all the characters laughed anyway.
In real life I’ve been disgusted when people celebrate someone’s death and I would have liked the option to express the same in-game. People mentioned Bin Laden and, yeah, my stomach turned when i heard some people I know cheer at his death (people who supposedly follow a religion based on “love thy neighbor”). When someone kills your countrymen, allies or innocents, it’s horrible and people get mad. Often times the result is that people throw the values they espouse out the window and start elevating petty revenge and bloodlust over human life. It doesn’t bring anyone back to life or set things right; it’s just more death.
That said, in context of this game, it’s patently absurd to get mad over someone joking about the death of one person. Why? Because, as a matter of course, we go around slaughtering bandits, pirates, orges, skritt and a thousand other sentient beings without a second thought, just for a few XP. Sure, you killed a tyrant and made a joke, but that’s nothing compared to the epic genocide that you wreak as you roam the world mindlessly killing everyone in villages everywhere.
Did you make a joke about spiking Scarlet? Well, did you just kill 20 skritt that were just hanging out in their little cave minding their own business?
To be fair a vast majority of the community wanted her dead, didn’t like her, didn’t like her as the main baddie. Basically didn’t respect her. The characters reflect the community if you think about it. Like how Braham and them didn’t want to learn why Scarlet did it. They just wanted her dead. Why it may not be true for everyone, I saw a vast majority of people talking in this way. The characters didn’t respect her, so why should they treat her death with respect?
I agree. I think most people won’t be offended because they don’t see Scarlet as a person, per se, but as an artificial plot element that they don’t like. There’s a level of investment required for a viewer to see a fictitious character as a person instead of an abstract game construct and i don’t think the LS really achieved that for Scarlet.
In RL, i would have sympathy for a mentally ill killer being killed. In the context of this game, Scarlet didn’t really register enough as a “person” for me to care.
However you feel about the conversation options we have. They are text now, the devs aren’t limited to voice acting. Why weren’t we able to utilize our “disposition options”? Like answer with Dignity or Compassion or Ferocity or something? I mean, why not?
I want my character to have options in conversation that reflect that.
Bad@Thief: Kiera Gordon
Sea of Sorrows, a server never before so appropriately named.
Those 3 options to choose from just show how childish and silly the writer is. They show that my character is actually no better than Scarlet when killing someone.
- I finally understood the meaning of “kuh-Braham!”?
- Not as sweet as a kiss. (wink)?
Wth is this? Seriously, they employed a child to write these? Or a psycho?
We are the good guys here, we should mourn those who died or at least not comment on those whom we killed. Why not behaving maturely and give options like:
- It was really satisfying.
- It was not as rewarding as I though it would be.
- Let’s focus on the living instead.
Sometimes I got a feeling that this game should come with PEGI 2 rofl.
(edited by Oulov.7913)
However you feel about the conversation options we have. They are text now, the devs aren’t limited to voice acting. Why weren’t we able to utilize our “disposition options”? Like answer with Dignity or Compassion or Ferocity or something? I mean, why not?
I want my character to have options in conversation that reflect that.
Ah, yes! This is a sensible suggestion It’s a small change that would have packed a big punch in terms of roleplay and character realization. I want to utilize that character component more than we do, definitely.
However you feel about the conversation options we have. They are text now, the devs aren’t limited to voice acting. Why weren’t we able to utilize our “disposition options”? Like answer with Dignity or Compassion or Ferocity or something? I mean, why not?
I want my character to have options in conversation that reflect that.
Ah, yes! This is a sensible suggestion
It’s a small change that would have packed a big punch in terms of roleplay and character realization. I want to utilize that character component more than we do, definitely.
There are 10, 10 different developed personalities. This would make playing the LS on different characters soo much more interesting if you could take different conversation paths and make playing through it much more unique and personalized. I really hope going forward they do more with it.
Bad@Thief: Kiera Gordon
Sea of Sorrows, a server never before so appropriately named.
Did you make a joke about spiking Scarlet? Well, did you just kill 20 skritt that were just hanging out in their little cave minding their own business?
It was self defense dude. I just walked in the cave, exploring, and suddenly 20 evil scritts attked me. I had no choice, but to kill them!
Just for some RL perspective:
People make jokes about Hitler and Bin Laden.
Likewise, I think it’s very intriguing how ANet is approaching the “vilification” of all Sylvari.
