Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: ZoiN.4280


Why not just have the difficulty rampup branch out with the chain when its starting to go the other direction – such has going a step further down in difficulty everytime players lose an event, and then heads the other direction – that way the difficulty won’t be entirely removed and otherwise be pushed back from the players right away, or atleast not as easily.

So if I am understanding this it will go like this.

server reset DE set to Dif 1
win set to 2
win set to 3
win set to 12
lose set to 11
lose set to 10
win set to 11

and so on?

Pretty much.

Well that is if the event stays on the same event for longer periods of time.

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: shockwave.1764


I totally agree, all the exciting chains off events mostly happen when an event is failed. I’m at level 72 now, and I have never seen a single event fail. It’s really annoying, I see people in chat TRY to get everyone to purposely fail so they can see the content that haven’t.

If an event keeps going without being beaten ONCE It should definitely scale up, that’s an amazing idea.

Shóckwávé 80 Elementalist, Shawk 80 Guardian,
Aolbjorn 80 Engineer | Rank 29
Staunch Evon Supporter

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Crise.9401


I think when people talk Kessex hills they automatically think of the fact that not once have most seen the Fort under siege there (well I have seen it, did it by rushing there the instant servers started during one of the BWE’s) and compared to that and what I see most of the time in Kessex Hills now it gets to a point where the heart for Fort Salama is tricky to complete, because there are barely any centaurs active in the heart area and the traps only respawn every so often.

When I say tricky I mean, as in you have to drag centaurs from outside the heart radius to kill for the heart credit, during the time traps are “down”.

I would ramp up the difficulty if event is stuck in one stage (or a set of stages) for too long, otherwise some of the events never play out and it portrays centaurs as extremely stupid individuals banging their heads against an overwhelming opposition over and over again despite repeated failures from their point of view. Same image applies to the Sons of Svanir events most likely, though I have not spend that much time in the Norn area personally.

Kessex Hills meta event is bit too much like a pendulum if you ask me, it only splits into two or three branches when the centaurs have the upper hand when they are driven back there is only the Overlord’s Greatcamp and that small cavern with a skill point that triggers the occasional group event.

(edited by Crise.9401)

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Hologramx.6402


In general, it is hard to define ‘Difficulty’ in a dynamic event.

When there are a lot of players doing it, most of them become very easy.
When there are very few players or no high level player at all, it can be very hard depends on the players doing it.

In popular zones (most of them tied to the story and are well-balanced), events are usually easy. On the contrary, most events are extremely hard if there is hardly anyone around, such as the northern level 50-70 zones.

Also, players like to stay in easy zones which makes it easier and more comfortable and vice versa. As a result, the southern sphere of the world can be prosperous while the northern is just like being abandoned.

There should be a lot more incentives for challenging those abandoned events to balance things out throughout the world.

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Archeon.7693


Why not just have the difficulty rampup branch out with the chain when its starting to go the other direction – such has going a step further down in difficulty everytime players lose an event, and then heads the other direction – that way the difficulty won’t be entirely removed and otherwise be pushed back from the players right away, or atleast not as easily.

So if I am understanding this it will go like this.

server reset DE set to Dif 1
win set to 2
win set to 3
win set to 12
lose set to 11
lose set to 10
win set to 11

and so on?

See, to me this will just mean that it cycles two events rather than 1. When #1 gets to difficulty 11 where people fail, it goes back down the chain to #2 at difficulty 10 where people win, so it goes back to #1 at difficulty 11 so it goes back to #2 at 10….

If they were to implement something that works on a simple win/loss counter, I think it would have to only change difficulty at the extreme ends of the chain. ie if an event can lead to 2 different events depending whether it is won or lost then it doesn’t have any effect on difficulty. An event that can only lead to a different event if it is lost will raise the difficulty of the whole chain each time it is won, and an event that can only lead to a different event if it is won will lower the difficulty of the chain each time it is lost.

