**Spoilers** Nowhere to hide....
just wait it out, eventually one of the NPCs distracts her and you can just walk up and stomp; it’s what I ended up doing.
If you want to finish Scarlet and not get the achievement, yes. If you want the achievement “Nowhere to Hide”, you need to finish Scarlet before she pops her shield, which is when Kasmeer will distract her.
The problem is: if you run to quickly at her you will be pushed back over and over again. Just dodge the first few circles (or run around them) and then there is enough time for the finisher.
Once I did this, meaning not go there as quickly as possible but let here do the first three attacks I had no problems getting the achiev.
Anyway, this achievement sucks…
I was attempting this on my Guardian, I tried the GS #3, “Retreat” + Judge’s Intervention, dodge to the side Ect… 4 times.
Then I waited.. I let her get her first three attacks off, then hit GS #3 and Spiked her no problem.
~ Rizzae – Asura Guardian ~
Tarnished Coast Server
Kept trying this across different characters (necro, ele, ranger) with absolutely no luck at all, then decided to give it a go on my mesmer. Had to dodge once getting up to her, but I hit time warp and hit f the second I got to her and got the achievement right away.
However, I guess she didn’t take kindly to being impaled by an adorable pink quaggan and her little dancing friends as it didn’t shut her up, she just kept talking even through the cut scenes…
I managed to get it w, lightning flash + mistform, on ele. Earth focus #5 works too.
I think there’s some communication breakdown here with some people referring to finishing Scarlet before her shield is up, and others referring to finishing Scarlet after her shield is up. What works for one does NOT work for the other.
And for anyone having trouble during the phase where she’s surrounded by Kasmeer… attack (not finish) her while she’s attacking. Her shield will break permanently and you’ll have all the time in the world to finish her.
Stealth didn’t work. Shadowstep did. Incomming Thief nerfs.
Stealth didn’t work. Shadowstep did. Incomming Thief nerfs.
Could you elaborate? I couldn’t seem to get close enough for long enough to finish her off.
Stealth didn’t work. Shadowstep did. Incomming Thief nerfs.
Could you elaborate? I couldn’t seem to get close enough for long enough to finish her off.
I just ran up to her (in stealth but don’t think it mattered) and started finisher. When entire area turned red I Shadowstepped out of it and Shadowstepped back when it ended and she got eaten by a Wurm.
Stealth didn’t work. Shadowstep did. Incomming Thief nerfs.
Could you elaborate? I couldn’t seem to get close enough for long enough to finish her off.
I just ran up to her (in stealth but don’t think it mattered) and started finisher. When entire area turned red I Shadowstepped out of it and Shadowstepped back when it ended and she got eaten by a Wurm.
Cool. I’ll try that next time.
This is by far the worst achievement ever, ever, EVER.
This is the worst and most annoying achievement in GW2, maybe in all time in every game i’ve ever played. I’ve been trying to do this in the last 3 hours, i hate every second of that un-skippable cutscene – WHY??? Anet, why is this un-skippable – i’ve managed to dodge every pushback now, it’s just i simply cannot finish the finisher….maybe 80%, once 97 at least, but always zaps me before i could finish. Somebody mentioned me, that’s because i have a Norn, and they finishing move animation is slower…is this true? Is this really this broken? I need another race to do this achi?
Done. Finally. One advice to all, who try to do this with a Norn and/or Guardian. Do as this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDBES0ZurqI) shows it, but one minor change.
Run to her, do a dodge before she is starting the animation for the pushback to the side, than immediately do another dodge roll, to evade the pushback, but this time dodge to her direction. Be careful not to roll on her, if you roll to close to her, there is a different push what knocks you away, but if you roll in front of her, you will be close enough to finish the animation in time, and with the roll, you will evade, no matter, where are you rolling to. GL.
I just avoided the orange circles gracefully and then walked peacefully up to her face and smacked her down. Simple as that.
Reading this thread, I’m starting to think it’s unusual that I managed to just walk right up to her as an engie and melee wailed on her until she died.
I didn’t stomp her as I really hate her as a character and actually did want to pummel her to death. She didn’t really try to AOE me, and I took my dear sweet time, I am not running a power build. Wtf?
Bonus points to people who finish Scarlet with the Cow, Quaggan or Snowglobe finishers.
There you go. Peneloopee is finally happy.
As for the achievement: I did not get it yet, mainly because I do not want to watch the cutscene every time. But I probably can’t resist to try it anyway.
It only took 2 attempts on my elementalist. Dodge, mist form, stability stomp. I am like wtf are people complaining about? The hologram achievement are harder than that.
“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF
If using an engineer, use rocket boots and elixir s. Use rocket boots to get close, then immediately finish her and use elixir s to make yourself invulnerable.
For those who done it, did you do it before the hot fix last night, as today when I tried it, as soon as I get near her, be it in stealth, teleport, etc she instantly knocks me back, even with quickness etc its instant knock back.
I’m pretty sure this is buggy. Sometimes the knockback part of her AoE hits me even when I’m dodging to the side, and sometimes even if it doesn’t, I randomly get knocked back about a second after starting the finisher.