Look at history:
Japanese-Americans in WWII were placed in internment camps.
Americans, generally, are still more suspicious of anyone Arab looking than they were pre-911.
When Angel McCoy said that the upcoming Sylvari story is going to be interested… I agree that it will be, if they approach it correctly.
While it may seem inappropriate to make fun of Scarlet or judge all Sylvari based on the actions of a few… People do it in real life.
As players, I think we are somewhat expected to realize this. As has been said in-game, all five races need to cooperate in order to stand a chance against the Elder Dragons.
Repeat after me… ’It’s just a game & she’s a fictional character’.
It seems in this world (as in the real world) a lot of “Fictional Characters” and “Stories” guide quite a magnitude of people (not a slight towards religion). It is not the actual happenings that should be questioned but the moral decisions behind said story.
Influencing others comes in many different colors and shapes and stories happen to be one of the biggest factors of teaching morals.
These “games” as you put them quickly help young people, who are not quite adept at noticing what they truly feel or think on a topic, slowly push in one direction on a variety of topics.
It seems a lot of people should deal with hearing some stories with respect or decency as the moral backbone.
(edited by Vanthian.9267)
Well the way my character Yumiko joked about this stuff in that bar with the new heroes fits her well, as I rp her to be that way (and in a way, kinda reflects how some posters said we as humans in real life feel about villains— as such with terrorists and rapists, etc. when they get the ultimate punishment). Sometimes, death isn’t good enough and you need to do something to leave them tortured and tormented for the rest of their life like lop off a limb or two or a certain reproductive organ.
And in my role play my female character hates people like Scarlet and those that mass murder and kitten and steal, and she only thinks in black and white mostly. As people like that destroyed her own life and family in her back story. Cold? Yes. Justified? Absolutely!
And for the record everything a bad person does should be paid ten fold back… they kill 1000 people and the evidence is plain as day? Shoot them until nothing is left recognizable. No trial, no jury. If I had my way, I wish it was possible in game to pee on Scarlet’s corpse then burn it ashes with fire magic (I am an ele). Nothing better than defiling such an evil person’s body after they’re dead.
As for my response in the bar:
- Not as sweet as a kiss. (wink)?
I answered with this as my character is a bisexual female. So that was the most fitting of the choices and she is charismatic disposition (100% charismatic).
(edited by Yumiko Ishida.3769)
First of all, my standing is that he who put Scarlet in a state in which she couldn’t comprehend her actions is responsible for everything she did.
Second of all, games reflect our world completely and I see no reason why we should separate them.
Third of all, the options were, I assume, there to cater those, and may I say the are a lot of em judging from past forum posts, who disliked her. That excludes me, but it’s not something I’d burden myself with. I make my own story for RP purposes and I just enjoy the writting arenanet does.
Thanksies, Lexxypooh
I get that Scarlet was the villain, but I felt horrible listening to Marjory and the others joke about her death.
Previous LS updates established that she’s been driven crazy by some external force that she encountered in the Eternal Alchemy and could no longer mentally fight it. We should pity her or mourn for those she’s killed, not make childish jokes about what it felt like to deliver the death blow.
Not to be rude here, but I’m genuinely curious – do dialogue ideas get checked before they are added? If so, did no one suggest that joking about killing a mentally unstable character might be in poor taste?
dude the story quality was probably on par with a disney channel cartoon, why are you taking it this seriously?
[KICK] You’re out of the Guild
SPOILER: Jokes in bad taste.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350
I chose the second option as an attempt to at least shame Marjory a little and throw her back some.
Honestly, yes the options could have been better. I’m less annoyed at that and more annoyed Rox made a U-turn on her drive to join the Stone Warband.
Although it’s too late to nip this thread in the bud, we should really just leave it alone already. We all know that Scarlet was a bit nuts. However, we’ll never know the root of the problems she had, only that the seeds of her insanity came from her myriad experiments and blossomed into full grown craziness.
Now enough with all the bark ing just because the responses given go against the grain of your morality.
Just my two coppers worth,
Proud member of the Ring of 1000
(edited by Rabbi Rick.3194)
Yes. Its normal to feel offended
It’s normal to, yes. Do you know what else? It’s actually alright to feel offended, it means you have feelings. I’m an easily offended person but like to think that these days I’m mature enough to deal with it appropriately. Just because something offends you doesn’t mean that 1) it offends everyone and; 2) the offender is at fault. The mark of what kind of person you are is in how you deal with your offense and move past it.