I’d still prefer something more sophisticated, but again, I imagine that the above is technically challenging enough!

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Replect.3407


Whatever the best solution is, I really hope ArenaNet is looking into that!

Some feedback from one of them would be quite nice and welcome!

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Sargon LL.4731

Sargon LL.4731

Some sort of increased difficulty to force things in another direction or at least make them challenging is needed. Winning all the time with minimal effort is boring.

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: nerva.7940


right now the #1 priority for ANet (even higher than the hacked accounts imo) should be DE tweaks. this amazing, touted feature is an absolute snoozefest when done in a larger group. not to mention that we dont get to see most of the content because the opening DE never fails.

Ikiro – 80 Ranger
Umie – 80 Guardian

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Nepocrates.3642


So far I have been on 2 event that have failed and we were trying to win. 1 was some bridge I was defending from pirates. I was the lone defender. I got through 2/3 of the event before the bridge blew up with me on it. Then the defend the repair team event happen it was cool. The second one was some farm we were to defend once again on a few of us and we lost. So we had to take the farm back.

So I really hope they do find a solution as DE are a blast when you barely win or lose. it is the 30 people hit 3 normal mobs at a time DE that gets boring.

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Raf.1078


I always quest higher than my level. Usually 3-4 levels above. XP is better and tactics are required and its a challenge to go 1v1 and live. If the game is too easy for you…step up your personal game.

My warrior does the bridge DE at level 18…though that requires pretty much total ranged attacks. At that level in that DE, to melee is to die immediately.

PF/ GOAT on Tarnished Coast (Semi-Retired)
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: PopeUrban.2578


Why not just have the difficulty rampup branch out with the chain when its starting to go the other direction – such has going a step further down in difficulty everytime players lose an event, and then heads the other direction – that way the difficulty won’t be entirely removed and otherwise be pushed back from the players right away, or atleast not as easily.

So if I am understanding this it will go like this.

server reset DE set to Dif 1
win set to 2
win set to 3
win set to 12
lose set to 11
lose set to 10
win set to 11

and so on?

See, to me this will just mean that it cycles two events rather than 1. When #1 gets to difficulty 11 where people fail, it goes back down the chain to #2 at difficulty 10 where people win, so it goes back to #1 at difficulty 11 so it goes back to #2 at 10….

If they were to implement something that works on a simple win/loss counter, I think it would have to only change difficulty at the extreme ends of the chain. ie if an event can lead to 2 different events depending whether it is won or lost then it doesn’t have any effect on difficulty. An event that can only lead to a different event if it is lost will raise the difficulty of the whole chain each time it is won, and an event that can only lead to a different event if it is won will lower the difficulty of the chain each time it is lost.

I’d still prefer something more sophisticated, but again, I imagine that the above is technically challenging enough!

I agree (That quote as me is actually a misquote) Which is why I proposed the “total win wipe” in my previous post.

Lets face facts here. Players want to win dynamic events. This is why so many metas remain locked in total victory mode all the time. We don’t (and shouldn’t!) play to lose.

Any sort of gradient difficulty will still result in a repetion of a limited section of the whole chain. With the “wipe” event you’re just keying in to the fact that players are doing extremely well in a zone and resetting the chain whilst simultaneously giving the players that did so well a special “armageddon survival” zonewide event that serves to really shake up the monotonay of the zone.

This wipe event is intended to drive off players who don’t want to have a bit of challenge in the DE’s for a while, spreading them to other areas of the zone, reward the players who decide to stick it out to the bloody end well, and most importantly, reset the meta to a total devastated/enemy has won situation so that the next players through the zone or the players that fled from the wipe event have the opportunity to really feel they’re making a difference.

Event chains are going to repeat eventually anyway, that’s the nature of a finite system, but the wipe event idea is intended to make the instance of inevitable showcase the world changing power of the event system and ensure that the entirety of event chains have a chance to actually happen.