I have no problem repeating multiple times for failed attempt on this achievement.
What kittenes me the most is the cutscene, can we have an option to just skip it?
Tried it on my engineer with Elixir S, but even then her little pinball-bubble apparently forces me away from her.
Getting really annoyed with this achievement as it seems based more on random luck.
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more
Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
It should at least work with any invisibility or any source of Quickness.
just wait it out, eventually one of the NPCs distracts her and you can just walk up and stomp; it’s what I ended up doing.
If you wait out you don’t get the achievement, took me a bunch of tries but I manage, see if I upload a video montage with fails at it, so close do many times.
Any advice on doing this with a necromancer?
Tried it on my engineer with Elixir S, but even then her little pinball-bubble apparently forces me away from her.
Getting really annoyed with this achievement as it seems based more on random luck.
You have to start the finishing move, after which she will start to use her push back skill, that’s when you use elixir s (or any invulnerability skill)
**Spoilers** Nowhere to hide....
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573
Ok I finally got this and I did so by not trying to be fancy at all. If you are having trouble try this:
Don’t worry about using any abilities, the extra fumbling to time the abilities and chain them together is just going to mess you up and is not needed. Equip either a movement speed signet or a swiftness boon and just run up to her, weaving around the bombs she throws.
When you get up to her stand off to the side of her facing parallel to her, you want to dodge roll past her, not through her. The room behind her has an invisible shield that will bounce you back, regardless of dodging, invuln, etc. When you get to her make sure you are facing sideways then start your finisher.
She will begin her AOE and you will see a white choking animation on your character. When you see this animation dodge roll across her field of vision. The direction is important, if you dodge too close to her that invisible room shield will bounce you away. stay as far away as you can while still being able to cast the finisher. Once you dodge and see the evade message start your finisher again. you don’t need haste or any other fancy moves/tricks, there is 3.5 seconds before the next AOE hits and the finisher is only 3s long.
Once I stopped trying to be fancy and just did the simplest approach I got it on the first try.
After a few runs, and trying what ppl said here, what worked for me as a guardian was:
- with staff equiped, use RETREAT rigth after the cinematic, use staff 3 ( symbol of swiftness) wile in more or less close to her ( mid way) and runing a litle to the rigth side, dodge the circles in ground just by runing and press F, may take some pratice, dont need to dodge after starting the F, just need to get that faster, thats why i used RETREAT + STAFF 3
SRY if some words are wrong, english is not my native language
have fun
I managed to get it w, lightning flash + mistform, on ele. Earth focus #5 works too.
Ride the Lightning got me into her shield WITH HER once. She brought it back up and we were both standing inside it… finished her then.
After all the timing difficulty in the previous three completions, THAT completion felt kinda cheesy… hilarious, though.
I don’t know why ppl bother doing this kind of silly achievement. I don’t have too much time to play, the patch will be up for more 2 weeks, I already got without struggle 11 of the 15 achievements. Do the dailies for the patch and you get the meta easier, in the end, I didn’t build my machine to exercise my fingers timing dodges, (this is the kind of content Anet create to keep ppl hooked up in the game and I would rather do something else more entertaining….)
(edited by vladracul.6798)
My guess is that her attacks are really buggy and random, after 5307683947561827364896234 tries I finally made it, why/how?
Well she would always cast a random pushback during my stomp even after I dodged her big circle aoe pushback and started stomping directly after, and sometimes she did not cast this random pushback, instead she would recast her big circle aoe pushback 2sec after my dodge. And it knocked me down in mistform and went straight through my stability everytime.
So i kept trying using the same tactics over and over, and suddenly during one attempt she dident cast her random pushback nor did she recast her big circle aoe pushback and i could stomp her without using mistform or stability xD
Note: I copied my exact moves, positioning and timing after my succesfull try, guess what? she randomly pushed me back during my stomp xD
After a few runs, and trying what ppl said here, what worked for me as a guardian was:
- with staff equiped, use RETREAT rigth after the cinematic, use staff 3 ( symbol of swiftness) wile in more or less close to her ( mid way) and runing a litle to the rigth side, dodge the circles in ground just by runing and press F, may take some pratice, dont need to dodge after starting the F, just need to get that faster, thats why i used RETREAT + STAFF 3
SRY if some words are wrong, english is not my native language
have fun
THIS has worked!
I’m not sure if it’s because this was the intended solution or because we managed to bug out Scarlet. I sprinted to her via swiftness and started the finishing animation before she could cast the second AoE attack but I noticed that her arm kind of froze in the air and the entire NPC went rigid for a few seconds. Then the animation loop resumed but by that time I was almost done with the finisher.
A big thanks to Apok!
just wait it out, eventually one of the NPCs distracts her and you can just walk up and stomp; it’s what I ended up doing.
If you want to finish Scarlet and not get the achievement, yes. If you want the achievement “Nowhere to Hide”, you need to finish Scarlet before she pops her shield, which is when Kasmeer will distract her.
ah… people are very bad at saying everything that there is to know on this forum… Especially bad when it comes to acronyms -.-
**Spoilers** Nowhere to hide....
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Magische Boek.2530
for thieves
I’m simply explaining why I’m right.