But! This time they made My hero into lowlife. He joked about stomping scarlet. Its just disgusting…
I’d love to make a load of real world comparisons here but ArenaNet would almost certainly delete my post. Hopefully my point is made regardless.
If you are so disgusted by what happened, perhaps this game is not for you. ArenaNet occasionally has a bit of a dark side to a storyline going on. It’s quite rare and mainly consigned to GW1, but these NPCs making the comments are doing so behind in-game “closed doors”. Have you never said anything derogatory about things/people you don’t like when you think no-one other than friends can hear you?
Except fiction can also be a reflection of the society we are living in.
Only if you attribute it as such. Stop treating a fictional fantasy game like a reflection of reality (BECAUSE IT kittenING ISNT) and there will be no problems.
Everything that has ever been said, done, or thought of is offensive to someone somewhere. It doesn’t matter what it is: If it exists, someone is offended by it. So, stop taking offense to everything and stop with the PC already. It has gotten way out of hand. It is because of PC that we wont go to Cantha (because NCSoft thinks Asian themes in games are offensive).
Repeat after me: death to PC. This whole thing is only a fictional game and has absolutely NO BEARING WHATSOEVER on real life.
It’s normal to, yes. Do you know what else? It’s actually alright to feel offended, it means you have feelings. I’m an easily offended person but like to think that these days I’m mature enough to deal with it appropriately. Just because something offends you doesn’t mean that 1) it offends everyone and; 2) the offender is at fault. The mark of what kind of person you are is in how you deal with your offense and move past it.
U wasted 1 minute of my life. Your words wouldn’t have been so obviously false, if not for this whole thread. Its quite obvious, that its not my imagination and quality of jokes in story final is very low. And…dealing with offense…. Are you even serious? U think people should just eat every rotten apple and be happy? If we wont tell, that story is a kitten – no one would tell. And they would think that story is fine and they should make more story like that. Digging a cave and crying there sure wont make this game better.
If you are so disgusted by what happened, perhaps this game is not for you. ArenaNet occasionally has a bit of a dark side to a storyline going on. It’s quite rare and mainly consigned to GW1, but these NPCs making the comments are doing so behind in-game “closed doors”. Have you never said anything derogatory about things/people you don’t like when you think no-one other than friends can hear you?
Its not dark humor. Thats a child humor. Thats a problem. They gone low this time. Very low. And, as been said in this thread multiple times, Im fine if anet makes their new destiny nabs as low as possible. I cared about Scarlet more, than I care about all of them together. But they made my hero say it. Made him as low as them. And this is what made me distaste this story final so much.
(edited by Sergoros.4398)
Except fiction can also be a reflection of the society we are living in.
Only if you attribute it as such. Stop treating a fictional fantasy game like a reflection of reality (BECAUSE IT kittenING ISNT) and there will be no problems.
It’s incredibly naive to pretend that fictional stories have no relationship to reality. If such were true, we essentially wouldn’t have religion or mythology and none of the great novels or works of a thousand influential authors would matter at all.
Now, i’m not trying to say that GW2 is on that level but the point remains that any work of fiction is the product of an author who, in turn, is a product of a culture and any sort of story they are going to tell is going to necessarily be burdened by cultural baggage. You simply cannot tell a story about “people” (humans or anthropomorphic characters) who engage with each other in any sort of relatable manner without having real world social paradigms come into play.
One the the basic foundations of writing fiction is that you need things like “believability” and “versimilitude” in order for the reader to be engaged, and that entails structures and scenarios that echo real world things like behavior and culture. If a story lacks these things to a significant degree, it essentially becomes an unrecognizable jumble of random events.
Every single life is a blessing of Dwayna and shall be respected as such even if its path lead it to the darkest evil.
All life must end, none shall be immortal, Grenth waits us all.
Elder dragons are the cleaners of the cycles, when magic is over-used and chaos threaten the world, they do as neeeded.
We are actually the parasite of this world, the dragons won’t kill all life form, it will just wipe those who are advanced enought to create chaos. Blunt answer to a complex fact that is “At a point, any civilisation will get enought power to destroy the world in it’s entirety” isn’t it better to wipe them before they reach that point ? As well as we exterminate termites even if they do not present an immediate threat to our wooden house, they will if they get further. The Dragons were kind enought to let us live until we are close to this point whereas us. All that to let the other species that are not developped yet to blossom (Yay ! Jackalope Elementalist <3 ).