In zones where people aren’t constantly easily zerging “defend the win” events the system is working as intended already so why mess with that? The wipe idea just stops the dynamic event system from becoming a static system of “defend all these things over and over” by shaking it up if the chains become stale and repetitive.

Guild Master – The Papacy [POPE] (Gate of Madness)/Road Scholar for the Durmand Priory
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: nerva.7940


I always quest higher than my level. Usually 3-4 levels above. XP is better and tactics are required and its a challenge to go 1v1 and live. If the game is too easy for you…step up your personal game.

My warrior does the bridge DE at level 18…though that requires pretty much total ranged attacks. At that level in that DE, to melee is to die immediately.

off-topic. this thread is about DE’s. even if youre level 18 doing a lvl 22 DE, the zerg will allow u to faceroll through it.

the suggestion u and the above dev give applies to hearts and personal story. not to DE’s.

Ikiro – 80 Ranger
Umie – 80 Guardian

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: nerva.7940


Why not just have the difficulty rampup branch out with the chain when its starting to go the other direction – such has going a step further down in difficulty everytime players lose an event, and then heads the other direction – that way the difficulty won’t be entirely removed and otherwise be pushed back from the players right away, or atleast not as easily.

So if I am understanding this it will go like this.

server reset DE set to Dif 1
win set to 2
win set to 3
win set to 12
lose set to 11
lose set to 10
win set to 11

and so on?

See, to me this will just mean that it cycles two events rather than 1. When #1 gets to difficulty 11 where people fail, it goes back down the chain to #2 at difficulty 10 where people win, so it goes back to #1 at difficulty 11 so it goes back to #2 at 10….

If they were to implement something that works on a simple win/loss counter, I think it would have to only change difficulty at the extreme ends of the chain. ie if an event can lead to 2 different events depending whether it is won or lost then it doesn’t have any effect on difficulty. An event that can only lead to a different event if it is lost will raise the difficulty of the whole chain each time it is won, and an event that can only lead to a different event if it is won will lower the difficulty of the chain each time it is lost.

I’d still prefer something more sophisticated, but again, I imagine that the above is technically challenging enough!

I agree (That quote as me is actually a misquote) Which is why I proposed the “total win wipe” in my previous post.

Lets face facts here. Players want to win dynamic events. This is why so many metas remain locked in total victory mode all the time. We don’t (and shouldn’t!) play to lose.

Any sort of gradient difficulty will still result in a repetion of a limited section of the whole chain. With the “wipe” event you’re just keying in to the fact that players are doing extremely well in a zone and resetting the chain whilst simultaneously giving the players that did so well a special “armageddon survival” zonewide event that serves to really shake up the monotonay of the zone.

This wipe event is intended to drive off players who don’t want to have a bit of challenge in the DE’s for a while, spreading them to other areas of the zone, reward the players who decide to stick it out to the bloody end well, and most importantly, reset the meta to a total devastated/enemy has won situation so that the next players through the zone or the players that fled from the wipe event have the opportunity to really feel they’re making a difference.

Event chains are going to repeat eventually anyway, that’s the nature of a finite system, but the wipe event idea is intended to make the instance of inevitable showcase the world changing power of the event system and ensure that the entirety of event chains have a chance to actually happen.

In zones where people aren’t constantly easily zerging “defend the win” events the system is working as intended already so why mess with that? The wipe idea just stops the dynamic event system from becoming a static system of “defend all these things over and over” by shaking it up if the chains become stale and repetitive.

this would work beautifully (in theory). hope ANet tries something like this…very soon. DE’s are a snoozefest.

Ikiro – 80 Ranger
Umie – 80 Guardian

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Raf.1078


I always quest higher than my level. Usually 3-4 levels above. XP is better and tactics are required and its a challenge to go 1v1 and live. If the game is too easy for you…step up your personal game.

