How does Zho Qafa catacombs escort start?
I feel your pain, I have killed the 3 vets inside and have been waiting 4 hours in SoD and still nothing, I went off and did temple of balth, mapped the area and still nothing!!
Event timer begins when you kill 3 vets (if they arent there, they have already been killed).
3-4 hours after, NPCs (Warmaster) will appear dead to the east, under the feet of a champion abomination.
Killing that abomination will begin the event.
after killing the 3 Vets, head to the choppa! (the downed helicopter event) and get them in the air. I’m not certain, but I think it’s related to the start of the event because there is a cannon in the swamp that is also related to the event. When I did Escort, Warmaster and his group always appeared in the swamp. Escort from swamp, beat the Champ Abomination, to the cave.
Champ Abomination is uber tough, whomever has aggro runs in circles while the others hit the Champ. Champ ignores pretty much all slows or snares and runs very fast at times. Trying to revive the runner (who has aggro) will mean more players will die. Be ready to run back after tanking while downed, or after aggro switches to another player, another might be able to revive… although revive from dead (not downed) takes too long, just run back from Rally Point waypoint or other one.
I know this is an old topic, but I will respond anyway because some one else did only 16 hours ago, and I suppose this might help him out.
I’ve not done the entire event chain, I’ve only done it from the vets onwards but I have read how it apparently starts.
1. In the catacombs there is an event to use pact flame throwers to destroy 10 coffins. (if that event isn’t there, and there aren’t any events to kill veterans, go to step 3)
2. Once that is done, 3 veterans will spawn, and you kill each of them.
3. North east of the catacombs there is a regularly spawning event with a helicopter that has been shot down, and needs repairing.
4. South east of there in a swamp, another event will appear where you must destroyer the risen anti air turret so a helicopter will land. (presumably the one that you just did the repair event for)
5. Then once all of those are done, the escort quest will begin. Here you fight a bunch of risen and a risen abomination. The abomination is unstoppable (knockdowns etc don’t work), and gains stacks of frenzies to move quickly and stuff and can be a kitten to kill. There are 2 events north of this abomination. A Melandru guy, and someone else east of him near the Wayward (I think) way point. The Melandru guy gives the abomination toughness and some other stat (I forget), so it’s good to finish that event. And the other event makes it so the way point is uncontested which makes returning to fight the abomination about a billion times easier because they are literally next to each other.
6. Once you get the catacombs, you then have a new event where you explore the catacombs, which you will end up fighting a champion ooze and another champion abomination.
7. THEN finally you make it the BOSS of the event chain, who is an eye of Zhaitan, kill him (he’s weak as kitten and you get a BIG chest (speculated to drop the Final Rest staff)
8. Escort them out of the catacombs before they collapse. (Involves killing another weak veteran)
With all the events if you include the Melandru and the one to make the way point uncontested, there are 10 dynamic events you can do throughout the chain. (could be more but that’s all that I have seen)
I think the 3-4 hour thing is just because people don’t realise that you are supposed to do the helicopter events and it’s just by chance someone does them like 3 hours later and it starts.
When I did the event, I killed the last veteran, did the the helicopter event, and within 5 minutes the swamp helicopter event started, so it’s not as long as what people think.
I know this is probably horribly worded, and without links or images confusing as hell, but hopefully it’s helped a little.
Here is a link to another thread about the same thing but with images and stuff, except it doesn’t mention the crashed helicopter event. I could have just linked it before I started typing this, but it slipped my mind.
I don’t see how people find the champ abomination tough, I’ve soloed it with both my necro and warrior and I’m sure any class can pull this off since finding people to help you with this event is hard sometimes.
The abomination has very slow animations, even in melee the normal attacks are predictable and can just be avoided by circling/going behind the mob. The attack you want to avoid is the knockdown, you should be able to easy dodge that but if he gets you make sure you have a stun break.
You do want to stay away when he’s frenzy, his attacks are faster and will get you, after a few seconds he’ll get stunned and go back to normal.
Repeat until dead.
Retired Until Expansion or Meaningful Content is Released.
(edited by Zogyark.4597)