That leads to an other problem, when there is a few species that are advanced enought to threaten the survival of the others by hunting or farming them, it will force them to relay on basic survival instinct rather than an advancing one. Thus, killing us will help the Jackalope be one of the uprising species.
That aside, from a RP point of view, my guardian that is very religious shouldn’t have joked about someone’s death even if he wiped clean his whole religion and made him the sole survivor of his kind. He would have even dig him a grave and pray for his redemption.
Sorry for bad english, I stopped learning english after 6th grade.
(edited by The Sixteenth.2561)
Sorry for bad english, I stopped learning english after 6th grade.
Sounds like most of the internet
As I said above and before and in the related thread (the beginning of anti-Sylvari racism one), I have no sympathy for evil and would probably make stale jokes about the dead evil doers as my character does with the B-iconics. I have no remorse in real life for most things…. death of even family members (natural causes so far) rarely bothers me! “Oh they died? So what? They are in a better place (heaven or hell) doesn’t concern me anymore besides the fact they are gone. Remember them for what they did that is good (whether it is for you or for society) and not the bad or the loss in particular.” I’m very realistic about things in life and that’s how I feel about it.
Never remember people or a person for what they did that was bad, it only justifies what they did and martyrs them.
I may be cold and possibly a soulless kitten (female dog) or kitten (fatherless child), but I’m realistic. I seen enough in this word already to know no one cares about you and you should not either (except maybe your family and closest friends, which imo only really matter) and the same goes for a terrorist whether its in fiction or in real life.
“You died Scarlet no one cares about you! You will not be remembered.”
I find it quite satisfying to kill her and wish I could take a squat (I’m a female ele) pee on her dead rotting leafy body like the bush she is! And then when I’m done, Twist my rabbit banner further into her and then paint the walls pf the drill control room with her blood reading, “TYRIA LIVES ON kitten!” Then finish by setting fire to it, but the game doesn’t allow us to do that. We can dream right?
(edited by Yumiko Ishida.3769)
I may be cold and possibly a soulless kitten (female dog) or kitten (fatherless child), but I’m realistic. I seen enough in this word already to know no one cares about you and you should not either (except maybe your family and closest friends, which imo only really matter) and the same goes for a terrorist whether its in fiction or in real life.
This means u not care about yourself either. I might hate every humans on the planet, but I will follow my moral beliefs to my death. Not for them. But for me. Thats my way of staying clean of all the dirt in this world.
SPOILER: Jokes in bad taste.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045
Repeat after me… ’It’s just a game & she’s a fictional character’.
This and only this.
~Sincerely, Scissors
i keep saying to my friends that our heroes act like a bunch of bullies all the time.
I know, right? We run through, slaughtering people nonstop, never accepting surrender. What really gets me is when bandits or pirates say “Now I’ll never…” when they die. How many of those people were just trying to make ends meet in a troubled time! Not to mention the continuous and needless culling of non-violent animals in the wild. Or hopping into an ogre farm and killing all of them for some grapes. Joking about stabbing someone in the chest (which seems like a weird way to kill plant people) is hardly the worst thing we’ve done.
So….following your post….we, might as well, now go and kill all people in refuge camp, because we are, obviously, mad psychos, even worse, than Scarlet.
There is a line between story and gameplay. Its obvious, that we have to kill/farm to get anything in this game. But it doesnt mean, that we should abandon our moral standards.
For all you know, when you ran into that ogre/grawl camp, it was a refugee camp for them. Their village was destroyed by a disaster or other “adventurers”. They are trying to rebuild and you see them as an evil race. The other sylvari “adventurer” killed their family and destroyed their home so they attack you for trespassing in their refugee camp. But you were just defending yourself, when you walked into their camp, aggravating them. Good thing you didn’t make any jokes about this… would have been wrong…
Or, in response to all that wildlife you killed or hostile races, you just saw a wild animal or guard and walked into his/her/its personal space, and were shocked when it acted hostile to you. Of course, after doing this several hundred times, you might have begun to expect this, and try and walk around them. But that takes time, and they were in your way…
Did you make a joke about spiking Scarlet? Well, did you just kill 20 skritt that were just hanging out in their little cave minding their own business?
It was self defense dude. I just walked in the cave, exploring, and suddenly 20 evil scritts attked me. I had no choice, but to kill them!