My warrior does the bridge DE at level 18…though that requires pretty much total ranged attacks. At that level in that DE, to melee is to die immediately.

off-topic. this thread is about DE’s. even if youre level 18 doing a lvl 22 DE, the zerg will allow u to faceroll through it.

the suggestion u and the above dev give applies to hearts and personal story. not to DE’s.

That assuming there was enough players to constitute a zerg…which there hasn’t been lately. Its been quite a challenge to stay alive and fight through the DE at that level.

PF/ GOAT on Tarnished Coast (Semi-Retired)
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Treason.8417


If anyone ever played FFXI I wish DE’s would scale like Besieged (a massive battle event in which an army of mobs attacked a certain city.)

If players succeed in defending the city, the next event will become harder and harder.

Let this happen to DEs! So eventually the mobs become so strong that players will fail and we finally get to play branches of events we have never seen.

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: juiceman.2870


Yeah I would agree that a lot of the events at least up until level 30 I am at are just zerg attacks where you barely get hit and they just end up not being at all hard. I think though its more a matter of the events scaling better with more players whether its HP/speed of enemies something to make all the players have to actually contribute and try regardless of how many people show up

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Vzur.7123


I think events should be more random. I think sometimes they should be more difficult. Sometimes, not. I think most importantly, they should be more unpredictable. Maybe then, they might actually feel dynamic.

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Tomahawk.9534


Having tougher challenges for the caped players in the game does not necessarily mean a bad thing. For example: this type of content can encourage players to grind/work hard for better gear and of course to figure out the best skills for each DE.

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Smigl.6178


Lv80 for a week now, NEVER saw event failed. every event is pure zerg aoe spam, no skill needed, no brains, just hit as much mobs as you can to try to get some loot. bosses are jokes when 100people are zerging them, you dont even need to move just stand and spam. We badly need challenge in this event, scale them harder and make them harder every time “they” lose so after 3-4 loses they have 90% chance to win something.

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Morelia.6835


Event bosses in particular should require more teamwork and coordination. Sitting around half-afk spamming 1 for 15 minutes while occasionally dodging out of a red circle isn’t exactly interesting or fun.

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: broken.5871


I have failed events. Not that I disagree with what any of you are saying but event fails do happen, more often than it seems like you guys are giving credit for. I run into new places all the time where it is on the chain because of a fail, but usually this only happens really late at night when there is no one doing the events.

As I said though, I still agree that the difficulty of DE’s is way to easy. When I am by myself in an event (which has happened quite often) I still generally win them. So it seems to me as long as there are people actually doing it it will get completed just about every time, meaningits waaaay to easy. Generally its just auto-attack win.

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Seraskus.6810


The only event I failed so far were “Protect this from being stolen/destroyed”.

Others are always won. I am very ‘casual’ player, I dont like the challenges, but I think wining all the time is booring as well… Losing an event isn’t so horrible- you get reward anyway, you (mostly) do not die and so on.

Current events are just kinda “Come here, spam attacks and gain XP boost”.


Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Replect.3407


Just experienced the fight against Jormag my second time… Apart from serious lags and skills that just didn’t want to trigger (bug? already opened topic about that) it wasn’t really challenging. I wasn’t even really looking what I was doing and started in the middle of all the players, mobs and Jormag to send a Bug report with detailed description about players in the air, probably exploiting something like someone did in WvW… I took some damage, but as far as lag and bug let me do, I was fine with healing me up from time to time, standing still and auto-attacking Jormag.

That’s about my 3-4 post in here and there are more in similar threads, everytime I just experience in the game more and more events that don’t show me that we are wrong with our concern here, they actually prove it to me!

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


As long as rewards scale up accordingly I agree.

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Jalad Lantana.3027

Jalad Lantana.3027

The bosses, and minions need more active skills when facing huge zergs. Things like blowbacks, stuns, freezes, blinds, and increased crit rates. Not just one hit kills.

