Frozen Maw reset time?

Frozen Maw reset time?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Lil Puppy.5216

Lil Puppy.5216

It used to be 25 minutes, I’ve heard it’s around an hour now but haven’t heard anything concrete on the time.

Anyone know so we can get the dragon timer updated?

Frozen Maw reset time?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Dasorine.1964


yeah they doubled cooldown and window time for some reason, clearly they weren’t happy with the fact it wasn’t channeling enough people at the same time to cause overflow.

Frozen Maw reset time?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: LONGA.1652


I was running around wayfarer foothill for an hour.Nobody telling that Frozen maw up.
And I looked at timer site Fire Elemental seem to be affected as well.

Frozen Maw reset time?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

It seems to be either more than an hour or its variable. I arrived there last night shortly before it was supposed to start, and it didn’t. The timer started over and after about a half hour I left. So, it didn’t start in 90 minutes on that occasion.

Frozen Maw reset time?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Meglobob.8620


On a other thread, a Anet content designer said 2 hours, on par with othe world events…sad day, another sad nerf…

Frozen Maw reset time?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: sixtyninetee.9785


Maw was the hottest thing posted in game.


Let’s see, I"m working at Anet and clearly I see so many gamers enjoying this thing called MAW… yes, I get it… We need to change this… Too many gamers are happy… They like this quick spawn and we can’t have it…. Somehow gamers are happy and talking to each other and we must crush their happiness… must change.


Or was something like this… Too many gamers getting too much gear and it was taking away from the Gem Shop?

Frozen Maw reset time?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: BananaStand.3764


I fail to see why the change was necessary following the chest loot change on the 26th. Maw happening every half hour was arguably excessive when you could get a new chest on every character every day. Now that it it 1/acct/day I’m not sure what the reasoning was behind this change.

The only thing I can think of was the leveling XP it provided assuming you were there for the duration and able to do ~6 DE’s that quickly. But even then, the DR would kick in by the end of the 2nd chain and XP would be worthless until the DR reset.

There’s always money in the…

Frozen Maw reset time?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: AutumnWind.7689


Seems to me, that now, if you want to get even your once per day maw, you need to stand around waiting for an hour, because if you’re not there, you won’t be there on time, as it seems, that not only is the event now much rarer, but it also happens faster. For example, day before yesterday, I ran from Twinspur when the pre-event started, and managed to get there by the time totem was going down, and all in all managed to get two silvers, when usually getting all gold used to be easy.

Yes, I’ve also noticed the tendency for it being hard to get back in time to the champion from killing the portals. And if you’re anywhere outside the event area or not paying attention to when the pre-events start, you’re practically out for what, another hour or two?

I’m such a new player that I don’t know the history of the event chests or their problematics, but if it’s now once per day per account to prevent farming, couldn’t the event happen a bit more often, or at least more predictably, and also last longer, so that getting to it wouldn’t require standing on the lake doing nothing but waiting for it to start, wasting easily an hour of play time?

Maybe the event (chain) could be timed to last longer (even like 10 minutes?), be more predictable (something like 10-15 min randomness instead of an hour?) Or at least lengthen the boss-fight, perhaps add a pause in the boss fight for additional monologue, or add delay from the portals to the time the boss becomes vulnerable?

Frozen Maw reset time?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

The few times I have managed to get this event after the change in the timer has not been positive. Either a LONNNNGG wait while the timer ticks over then restarts or giving up and going elsewhere. Lots of frustrated people there now means that when it does start, it goes thru so fast it’s a joke. Mobs disappear as soon as they appear. The portals go down as soon as you reach them. The champion is at half health by the time you make the 5 second run back to him.

Ths would be improved by reverting back to the old timer and having one chest per account per day. People would do it and move on. The crowds would be dispersed across time, not all bunched up. There wouldn’t be these massive groups of people, scrambling to get one hit in before it ends.

Tl:DR. Please ANet. Revert the timer back.

Frozen Maw reset time?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Reaver.9256


Please lessen the random timer anet

Frozen Maw reset time?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Ergi.5201


Being stuck at Krennak’s Homestead for up about an hour and a half for fear of missing the Maw sure has enhanced my playing experience.

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Some must fight, so that all may be free.