You were just “trespassed” (a.k.a. exploring) in their home/cave and they attack the trespasser or you were just “Grave robbing” (a.k.a. exploring) in their ancestral burial ground when tribe warriors attacked the trespasser. You know all those totems you ignore or break as you run through the area, these are warnings that you are in/on somebody else’s house/cemetery/land. You kill them all and claim it was self-defense? Good thing you didn’t make a joke about this; that makes this “self-defense” okay…
By not talking about the blood on your hands does not make them any less bloody.
And I can understand when you make a joke about the foe you just vanquished, it unsettles you. Is it because it brings attention to the murder and pillaging your “hero” regularly engages in and justifies, or because it belittles the violent accomplishments you have undertaken?
Reading this reminded me about that guy who posted about the renown heart ‘Help the people of Ebonhawke’ in Fields of Ruin. They summed it up as something like, “I was having fun doing map completion, then I get to this one heart and it says I’m supposed to go into protestors houses, drag them out into the street, and kill them.”
The wiki for this heart even says “Knock on suspicious doors and kill Separatists when they spawn”
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SPOILER: Jokes in bad taste.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045
If I killed a villain in real life as wicked, twisted, cruel and dangerous as Scarlet I would make jokes too. After I urinated on her corpse (other word got censored).
My point being, she had it coming. She deserves to be ridiculed and looked at with spite and disgust.
In the end none of this matters. Since it’s just a game and Scarlet is a fictional character.
~Sincerely, Scissors
Reading this reminded me about that guy who posted about the renown heart ‘Help the people of Ebonhawke’ in Fields of Ruin. They summed it up as something like, “I was having fun doing map completion, then I get to this one heart and it says I’m supposed to go into protestors houses, drag them out into the street, and kill them.”
The wiki for this heart even says “Knock on suspicious doors and kill Separatists when they spawn”
But, be careful NOT to get caught by the Lionguard while doing it—————they’re DEATH on voyeurs!!!
SPOILER: Jokes in bad taste.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045
Reading this reminded me about that guy who posted about the renown heart ‘Help the people of Ebonhawke’ in Fields of Ruin. They summed it up as something like, “I was having fun doing map completion, then I get to this one heart and it says I’m supposed to go into protestors houses, drag them out into the street, and kill them.”
The wiki for this heart even says “Knock on suspicious doors and kill Separatists when they spawn”
Only they are not protesters, they are terrorists.
And terrorists are fair game.
~Sincerely, Scissors
Those 3 options to choose from just show how childish and silly the writer is. They show that my character is actually no better than Scarlet when killing someone.
- I finally understood the meaning of “kuh-Braham!”?
- Not as sweet as a kiss. (wink)?Wth is this? Seriously, they employed a child to write these? Or a psycho?
We are the good guys here, we should mourn those who died or at least not comment on those whom we killed. Why not behaving maturely and give options like:
- It was really satisfying.
- It was not as rewarding as I though it would be.
- Let’s focus on the living instead.Sometimes I got a feeling that this game should come with PEGI 2 rofl.
I don’t know about you, but the choices Anet gave us were more interesting. Those words had more life and punch to them . And I loved the idea of my Sylvari flirting with Majory. The one idea I will agree with you on is the last option you invented. I do wish that the words,“Let’s focus on the living instead” should of been an option.
This game isn’t supposed to be serious like Skyrim.
Speaking of Scarlet’s mental state: was what got her that way similar to what happened to the abducted guy in Torchwood after he stared into the heart of a dark star?
For all you know, when you ran into that ogre/grawl camp, it was a refugee camp for them. Their village was destroyed by a disaster or other “adventurers”. They are trying to rebuild and you see them as an evil race. The other sylvari “adventurer” killed their family and destroyed their home so they attack you for trespassing in their refugee camp. But you were just defending yourself, when you walked into their camp, aggravating them. Good thing you didn’t make any jokes about this… would have been wrong…
Or, in response to all that wildlife you killed or hostile races, you just saw a wild animal or guard and walked into his/her/its personal space, and were shocked when it acted hostile to you. Of course, after doing this several hundred times, you might have begun to expect this, and try and walk around them. But that takes time, and they were in your way…
Nah. I was all goody and even tried to talk them out of this. But they was all evil. They didnt even try to listen to me! And then it was already to late! I had to defend myself! Such losses…