There needs to be some risks involved, such as higher gear damage, negative cash flow, ie, the boss/minions steal your credits.

The way it is now it is just a big gaudy show where you throw AOE’s and watch the spectacle until it is time to collect your gold.

Guardian / Ranger / Mesmer / Necro / Warrior
Played since 1st online ‘demo’ months before the BWEs.

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


The bosses, and minions need more active skills when facing huge zergs. Things like blowbacks, stuns, freezes, blinds, and increased crit rates. Not just one hit kills.

There needs to be some risks involved, such as higher gear damage, negative cash flow, ie, the boss/minions steal your credits.

The way it is now it is just a big gaudy show where you throw AOE’s and watch the spectacle until it is time to collect your gold.

Some events are not cost effective as it is, especially quests where the mobs continually spawn. Spawn points + repairs sometimes far exceed any silver you’d get from them unless there are enough people to help, but then the quest would scale up anyway making an attempt pointless.

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Thalzion.1378


I always target content that is for higher level than me, but things tend to level out soon anyway. Things are too easy at times, too hard at times. I can kill one 7 levels higher mob, but not two easily. And what is the point of finding a zone for your level, if that zone is too easy? It becomes farming hearts to complete the zone.

Even the start zone epic dragon was way easy. It was epic yes, but there were no problems of beating it. First event has to be relatively easy of course, but some times I barely get to hit the thing before it is dead -> and afterwards I haven’t seen such a dragon at all and I am level 35 now. On one hand, personal stories, and some skill challenges, have been tough if I was not couple levels higher than the story.

Story mode AC has been somewhat tricky, but I start to guess that it is tricky only for random groups of new players, as in other run we didn’t die much at all.

But more of the events: I think that the events are nice, but not very deep. I have just done tons of events and after one event it might lead to couple more. But I don’t get the feeling that the events affect things. I have noticed that you cannot teleport to waypoint if it is contested by mobs. But other than that I don’t see much change. One reason for that might be that the change is not significant for farming hearts, and while levelling -> I am soon in the next zone and don’t notice significant changes in the environment.

Most of the time for example Lion’s Arch isn’t inaccessible due to mobs conquering it. If I was forced to conquer Lion’s Arch back, I might notice something. But mostly a grass zone is still grass zone, even if some centaurs appear for players to kill. And there isn’t any progress bar for showing how soon Lion’s Arch will be lost to the mobs because players are not fortifying it.

Currently when a dynamic event appears nearby, I think that there is no reason to take part, as 1) I have done that event already 2) I have done that event already many times 3) I have done it and it will probably just appear again even if I did it again so there is no point, I could as well go do something else now 4) if I left the event and it failed, well I won’t be around to face the concequences so who cares, not me. -> I go farm hearts in the next zone. 5) some one else might do the event anyway 6) what if I did the event? There is no mark in the map for me. All I get is a bonus prize. But if I farm hearts, at least I get a progress mark in the map.

(edited by Thalzion.1378)

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Bartgast.9412


I really agree on the fact hat alot of events are way too easy. Increasing difficulty could be scaled a bit higehr when more and more players are around.
Personally my thoughts are going out to random events being so extremely hard that you cannot succeed so a new rare event can spawn what really needs cooperation and at least 100+ players.
Dragon fights mid level are just going too quick. Maybe just increase HP with a million or something, i want epic long fights

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Cantatus.4065


The way I see it, one of the worst things about the events almost always succeeding is it makes the world feel a lot less dynamic than Arenanet has designed it. Rather than seeing a whole bunch of different events, you usually just see the same ones repeatedly. I have never had to, for example, take back an area from the Centaurs, because the Centaurs never are able to actually win.

It would be extremely cool to zone into one of the zones and have an area need to be reclaimed, but the way things work now, that just doesn’t ever seem to happen.

Events where things like centaurs attack to retake their lands, need to get harder and harder with each sucessful defense until eventually they win and the event chain moves the other way, Right now the events seam locked in ultimate sucess mode.