Frozen Maw reset time?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Loosmaster.8263


Simple fix: Put the event timer to a 1 hour rotation, no spawn window and only allow the Drop Chest and Rare Chest to be received once per day per account. The current setting is definitely affecting new players being able to level and socialize. Want them to do other events in the area? Try upping the reward on the Champ Marauder. For the time involved in completing this multi-event is not worth the trash drop and no one does it except maybe for the XP and Karma. This is at least what I’ve noticed on Devonas Rest server.

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Frozen Maw reset time?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Seveleniumus.5973


Yea, this was unnecessary change, as most people now just want to get their daily chest, making window wider means there will be people camping for hours and then when event fires it will lag/overflow and be over in seconds.

Frozen Maw reset time?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: tropenfrucht.8963


I think this was an unnecessary hard nerf. Since the update I haven’t done maw at all. It’s just never up when I’m there and as I only play for 1 or 2 hours a day I don’t want to stand there and wait for it to happen. Before the patch I did it once everyday I was online.
It was a great and fun event. Was great for your dailies as it has a champion, a veteran, a group-event, 6 events in total (down-leveled events daily, shiverpeak-events daily) an you could gather while waiting for the chain to start. So it helped a good bit in doing your dailies if you don’t have that much playtime.
And it was great for leveling, got about 20 levels for my necro from alternating maw and the svanir dome chain while picking up events on the way between.
Maybe it spawned to frequent and needed a higher respawn time, but that additional random 1 hour on top of the 1 hour respawn timer killed maw for me

Frozen Maw reset time?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

I used to run my low level alts thru these events, just to level them. That was before the guaranteed rare so the chest was a nice bonus when I got it, but I was doing it for the exp and the fun of it. Now, I don’t do that anymore. The handful of times I have done the maw since the timer change, I made sure it was on a level 80. No point in frivolously throwing away a rare event. :/

Frozen Maw reset time?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: rizzo.1079


This is exactly what I told people would happen if events were changed to have longer windows or made random.

Personally I usually just head over there if I see the timer has ~20 minutes left so I’m not sitting there for an hour or more. If it just finished, oh well I’ll try to catch it later.

Frozen Maw reset time?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: AndyofBorg.7835


Seriously Anet, what is the logic in ruining things people enjoy? I understand the balance and it was a bit too good to be true, but heavy handed is exactly the way I’d describe it. Please be reasonable and either make it 30 mins with a 30 min window, or 60 mins with no window to speak of, but camping an event for 60 minutes to get the daily chest is just ridiculous.

I know, we can just not do it if it’s not fun, right? But if the game’s not fun, why play it? The chests have been balanced, now put the fun back in. Please.

Frozen Maw reset time?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Raine.1394


Why introduce change to make the game less fun for people? Anet solved the loot problem making chest account wide, why make the event inaccessible now? The last two times I was there for sonic logs I was unable to do the event as I went by the dragon timer and got tired of waiting after a half hour. It’s not fun to sit and watch 8-bit fireworks for 30 minutes. Can we move the direction of the game towards rewarding and fun?

Frozen Maw reset time?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608


And I’m gonna step in and say the opposite.

I love the group events in GW. However, before the timer change, since half the server population seemed to sit in Wayfarer Foothills at all times waiting to repeatedly do the Maw, other maps’ group events were abandoned. There is a good deal of maps where I haven’t been able to play through the world events yet. From my point of view, it would be the right decision to scale down the Maw timer and chest reward, to make it less appealing to players, while scaling up the chest rewards (and/or timer) for similar events on other maps to balance it out a bit and add to the appeal of doing something else for a change.

Secondly, I’m not a fan of fixed timers anyway; players shouldn’t know that this or that event will definitely be up within the next five minutes. Events should just happen when they happen and if you happen to be in the vicinity, then great. I’d be happier if the world events happened at a random point in time (within a fixed window, obviously, but with a range making it undeterminable).

There is enough static chests in the world that people can farm for loot; jumping puzzles, etc.

I realise that I may be the only person thinking this way, but predictable, reliable half-hourly maw-farming bores the hell out of me, and sadly when other people do it, it also sort of affects me, see my comment above about abandoned maps. (Not that I generally care what other people do, but clearly the maw created (and still does) a huge imbalance, compared to other world events.)


1. Dynamic events should be dynamic.
2. The world events should be balanced out and all be roughly the same level of rewarding, to prevent people from wanting to hog one and disregard all other events.