I just hopped onto my Ele, started to stomp, and then went into mist form when I saw the orange circle. Much easier than trying to watch the cutscene over and over to figure out the timing of the dodge.
Elixir B to run to her with Swiftness, Elixir S for Quickness, Elixir U for Invulnerability just in case, stomp, done.
Being Engi is great.
On topic, Stability doesn’t work, that’s true, it would be too easy that way anyway (cough for other classes cough). And I only did it twice before I did it with my Engi powers. But I think Quickness should help a lot with this, as it reduces stomping cast time greatly.
I finally killed her by —
- teleporting to her, while dodging the mines
- casting timewarp on her
- dodging the big AOE attack
- then running back up to her with mantra of concentration and doing the finisher
Good riddance.
For Engineers:
Originally on this thread:
I dont have a video but with Ranger on my first try.
Run up. about 600 range I used longbow number 3 (stealth) dodged once to be near her, then Quicking Zephyr for haste and stomped.
It was over before my partner even realized what was going on
Stat increase = gear grind.
Gear grind = no money from me ever again.
For those who done it, did you do it before the hot fix last night, as today when I tried it, as soon as I get near her, be it in stealth, teleport, etc she instantly knocks me back, even with quickness etc its instant knock back.
I’m the guy that beat her to death earlier in the thread and I did it after the first hotfix. I couldn’t even get to her before then. I was also with a party during this period on an earlier run in which I also pummeled her with my wrench and our mesmer blinked up to her and finished her. Our two warriors were also standing on top of her. She never had a chance to shield.
After the second hotfix, though? Yeah, she tossed mines on me and threw me all over that room, had to rely on Kasmeer once and Elixer S another time just to get to her through the giant haze of AOEs and bounce-backs, and she got her shield up almost immediately both times.
I think I finally found a reliable way to do this. All the videos I’ve seen have you dodging both the stun and knockback part of Scarlet’s AoE, but the vast majority of the time, either the stun or the knockback would still hit me. So…
1) Run up to or teleport in front of Scarlet.
2) Hit her with an attack. This seems to stop her from using her second knockback while you’re trying to stomp.
3) Stand to the side of her, facing the wall. You want to position yourself so that you’ll end up in front of her after a backwards dodge.
4) Let the stun part of the AoE hit you and then mash the dodge key as soon as it does. You should dodge just in time to avoid the knockback.
5) Mash F while dodging so that you start the stomp as soon as you come out of it.
just wait it out, eventually one of the NPCs distracts her and you can just walk up and stomp; it’s what I ended up doing.
Doesn’t work. By the time the NPC does anything, the shield is up.
I tried watching the guide on duffy, doesn’t work.
Quickness – Does NOT work
Stealth – Does NOT work
Stability – Does NOT work
Dodge – Does NOT work
This achievement needs to be changed so you get it simply for killing her. Not this unobtainable nonsense.
No offense Rentapest.
Just because you couldnt get any of them to work… does not mean they do NOT work. Dodge does work as people have done it, stability does not this has been proven. Stealth+quickness does work as I have used it myself.
I agree the achievement is stupid to tie to this. Make it a title and thats it. But simply because YOU cannot do it, does not mean its not possible.
Stat increase = gear grind.
Gear grind = no money from me ever again.
Well…I really couldn’t get the Shadowstep strategy to work. Even teleporting away, I’d start getting shocked and it would interrupt my finisher.
I did get it by following Dulfy’s tips. I basically dodged to the side, hit Haste, and spammed F. I still got shocked once, but then I managed to get it off.
for thieves
How are you guys not getting bombed way earlier? I have Signet of Midnight and hit Haste right when the cutscene ends and she covers the entire width of the floor in front of me in orange before I can get close enough to shadowstep/steal to her.
Is this just a case of getting lucky with when she does her first attack?
for thieves
How are you guys not getting bombed way earlier? I have Signet of Midnight and hit Haste right when the cutscene ends and she covers the entire width of the floor in front of me in orange before I can get close enough to shadowstep/steal to her.
Is this just a case of getting lucky with when she does her first attack?
I don’t know. I can say what I did, and that may or may not work.
Cutscene ends. Move forward, dodge her first bombs. Shadowstep towards her and start a stomp. Dodge to the side to avoid the AOE, use Haste, then spam F. You may have to burn another shadowstep/steal here, but if you get start the stomp started right after she knocks back, with Haste you may have a chance.
some update broken this achievement, today is impossible.
Was pretty simple as a thief. Shadowstep in, pop haste + finisher. gg easy.
I recorded this exact thing when i did it, except i used Steal instead. Someone said it got patch today so ill do it again and see what changed
did it on first try once i read that quickness speeds up the finisher…. with ranger i use rampage as one for swiftness (stability a plus) , longbow stealth in, quickening zephyr, and stomp to win.
Did it on my second try with my necro. No quickness or anything. It’s just timing.
It felt pretty epic. Like that final scene from “Last of the Mohicans.” When the dad did a roll and kittened up Magua.
(edited by Araziel.7201)
Here’s a video doing it as a naked Norn. No abilities, no traits, no buffs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6OjwD2elcU