Failure needs to not only be possible, it needs to be probable if people dont play well and work together.

I think this would be a good solution, and it’d also make things feel more dynamic. It would make sense that if you repel one attack, they’d regroup and come back stronger.

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: MohawkYeah.2178


This is one of the coolest ideas I’ve seen on the Subject of DE’s, it would make things so much more interesting and allow us to see different parts to the events. I will say that not every event appears to have a failure event. Such as the group of children in Garrenden Fields where you must escort them to their “treasure” Of course, if I’m wrong, please correct me. I still think it’s a fantastic idea, just maybe not implemented into EVERY event.

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Apathy.6430


I think it would make sense if every time an event “fails” (centaurs fail to do the bridge), it gets a bonus for next time, so that eventually they will succeed.

It’s really two fold. One, it lets people see the additional content, and two, it helps curb botting etc.

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: BeardRex.6739


Hmm. Yeah, I really thought event difficulty would ramp up until we eventually failed. Especially when it gets stuck at the most-winning end.

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: roqoco.4053


I’ve long thought that downscaling to two levels above the content wouldn’t provide a challenging experience on revisiting an area, especially given the additional abilities and gear that you have at a higher level. And in fact although you can’t one shot everything at lower levels it’s pretty close. Probably instead of scaling events just for numbers the devs also need to take into account the levels of the participants in some way. Without that there’s little chance of an event failing when there are higher level players in an area.

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: nerva.7940


thats the right idea, and in my opinion the best way to go about this. ramp up the DE difficulty to higher levels, each time there is a win. even if the event is insanely difficult, at least it will bring some variety to each map.

as things stand right now, we are literally seeing just a fraction of the DE’s. the same ones that repeat over and over again after we win!

Ikiro – 80 Ranger
Umie – 80 Guardian

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Cyrus.8261


While I like the idea scaling up the difficulty of an event after its won, I agree with previous posts that it would most likely lead to settling of the chain into two events, one still easy to win and one that’s regularly lost.

There are two things I think would make DEs more dynamic:

1. Random difficulty

At the start of every event, a random bonus factor is rolled that the enemy mobs get. (Both in numbers and strength) While it should give average results most of the time, there can be peaks that greatly increase the difficulty, leading to the losing chain of events.

2. Killer mobs that spawn to counter the zerg

If the number of players in the event reaches certain thresholds, the spawns include new veteran enemies specifically designed to face the zerg.
Abilities like constant retaliation, AoE control, immunity to X, etc would let them disrupt the players that just stand still and AoE the boss/horde.

(edited by Cyrus.8261)

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Yerdoc.5039


Game Designer

Clearly this doesn’t apply to level-capped players, but have you considered targeting content at a higher level than your character? I prefer difficult content, so personally I tend to look for content that’s 2 levels higher than my own.

Content 2 levels higher is still trivial. The difficulty of this game is way too easy and provides zero challenge. Maybe it will change with Orr and I also haven’t been to dungeons but I have to force myself to play since I normally enjoy games which provide me a decent challenge.

And it doesn’t change the fact that events are too easy and never fail. Actually the only thing you need to do is to hit the auto attack button. AE buttons only if you are motivated and want to get more xp.

(edited by Yerdoc.5039)

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: joe.7684


Clearly this doesn’t apply to level-capped players, but have you considered targeting content at a higher level than your character? I prefer difficult content, so personally I tend to look for content that’s 2 levels higher than my own.

I’m afraid you missed the point, as a number of other people have said. The problem isn’t necessarily that people need to find higher-level content, it’s that, according to many, one of the key components of the game – dynamic events – isn’t working as intended because the chains aren’t working properly due to the first event(s) never failing. I’ve been in many instances where the events failed myself, but I see the points the other posters are trying to make.

Personally, I think we need more chains of events leading from the first event’s being succeeded. Like, “you did a good job, now here’s a tougher one”. There are actually some of those around, but I think every starting event needs to be fixed so that it has such a chain. And, like some have proposed, those events could be made harder and harder as each link in the chain is completed.

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Taiance.6213


What annoys me more than the lack of events failing is being able to run from opposite ends of the map and never seeing a single event.

Maybe I’m just doing it wrong, but I don’t see how people are managing to do so much event content when I can barely find any.

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Alexious.6307


I definitely agree, it would be much more interesting if most events got a bump in difficulty so that actually failing them, and therefore triggering another event, is a real option that can possibly occur. This also increases replayability, because winning every time also means that we miss 99% of the time those events that only trigger with fail conditions.

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Many Pesky Monk.3140

Many Pesky Monk.3140

Clearly this doesn’t apply to level-capped players, but have you considered targeting content at a higher level than your character? I prefer difficult content, so personally I tend to look for content that’s 2 levels higher than my own.

But that’s not really an excuse. I thought at whatever level, DEs were supposed to be challenging because of the downscale. Wasn’t that one of the selling points of this game? The entire game being endgame, being able to go back to lower level zones and still be challenged? If you are recommending going to higher level zones to get more of a challenge, then that means there is a problem. Am I not right?

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Rin.2564


yeah I agree as well, that DE should be harder and losable. Fought the cave troll in human starting area and was actually losing. Mainly because we were 3 players against it but 5 more players came and it was a cake walk…nobody died after the reinforcments came, everybody switched to ranged and kited it occasionally going in melee range.

Similar thing happened with the giant wood elephant or whatever it is in the south of human starting area. This was harder but we beat it with ~10 ppl. An interesting thing happened which made the battle easier: W led the “boss” close enough to a inactive same type monster and they fought for quit a while and this made it so easy for the rest of us that we could go rez other players. So I like that because it was harder and you had different ways of fighting it instead of just spam skills and dodge.

Maybe introduce strategy elements to boss fights: using a certain combo will only damage the boss for a while and then it changes the needed effect?

(edited by Rin.2564)

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Jan Regal.7590

Jan Regal.7590

Absolutely, crank up the difficulty on all of them – for solos, crank up the difficulty, but when it’s a wave defense, spawn more defender NPCs. Make it feel ALIVE. Make them move around, the NPC fights right now are static WoW style fights. Wait 3 seconds to swing at each other, very uninspiring. Use the same AI as the PvP trainers!

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: nbates.4701


I think one of the problems is that most events are solvable just by spamming attacks on the genera area where the event is happening. As soon as you have something that’s not solved by killing mobs many people fail it. One example is “defend”, most people just attack and leave the thing you need to defend unattended.

I saw a funny example on Dredgehaunt Cliffs. There was an NPC named Oliver I think, he needed dredge plans. That means you needed to kill Dredge engineers only, retrieve the plans and fetch those to the NPC. Surprisingly, nobody did that. There was no way of solving this event just by killing, yet everybody in the area was running around, killing dredge. I completed the event on my own by targeting Engineers, stealing from them and sending the plans to the NPC.

After that, the NPC run to his encampment and built a dredge transport to help free the nearby cities. I thought that was cool but it was never obvious to me how much of an impact did that NPC have. What if that was absolutely needed for the cities on the area to be freed? What if there was some kind of mob that couldn’t be killed without a special gun that Oliver brought to the city?

Other examples are, what if there were some minor mobs that exploded if you shoot them, causing damage to friends on the zone? (Yes, this could end up badly) There are many ways to make events harder without throwing more/tougher mobs to it, and I agree we need harder events, right now everything seems stucked on a “win” state, making the world seem static.

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: iniside.4736


I bump this as this is really important.
The events should scale in diffculty the longer win streak is. To the point where wining event is just impossible (even if that means event will throw at you damage immune mobs).
It’s getting ridicouls when single event is reapted over and over again, because it can fail, and people refuse to fail it…

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Dracosblood.4603


Something needs to change, throw Champion mobs in there more like in Jofast’s camp, every so offen Jofast’s will spawn a champ mob in the event. Orr in some area’s is just a grind fest, with people farming the same events over and over. Some of the events allow you to kill the mobs as they path to their assault spot, people are killing them over and over before the mobs can even attack.

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Melphina.9035


Clearly this doesn’t apply to level-capped players, but have you considered targeting content at a higher level than your character? I prefer difficult content, so personally I tend to look for content that’s 2 levels higher than my own.

The point is not that it feels easy for us .The point is that since events never fail you have the same stage repeating over and over again which is more boring than a normal quests
The centaurs in kessex hills have been trying to make that bridge for hours and never managed to even touch it yet.Seriously thats a major flaw of the system ..People right now are everywhere and they are not only trivialising everything but they also make whole chains of events worthless since they never come up.

I’ve seen plenty of events fail.

Ive seen events fail, however, the major chains dont fail often enough. People that are comming in will never experience most of the events in the game. On Blackgate we almost always have arah and all the temples in Cursed Shore. In lower level zones the centaurs have never won.

Melphina Kobe ~ Thief

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Aryto.5873


I kind of like the idea of increasing difficulty overall, but in a manner that makes playing tactically a little more necessary. Just upping the armor value and HP of something prolongs the fight, but doesn’t make it more challenging with the throngs of people involved in many boss events.

During off-peak hours, our server does indeed experience zones where many of the events go to full-failure mode. I cannot speak for Queensdale/Kessex or Orr as I avoid going to those places =p

I’ve often felt like the most fun to be had fighting in an event is taking on a Champion group event with just 2 or 3 people. That is absolutely a blast—it always results in many close-calls and going down, and requires playing well. If they could capture that kind of encounter for larger groups, I’d be a really happy camper.

I do not like the idea of playing to lose on purpose, but I understand the desire to experience the variated content that results from certain event failures. The idea that every so often, a “forced-failure” happens to send event chains back the other way might work, provided that everyone going in knows they are playing a “survival mode” type of game in which success is defined by how many waves you can withstand before succumbing to the enemy.

Which is to say, being forced to fail isn’t generally considered fun.

Perhaps there is cause to request being able to join an overflow instance of a map that has a low population so that content can be played sans the zerg?

A R Y T O . S HA D E S T A L K E R

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Polluxo.4967


It was a valid complaint during BWE2 and BWE3 that events were made far too easy and boring. It’s still that way and I regret them never making the events more difficult, some are already hard, but even random bosses that don’t offer any reward are harder than most events.

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: phooka.4295


Clearly this doesn’t apply to level-capped players, but have you considered targeting content at a higher level than your character? I prefer difficult content, so personally I tend to look for content that’s 2 levels higher than my own.

I know I’m late to the party, but wow, I’ve rarely seen a post that missed the topic by as wide a margin as this one. I know, this sounds rude, but it’s just… the way I see it.

The original post raised the absolutely valid point of event “chains” being forever stuck in “final success” (or, for that matter, “final failure”). The proposed solution of events getting harder the more often they succeeded and easier the more often they’ve failed would resolve this beautifully, yet the ArenaNet employee completely failed to respond to this very good point.

So, no matter where you head to in the morning (where you work), read carefully first, reply then.

Do you think events should increase in difficulty?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: PuffyWiggles.2180


Dear Anet, The Fire Elemental in the level 1 Asura zone is 100x harder than the endgame event Dragons. Please fix. Thank you.

By Fix I mean don’t make Dragons sit there while you press 1, maybe make them harder than cutting down a tree. You killed all sense of epic that the artists worked hard on with your very bizarre design decisions while also showing that you are capable of difficult encounters as shown by the Fire Elemental. The PvE design decisions make zero sense.